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黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是广泛分布于我国的主要农田害鼠之一,2003年三峡工程开始蓄水后洞庭湖湖滩鼠类群落结构发生了演变,黑线姬鼠已大量侵入湖滩,且逐步成为湖滩生境鼠类群落的优势鼠种。动物在新生境中的繁殖状况是了解其对环境适应的关键指标。为掌握黑线姬鼠种群侵入湖滩生境后的适应情况,为其种群动态的预测预报提供科学依据,本文对2003—2020年洞庭湖湖滩和农田生境中捕获的黑线姬鼠繁殖状况进行比较分析,并结合季节动态和生境差异等因子分析了该鼠在繁殖方面对湖滩生境的适应。结果表明:(1)湖滩生境中黑线姬鼠平均繁殖指数(0.71±0.27)低于农田生境(1.21±0.47),在2016—2020年湖滩上黑线姬鼠的繁殖指数为0.99,略高于农田的0.96;(2)湖滩生境较农田生境中的孕鼠在繁殖中偏向有更多的胎仔数,有6只以上胎仔数的孕鼠占比(65.59%)高于农田生境(49.10%);(3)湖滩生境中发现有幼年组的黑线姬鼠参与繁殖,其繁殖指数、参产率、怀孕率及雄鼠的睾丸下降率随年龄递增;(4)春季和秋季是湖滩生境中黑线姬鼠的主要繁殖季节,其繁殖指数、参产率、怀孕率都显著高于...  相似文献   
图 3 卵粒大小的频数分布 (a)具成熟卵细胞 (b)无成熟卵细胞Fig 3FrequencydistributionofeggsizeofRhodeusocellatus(a)withsomematureeggs ,(b)withoutmaturedeggs图 4繁殖力 (F ,eggs)与体重 (W ,g)及全长 (TL ,mm )的关系Fig 4Relationshipbetweenfecundity (F ,eggs)andbodyweight (W ,g)ortotallength (TL ,mm)湖北牛山湖高体鳑鮍的年龄、生长与繁殖@…  相似文献   
湖北牛山湖高体鳑鮍的年龄、生长与繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了牛山湖高体鳑鲏的年龄、生长和繁殖特征. 鳞片上年轮清晰,主要呈现疏密特征.种群年龄结构简单,仅由一个世代组成;雄与雌的比例为1.59∶1(n= 332),显著不同于1∶1(Xc2 =16.94, p<0.005)而符合2∶1的类型(Xc2 =3.82, p> 0.05). 两性最大寿命不超过2a.雄、雌体全长与体重、全长与体长的回归方程差异显著. 在繁殖期间,雌雄鱼均出现第二性征.雄鱼最小成熟个体的全长和体重分别为26mm、0.216g,雌鱼则分别为32mm、0.393g. 性成熟年龄为1a,属分批产卵类型.成熟卵粒呈葫芦状,长度平均3.31mm. 每尾雌鱼平均繁殖力为61粒,繁殖力与全长及体重均呈显著相关(p<0.001).  相似文献   
20世纪90年代鄱阳湖洪水特征的分析   总被引:8,自引:10,他引:8  
闵骞 《湖泊科学》2002,14(4):323-330
20世纪90年代,鄱阳湖平均水位超过近50年来的任何10年,年最高水位出现近100年来的最大值,灾害性洪水年年都有,大洪水接二连三;洪水位明显偏高,大洪水显著偏多,是有水文资料记载以来典型的丰水时期;本文从水文,统计角度分析这10年里的洪水特征,探讨高水位形成的原因。  相似文献   
蓖齿眼子菜的光合速率及影响因素   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
陈开宁  强胜  李文朝 《湖泊科学》2002,14(4):357-362
本文研究了蓖齿眼子菜(Potamogeon pectinatus L)在滇池的光合速率、体内叶绿素季节变化及光和水温对其光合速率影响,并根据实验,计算出了蓖齿眼子菜生长的光补偿点,研究结果表明,蓖齿眼子菜1~3月份的净光合产氧量最大,为1.82~1.83mg/(g·h),6月份最低,为0.63 mg/(g·h);植物体内Chl.a和Chl.b平均含量分别为0.25~1.15mg/(g·h)和0.28~0.85mg/(g·h),蓖齿眼子菜可以通过调节体内Chl.a/Chl.b值来适应不同季节生长;蓖齿眼子菜有较宽的水温适应范围,10℃时的净光合产氧量可达0.88mg/(g·h),最高值出现在水温25℃,为1.16mg/(g·h),而30℃以上的水温已表现出对其生长的不利影响;蓖齿跟子菜生长的光补偿点为358~1256Lx,并随温度上升而逐渐增加.  相似文献   

随着节点地震仪的发展, 被动源地震成像方法在不同尺度的地下结构成像中得到了越来越广泛的应用.对于小尺度浅地表成像, 因高频噪声源时空分布不均, 一般采用基于台阵平均的方法, 即所谓的微动成像方法提取高频被动源面波频散数据, 但是不同类型的台阵一定程度上也会受到噪声源分布不均匀的影响.本文以水溶型盐矿溶腔探测为例, 通过实测数据较为系统地分析了不同台阵的响应函数及其对噪声源方向不均匀性的适应能力.研究发现, 当噪声源分布不均时, 三角形台阵可以获得更可靠的频散数据, 但对应的数据采集效率较低, 而其他类型的台阵虽然布设相对简便, 但是提取的相速度与真实速度存在较大的误差.当线性台阵和噪声源方位一致时, 可以提取与三角形台阵一致甚至更好的频散数据.在这个基础上, 我们分别采用三角形台阵和考虑噪声源的线性台阵在湘衡盐矿开展了两条剖面的数据采集, 并利用适应性更好的扩展空间自相关方法(ESPAC)计算面波频散数据.最后, 利用蒙特卡洛方法生成的随机初始模型进行了频散数据反演, 获得研究区600 m以浅的横波速度结构, 并刻画了盐溶腔的发育位置和空间分布形态.

A geochemical survey carried out in November 1993 revealed that Lake Quilotoa was composed by a thin (14 m) oxic epilimnion overlying a 200 m-thick anoxic hypolimnion. Dissolved CO2 concentrations reached 1000 mg/kg in the lower stratum. Loss of CO2 from epilimnetic waters, followed by calcite precipitation and a consequent lowering in density, was the apparent cause of the stratification.The Cl, SO4 and HCO3 contents of Lake Quilotoa are intermediate between those of acid–SO4–Cl Crater lakes and those of neutral-HCO3 Crater lakes, indicating that Lake Quilotoa has a ‘memory’ of the inflow and absorption of HC1- and S-bearing volcanic (magmatic) gases. The Mg/Ca ratios of the lake waters are governed by dissolution of local volcanic rocks or magmas, but K/Na ratios were likely modified by precipitation of alunite, a typical mineral in acid–SO4–Cl Crater lakes.The constant concentrations of several conservative chemical species from lake surface to lake bottom suggest that physical, chemical and biological processes did not have enough time, after the last overturn, to cause significant changes in the contents of these chemical species. This lapse of time might be relatively large, but it cannot be established on the basis of available data. Besides, the lake may not be close to steady state. Mixing of Lake Quilotoa waters could presently be triggered by either cooling epilimnetic waters by 4°C or providing heat to hypolimnetic waters or by seismic activity.Although Quilotoa lake contains a huge amount of dissolved CO2 (3×1011 g), at present the risk of a dangerous limnic eruption seems to be nil even though some gas exsolution might occur if deep lake waters were brought to the surface. Carbon dioxide could build up to higher levels in deep waters than at present without any volcanic re-awakening, due to either a large inflow of relatively cool CO2-rich gases, or possibly a long interval between overturns. Periodical geochemical surveys of Lake Quilotoa are, therefore, recommended.  相似文献   
青海湖水量平衡及水位变化预测   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
曲耀光 《湖泊科学》1994,6(4):298-307
青海湖是我国最大的内陆湖泊,流域面积29661km~(2),水面高程超过3000m,受人为活动影响相对较少,基本上还处于半自然状态。水量平衡计算结果表明,有观测资料的近30年来,青海湖处于负平蘅状态,水位下降了2.96m,平均每年下降10.2cm。如果未来湖区的气候大体保持过去的情况,水位将再下降5.8m,经过57年才能平衡。如果考虑“温室效应”所引起的西北地区未来气候变化,水位亦将下降,每年平均下降10.1cm。  相似文献   
The bottom sediment from three coring stations in Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano) show major differences in their role in the P-cycles related to their geochemistry and characteristics of sedimentation. In the northern basin, the deepest sediment may be considered practically inactive, due to a permanently reduced condition at the sediment-water interface. In the southern basin, the sediments are active with respect to P-recycling with strong seasonal variations. One of the sites (Figino) behaves as a sink for P due to a high iron content and an important rate of detrital sedimentation.  相似文献   
This study is a summary of all available information on the long-term and on the more recent development of the planktonic populations in Lago di Lugano with regard to its trophic evolution. The first effects of the lake eutrophication became manifest beginning in the 1950's and brought to important changes in the planktonic community as the appearance and the rapid increase of the filamentous algaeOscillatoria rubescens andStephanodiscus hantzschii, and the disappearance of the zooplanktonic Diaptomidae. Since 1980 the phosphorus concentration began to decrease in lake's epilimnion and the planktonic community showed a new composition, evidencing the presence of others predominant species:Oscillatoria redekei, Lyngbya limnetica, Stephanodiscus sp. (little form). Since 1989 algal standing crop reduced its value below 2 g m–2 (dry weight); furthermore a strong decrease of the Cyanophceae and the appearance of new predominant species (Tabellaria fenestrata, div. Ulotrichales) occurred. At the same time an increase of the herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia hyalina) and the come-back of the Diaptomidae was observed. Only in the northern basin a decrease tendency of the primary production was observed, changing from 480 to about 300 g C m–2 yr–1 during the last 10 years.  相似文献   
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