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矿床的成矿系列(简称成矿系列)是矿床学领域的一个理论性概念,由五级序次组成。矿床成矿系列是成矿系列的第二序次,是成矿系列的核心部分。矿床成矿系列的划分,以岩浆、沉积、变质、表生和流体(非岩浆-非变质成因流体)5种成矿作用为基本原则,以成矿地质环境为基础,结合成矿的时段与形成的矿床组合进行划分。本文对矿床成矿系列时空范围、时空组成结构、矿化强度与演化、成矿区带内不同矿床成矿系列之间的演化、叠加和复合作用及对指导找矿的意义进行了论述。  相似文献   
The method of obtaining zircon samples affects estimation of the global U-Pb age distribution.Researchers typically collect zircons via convenience sampling and cluster sampling.When using these techniques,weight adjustments proportional to the areas of the sampled regions improve upon unweighted estimates.Here,grid-area and modern sediment methods are used to weight the samples from a new database of 418,967 U-Pb ages.Preliminary tests involve two age models.Model-1 uses the most precise U-Pb ages as the best ages.Model-2 uses the~(206)Pb/~(238)U age as the best age if it is less than a1000 Ma cutoff,otherwise it uses the~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb age as the best age.A correlation analysis between the Model-1 and Model-2 ages indicates nearly identical distributions for both models.However,after applying acceptance criteria to include only the most precise analyses with minimal discordance,a histogram of the rejected samples shows excessive rejection of the Model-2 analyses around the1000 Ma cutoff point.Because of the excessive rejection rate for Model-2,we select Model-1 as the preferred model.After eliminating all rejected samples,the remaining analyses use only Model-1 ages for five rock-type subsets of the database:igneous,meta-igneous,sedimentary,meta-sedimentary,and modern sediments.Next,time-series plots,cross-correlation analyses,and spectral analyses determine the degree of alignment among the time-series and their periodicity.For all rock types,the U-Pb age distributions are similar for ages older than 500 Ma,but align poorly for ages younger than 500 Ma.The similarities(500 Ma)and differences(500 Ma)highlight how reductionism from a detailed database enhances understanding of time-dependent sequences,such as erosion,detrital transport mechanisms,lithification,and metamorphism.Time-series analyses and spectral analyses of the age distributions predominantly indicate a synchronous period-tripling sequence of~91-Myr,~273-Myr,and~819-Myr among the various rock types.  相似文献   
本文对华北克拉通北缘集宁地区空间上密切共生的片麻状石榴花岗岩和孔兹岩系富铝片麻岩的岩相学、地球化学及年代学特征进行了对比研究。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年方面,在富铝片麻岩中获得了1910±10Ma和1839±13Ma变质锆石年龄,在片麻状石榴花岗岩中获得了1919±17Ma的变质重结晶锆石年龄。在石榴花岗岩的石榴石包裹体中识别出与富铝片麻岩相对应的进变质阶段(M1)和峰期阶段(M2)的矿物组合,由此确认富铝片麻岩的变质作用和导致石榴花岗岩形成的深熔作用是同一构造热事件的产物。通过对二者变质作用演化及特征变质矿物的对比,认为深熔作用主要发生在峰期后等温降压阶段(M3),石榴花岗岩中的石榴石为深熔作用过程中的残留矿物相或转熔矿物相,而石榴花岗岩则是混合有大量残留矿物相的熔体结晶的产物。对片麻状石榴花岗岩和富铝片麻岩的地球化学组成特征进行了对比分析,片麻状石榴花岗岩既有一定的继承性,又有十分明显的变异性。变异性表现为:1)石榴花岗岩主量和微量元素含量分布极不均匀,微量元素含量普遍低于源岩(Cs、Rb、Th、U、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等);2)大离子亲石元素Cs和生热元素U、Th亏损明显,Sr相对富集;3)高场强元素Nb、Ta、P、Ti的明显亏损;4)铕异常变化大,存在铕富集型、铕平坦型和铕亏损型共存的稀土配分曲线的岩石,这是深熔成因石榴花岗岩最突出的表现,也可能是原地-半原地深熔花岗岩的主要地球化学标志。综合区域上的地质资料,认为深熔作用与碰撞后伸展构造背景下基性岩浆底侵事件有关。  相似文献   
分布在东昆仑山南坡青海省大干沟地区的浩特洛哇组黑色岩系,属陆缘裂陷滨海—浅海相沉积的碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩建造,形成于缺氧环境。区内的大干沟钒钼矿床、大干沟口V-MoPGE矿床均赋存于浩特洛哇组(C2P1h)中,矿体均为层状、似层状,具层控特征。近年工作在大干沟口浩特洛哇组碳质板岩中发现了Mo、Au等元素的化探异常,通过少量的槽探及钻探工程控制钒钼矿体8个;钻孔ZK001、ZK701中均见Pd矿化,w(Pd)=0.03×10~(-6)~0.16×10~(-6),达到伴生矿床工业开采品位。大干沟黑色岩系中伴生铂族元素的发现,给青海省柴南缘地区非传统类型的铂族元素矿床的找矿突破带了希望,与黑色岩系有关的V-Mo-PGE矿产找矿前景光明。  相似文献   
Cropland fallows are the next best-bet for intensification and extensification, leading to increased food production and adding to the nutritional basket. The agronomical suitability of these lands can decide the extent of usage of these lands. Myanmar’s agricultural land (over 13.8 Mha) has the potential to expand by another 50% into additional fallow areas. These areas may be used to grow short-duration pulses, which are economically important and nutritionally rich, and constitute the diets of millions of people as well as provide an important source of livestock feed throughout Asia. Intensifying rice fallows will not only improve the productivity of the land but also increase the income of the smallholder farmers. The enhanced cultivation of pulses will help improve nutritional security in Myanmar and also help conserve natural resources and reduce environmental degradation. The objectives of this study was to use remote sensing methods to identify croplands in Myanmar and cropland fallow areas in two important agro-ecological regions, delta and coastal region and the dry zone. The study used moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250-m, 16-day normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) maximum value composite (MVC), and land surface water index (LSWI) for one 1 year (1 June 2012–31 May 2013) along with seasonal field-plot level information and spectral matching techniques to derive croplands versus cropland fallows for each of the three seasons: the monsoon period between June and October; winter period between November and February; and summer period between March and May. The study showed that Myanmar had total net cropland area (TNCA) of 13.8 Mha. Cropland fallows during the monsoon season account for a meagre 2.4% of TNCA. However, in the winter season, 56.5% of TNCA (or 7.8 Mha) were classified as cropland fallows and during the summer season, 82.7% of TNCA (11.4 Mha) were cropland fallows. The producer’s accuracy of the cropland fallow class varied between 92 and 98% (errors of omission of 2 to 8%) and user’s accuracy varied between 82 and 92% (errors of commission of 8 to 18%) for winter and summer, respectively. Overall, the study estimated 19.2 Mha cropland fallows from the two major seasons (winter and summer). Out of this, 10.08 Mha has sufficient moisture (either from rainfall or stored soil water content) to grow short-season pulse crops. This potential with an estimated income of US$ 300 per hectare, if exploited sustainably, is estimated to bring an additional net income of about US$ 1.5 billion to Myanmar per year if at least half (5.04 Mha) of the total cropland fallows (10.08 Mha) is covered with short season pulses.  相似文献   
刘国栋  付勇  何伟  唐波  龙珍  杨颖  龙克树 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040003-67040003
钪(Sc)作为新世纪的重要资源,广泛分布于自然界中,但其分布极为稀散,钪的独立矿物稀少,独立矿床几乎没有。铝土岩系中的钪资源储量巨大,本文统计了中国各铝土矿成矿带Sc数据,在对比山西(断隆)成铝区、华北陆块南缘成铝区、渝南—黔北成铝带、黔中成铝区和滇东南—桂西成铝区的数据基础上,发现滇东南—桂西成铝区的Sc含量最高,含钪铝土岩系形成时代主要为石炭纪和二叠纪。通过对比分析A/S与钪的关系,在A/S小于2.5,钪的含量总体较高,且与A/S正相关,大于2.5后,与A/S负相关。从而得出在铝土岩系中,Sc分布在顶层的黏土岩、中部的铁质铝土矿以及底部的铁质黏土岩、铁质岩,尤其是在含铁铝土岩系中高度富集。通过对比分析铝土岩系各元素含量,发现钪与铁、铌、钒、铬元素成正相关,综合铝土岩系中其他元素的矿物表现形式,推测钪在铝土岩系中的赋存形式可能为:类质同象、离子吸附、和超显微非结构混入物。本文初步探讨总结钪在铝土岩系中可能的赋存形式、时空分布规律及钪的迁移转化机制,为铝土矿中伴生钪资源的综合利用开发提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
黄朝煊  袁文喜  胡国杰 《岩土力学》2021,(1):113-124,134
目前通过对软土地基预加固处理来提高桩基水平承载力已被工程界认可,但如何在工程前期设计过程中估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值仍是技术难点。基于此,参考Bowles[1]的地基土水平抗力计算式,同时考虑成层软土地基预排水固结处理影响,通过数学推导,推求出根据原状软土室内土工试验抗剪强度指标及预加固处理时间,估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值的实用计算方法。考虑桩侧土弹塑性屈服影响,推导出成层软土中水平受荷桩弹塑性解析解及塑性区深度的计算式,给出了桩顶水平位移、桩身最大弯矩的无量纲计算式及相关计算源代码。依托于浙江省某水闸桩基工程案例,根据提出的计算方法对桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等性状进行预估计算,并与地基预处理前、后现场试桩检测值进行验证对比,认为桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等预估计算成果与工程现场试桩的检测值较接近,对类似工程设计具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   
用树木年轮重建伊犁南天山北坡西部的降水量序列   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
根据采自伊犁地区南天山北坡11个采点的树木年轮样本,建立了每个采点的3种年表。通过单相关普查发现,标准化树轮年表序列与当年1~5月的降水显著相关。分析表明该时段降水与树木年轮生长呈正相关具有明确的树木生理学意义。利用新源上限(XNAUt)、昭苏上限(ZUt、ZUt 2)和特克斯下限(TLt)4个标准化树轮年表序列可较好地重建该区域在该时段的降水量。经交叉检验,所得重建方程是稳定可靠的,重建的降水序列是可信的。通过分析发现:伊犁地区南天山北坡300年以来1~5月的降水大致经历了6个偏湿阶段和6个偏干阶段;有2.0~2.8年、24.8年、28.3年、33年、99年的变化准周期;在1909年发生由多向少的突变;1740年、1870年发生由少向多的突变,其中又以1870年前后的突变最为明显。  相似文献   
Zooplankton research off Peru: A review   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A review of zooplankton studies conducted in Peruvian marine waters is given. After a short history of the development of zooplankton research off Peru, we review zooplankton methodology, taxonomy, biodiversity, spatial distribution, seasonal and interannual variability, trophodynamics, secondary production, and modelling. We review studies on several micro-, meso-, macro-, and meroplankton groups, and give a species list from both published and unpublished reports. Three regional zooplankton groups have been identified: (1) a continental shelf group dominated by Acartia tonsa and Centropages brachiatus; (2) a continental slope group characterized by siphonophores, bivalves, foraminifera and radiolaria; (3) and a species-rich oceanic group. The highest zooplankton abundances and biomasses were often found between 4–6°S and 14–16°S, where continental shelves are narrow. Species composition changes with distance from the shore. Species composition and biomass also vary strongly on short time scales due to advection, peaks of larval production, trophic interactions, and community succession. The relation of zooplankton to climatic variability (ENSO and multi-decadal) and fish stocks is discussed in the context of ecological regime shifts. An intermediate upwelling hypothesis is proposed, based on the negative effects of low upwelling intensity in summer or extremely strong and enduring winter upwelling on zooplankton abundance off Peru. According to this hypothesis, intermediate upwelling creates an optimal environmental window for zooplankton communities. Finally, we highlight important knowledge gaps that warrant attention in future.  相似文献   
From 2000 to 2006, a total of 75 bivalve species were identified, varying from 29 (spring 2001) to 54 species (spring 2005) per year. Seasonal tendencies in diversity varied according the year, thus the interpretation of long-term and regional scales is essential before drawing any conclusions in other studies. Richness and diversity consistently decreased with depth and increased with sediment grain size (from low in very coarse sand to high in coarse silt). Diversity decreased progressively from 3 to 16 m depth, thus the harsher shallower environments (due to waves and tidal air exposure) showed greater diversity than the most stable areas. Communities in finer sediments were more diverse than those in coarser sand. Evenness showed patterns opposite to diversity, overall.Diversity and evenness maps (produced with multivariate universal kriging), showed that most geographic areas with greater diversity were farer from river outflows and wastewater treatment plants. Two types of geographic pattern were observed: areas with persistently greater bivalve diversity through time and areas that changed locally from year to year. This spatial analysis can be used to establish priority conservation areas for management purposes, and to analyse the persistency of regional diversity patterns. The area with most habitat heterogeneity (Sotavento) corresponded to greatest diversity.There was a positive relationship between Spisula solida and Chamelea gallina landings and bivalve diversity 2 years and 1 year later, respectively. Possibly, local fisheries, by selectively withdrawing the commercial numerically dominant species from the ecosystem, increased diversity 1 to 2 years later, as the ecological niches of the dominants are quickly filled by several other species thereby creating a more even community. On regional scales, no significant impact was found on long-term bivalve diversity in local fisheries,  相似文献   
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