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Cusp formation was continuously monitored on a manually flattened, plane section of a coarse clastic, microtidal, pocket beach on the Pacific coast of Japan using a CCD camera suspended in the air. Vertical video pictures enabled the examination of the temporal change in foreshore morphologies and swash pattern. Boulders on the beach face appeared to have triggered the formation of beach cusps, which gradually and successively grew up alongshore. In 2·5 h, two well defined beach cusps had developed with a spacing of 2·2 and 2·5 m, respectively. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Researchontemporalandspatialdistribu┐tion,evolutionarycharacterandmechanismofcrustaldeformationfieldbeforeandaftertheTangshan...  相似文献   
在SCOUNIX环境下开发实时系统 ,不仅可以利用UNIX的多任务特性 ,建立起高效可靠的系统 ,而且软硬件成本较低 ,还能享有商业软件的技术服务。介绍了基于SCOUNIX环境开发实时通信系统时多路串行通信技术及UDP网络通信技术的应用 ,同时介绍了在系统中如何建立数据日志及监视进程活动  相似文献   
Magma plumbing system of the 2000 eruption of Miyakejima Volcano, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the 2000 eruption at Miyakejima Volcano, two magmas with different compositions erupted successively from different craters. Magma erupted as spatter from the submarine craters on 27 June is aphyric basaltic andesite (<5 vol% phenocrysts, 51.4–52.2 wt% SiO2), whereas magma issued as volcanic bombs from the summit caldera on 18 August is plagioclase-phyric basalt (20 vol% phenocrysts, 50.8–51.3 wt% SiO2). The submarine spatter contains two types of crystal-clots, A-type and A-type (andesitic type). The phenocryst assemblages (plagioclase, pyroxenes and magnetite) and compositions of clinopyroxene in these clots are nearly the same, but only A-type clots contain Ca-poor plagioclase (An < 70). We consider that the A-type clots could have crystallized from a more differentiated andesitic magma than the A-type clots, because FeO*/MgO is not strongly influenced during shallow andesitic differentiation. The summit bombs contain only B-type (basaltic type) crystal-clots of Ca-rich plagioclase, olivine and clinopyroxene. The A-type and B-type clots have often coexisted in Miyakejima lavas of the period 1469–1983, suggesting that the magma storage system consists of independent batches of andesitic and basaltic magmas. According to the temporal variations of mineral compositions in crystal-clots, the andesitic magma became less evolved, and the basaltic magma more evolved, over the past 500 years. We conclude that gradually differentiating basaltic magma has been repeatedly injected into the shallower andesitic magma over this period, causing the andesitic magma to become less evolved with time. The mineral chemistries in crystal-clots of the submarine spatter and 18 August summit bombs of the 2000 eruption fall on the evolution trends of the A-type and B-type clots respectively, suggesting that the shallow andesitic and deeper basaltic magmas existing since 1469 had successively erupted from different craters. The 2000 summit collapse occurred due to drainage of the andesitic magma from the shallower chamber; as the collapse occurred, it may have caused disruption of crustal cumulates which then contaminated the ascending, deeper basalt. Thus, porphyritic basaltic magma could erupt alone without mixing with the andesitic magma from the summit caldera. The historical magma plumbing system of Miyakejima was probably destroyed during the 2000 eruption, and a new one may now form.Editorial responsibility: S Nakada, T Druitt  相似文献   
乌干达Albert湖凹陷是世界上最年轻的生烃凹陷,受构造和沉积控制,油气多分布于北部构造调节带。为分析Albert湖北部构造调节带内部油气成藏特征,笔者利用地震、钻井、测井和孢粉等资料,开展北部构造调节带沉积特征研究,进而分析北部构造调节带的油气成藏模式。研究表明,由于边界正断层持续活动,北部构造调节带两侧沉积特征存在差异,研究区西部发育曲流河-三角洲沉积体系;东部发育冲积扇-扇三角洲沉积体系。由于北部构造调节带西部三角洲砂体向南推进至湖盆中心,与深湖相烃源岩直接沟通,成为Albert湖盆最有利的油气汇聚区。  相似文献   
The stability of a simple coupled ocean-atmosphere system similar to the one studied by Hirst with general ocean thermodynamics is investigated in which the atmospheric heating is determined by sea surface temperature anomalies as well as the convergence feedback (low level moisture convergence by the waves themselves). It is shown that the unstable coupled mode found by Hirst (UH mode) is profoundly modified by the convergence feedback. The feedback increases the unstable range of the UH mode and can increase its growth rate several folds. The maximally growing UH mode can become westward propagating for certain strength of convergence feedback. If the convergence feedback strength exceeds a critical value, several new unstable intraseasonal modes are also introduced. These modes are basically ‘advective’ modes. For relatively weak strengths of the convergence feedback the growth rates of these modes are smaller than that of the UH mode. As the atmosphere approaches ‘moist neutral’ state, the growth rates of these modes could become comparable or even larger than that of the UH mode. It is argued that these results explain why the El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal is clear in the eastern Pacific but not so in the western Pacific and they may also explain some of the differences between individual ENSO events. Our results also explain the aperiodic behaviour of some coupled numerical models. Importance of this process in explaining the observed aperiodicity of the ENSO phenomenon is indicated.  相似文献   

Reliability analyses of nail pullout, nail-in-tension, and system reliability of internal limit states are presented for both permanent and temporary soil nails that are designed using default Federal Highway Administration nail load and resistance models within traditional deterministic allowable stress design (ASD) framework. The model uncertainty, correlations between soil strength parameters, between model factor, and nominal load term, and between the two internal limit states, and influence of model factor fittings are all addressed in the analyses. This study provides a general idea of the reliability that is implicitly embedded in current ASD-based soil nail internal limit state designs.  相似文献   
Conduits serve as major pathways for groundwater flow in karst aquifers. Locating them from the surface, however, is one of the most challenging tasks in karst research. Geophysical methods are often deployed to help locate voids by mapping variations of physical properties of the subsurface. Conduits can cause significant contrasts of some physical properties that can be detected; other subsurface features such as water-bearing fractures often yield similar contrasts, which are difficult to distinguish from the effects of the conduits. This study used electrical resistivity method to search for an unmapped karst conduit that recharges Royal Spring in the Inner Bluegrass karst region, Kentucky, USA. Three types of resistivity techniques (surface 2D survey, quasi-3D survey, and time-lapse survey) were used to map and characterize resistivity anomalies. Some of the major anomalies were selected as drilling targets to verify the existence of the conduits. Drilling near an anomaly identified by an electrical resistivity profile resulted in successful penetration of a major water-filled conduit. The drilling results also suggest that, in this study area, low resistivity anomalies in general are associated with water-bearing features. However, differences in the anomaly signals between the water-filled conduit and other water-bearing features such as water-filled fracture zones were undistinguishable. The electrical resistivity method is useful in conduit detection by providing potential drilling targets. Knowledge of geology and hydrogeology about the site and professional judgment also played important roles in locating the major conduit.  相似文献   
对合肥市滨湖新区大量第四纪钻孔作了岩性组合特征描述、粒度分析,对代表性钻孔ZK9A01进行了沉积体系域划分并绘制出滚子河组体系域图,据此探讨了该沉积区早—中更新世以来的沉积环境,并编制湖泊扩展期、凝缩期和萎缩期岩相古地理图。研究表明:滨湖新区早—中更新世为湖相沉积,经历了湖泊扩展—最大湖泛-湖泊萎缩的演化过程,湖泊中心位于滨湖新区东南方向,滨湖新区以东及西南地区为调查早—中更新世含水岩组有利区域。  相似文献   
黄果树风景名胜区旅游环境容量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王剑  彭建 《中国岩溶》2007,26(2):183-188
选择我国典型的喀斯特风景名胜区— — 黄果树景区为例,通过分析主要制约因子,定量研究了该景区的旅游环境容量。研究表明,黄果树风景区的空间环境容量为21 933人次/日,生态环境容量为51 354人次/日,经济环境容量为98 716人次/日。空间环境容量成为制约景区提高接待规模的主要限制因子,平日一般不会出现超载的问题,周末存在局部超载的情况,而在黄金周等旅游高峰期,接待规模远远超出其旅游环境容量,景区常常出现整体性超载。针对这些问题,作者提出了游客分流、及时发布旅游接待信息以及加强未成熟景区的开发等措施,以缓解黄果树景区的旅游环境容量问题。   相似文献   
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