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近年来,济南岩溶水有机污染越来越突出,为了探究济南岩溶水有机污染对居民健康造成的影响,保障饮用水安全,该文在系统分析研究区水文地质条件的基础上,采用USEPA推荐的健康风险评价模型,根据实际采样测试数据,分析评价了济南东部3处岩溶水井点的有机污染对其范围内暴露人群造成的健康风险。结果表明:检出的主要有机污染物为三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯。3个水井的有机污染非致癌风险未超过限值1,在可接受的范围内,四氯化碳的非致癌风险所占比例最大,为89.85%; 3个采样点有机污染致癌风险,超出了其可接受水平的最小限制10-6,但均未超出可接受的致癌风险的最大限制10-4,风险指数均在10-6~5.0×10-5之间,应该引起关注,产生致癌风险的主要污染物为三氯乙烯。有机污染非致癌风险和致癌风险的主要暴露途径为呼吸吸入,其次是饮水吸收,皮肤接触暴露途径风险值最小。  相似文献   
枣庄南部岩溶塌陷发育,严重制约着当地经济的发展,并对居民生产、生活构成威胁。通过对影响岩溶塌陷的各要素进行系统的调查,结合当地社会经济发展资料,采用信息预测的方法,对枣庄南部岩溶塌陷进行风险预测及评估,并对不同地段的岩溶塌陷风险等级进行划分,从而为枣庄市地下水资源合理开发利用、环境治理、保护与规划提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
本文从现代、地史时期岩溶剥蚀速度及岩溶铝土矿的形成等方面探讨岩溶在古地理研究中的重大作用,从而提出稳定地区“缺失”某一时期地层,并非该时期为陆;而是前期仍有沉积,后期才真正上升为陆,遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   
Tashamingo Subdivision in Sinking Creek karst valley, a tributary of the Garretts Spring drainage basin in Jessamine and Woodford counties, Kentucky, was flooded in February 1989. To determine the cause of flooding, the groundwater basin boundary was mapped, discharge data were measured to determine intake capacity of swallets, and hydrologic modeling of the basin was conducted. Swallet capacity was determined to be limited by the hydraulic parameters of the conduit, rather than by obstruction by trash. Flooding from a precipitation event is more likely, and will be higher, when antecedent soil moisture conditions in the watershed are near saturation. Hydrologic modeling shows that suburban development of 20 percent of the southeast basin will cause a small increase in flood stage at Tashamingo Subdivision.  相似文献   
In this paper,a study of the principal characteristics of the ground deformation disasters in the city of Tianjin caused by the Tangshan earthquake is based on the results from the recent remeasurements of the geodetic controlling network of Tianjin and from on-site investigations after the earthquake.These results show that only the ground deformation in the Ninghe and Hangu areas near the epicenter reflect directly the co-seismic crustal stress,while the serious ground deformation and the engineering earthquake damages in the urban districts of Tianjin are controlled to a great extent by the local engineering geological structures,showing a kind of secondary disaster.Several suggestions are also proposed in the paper concerning the counter-measures for reducing the earthquake damage in big cities.  相似文献   
探地雷达图像的正演合成与偏移处理   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文讨论了射线追踪法实现二维地电断面的探地雷达图像的正演合成问题,其中包括二维地电断面的数字拟合、多层连续界面介质中高频电磁波的反射与透射统一的运动学边界方程;根据Huygen's-Fresnel原理导出了均匀介质中二维管状体模型的衍射雷达波的计算公式;给出了用射线追踪法合成的二维地电模型的探地雷达图像;用衍射波公式合成了二维管状模型的雷达图像,并与物理模拟作了比较.在此基础上,用Kirchhoff积分法对数字模拟与物理模拟记录的雷达图像作了偏移处理,并给出了实例.  相似文献   
谢原定  张生源 《地震研究》1990,13(4):370-376
本文重点讨论了断裂规模、断裂相交网络和断裂力学的性质对地下水力扩散的影响,及其与诱发地震的关系。指出断裂密集成带的地方,水力扩散大。根据流体流动规律,水力扩散沿断裂方向流体流速大,断裂越长越深,沿断裂方向水力扩散距离就越大。而水力扩散随深度的变化,由于不同深度上岩性变化和应力状态的不同,有的深度上的岩类可能出现扩容而增大水力扩散。因此它并不是随围压的增大而单值地减少。 文章指出断裂的末端和断裂的交汇处是地下水富集的地方,在水富集地方的四周,水力扩散比其它地方要大。另外现代活动的张性和张扭性断裂比压性和压扭性断裂的水力扩散大。文章还提出水沿断裂扩散是水库诱发地震的直接原因。水力扩散大的断裂,水库诱发地震的可能性大,规模大而活的断裂诱发地震的震级可能大。  相似文献   
柔洁  宋和平 《内陆地震》1991,5(1):42-47
在计算反应谱及土层反应时,发现反应谱的形态和大小只受时程的主要部分控制,由此给出主时段的定义和确定主时段的方法。主时段的应用不仅可以大大缩短计算时间,而且能够成为持时的一种有物理意义的度量。  相似文献   
徐锡伟  钱瑞华 《地震地质》1994,16(4):355-364
通过实地考察、槽探和浅层地震探测等手段以及对地质构造和地下水超采环境的分析,详细地研究了大同铁路分局地裂缝带的三维构造特征,指出现今处于发展中的地裂缝带是由东向西扩展的,扩展速率为260~520m/a,地裂缝带两侧的差异升降运动速率达22.1~24.4mm/a,主地裂缝带的水平拉张速率约1.11~11.6mm/a,垂直错动速率0.2~8.57mm/a,左旋错动速率1.87~3.57mm/a。地裂缝带的活动方式为无震蠕滑型,扩展中的地裂缝是一种无震的地质灾害  相似文献   
Karst is a complex geological phenomenon that relates to terranes composed of limestone, dolomites, gypsum, halite, or other soluble rocks. Protection of groundwater in karst against pollution is needed because of the high velocity of its flow (several hundreds of thousands of meters per day) and where polluted materials are carried without being filtered. Protection of karstic aquifers against pathogens and rapidly degradable chemicals is carried out for the catchment areas with an estimated delay time of 60 days and for a distance of more than 30 m. Tracer methods have recently become quite useful in karst regions; a tracer may respond as a multiimpulse because of different flow lines, flow velocities, and water aquifers. Therefore, if a total water balance has to be established, nearly all answer-back impulses should be considered.  相似文献   
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