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复杂地表条件的煤层气地震勘探资料处理对静校正有较高要求。折射静校正具有较好的静校正效果,但对于地表起伏大、纵横向速度变化剧烈的复杂地区则难以取得较好的效果。建立横向速度变化大且基岩裸露的地震模型进行理论试算,分析了层析静校正的特点及适用条件,指出了层析静校正中应该注意的关键问题。实例验证结果表明:层析静校正更适合复杂地表煤层气地震资料的处理。  相似文献   
赵磊  张艳斌  杨正赫  韩龙渊  金正男 《岩石学报》2016,32(10):2948-2964
朝鲜狼林地体是中朝克拉通的重要组成部分,其早前寒武纪基底岩系的岩石组成、形成和变质作用时代,直接影响到人们对古元古代辽吉活动带乃至整个华北克拉通地质演化历史的理解和认识。本文选取位于狼林地块东南缘,狼林群变质杂岩中的3个花岗片麻岩样品进行锆石U-Pb定年分析。锆石的LA-ICPMS和SIMS定年结果显示,3个片麻岩原岩的岩浆结晶时代为2521~2567Ma,并且它们都经历了古元古代1.87~1.89Ga的构造热事件改造,表现为原始岩浆锆石不同程度的铅丢失以及变质锆石的形成。基于这一认识,并结合其他学者的最新研究结果可知,太古宙片麻岩存在于狼林地块平南盆地的南缘和东缘地区,由此推测狼林地块太古宙基底岩系的规模可能远大于目前所识别的这几个地区。这些太古宙片麻岩普遍遭受了古元古代强烈变质作用(深熔作用)改造,并且变质作用的时代可以与华北克拉通三条古元古代活动带的变质-深熔作用时代相对比,表明狼林地块可能至少在古元古代之前,就已经与华北克拉通组成了统一的大陆。  相似文献   
Lattice preferred orientations (LPO) of quartz have been investigated along a south–north oriented section across the Plattengneis of the Koralm Complex (Eastern Alps). The Plattengneis forms an important shear zone within the Austroalpine nappe complex of the Eastern Alps, which has developed during the Cretaceous evolution of the Alpine orogen. The quartz c-axes form small circle distributions in the southernmost parts of the Koralm Complex, which represent the uppermost structural level of the Plattengneis. Further to the North two maxima between the Y and Z directions of the finite strain can be interpreted in terms of preferred slip on the rhomb planes. These fabrics continuously grade into (type I and type II crossed) girdle distributions in a northward direction. A strong maximum near the Y-axis with the tendency to be distributed along a single girdle, with three corresponding maxima of a-axes near the margin of the pole figure, can be observed in the central and northern parts. Such LPO are characteristic for both high grade metamorphic conditions and high finite strain. The microstructures display that the deformation within the Plattengneis shear zone was synmetamorphic. A continuous increase of peak temperatures (and pressure) from approximately 550 °C to approximately 750 °C from the South to the central parts can be inferred from geothermometric calculations. The temperatures then decrease to approximately 650 °C from the central parts to the North. The related pressures increase from 8 to 16 kbar, and then decrease to 10 kbar. The LPO changes that have been observed in the study area are best interpreted in terms of temperature dependence of the activation of glide systems within quartz aggregates. The temperature and pressure evolution may indicate that the central parts of the Koralm Complex have been exhumed by larger amounts than the northern and southern parts. This is also documented by the LPO evolution. Therefore, we assume that the Plattengneis shear zone formed during the exhumation of the Koralm Complex, and is related to the exhumation of high-pressure units in the footwall of this shear zone. Accordingly, the kinematics of the Plattengneis shear zone is rather extensional than thrust-related. The implications for the structural evolution of the Eastern Alps are shortly discussed.  相似文献   
This paper presents a differentiation method [referred to here as semiautomatic differentiation (SD)] based on generalization and extension of the Squire and Trapp formula for complex differentiation of real-valued functions. The performance of the generalized formulas for first-order derivatives is tested and compared with manual, automatic (AD), and finite difference (FD) techniques. My results show that, in terms of accuracy, the SD technique is competitive with AD, and in terms of implementation simplicity, it is identical to the FD method with the added advantage of being step-size insensitive and, hence, free from the step-size dilemma that plagues FD. Using central differencing in the complex plane, I extend the SD method to second-order derivatives, thus enabling approximation of the Hessians. Performance of the extension formulas is evaluated and compared with AD and FD methods. The results indicate that the differencing operation reduces the accuracy of the extension formulas by four to five orders of magnitude below that of the original Squire and Trapp formula. Nonetheless, compared to FD schemes, the SD method is six to seven orders of magnitude more accurate in all tests conducted. In addition, the extension formulas exhibit step-size (h) insensitive behavior over the entire h-range of the tests (1–10−30), indicating high numerical stability of the schemes. I show by examples that SD provides a complete differentiation system that is computationally stable, efficient, highly accurate, and easy to implement.  相似文献   
The Fuping Complex is one of the important basement terranes within the central segment of the Trans‐North China Orogen (TNCO) where mafic granulites are exposed as boudins within tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneisses. Garnet in these granulites shows compositional zoning with homogeneous cores formed in the peak metamorphic stage, surrounded by thin rims with an increase in almandine and decrease in grossular contents suggesting retrograde decompression and cooling. Petrological and phase equilibria studies including pseudosection calculation using thermocalc define a clockwise P–T path. The peak mineral assemblages comprise garnet+clinopyroxene+amphibole+quartz+plagioclase+K‐feldspar+ilmenite±orthopyroxene±magnetite, with metamorphic P–T conditions estimated at 8.2–9.2 kbar, 870–882 °C (15FP‐02), 9.6–11.3 kbar, 855–870 °C (15FP‐03) and 9.7–10.5 kbar, 880–900 °C (15FP‐06) respectively. The pseudosections for the subsequent retrograde stages based on relatively higher H2O contents from P/T–M(H2O) diagrams define the retrograde P–T conditions of <6.1 kbar, <795 °C (15FP‐02), 5.6–5.8 kbar, <795 °C (15FP‐03), and <9 kbar, <865 °C (15FP‐06) respectively. Data from LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U–Pb dating show that the mafic dyke protoliths of the granulite were emplaced at c. 2327 Ma. The metamorphic zircon shows two groups of ages at 1.96–1.90 Ga (peak at 1.93–1.92 Ga) and 1.89–1.80 Ga (peak at 1.86–1.83 Ga), consistent with the two metamorphic events widely reported from different segments of the TNCO. The 1.93–1.92 Ga ages are considered to date the peak granulite facies metamorphism, whereas the 1.86–1.83 Ga ages are correlated with the retrograde event. Thus, the collisional assembly of the major crustal blocks in the North China Craton (NCC) might have occurred during 1.93–1.90 Ga, marking the final cratonization of the NCC.  相似文献   
A low‐grade metamorphic “Coloured Mélange” in North Makran (SE Iran) contains lenses and a large klippe of low temperature, lawsonite‐bearing blueschists formed during the Cretaceous closure of the Tethys Ocean. The largest blueschist outcrop is a >1,000 m thick coherent unit with metagabbros overlain by interlayered metabasalts and metavolcanoclastic rocks. Blueschist metamorphism is only incipient in coarse‐grained rocks, whereas finer grained, foliated samples show thorough metamorphic recrystallization. The low‐variance blueschist peak assemblage is glaucophane, lawsonite, titanite, jadeite±phengitic mica. Investigated phase diagram sections of three blueschists with different protoliths yield peak conditions of ~300–380°C at 9–14 kbar. Magnesio‐hornblende and rutile cores indicate early amphibolite facies metamorphism at >460°C and 2–4 kbar. Later conditions at slightly higher pressures of 6–9 kbar at 350–450°C are recorded by barroisite, omphacite and rutile assemblages before entering into the blueschist facies and finally following a retrograde path through the pumpellyite–actinolite facies across the lawsonite stability field. Assuming that metamorphic pressure is lithostatic pressure, the corresponding counterclockwise P–T path is explained by burial along a warm geothermal gradient (~15°C/km) in a young subduction system, followed by exhumation along a cold gradient (~8°C/km); a specific setting that allows preservation of fresh undecomposed lawsonite in glaucophane‐bearing rocks.  相似文献   
A new tectonic model for Tasmania incorporates subduction at the boundary between eastern and western Tasmania. This model integrates thin‐ and thick‐skinned tectonics, providing a mechanism for emplacement of allochthonous elements on to both eastern and western Tasmania as well as rapid burial, metamorphism and exhumation of high‐pressure metamorphic rocks. The west Tamar region in northern Tasmania lies at the boundary between eastern and western Tasmania. Here, rocks in the Port Sorell Formation were metamorphosed at high pressures (700–1400 MPa) and temperatures (400–500°C), indicating subduction to depths of up to 30 km. The eastern boundary of the Port Sorell Formation with mafic‐ultramafic rocks of the Andersons Creek Ultramafic Complex is hidden beneath allochthonous ?Mesoproterozoic turbidites of the Badger Head Group. At depth, this boundary coincides with the inferred boundary between eastern and western Tasmania, imaged in seismic data as a series of east‐dipping reflections. The Andersons Creek Ultramafic Complex was previously thought of as allochthonous, based mainly on associations with other mafic‐ultramafic complexes in western Tasmania. However, the base of the Andersons Creek Ultramafic Complex is not exposed and, given its position east of the boundary with western Tasmania, it is equally likely that it represents the exposed western edge of autochthonous eastern Tasmanian basement. A thin sliver of faulted and metamorphosed rock, including amphibolites, partially separates the Badger Head Group from the Andersons Creek Ultramafic Complex. Mafic rocks in this package match geochemically mafic rocks in the Port Sorell Formation. This match is consistent with two structural events in the Badger Head Group showing tectonic transport of the group from the west during Cambrian Delamerian orogenesis. Rather than being subducted, emplacement of the Badger Head Group onto the Andersons Creek Ultramafic Complex indicates accretion of the Badger Head Group onto eastern Tasmania. Subsequent folding and thrusting in the west Tamar region also accompanied Devonian Tabberabberan orogenesis. Reversal from northeast to southwest tectonic vergence saw imbricate thrusting of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic strata, possibly coinciding with reactivation of the suture separating eastern and western Tasmania.  相似文献   
Geochronological data, combined with field and petrological evidence, constrain the timing and rate of near‐isothermal decompression at granulite facies temperatures in rocks from the Lützow‐Holm Complex of East Antarctica. Granulite facies gneisses from Rundvågshetta in Lützow‐Holm Bay experienced a peak metamorphic temperature of over 900 °C at c. 11 kbar, as evidenced by primary orthopyroxene–sillimanite‐bearing assemblages, and secondary cordierite–sapphirine‐bearing assemblages in metapelites. Peak metamorphic assemblages show strong preferred mineral orientation, interpreted to have developed synchronously with pervasive ductile deformation. Zircon from a syndeformational leucosome has a U–Pb age of 517±9 Ma, which is interpreted as a melt crystallization age. This age provides the best estimate of the time of peak metamorphic conditions. The post‐peak metamorphic history is characterized by near‐isothermal decompression, recorded by mineral textures in a variety of rock compositions. Field and textural relations indicate that decompression post‐dated pervasive ductile deformation. K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages from hornblende and biotite represent closure ages during cooling subsequent to decompression, and indicate cooling to temperatures between c. 350 and 300 °C by c. 500 Ma, thus placing a lower time limit on the duration of the high‐temperature isothermal decompression episode. The combination of the zircon age from a syndeformational melt with K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar closure ages indicates that near‐isothermal decompression from c. 11 to c. 4 kbar at granulite facies temperatures, followed by cooling to c. 300 °C, took place within a time interval of 20±10 Myr. Simple one‐dimensional models for exhumation‐controlled cooling indicate that these data require exhumation rates of the order of c. 3 km Myr?1 for several million years, then cessation of exhumation followed by relatively isobaric cooling during thermal re‐equilibration.  相似文献   
中国近百年雨量与大气环流因子的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了近百年南方涛动年指数,北半球西风带大气环流W.C.环流型年频数对中国大范围年降水量有旱涝的影响,探讨了大气环流因子影响的空间分布变化规律及影响的复杂性,非线性及南北环流不同配置多因子相互作用造成的综合影响特征,发现:(1)SOI、W、W.C.E环流因子对中国降雨的影响不是局地的,而 大范围普遍存在的,只不过对越靠近海洋的地方越显著;(2)并不是单个环流因子的变化就可完全解释清楚雨量的变化,多  相似文献   
沪宁高速公路一次复杂性大雾过程的数值模拟试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探明高速公路大雾天气的成因和演变规律,揭示雾影响交通能见度的机理,本文根据布设于我国沪宁高速公路沿线的环境气象自动监测系统(AWMS)实测资料和覆盖公路周边地区的常规气象台站观测资料,筛选出2009年11月7日发生在沪宁高速公路上的一次典型复杂性大雾天气过程.在分析天气实况的基础上,应用高时空分辨率的非静力中尺度数值预报模式WRF3.1,结合NCEP 0.5°×0.5°气象再分析资料,对该过程进行了数值模拟;利用实测资料对模拟结果进行了验证,并剖析了此次复杂性大雾过程形成的动力、水汽和热力条件.研究表明:(1)本次大雾前后的天气形势相对稳定,江苏地区主要受入海反气旋西南侧东南气流影响,整个大雾过程中地面风力始终微弱,为大雾形成提供了有利的动力条件;(2)模式模拟的由大气液态含水量条件判别的成雾区分布与实测雾区范围基本吻合;(3)模式模拟的能见度与AWMS实测能见度十分接近;(4)本次大雾过程最初是团雾雏形,在夜间辐射冷却作用下,转为辐射雾,之后,来自东南海上的暖湿空气平流进入江苏陆地后,所产生的平流雾雾体与原有辐射雾雾体结合发展为范围更大的辐射平流混合雾;(5)日出后短波辐射增温是此次复杂性大雾雾体得以快速消散的主要原因.  相似文献   
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