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本文首次采用 Nafion和 Co(salen) /Nafion修饰铂电极测定海水中的 NO,对实验条件进行了选择 ,确定了最佳实验条件 ,即反应池通氮除氧 30 min,富集时间为 4min。同时用线性扫描法对海水中的 NO进行测定 ,测得海水中 NO的浓度与氧化峰电流之间有一定线性关系。对 Nafion修饰电极而言 ,线性范围 1~ 76.9μmol/L,R2 =0 .991 6,检出限为 1 μmol/L。同时对 2种方法修饰的铂电极进行了比较 ,即当 NO浓度在 1 0 -6mol/L数量级时 2种电极基本上无差别 ,而在 1 0 -7mol/L数量级时 Co(salen) /Nafion修饰电极要明显优于 Nafion修饰电极  相似文献   
正The origin of boron in boron-rich salt lakes in the Tibetan Plateau has long been the subject of debate.The Damzung Co Salt Lake in central Tibet has high boron concentrations(B=276–313 mg/L)and is an ideal site for  相似文献   
The stratiform Cu–Co ore mineralisation in the Katangan Copperbelt consists of dispersed sulphides and sulphides in nodules and lenses, which are often pseudomorphs after evaporites. Two types of pseudomorphs can be distinguished in the nodules and lenses. In type 1 examples, dolomite precipitated first and was subsequently replaced by Cu–Co sulphides and authigenic quartz, whereas in type 2 examples, authigenic quartz and Cu–Co sulphides precipitated prior to dolomite and are coarse-grained. The sulphur isotopic composition of the copper–cobalt sulphides in the type 1 pseudomorphs is between −10.3 and 3.1‰ relative to the Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite, indicating that the sulphide component was derived from bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR). The generation of during this process caused the precipitation and replacement of anhydrite by dolomite. A second product of BSR is the generation of H2S, resulting in the precipitation of Cu–Co sulphides from the mineralising fluids. Initial sulphide precipitation occurred along the rim of the pseudomorphs and continued towards the core. Precipitation of authigenic quartz was most likely induced by a pH decrease during sulphide precipitation. Fluid inclusion data from quartz indicate the presence of a high-salinity (8–18 eq. wt.% NaCl) fluid, possibly derived from evaporated seawater which migrated through the deep subsurface. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of dolomite in type 1 nodules range between 0.71012 and 0.73576, significantly more radiogenic than the strontium isotopic composition of Neoproterozoic marine carbonates (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7056–0.7087). This suggests intense interaction with siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and/or the granitic basement. The low carbon isotopic composition of the dolomite in the pseudomorphs (−7.02 and −9.93‰ relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite, V-PDB) compared to the host rock dolomite (−4.90 and +1.31‰ V-PDB) resulted from the oxidation of organic matter during BSR.  相似文献   
蛇绿岩中的辉绿岩岩墙是洋脊扩张的产物.其形成年龄代表了扩张事件的时间,也代表了蛇绿岩的形成时代?对雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段拉昂错蛇绿岩中的辉绿岩岩墙进行锆石SHRIMPU—Pb定年,得出加权平均年龄为120.2Ma±2.3Ma,代表辉绿岩的结晶年龄。结合已有的关于雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩的形成年龄(西段休古嘎布122.3Ma±2.4Ma,中段大竹卡126.0Ma±1.5Ma、吉定123.0Ma+_1.8Ma,东段罗布莎162.9Ma±2.8Ma)的报道,表明拉昂错地区特提斯洋海底扩张的时代与体古嘎布地区一致.雅鲁藏布江西段与中段地区洋盆的形成时代一致,但晚于东段的发育时代。这意味着整个东提斯洋盆的发育时代存在东早西晚的特点。  相似文献   
藏北申扎地区上二叠统木纠错组的建立及皱纹珊瑚组合   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
在申扎县城东南木纠错南东岸附近发现一套巨厚的以白云岩、白云质灰岩为主组成的岩系,厚达2348m。该岩系整合覆于下二叠统下拉组之上,并于其底部发现中国南方晚二叠世早期珊瑚动物群中的重要分子WaagenophyllumindicumcrassiseptatumWu和LiangshanophyllumstreptoseptatumWang两种,与其共生的还有Lobatophyllumzakan-genseWu和WaagenophyllummegacolumetumWu,它们共同组成一个晚二叠世早期特有的皱纹珊瑚动物组合,命名为Waagenophyllum-Liangshanophyllum-Lobatophyllum组合。将含有这一珊瑚化石组合的以白云岩、白云质灰岩为主的岩系另建立新组———木纠错组,该组在层位上相当于中国南方上二叠统的吴家坪组。  相似文献   
根据在西藏西北部日土县拉竹龙地区重新测量了西藏区调大队1984年所测的两个地层剖面——饮水河北岸剖面和兽形湖北岸剖面,在原来定为上奥陶统兽形湖组的底部发现了一套含笔石和几丁石化石的黑色页岩和炭质板岩,其中笔石Pristiograptus和几丁石Ancyrochitina brevicollis、Conochitina sp.为志留系兰多维列统Tely-chian阶的标准分子。同时在兽形湖组中也发现了大量兰多维列世的腕足类化石Hindella xizangensis和竹节石Gotlandellites sp.。证明了拉竹龙地区饮水河北岸和兽形湖北岸两个剖面均未出现真正的奥陶纪地层。通过所采集到的笔石、几丁石、腕足类、三叶虫、头足类、牙形刺、竹节石、珊瑚、遗迹化石的准确鉴定,重新修订了本地区志留系的划分和地层序列:自下而上依次为以笔石相为代表的兰多维列统饮水河组,以碎屑岩相为代表的兰多维列统兽形湖组,以碳酸盐沉积为主的文洛克统普尔错组和以碳酸盐岩相为主的罗德洛统至普里道利统野牛坡组。本区志留系目前发现的最低层位相当于兰多维列统Telychian阶的笔石带Spirograptusturriculatus带和Streptograptus crispus带,最高层位相当于欧洲和藏南壳相志留系的最高一个头足类化石带Kopaninoceras juncudum带或牙形刺组合Neoprioniodus latidentatus-Ligonodina siluria组合。  相似文献   
通过对藏北喀湖错把拉湖区湖积剖面的研究,建立了该区13kaBP以来的沉积序列,并将13kaBP以来的气候划分为2个干冷期和2个湿润期。其中2个湿润期和第二旋回的干冷期可分别与北半球第一、二新高温期和第二新冰期大致对比,基本反映了末次冰消期以来全球气候变化的一般规律,青藏高原腹地对于全球气候变化的响应是比较敏锐的。  相似文献   
Based upon the 1970 aero-photo topographic map, and TM/ETM satellite images taken in 1991 and 2000, the authors artificially interpreted boundaries of lake and glaciers in Nam Co Catchment, and quantified lake-glacier area variations in different stages by “inte-grated method” with the support of GIS. Results show that from 1970 to 2000, lake area in-creased from 1942.34 km2 to 1979.79 km2 at a rate of 1.27 km2/a, while glacier area de-creased from 167.62 km2 to 141.88 km2 at a rate of 0.86 km2/a. The increasing rate of lake in 1991–2000 was 1.76 km2/a that was faster than 1.03 km2/a in 1970–1991, while in the same period of time, the shrinking rates of glaciers were 0.97 km2/a and 0.80 km2/a respectively. Important factors, relevant to lake and glacier response to the climate, such as air tempera-ture, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and their values in warm and cold seasons, were discussed. The result suggests that temperature increasing is the main reason for the accelerated melting of glaciers. Lake expansion is mainly induced by the increase of the gla-cier melting water, increase of precipitation and obvious decrease of potential evapotranspi-ration. Precipitation, evaporation and their linkages with lake enlargement on regional scale need to be thoroughly studied under the background of global warming and glacier retreating.  相似文献   
60Co were detected in common octopus specimens collected in the East China Sea in 1996-2005. The source of 60Co has remained unclear yet. Stable isotope analyses showed that there was no difference in stable Co concentrations between octopus samples with 60Co and without 60Co. This result showed that the stable Co in the digestive gland of octopus potentially did not include a trace amount of 60Co and the source of 60Co existed independently. Furthermore, investigations of octopus in other area and other species indicated that the origin of the source of 60Co occurred locally in the restricted area in the East China Sea and not in the coastal area of Japan. Concentrations of 60Co have annually decreased with shorter half-life than the physical half-life. This decrease tendency suggests that the sources of 60Co were identical and were temporary dumped into the East China Sea as a solid waste.  相似文献   
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