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魏立勇 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1304-1307
区内中—下三叠统隆务河群(T1-2L)属巨厚复理石相,显示出以浊流为主的深海沉积特征;通过沉积相分析,整个隆务河群由下而上呈一个明显的变细、变薄的序列,呈一个较完整的海底扇退积型沉积序列。  相似文献   
隆兴铁矿赋存于太古宙夹皮沟岩群三道沟岩组和腰抢子片麻岩中。认为矿床成因类型是属于受变质(火山沉积)铁硅建造铁矿。富矿部分则是混合岩化热液作用,使铁发生迁移而富集的。确定三道沟组内的火山铁硅质沉积建造岩层是寻找此类型矿床的地层标志,而地球物理标志是地面磁异常强度在1 000 n T以上的面积性异常即为矿致异常。  相似文献   
陕西汉南三花石群和西乡群的时代仍存很大争议。在陕西西乡地区三花石群白勉峡组灰色、灰黑色砂板岩中发现较丰富并具有时代特征的陆生植物孢子(spores)22属,40余种。其化石组合大致可与中国华南、西南和西秦岭中泥盆世孢子带比较,亦可以与欧洲、北美老红砂岩大陆及其邻区中泥盆世早期孢子带比较,时代为中泥盆世,并可能为中泥盆世早期,大致相当于西欧中泥盆世早期艾菲尔期。  相似文献   
华北克拉通中北部五台杂岩中出露一套变质砂岩,归属于上太古界五台群,其物质来源和构造环境分析对理解本区新太古代末期的地壳演化具有重要意义.该变质砂岩主要由石英、长石和粘土质胶结物组成,岩相学特征显示为杂砂岩,利用主量、微量元素判别的结果与岩相学观察一致.岩石地球化学分析结果显示,样品的SiO2含量变化较大(64.51%~...  相似文献   
近年来在下扬子西缘地区厘定的一系列新元古代火成岩,为认识该区扬子板块新元古代岩浆活动历史与规律提供了窗口。结合本次与前人锆石U-Pb年代学数据,指示下扬子地区张八岭群、肥东杂岩与董岭杂岩内变火成岩的原岩时限分别为767~748 Ma、812~745 Ma和829~754 Ma。这些新元古代火成岩分别是峰期为750 Ma、800 Ma和825 Ma岩浆活动的产物。下扬子地区峰期为825 Ma的岩浆活动只出现在靠近江南造山带的南部。锆石年代学信息显示,下扬子地区还发生过峰期为840 Ma、2010 Ma和2454 Ma岩浆活动,但缺失1000~860 Ma的岩浆活动。通过区域对比表明,攀西—汉南弧没有延入下扬子地区。下扬子地区南部受到峰期为840 Ma的弧岩浆活动的影响。扬子板块上峰期为825 Ma的岩浆活动及早阶段的南华裂谷应是江南造山带后造山伸展的产物;而峰期为800 Ma和750 Ma的岩浆活动与相应的南华裂谷扩展,代表了Rodinia超大陆裂解的全面影响。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(1):77-94
The Chayu area is located at the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This region was considered to be in the southeastward extension of the Lhasa Block, bounded by Nujiang suture zone in the north and Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in the south. The Demala Group complex, a set of high-grade metamorphic gneisses widely distributed in the Chayu area, is known as the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Lhasa Block in the area. According to field-based investigations and microstructure analysis, the Demala Group complex is considered to mainly consist of banded biotite plagiogneisses, biotite quartzofeldspathic gneiss, granitic gneiss, amphibolite, mica schist, and quartz schist, with many leucogranite veins. The zircon U-Pb ages of two granitic gneiss samples are 205 ± 1 Ma and 218 ± 1 Ma, respectively, representing the ages of their protoliths. The zircons from two biotite plagiogneisses samples show core-rim structures. The U-Pb ages of the cores are mainly 644 –446 Ma, 1213 –865 Ma, and 1780 –1400 Ma, reflecting the age characteristics of clastic zircons during sedimentation of the original rocks. The U-Pb ages of the rims are from 203 ± 2 Ma to 190 ± 1 Ma, which represent the age of metamorphism. The zircon U-Pb ages of one sample taken from the leucogranite veins that cut through granitic gneiss foliation range from 24 Ma to 22 Ma, interpreted as the age of the anatexis in the Demala Group complex. Biotite and muscovite separates were selected from the granitic gneiss, banded gneiss, and leucogranite veins for 40Ar/39Ar dating. The plateau ages of three muscovite samples are 16.56 ± 0.21 Ma, 16.90 ± 0.21 Ma, and 23.40 ± 0.31 Ma, and the plateau ages of four biotite samples are 16.70 ± 0.24 Ma, 16.14 ± 0.19 Ma, 15.88 ± 0.20 Ma, and 14.39 ± 0.20 Ma. The mica Ar-Ar ages can reveal the exhumation and cooling history of the Demala Group complex. Combined with the previous research results of the Demala Group complex, the authors refer that the Demala Group complex should be a set of metamorphic complex. The complex includes not only Precambrian basement metamorphic rock series, but also Paleozoic sedimentary rock and Mesozoic granitic rock. Based on the deformation characteristics, the authors concluded that two stages of the metamorphism and deformation can be revealed in the Demala Group complex since the Mesozoic, namely Late Triassic-Early Jurassic (203 –190 Ma) and Oligocene –Miocene (24 –14 Ma). The early stage of metamorphism (ranging from 203 –190 Ma) was related to the Late Triassic tectono-magmatism in the area. The anatexis and uplifting-exhumation of the later stage (24 –14 Ma) were related to the shearing of the Jiali strike-slip fault zone. The Miocene structures are response to the large-scale southeastward escape of crustal materials and block rotation in Southeast Tibet after India-Eurasia collision.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
长乐-东山构造-岩浆带中北段地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂童春 《福建地质》2007,26(1):12-19
从复杂的构造变形中甄别出岩浆岩的塑性流动变形,与韧性和脆-韧性变形区别,力争还原长乐—泉州沿海一带地质构造的真实面目,并探讨了该带的活动时间和构造属性。另外还对该带长期争论的澳角群进行了初步的分解,锆石SHRIMP测年数据也反映了平潭南务里一带变质岩的复杂性。  相似文献   
内蒙古固阳地区太古宙乌拉山群构造变形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌拉山群的变质-变形问题一直有不同的认识^「1~3」。该文以固阳地区3幅1∶5万区调资料为基础,结合90年代以来周边地区1∶5万区调成果,提出晚太古宙乌拉山群经历了两期主要的构造变形。第一期为伸展体制下近水平分层剪切形成的固态流变褶皱和高温顺层韧性剪切带,属高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相,变形时间为太古代末;第二期构造变形为地壳抬升之后的剂压体制下,中、浅层次的紧闭同斜相似褶皱--主期褶皱和低温韧性剪切带,  相似文献   
大别山北麓梅山群中韧性剪切带变形特征及形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘文灿  马文璞 《现代地质》1997,11(1):118-124
梅山群为分布于北淮阳地区位于佛子岭群之下、逆掩于晚泥盆世—石炭纪杨山煤系和中侏罗统红层之上的一套中—浅变质岩系,在其中、上部发育NW走向的韧性剪切带,产状与区域片理一致。对韧性剪切带及其变形岩石———糜棱岩的宏微观构造研究表明,韧性剪切变形发生于区域变质岩形成之后,具有右旋剪切的运动特点,反映大别山地块向北仰冲过程中所派生的侧向滑移作用  相似文献   
滇西南澜沧群多硅白云母的多型和化学成分特征及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宋仁奎  应育浦 《岩石学报》1997,13(2):152-161
从理论、实验及实际观察的结果都表明,随着压力的增加白云母中绿鳞石的含量显著地增加,可以认为在多期变质作用过程中,尤其是在变质压力不同的多期变质作用下,形成的多硅白云母,其化学成分就会打上不同的烙印。77个多硅白云母化学成分的统计结果表明,澜沧群低级变质岩中的多硅白云母有两种成因。在Na-Mg相关图上,反映了高压和中压变质特征,高压变质的多硅白云母约占70%。这与用多硅白云母b0值鉴别的高压和中压变质是相吻合的。多硅白云母的多型为3T和2M1型,以2M1型为主  相似文献   
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