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庄龙池 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):263-265
钾长石的6个H同位素组成表明,钾长石包裹体水的δD值与由其蚀变矿物绢云母的δD计算出的δDH2O不可能相等,因为它们是两个不同阶段的产物,二者没有必然的联系,所以由钾长石热液蚀变矿物δDH2O值就不能代表成矿流体(矿物包裹体水)的δD值。  相似文献   
阿尔泰可可托海3号伟晶岩脉中的铪质锆石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张爱铖  王汝成  谢磊  胡欢 《矿物学报》2003,23(4):327-332
利用电子探针技术研究了阿尔泰可可托海3号伟晶岩脉中铪质锆石的成分特征。结果表明:细粒花岗岩和正岩浆阶段结构带(Ⅳ带)的锆石相对贫Hf,(HfO2)=3.06%-13.33%,主要属于普通锆石;岩浆-热液过渡阶段结构带(V带和Ⅶ带)锆石相对富}Hf,w(HfO2)=9.06%-35.21%,主要属于铪质锆石,少量具有普通锆石特征;同时本区发现的铪质锆石中HfO2最高含量是目前伟晶岩已报道铪质锆石中HfO2的最高含量。成分特征还显示,边部细粒花岗岩和正岩浆阶段锆石成分变化非常局限,岩浆-热液过渡阶段锆石成分变化巨大。认为锆石中HfO2含量从正岩浆阶段结构带到岩浆-热液过渡结构带的高度富集是挥发份从岩浆中分离出来独立成相的结果,而岩浆-热液过渡结构带锆石中HfO2含量在带内的巨大变化可能与热液流体的富集有关。  相似文献   
Field, petrographic, microstructural and isotopic studies of mylonitic gneisses and associated pegmatites along the Hope Valley shear zone in southern Rhode Island indicate that late Palaeozoic deformation (c. 275 Ma) in this zone occurred at very high temperatures (>650 °C). High‐energy cuspate/lobate phase boundary microstructures, a predominance of equant to sub‐equant grains with low internal lattice strain, and mixed phase distributions indicate that diffusion creep was an important and possibly predominant deformation mechanism. Field and petrographic evidence are consistent with the presence of an intergranular melt phase during deformation, some of which collected into syntectonic pegmatites. Rb/Sr isotopic analyses of tightly sampled pegmatites and wall rocks confirm that the pegmatites were derived as partial melts of the immediately adjacent, isotopically heterogeneous mylonitic gneisses. The presence of syntectonic interstitial melts is inferred to have permitted a switch from dislocation creep to melt‐enhanced diffusion creep as the dominant mechanism in these relatively coarse‐grained mylonitic gneisses (200–500 µm syn‐deformational grain size). A switch to diffusion creep would lead to significant weakening, and may explain why the Hope Valley shear zone evolved into a major regional tectonic boundary. This work identifies conditions under which diffusion creep operates in naturally deformed granitic rocks and illuminates the deformation processes involved in the development of a tectonic boundary between two distinct Late Proterozoic (Avalonian) basement terranes.  相似文献   
A suite of spinel–cordierite granulites from Viziangram, Eastern Ghats Belt, India preserve mineral assemblages and reaction textures indicative of peak metamorphic conditions of >1000 °C, >8<10 kbar, followed successively by near isobaric cooling (down to 750–800 °C), near isothermal decompression (to 4–5 kbar), and late hydration. P–T conditions of each stage are evaluated through a combination of petrogenetic grid approach and thermobarometry. Sapphirine is developed in sillimanite‐bearing acid pegmatite veins that intruded the spinel–cordierite granulite close to peak metamorphic conditions, and also in the host rock in immediate contact with the pegmatite. Both sillimanite and sapphirine in the pegmatite are considered to be magmatic phases. Field observations and textural characteristics suggest that Al‐metasomatism of the spinel–cordierite granulite due to the intrusion of pegmatite was responsible for sapphirine formation in the spinel granulite.  相似文献   
According to the differences in ore-controlling structural systems and the characteristics of host rocks, textures and structures of ores and mineral associations of ores, quartz vein-type gold deposits in the Rushan area can be divided into the Rushan and Tongling styles. Rushan style gold deposits, occurring in the Kunyushan complex, include Rushan, Tangjiagou and Tongxishan gold mines. They are distributed along four NNE-trending and sinistral, compresso-shear faults with a right stepping array. A prominent characteristic of the gold mineralization is that the orebodies in neighbouring gold deposits distributed in a single ore-controlling fault zone take opposite pitches. Study of the locating structures of the quartz vein gold deposits shows that the Rushan-style gold deposits are characterized by NNE and NE zoning. Therefore, the intersections of the NE direction of the known gold deposit and the neighbouring NNE-trending fault zones are favourable for looking for gold deposits, and the ends of the  相似文献   
Authigenic K‐feldspar was investigated in two Albian to Turonian sections in Israel using K‐Ar and Ar‐Ar dating, X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis. Both sections comprise a similar succession of shallow‐marine limestones, dolomites and marls, with some sandstone and shale beds of continental origin. The HCl‐insoluble residue fraction of the studied samples consists of clays, quartz, feldspars, goethite and trace amounts of heavy minerals. Most of the insoluble residues have a relatively high K‐feldspar content that has an adularia habit and is concentrated in the 4–7 µm size fraction. The authigenic origin of the K‐feldspar in the fine silt fraction is indicated by its high content relative to quartz, the uniform and idiomorphic shape of the crystals and its limited size range. Of the fine silt (4–7 or 4–10 µm) separates, 40% have ages that are similar to stratigraphic ages within the analytical and biostratigraphic errors. Ar‐Ar dating of a fine silt fraction with 94% K‐feldspar (4–10 µm, sample GYP 7) yields a plateau age identical to the total gas age and similar to the stratigraphic age. These results indicate that the K‐Ar age is not a mixture between detrital and late diagenetic K‐feldspar ages, but is rather an age of formation within a few million years after deposition. It is suggested that the early formation of the K‐feldspar was associated with dolomitization and was induced by residual brines as part of a reflux process.  相似文献   
赣南脉状黑钨矿床及外围金银找矿前景分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在钨矿化集中区的地质调研和1:5万化探分散流扫面工作基础上,通过了解赣南钨矿山及周边的资源现状,总结脉状黑钨矿床的成太规律和矿化富集特征,进一步分析金银成矿特征,探讨金银矿化与钨锡的矿化关系,提出脉冲黑钨矿床及外围金银找矿前景。  相似文献   
安徽宁国钾长石共烧结工艺研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以宁国钾长石矿为主要原料,采用共烧结工艺,研究了用CaCl2做添加剂与钾长石共烧结温度、温度、CaCl2用量对溶出率的影响,确定了共烧结最佳参数,同时,通过XRD表征方法,对原矿物相及水浸潭物相进行了研究,探讨了共烧结反应机理,实验结果表明,钾长石中K2O溶出率可达95%。  相似文献   
Seven muscovite mica separates from the rare metal pegmatites of Kawadgaon, Bastar Craton, Central India, give model 87Rb-86Sr ages ranging from 2330 to 1850 Ma. The oldest age of the muscovite almost overlaps within 20 error with the age (2497k152 Ma) of the parent fertile granites. The data suggest possible derivation of pegmatites shortly after the emplacement of Kawadgaon granites at ca. 2500 Ma. Most of the muscovite ages (n = 6) indicate tectonomagmatic ages after pegmatite injections. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7142) of granites suggests their derivation from crustal material.  相似文献   
The Canglangpu Stage of Lower Cambrian Series is widely distributed along both sides of the Tanlu (Tancheng-Lujiang) Fault Zone in the Jiao-Liao-Xu-Huai regions. In the Liaodong Peninsula, the Canglangpu Stage consists of three formations, i.e. Gejiatun, Dalinzi and Jianchang formations in ascending order (lying on the eastern side of the Tanlu Fault Zone). The Dalinzi Formation, developing in a littoral Sabkha environment, is full of catastrophic event records of violent seism, such as liquefied muddy-sandy veins, hydroplastic folds, hydroplastic micro-faults (three forming an organic whole), liquefied crinkled deformations, liquefied breccia and sandy dikes. Based on such records, the seismic liquified sequence of argillaceous rocks in Sabkha is built up. In northern Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, however, there hardly observe seismic records in the Canglangpu Stage, which consists of Jinshanzhai and lower Gouhou and upper Gouhou formations (lying on the western side of the Tanlu Fault Zone). Even if the Gouhou Formation, developing in a lagoon-dry environment, is in the same climate zone as the Dalinzi Formation, and 4 depositional sequences have been identified in the Canglangpu Stage in Northern Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, however, in the same stage in the Liaodong Peninsula, there exist only 3 ones. Therefore, it is not supported by the above mentioned evidence (such as catastrophic events, sequences stratigraphy and lithologic correlation of formations) that the Canglangpu Stage in the Liaodong Peninsula came from northern Jiangsu and Anhui provinces through a long-distance, about hundreds kilometers, left-hand displacement of the Tanlu Fault in the Mesozoic era.  相似文献   
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