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赵井沟铌钽矿与区内花岗岩关系非常密切,锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明矿区内黑云母钾长花岗岩形成时代为125±1 Ma。岩石地球化学分析结果显示,矿区内晚中生代岩浆岩为准铝质-弱过铝质碱性岩类,属于高钾钙碱性系列,具有轻稀土元素富集、Eu强负异常、大离子亲石元素(Rb、Th、U)和高场强元素(Hf、Y)强烈富集的地球化学特征,属于A1亚类的A型花岗岩;锆石~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf值介于0. 000 5~0. 003 0之间,ε_(Hf)(t)值为-15. 42~-5. 55,对应的模式年龄t_(DM2)变化于2 247~1 640 Ma之间。花岗岩浆主要来源于地壳物质部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
南秦岭陕西省两河地区出露的中粗粒花岗伟晶岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年加权平均年龄值为172.5Ma±1.7Ma,其形成时代为中侏罗世。花岗伟晶岩的岩石地球化学特征表明:该岩石为过铝质-高钾钙碱性系列;微量元素中Rb、Ba、U、Ta含量相对富集,Th、Nb、Sr、Zr、Hf相对贫化;稀土元素具有Eu正异常(δEu=1.60~2.53),总体表现出典型的M型稀土元素四分组效应。花岗伟晶岩w(Na_2O+K_2O)/w(Al_2O_3)、w(TFeO)/w(MgO)值高,属A型花岗岩;通过R2—R1构造环境判别图解均落在造山后期、造山期后A型花岗岩区中。综合分析该期花岗伟晶岩为造山后期过铝质-高钾钙碱性A型花岗岩。  相似文献   
赣北庐山地区出露的“星子变质核杂岩”是中国东南部迄今为止发现的较为典型的科迪勒拉型变质核杂岩之一.该变质核杂岩核部见有大量的, 与拆离断层同时形成并侵入于构造弱带的伟晶岩脉.通过锆石U-Pb法定年, 获得伟晶岩的年龄为(127±2)Ma, 该年龄代表了庐山“星子变质核杂岩”的隆升年龄, 并得到其他地质证据的支持.还讨论了形成变质核杂岩的岩石圈伸展作用与同时期中国东南部大规模岩浆活动的时空关系及其可能的联系.   相似文献   
钾长石K—Ar定年若干问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有的测试数据反映,钾长石在K—Ar定年中存在很多问题,最常见的情况是年龄值偏年轻,有时也出现比共存矿物年龄偏老的情况。钾长石在实验过程中不完全释氩是造成年龄值偏年轻的原因之一,对此前人已经提出几个解决方案,但在实际应用中都不够完善。钾长石的封闭温度低(130~150℃)是放射成因氩丢失的最主要因素,个别情况下也出现捕获围岩中的放射成因氩,从而出现过剩氩。低温钾长石(如冰长石)的氩保存能力和结构有关系,通常情况下随着三斜度的升高所保存的放射成因氩会相应减少。不同地质环境中产出的钾长石在K—Ar定年中适用性有所不同,侵入岩中的钾长石(微斜长石和条纹长石等)不适合于K—Ar定年,而喷出岩中的钾长石(透长石和歪长石等)是非常好的定年矿物;低温钾长石可有条件应用  相似文献   
锂铍金属是国家战略关键金属资源,花岗岩-伟晶岩型是锂铍矿床的重要类型,是锂铍矿找矿的重要目标体,遥感是寻找与发现花岗岩与伟晶岩的有效方法。但是,对于花岗岩体中的伟晶岩,由于其与花岗岩在光谱信息差异微小而不易识别。为了解决此问题,文章选择东疆戈壁覆盖的镜儿泉花岗岩开展锂铍伟晶岩的遥感识别研究,采用的数据与方法包括:谷歌地球/奥维等遥感图片的分析、WORLDVIEW遥感的增强处理与ASTER遥感的岩性识别与提取,结果显示谷歌地球/奥维遥感图片与WORLDVIEW遥感图片对镜儿泉花岗岩中伟晶岩脉的识别效果不好。为了识别锂铍伟晶岩,文章采用了一种岩性微弱信号增强技术对ASTER遥感数据进行识别,经过处理后的图像可以清楚地识别出伟晶岩脉体、并于野外查证时发现了一处新的锂铍伟晶岩脉体。结果表明利用岩性微弱信号增强技术进行岩性识别是花岗岩中锂铍伟晶岩找矿一种新的有效方法。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(2):299-313
Swarms of orthopyroxenite and websterite veins are found within Egiingol residual SSZ peridotite massif of Dzhida terrain (Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Northern Mongolia). The process of Egiingol pyroxenite veins formation is investigated using new major and trace element analyses of pyroxenite minerals, calculations of closure temperatures and composition of equilibrium melt. The pyroxenites show abundant petrographic and geochemical evidence for replacement of the residual peridotite minerals by ortho- and clinopyroxene due to melt-rock interaction. Relics of peridotite olivines are found in pyroxenites, Cr# of spinel increases from peridotites to pyroxenites, and compositions of ortho- and clinopyroxene change from peridotite to pyroxenite. The authors show that calculated equilibrium melts for investigated pyroxenites are very similar to compositions of boninite lavas from the Dzhida terrain. Therefore, formation of pyroxenite veins most likely resulted from percolation of boninite melts through the Egiingol peridotites. Orthopyroxenite veins formed at first, followed by websterite veins. Thus, the authors assume that pyroxenite veins represent the channels for boninitic melts migration in supra-subduction environment.  相似文献   
蓬勃山金矿床为一产于石炭系浅变质地层中的石英脉型矿床; 矿脉产出主要受不同方向断裂构造控制,多分布于海西期闪长岩侵入体与围岩接触带附近。微量元素分析表明,海西期闪长岩含金性明显高于石炭系地层,表明其可能为金成矿作用提供了主要的物质来源。流体包裹体研究表明,矿区主要成矿阶段石英中发育含CO2 及气液两相包裹体,前者均一温度为211℃ ~ 289℃,盐度为4. 51 ~ 5. 23 wt%NaCl; 后者均一温度为150℃ ~ 320℃,盐度为2. 1 ~ 5. 1 wt% NaCl; 表明成矿流体为中温低盐度NaCl --CO2 --H2O 体系热液,分析其成矿流体主要来源于岩浆活动。因此,蓬勃山金矿床为产出于造山带中的中温岩浆热液脉型金矿床。通过对比,其成矿时代、地质特征及流体特征与穆龙套型金矿床具有一定相似性。  相似文献   
八卦庙金矿床石英脉与金矿化关系再研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
八卦庙特大型金矿床是近年发现的产于秦岭地区泥盆系浅变质细碎屑岩中规模最大的微细浸染型金矿,金矿化与石英脉关系非常密切,经过大量分析数据统计表明,金矿石品位与其石英脉带的发育规模、脉体内外硫化物的含量成正比,与脉体的规整程度成反比;与脉体的厚度具有一定的关系。一般说,产于节理中的石英细脉的含金量比顺层产出的石英大脉的含金量高;石英脉的含金量高于脉旁围岩的含金量数倍甚至几十倍,含金石英脉与脉旁蚀变岩石共同构成工业矿体。石英脉带是宏观上直观的找矿评价标志。  相似文献   
The well‐known Erzberg site represents the largest siderite (FeCO3) deposit in the world. It consists of various carbonates accounting for the formation of prominent CaCO3 (dominantly aragonite) precipitates filling vertical fractures of different width (centimetres to decimetres) and length (tens of metres). These commonly laminated precipitates are known as ‘erzbergite’. This study focuses on the growth dynamics and environmental dependencies of these vein fillings. Samples recovered on‐site and from mineral collections were analyzed, and these analyses were further complemented by modern water analyses from different Erzberg sections. Isotopic signatures support meteoric water infiltration and sulphide oxidation as the principal hydrogeochemical mechanism of (Ca, Mg and Fe) carbonate host rock dissolution, mobilization and vein mineralization. Clumped isotope measurements revealed cool formation temperatures of ca 0 to 10°C for the aragonite, i.e. reflecting the elevated altitude Alpine setting, but unexpectedly low for aragonite nucleation. The 238U–234U–230Th dating yielded ages from 285·1 ± 3·9 to 1·03 ± 0·04 kyr bp and all samples collected on‐site formed after the Last Glacial Maximum. The observed CaCO3 polymorphism is primarily controlled by the high aqueous Mg/Ca ratios resulting from dissolution of Mg‐rich host rocks, with Mg/Ca further evolving during prior CaCO3 precipitation and CO2 outgassing in the fissured aquifer. Aragonite represents the ‘normal’ mode of erzbergite formation and most of the calcite is of diagenetic (replacing aragonite) origin. The characteristic lamination (millimetre‐scale) is an original growth feature and mostly associated with the deposition of stained (Fe‐rich) detrital particle layers. Broader zonations (centimetre‐scale) are commonly of diagenetic origin. Petrographic observations and radiometric dating support an irregular nature for most of the layering. Open fractures resulting from fault tectonics or gravitational mass movements provide water flow routes and fresh chemical reaction surfaces of the host rock carbonates and accessory sulphides. If these prerequisites are considered, including the hydrogeochemical mechanism, modern water compositions, young U‐Th ages and calculated precipitation rates, it seems unlikely that the fractures had stayed open over extended time intervals. Therefore, it is most likely that they are geologically young.  相似文献   
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