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Sedimentary response to an orogenic process is important for determining whether South China had compressional or extensional orogeny during the period from the Late Permian to the Middle Triassic besides the tectonic and magmatologic evidence. An intracontinental collision event took place between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks in the Late Permian. Beginning at the Late Triassic, the tectonic movement was completely changed in nature and entered a post-collisional extensional orogenic and basin-making process. This paper presents sedimentological evidence from the Late Permian to the Middle Triassic in the Shiwandashan basin at the southwestern end of the junction zone between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks.  相似文献   
正鄂尔多斯盆地是中国大陆形成最早、演化历史最长的一个沉积盆地,也是我国重要的煤炭、石油、天然气矿产地。近年来,随着国家对清洁能源的需求,加大了对该盆地的砂岩型铀矿的找矿工作,但长期以来对鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘铀矿目的层白垩系志丹群的古生物化石、古环境研究相当缺乏,而对于白垩纪孢粉研究更为少见,仅在1988~1992年有过几例孢粉研究(张子福,1988,1989,1992),  相似文献   
以地表地质调查成果为基础,以钻探、地质综合录井、核磁共振测井、电成像测井、正交多极子阵列声波等测井方法为手段,以岩石学特征、储层物性、储集空间类型和储集性能研究为重点,开展准南冲段带东段乌鲁木齐一带二叠系芦草沟组页岩油气评价。研究结果表明:该区带芦草沟组页岩含油气7层,其中优质含油层2层(64和66层);页岩储层矿物成分以高脆性矿物为主,物性特征表现为天然高导裂缝发育和低孔特低渗;油气藏表现为具中等含油饱和度的典型裂缝型油气藏特征。页岩储层各向异性较强,总体最大水平主应力为NWW向。  相似文献   
齐古背斜构造复杂,变形强烈,地震资料相对较差,构造样式建立存在多解性。为准确落实该区构造特征,从地质“戴帽”、倾角标定及平衡恢复与几何变形正演等关键技术出发,对齐古背斜进行精细构造解析,确立齐古背斜为早期构造三角楔与晚期冲断褶皱复合叠加的构造样式。该背斜主体部位具分层、分块构造特征,西段以南倾冲断断裂为主,东段以北倾反冲断裂为主。复杂构造建模技术的应用将有助于建立更为合理的构造解释方案,大大降低油气勘探风险。  相似文献   
利用薄片、扫描电镜、物性及压汞等资料,对金龙2地区三叠系上乌尔禾组二段(P_3w_2)低渗(含砾)砂岩储层孔隙结构及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:①乌二段属于低孔低渗储层,根据压汞曲线参数特征,将其孔隙结构划分为三类。②成岩作用控制了储层孔隙结构,定量计算结果表明,乌二段视压实率平均为53.54%、视胶结率平均为47.53%、视溶蚀率平均为13.84%、视微孔隙率平均为60.67%,表现为中等压实、中—强胶结、弱溶蚀、微孔发育等特征;压实作用、胶结作用、微孔隙发育主要控制储层孔隙结构的形成。③引入成岩综合指数来定量表征各种成岩作用的综合强度,其与储层孔隙结构参数(排驱压力、分选系数)以及储层品质因子(RQI)具有较好的统计相关关系,Ⅰ类储层成岩综合指数大于8%,Ⅱ类储层成岩综合指数为2%~8%,Ⅲ类储层成岩综合指数小于2%。因此,可以利用成岩综合指数定量评价储层孔隙结构。  相似文献   
丹江口地区地震地质因修建丹江水库而得到深入研究,但针对断裂进行的系统性研究较少。通过对丹江断裂东段进行1:1万大比例条带状活动断裂填图,综合采用地质地貌调查、岩样年龄测试、地质钻探、浅层地震勘探等多种手段进行研究,认为:1)丹江断裂东段第四纪以来累积左旋走滑量在250~500 m之间,上更新统地层垂直断距为10~20 m;2)断裂最新活动时代为晚更新世,活动性质以由NE向SW的逆冲为主,兼具有左旋走滑分量;3)断裂活动性由山地向盆地迁移。丹江断裂晚更新世以来活动表明,南襄盆地西缘活动性较强。该认识可为进一步评估丹江口地区乃至南襄盆地西缘的地震构造环境提供依据。  相似文献   
本文利用1981~2020年观测数据和ERA5再分析资料,将青藏高原腹地三江源和东南重要水汽通道河湾区作为典型研究区域,分析了降水不同时间尺度变化特征及其典型强弱年对高原季风环流系统的响应,结果表明:(1)三江源和河湾区降水的季节变化均呈双峰型分布,峰值出现在7月初和8月下旬。夏季降水在21世纪初发生年代际转折,尤其是三江源降水量在近20年增加明显。两个高原季风指数DPMI(Dynamic Plateau Monsoon Index)和ZPMI(Zhou Plateau Monsoon Index)的夏季风爆发时间均超前于河湾区和三江源降水的明显增加期。三江源夏季降水年际变化与两个高原夏季风指数有较好的相关性。三江源与河湾区虽然相邻很近,但三江源夏季降水受高原季风影响程度远大于河湾区。当高原夏季风增强(减弱)时,三江源降水量偏多(少)。(2)三江源降水偏多年,南亚高压偏东偏强,低层高原主体低压异常,有利于西南风和东南风在三江源区域交汇,南方暖湿空气能够深入高原腹地导致水汽辐合偏强。河湾区降水偏多年,河湾区及整个高原主体附近高度场并没有明显异常,河湾区的水汽输送主要有两条路径,一条来自孟...  相似文献   
Landform classification is one of the most important procedures in recognizing and dividing earth surface landforms. However, topographical homogeneity and differences in regional-scale landforms are often ignored by traditional pixel- and object-based landform classification methods based on digital elevation models (DEMs). In this work, a drainage basin object-based method for classifying regional-scale landforms is proposed. Drainage basins with least critical areas are first delineated from DEMs. Then, terrain derivatives of mean elevation, mean slope, drainage density, drainage depth, and terrain texture are employed to characterize the morphology of the drainage basins. Finally, a decision tree based on the topographical characteristics of the drainage basins is constructed and employed to determine the landform classification law. The experiment is validated in the landform classification of regional-scale loess areas in China. Results show that clear boundaries exist in different landforms at the regional scale. Landform type in a specific region shows significant topographical homogeneity under its specific regional geomorphological process. Classification accuracies are 87.3 and 86.3% for the field investigation and model validation, respectively. Spatial patterns of classified landforms and their proximity to sediment sources and other factors can be regarded as indicators of the evolutionary process of loess landform formation.  相似文献   
Removed overburden, burial, maturation, and petroleum generation analysis indicates that maturity in the Arkoma Basin and the Ouachita Foldbelt is explained effectively using simple burial models that account for the significant surface erosion that has occurred and assuming geothermal gradients similar to present-day gradients have been approximately constant through geologic time. Regional models, based on analysis at 115 well locations, indicate that from 5,000 to 15,000 ft (1.5–4.5 km) of section, differing with location from north to south and west to east, has been removed from the Arkoma Basin region, and as much as 25,000–40,000 ft (7.5–12 km) have been removed from areas of the Ouachita Foldbelt. Based on burial and thermal history reconstruction, increasing maturation from west to east across the basin is primarily the result of increasing overburden and subsequent surface erosion from west to east. The models predict most publicly available vitrinite reflectance data within a factor of 1.5 at two standard deviations. Comparison of model and measured reflectance-depth trends in six wells indicates that hydrothermal fluid movement should not have modified reflectance by more than approximately 20% in the center of the basin. Analysis indicates that most of the basin is overmature for oil production from intervals below the Spiro Sandstone, except to the north and northwest. Although thermal maturities are high, methane is stable throughout the basin. Except for the basal Arbuckle Group, all formations were thermally immature for oil generation prior to burial by the Mississippian and Morrowan in the Ouachita Foldbelt of Oklahoma and by the Atokan and Desmoinesian over most of the basin and study area. In the deeper part of the present basin, all strata entered and passed through the oil window during or within 10 My after Atokan time. Because no additional major quantities of hydrocarbons were generated after Atokan time, the hydrocarbons must have been emplaced and trapped during this brief time interval.  相似文献   
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