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通过对山东新汶煤田太原组底部徐家庄灰岩发育的有孔虫动物群和牙形石动物群的分析,鉴定出虫筵类有孔虫化石6属14种,非莛有孔虫7属16种,牙形石6属10种,建立一个有孔虫组合:Fusulinella-Fusulina组合;一个牙形石组合:Idiognathodusmagni ficus-Streptognathoduspa...  相似文献   
通过龙永聚煤盆地构造演化及富煤带赋存层段机理分析,发现聚煤盆地构造演化与富煤带展布有一定的相关性,主要表现在一定时期、一定空间、一定样式的构造与一定层段的富煤带在走向、倾向上,具有一定的相关性,即一定的富煤带产生在一定的滑覆、推覆构造及其组合中。龙永煤田西部主要产生印支期的滑覆断层,应寻找走向上的富煤带;龙永煤田东部主要产生燕山期的推覆断层,应寻找倾向上的富煤带;龙永煤田中部主要产生印支期及燕山期的组合滑脱断层,应寻找上推下留型、上滑下留型、滑褶集中型的走向、倾向的富煤带。此项研究为龙永煤田进一步寻找富煤带指明了方向,同类型的勘探区可以参考。  相似文献   
闫国民 《探矿工程》2015,42(8):39-42
福建煤田地质构造复杂,断层发育,岩层极其破碎且较松软,泥岩受挤压破碎为薄片状或烂泥状,给钻探施工造成许多困难,比如泥页岩水化膨胀,孔壁失稳导致孔内坍塌严重等。采用绳索取心技术,优选金刚石钻头,科学确定泥浆配比和钻进参数,成功解决了这些孔内技术难题,提高了钻探效率,降低了生产成本,取得的施工经验可供该矿区或该类地层的钻探施工借鉴。  相似文献   
There were three landforms (i.e. desert, bedrock platform and loess gully) in deep-buried coalfield of northern Ordos Basin. Water inflow of working face in desert area was 1~2 orders of magnitude larger than that in other landform areas. In order to find out the key controlling factors of the directly water filled aquifers on the roof of the coal seam, we carried out research from the aspects of topography, landform and geological sedimentation. The results showed that desert landform provides abundant recharge water for underlying aquifers because of gentle topography, large precipitation infiltration coefficient, thick and water-rich quaternary system. While bedrock platform and loess gully landform were the water sources with weak recharge capacity of underlying aquifers. The sandstone-mudstone interbedding structure formed by continental deposits resulted in the absence of regional stable aquifers in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata on the roof of coal seams. Pumping tests of boreholes showed that all strata belong to weak to medium water-rich aquifers. The groundwater level of Cretaceous aquifer decreased by 20~130 m in three mines. There was a close hydraulic relationship between shallow and deep aquifers. The Mesozoic strata belonged to fluvial deposits. Qilizhen sandstone and Zhenwudong sandstone aquifers were mainly developed on the roof of the coal seam, which were characterized by thick medium-coarse sandstone sections. The geological and sedimentary conditions of direct water-filled aquifer were similar, but the amount of borehole water, cumulative pre-drainage water and water inflow from goaf in desert geomorphic area were much larger than those in bedrock platform and loess gully geomorphic area. The water-rich of the aquifer was mainly controlled by geomorphology, and the water sources of the deep aquifers were meteoric precipitation and Quaternary aquifer. In different mines with similar Quaternary conditions in Mu Us Desert, there were also great differences in the amount of borehole water, cumulative pre-drainage water and water inflow from goafs. The difference was related to the thickness and lithology of the aquifers. It reflected that the geological sedimentary conditions of the coal seam roof were also important factors to control the water-rich of the aquifers. Topography, landform and geological sedimentation were the key factors to control the water-rich of the aquifer directly and the water inflow from the working face.  相似文献   
淮南朱集西井田二叠系含煤地层可划分为7个含煤段,下石盒子组为第二含煤段共含煤10层,其中4-1、402、5-1、7—8煤层为可采煤层。根据井田大量地质资料,采用标志层法、古生物法结合物性特征、煤质特征对第二含煤段可采煤层进行划分对比。4煤组中4-1、4-2均为较稳定的中厚煤层,距4-1,煤层下约13m的铝质泥岩是对比本煤组的主要依据;5煤组中5-1,煤下1m左右常见0.5m薄煤层,在39线以西常合并为一层,以此为特征区别于其他煤组:7-2为较稳定煤层,其视电阻率曲线特征呈单峰形态,长源距伽马曲线顶部靠下有一小台阶,本煤组距8煤层15m左右,间距较稳定,也可作为对比标志层;8煤层顶板富含植物化石,以常见较完整的椭圆斜羽叶及栉羊齿富集为特征,8煤层视电阻率幅值为第二含煤段最高,长源距伽马曲线常呈不对称状态,顶部曲线幅值常低于底板而明显区别于其他煤层。  相似文献   
太行山东麓含煤区以中生代末期以来的伸展构造变形为主导,煤系埋深自西向东逐渐加大,沿太行山前呈NNE向条带状展布。区内构造样式丰富,以NE、NNE向正断层组合为特征。其深部控煤构造样式主要为两类堑垒构造组合和掀斜断块组合两类。通过研究区构造组合的分析,掌握了太行山东麓含煤区煤田构造的特征,为老矿区外围深部找煤提供了依据。  相似文献   
中国煤田地质的显著特点是煤盆地类型多样、煤系后期改造明显、构造样式丰富,从而在很大程度上决定了煤炭资源开发利用的价值。进入新世纪以来,我国煤田构造研究取得的主要成果包括:①煤田构造的区域地质背景研究取得重大进展;②中国东部盆地动力学与构造控煤作用受到关注;③煤田滑脱构造研究的继续——控煤构造样式的划分;④煤变形-变质作用的构造控制研究愈加深入;⑤以三维地震技术为代表的煤田构造高精度探测技术全面推广应用;⑥矿井构造定量评价和预测已成为煤田构造研究的亮点。通过回顾总结我国煤田构造研究历史和主要成就,分析了当前面临的挑战和机遇,提出了今后一段时期的重点攻关目标。  相似文献   
通过对滕东预测区地层、构造、岩浆岩等地质条件的分析,论证了张汪勘探区3煤层赋存的可能性。根据3下煤层顶板砂岩分布特征,排除了同生冲刷作用对3下煤层的影响;区域构造对3煤层埋藏起到保护作用;根据岩浆岩在邻区的分布,分析了岩浆侵入对3煤层的影响;利用南沙河勘探区、田陈井田、许楼井田钻探资料,推测了本区3煤层厚度,估算煤层埋深在-1200m以浅、-1200~-1500m的资源量合计15950万t,有单独建井的前景,建议进一步开展工作,为煤炭资源的开发提供准确的地质资料。  相似文献   
河东煤田地史—热史模拟与煤变质演化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
汤达祯  杨起 《现代地质》1992,6(3):328-337
河东煤田是华北石炭二叠纪重要煤田之一.本文采用盆地数值模拟方法,建立了煤田地史一热史模型,恢复了煤变质演化历程,总结出煤级分布规律。  相似文献   
Paleogene surface tectonics in Japan is not well understood because of the paucity of onshore Paleogene stratigraphic records except for those from accretionary complexes. Paralic Paleogene formations remaining in SW Japan are usually so thin that it is difficult to decipher the tectonics from them. However, the Eocene paralic sedimentary package with a thickness of kilometers indicates syn-depositional tectonic subsidence by a few kilometers in the Amakusa archipelago, west of Kyushu Island. Thus, we made a detailed geological map of the Eocene formations in an area of ~50 square kilometers in the northwestern part of the archipelago. We identified NE-SW and NW-SE trending normal faults, most of which were recognized by previous researchers, and also discovered low-angle faults. NW-SE trending ones are known to be of the Miocene. NE-SW trending and low-angle normal faults are the oldest map-scale structures in the Eocene ones. It is not obvious within the above-mentioned area whether those normal faults are accompanied by growth strata. However, the significant southeastward thickening of the Eocene formations across the Amakusa archipelago suggests that they filled a large half graben with the basin margin fault along the eastern side of the archipelago. This basin model is consistent with the N-S to NW-SE transport directions of the low-angle and NE-SW trending normal faults. Since many NE-SW to EW trending Eocene grabens were formed in the offshore regions west of Kyushu Island and in the East China Sea, the Amakusa region was probably a northeastern branch of the rift system. The geologic structures and depositional ages of the Eocene formations indicate that the Eocene extensional tectonics removed the overlying strata to some extent for the high-P/T Takahama Metamorphic Rocks which crops out to the south of our study area.  相似文献   
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