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大渡河上游不同地带居民对环境退化的响应   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
青藏高原的环境退化引起了极大的关注,但农牧民如何认识和响应环境退化,还缺乏实证研究.采用参与性农村评估法,对大渡河上游不同地带典型村(位于河谷区的丹扎木村、中山区的克尔马村和山原区的日科村)的农牧民进行调查和对比分析.研究表明:①大渡河上游不同地带的居民对环境退化具有不同的响应过程.河谷区通过劳动力向二、三产业转移,缓解了人口压力,采取积极的措施来应对自然灾害和森林退化;中山区以劳动力向二、三产业转移和发展畜牧业来缓解人口压力,没有采取积极的措施应对环境退化:山原区的劳动力不能转移到二、三产业,只能通过增加牲畜数量来解决生计,牧民仅采取一些积极的措施来应对草料不足的问题和雪灾等自然灾害.在大渡河上游,最脆弱的区域是中山区和山原区,而不是人口压力大的河谷区.②生计方式是影响居民响应人口压力和环境退化的关键因素.基于居民的生计方式来解释和解决生态脆弱区的人口压力和环境退化问题,将是一个新的方向.③劳动力向二、三产业转移有利于居民改善生计.降低教育收费和进行基础设施建设,将加快劳动力向二、三产业转移.  相似文献   
Quantitative measures of accessibility are increasingly used in land cover change modeling and in assessing human pressure on the environment. In riverine Amazonia the significance of physical accessibility for biodiversity, land use patterns and economic livelihoods is widely acknowledged, but attempts to quantify accessibility in practice have been few in number. In this study we compare different distance- and frequency-based measures of spatial accessibility and develop a quantitative model of accessibility patterns for the north-eastern Peruvian Amazonia where rivers form the core of the transportation network. We model accessibility between the rural areas of the Loreto region and the capital city of Iquitos, using different distance algorithms in a geographic information system, and complement the distance model with information on river boat frequencies and transport capacities. Patterns of accessibility are visualized in terms of potential production zones for different types of agricultural and non-timber forest products.This study demonstrates how results from different accessibility measures vary considerably. The mean Euclidean distance to Iquitos is almost 270 km, the mean network distance nearly 760 km and the mean travel time 70 h. Observed network distances from validation points to Iquitos are on average 1.6 times longer than Euclidean distances, and for the whole study area, the average ratio between modeled network distances and Euclidean distances is 3.1. The correlation between network distances and time distances is very strong, but time distances are relatively shorter along the major channels where boat traffic is considerably faster than along narrow, tightly meandering rivers. Measures of boat frequency and transport capacity show that availability of transport possibilities is highly varying across the region. These measures provide insights into the ’thickness’ of trade, indicating the level of market integration for riverine settlements. We conclude that quantifying accessibility in an environment like Peruvian Amazonia requires measures that take into account the spatial structure and dynamic nature of the riverine transportation network. Time as a unit of distance provides the most relevant measure of accessibility in the Amazonian context, where many human actions and traditional livelihoods are controlled by travel times between the regional core and the hinterland.  相似文献   
GPR and aerial surveys were conducted to study changes of channel pattern in the lower course of the Obra River (western Poland). The river is an example of an intensive anthropogenic transformation, however, the origin of the river pattern changes in its lower course is not obvious. The GPR measurements were done using a georadar MALÅ ProEx equipped with a shielded 250 MHz antenna. A 3D analysis of the GPR data supported with lithologic information indicated traces of a multi‐channel pattern. A variable orientation of sediment layering within channel bars and differences in channels depth and width pointed to changes of direction of the river bed migration. Analysis of aerial photographs and a satellite image indicated that only a few of the channels inferred from GPR could be discerned. The reason could be the more than 1 m thick fine sands layer covering all the alluvial structures. Analysis of historical maps from the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries showed that 250 years ago the Obra was a meandering river. The maps illustrate also several meander cutoffs and decreased wetlands surface. The following transformations of the river bed pattern were discerned: 1. From braided to meandering channel pattern which could be a natural process caused by climatic and sediment transport rate changes that was also observed in case of other lowland rivers. 2. From meandering to sinuous pattern with channel islands and then to sinuous with oxbow lakes. However, further research is needed to study reasons and timing of the observed changes.  相似文献   
采用Mann-Kendall非参数检验法、累积距平法、有序聚类分析法及线性回归等数学方法,以胶东半岛五龙河流域为例,对最近60年来气候变化和人类活动对山地河流入海径流、泥沙的影响进行了研究。结果表明,20世纪50年代以来五龙河入海径流、泥沙量均呈现出显著的阶段性逐级减少趋势。最近60年来,五龙河年径流量和输沙量主要集中在6—9月;主要受年降水量变化影响,年径流量从1980年开始显著减少,并在1966年出现较大波动;受年降水和径流变化影响,年输沙量也分别在1966和1980年呈减少突变;总体来看,年输沙量减少的趋势性要强于径流量。除气候变化影响外,1966年以来流域内大面积坡耕地改梯田和园地、林地建设等人类活动,也是造成河流径流、泥沙减少的重要原因。整体而言,最近60年来,气候变化和人类活动因素对五龙河入海水沙总量减少的贡献率分别为70%—80%和20%—30%。  相似文献   
大河流域的水系统是支撑社会-生态系统的基础,理解水系统的结构变化是深入揭示区域系统演化的关键。基于自然-社会水系统视角,从黄河全流域和二级水资源分区尺度,利用1998—2018年降水、蒸发、径流、社会经济耗水等水系统变量,通过Mann-Kendall趋势检验和线性回归分析方法,分析了水系统要素的变化趋势及结构演变特征。结果表明:在全流域尺度,降水、蒸发分别以4.25 mm·a-1、4.09 mm·a-1的速率上升,但蒸发在空间上的变化更显著;径流量呈现先减少再上升后急剧下降的趋势,且与降水量显著正相关。社会系统耗水量呈现增速减缓的特征,农业灌溉占耗水结构的比例以0.50%的速率逐年下降;城镇公共、居民生活和生态环境耗水比例分别以0.07%、0.29%、0.11%的速率上升。在二级水资源分区尺度,各水系统分异特征明显,兰州至头道拐段及花园口以下区域水系统所支撑社会经济发展的功能已经出现了超载。各水系统要素间具有不同程度的协同演变趋势,在湿润区域,蒸发相较于降水具有明显的滞后现象,但在干旱区域两者变化趋势基本一致。黄河流域水系统要素在时空上均存在明显的异质性,未来人口和经济的进一步发展可能会使区域的水资源压力加剧。  相似文献   
A two-dimensional flow numerical model of the tidal reaches, which total length is more than 700 km, is established from Datong to the Yangtze River estuary. The tidal levels, velocities, diversion ratios and dynamic axes before and after the separate regulation of each reach and combined regulation of all reaches are obtained. The comparative analysis shows that the regulation project of a separate reach basically has no impact on velocity distributions and variations of diversion ratios of upper and lower reaches, the variations of dynamic axes are only within the local scope of the project. The regulation project of a separate reach also has less impact on the water level in the lower adjacent reaches, but will make the water levels in the upper reaches rise. After the implementation of the regulation projects for all reaches, the rise of water level in the upstream reaches will have a cumulative impact.  相似文献   
薛德升  林韬  黄耿志 《地理研究》2014,33(4):698-709
作为世界城市化发展中的普遍现象,非正规部门的形成发展一直是研究重点。以广州狮岭皮具产业为例,以非正规工厂和临时工为对象,研究了外向型制造业中非正规部门的形成发展机制。研究认为:正规企业为满足产品生产和降低成本的需求而采取的生产分包模式是非正规部门形成的根本因素;正规企业劳动保障的缺失与工人对自由轻松的工作方式的追求促使工人转入非正规工厂和临时工市场,推动了非正规部门的发展;当地宽松的管制环境为非正规部门的存在提供了可能。全球金融危机在短期内对非正规部门的发展起到了催化作用。研究支持了新马克思主义理论,认为正规部门和非正规部门是相互联系的关系,是产业经济发展中有利的组成要素。非正规部门不是劳动者进入正规部门的“跳板”,而是他们逃避正规经济过度剥削的“避难所”。最后讨论了有关非正规部门和非正规劳动者的政策启示。  相似文献   
Northwestern California is prone to regional, high magnitude winter rainstorms, which repeatedly produce catastrophic floods in the basins of the northern Coast Ranges. Major floods on the Eel River in 1955 and 1964 resulted in substantial geomorphic changes to the channel, adjacent terraces, and tributaries. This study evaluated the changes and the effects of a moderate flood in 1997 through field observations and examination of aerial photographs that spanned from 1954 to 1996. The purpose was to document the nature and magnitude of geomorphic responses to these three floods and assess the rates and controls on the recovery of the Eel River and its tributaries. Channel widening from extensive bank erosion was the dominant geomorphic change along the lower Eel River during major floods. As a result of the 1964 flood, the largest amount of widening was 195 m and represented an 80% change in channel width. Channel narrowing characterized the periods after the 1955 and 1964 floods. More than 30 years after the 1964 flood, however, the river had not returned to pre-flood width, which suggests that channel recovery required decades to complete. A long recovery time is unusual given that the Eel River is located in an area with a “superhumid” climate and has an exceptionally high sediment yield. This long recovery time may reflect highly seasonal precipitation and runoff, which are concentrated in 3–5 months each winter. In contrast to the main stem of the Eel River, the dominant effects of floods on the tributaries of the Eel River were rapid aggradation of channel bed and valley floor followed by immediate downcutting. Dendrogeomorphic data, aerial photographs, and field observations indicate that thick wedges of gravel, derived largely from hillslope failures in upper reaches of the tributaries, are deposited at and immediately upstream of the mouths of tributaries as the stage of the Eel River exceeded that of the tributaries during major floods. In the waning stages of the flood, the tributaries cut through the gravel at a rate equal to the lowering of the Eel and generated unpaired terraces and nickpoints. The complete process of deposition and incision can occur within a few days of peak discharge. Although reworking of some sediment on the valley floor may continue for years after large floods, channel morphology in the tributaries appears to be a product of infrequent, high magnitude events. The morphology of the tributary channel also appears to be greatly influenced by the frequency and magnitude of mass wasting in headwater areas of small basins.  相似文献   
对塔里木河下游区域的草本群落进行了调查,获取了其分布状况和群落特征资料,并记录相应的地下水埋深,探讨了区域内距离河流不同处地下水埋深与草本群落特征之间的关系。结果表明:(1)地下水埋深越大,草本群落的生物多样性越小,覆盖度越低,生态结构趋于简单,其中地下水埋深<6 m处草本群落的种类组成和物种多样性相对较高,>7 m处草本植物分布很少,部分地区也受到微地形和地下水埋深的双重影响;(2)在大尺度空间上,草本群落随地下水的分布特点与其他荒漠地区的分布规律基本一致,随着地下水埋深的增加,草本群落的演替次序为:高水位芦苇(Phragmites communis)群落、中水位鹿角草(Glossogyne tenuifolia)群落、中低水位骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsif)群落,不同地下水埋深对应的草本群落之间具有一定的差异性、相似性和连续性;(3)塔里木河下游优势草本物种的生态位宽度均不大,主要是受水环境条件的限制,芦苇与骆驼刺的生态位宽度相对较大,在区域内分布较广。  相似文献   
长三角区域的网络交互作用与空间结构演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵渺希 《地理研究》2011,30(2):311-323
归纳了中心地模式和网络化模式两种空间组织模式的基本特征,即前者以向心型的垂直联系为表征,而后者以跨越腹地边界的多向联系为表征,并在此基础上研究了网络交互作用下长三角区域空间结构的演化趋势.首先以企业联系为分析视角,研究了不同强度、不同方向的网络"流量"变化趋势;其次,选择社会经济变量,通过主因子分析对地域类型进行划分,...  相似文献   
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