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论山东省矿山地质环境现状及存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东省是矿产资源大省,资源储量丰富,开采历史悠久,开发强度较大。矿产资源的开发在保障经济社会发展的同时,也引发了较多的矿山地质环境问题,破坏了局部生态环境,影响了人民生产生活。为推进生态山东、美丽山东建设步伐,谋划一个时期内的矿山地质环境保护与治理工作,根据国土资源部等五部局的统一部署,2017年山东省率先在全国开展了山东省矿山地质环境详细调查工作,共完成高精度遥感解译157 900km~2,矿山地质环境调查34 290km~2,调查矿山9 672座,水土样测试各200余件,取得了大量翔实的矿山地质环境调查数据。该文在深入分析调查成果的基础上,高度概括了由于矿产资源开采引发的地形地貌景观破坏、采煤塌陷、非煤矿山采空区及废弃矿井、占压土地资源等主要矿山地质环境问题的分布、规模、危害和治理工作开展等情况;客观剖析了山东省地质环境保护与治理存在的主要问题;科学预测了矿山地质环境保护与治理工作发展趋势,并针对性地提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
任楼井田地质构造特征及两期古构造应力场的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对皖北矿务局任楼矿井宏观地质构造特征及小断裂统计分析,得出该井田含煤田地层沉积后,历经两期或两期以上地质构造运动。两期应力场大角度横跨叠加复合的结果,形成NNW─NE(345°~55°)方位的应力拉伸区,该方位构造形迹一般是压性、压剪性或先引张后压紧等力学性质,是良好的隔水、阻气(瓦斯)构造;而从NNW~SWW(345°-240°)方位为应力压缩区,该方位的中高倾角正断层,一般开启性较好,呈张性、张剪性或先压紧后松张,是良好的储、导水和排气通道。  相似文献   
面对我们生存环境日趋恶化的现状,加快对矿山污染问题的解决已成当务之急。本文从提高对环境、生态系统的认识入手,提出用生态工艺解决矿山污染工作的办法。采矿、选矿使用生态工艺(闭路循环工艺),使矿业活动的固体废弃物──围岩、废矿石、尾矿石建鱼鳞坑、梯田埂。实现“环境补偿”,从而提高了环境的自净能力,使矿业得以持续稳定地发展。  相似文献   
振动作用下矿井突水涌砂机理的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
矿井的突水涌砂现象是威胁矿井和矿区的最大灾害之一。利用设计的实验装置,本文完成了某矿井的突水涌砂机理研究,确定了与突水涌砂相关的因素以及这些因素与突水涌砂的定性、定量关系,进一步提出了防治此灾害的方法。  相似文献   
 Acid-base accounting tests, commonly used as a screening tool in acid mine drainage (AMD) predictions, have limitations in (1) measuring with confidence the amount of neutralizers present in samples and (2) affording an interpretation of what the test results mean in terms of predicting the occurrence of acid mine drainage. Aside from the analytical difficulties inherent to the conventional methods, a potential source of error in neutralization potential (NP) measurements is the contribution from the dissolution of non-carbonate minerals. Non-carbonate alkalinity measured during static tests may or may not be available to neutralize acidity produced in the field. In order to assess the value-added of extending the NP with the knowledge of mineralogical composition and evaluate potential sources of errors in NP measurements, a suite of samples were examined and characterized in terms of their mineralogical and chemical compositions. The results indicate that although the acid-base accounting tests work well for simple compositions, the tests may result in overestimation or underestimation of NP values for field samples. Mineralogical constraint diagrams relating NP determinations to Ca, Mg and CO2 concentrations were developed with the purpose to serve as supplementary guides to conventional static tests in identifying possible NP contributions from non-carbonate minerals and checking the quality of the chemical testing results. Mineralogical NP makes it possible to interpret the meaning of NP results and to assess the behaviour of samples over time by predicting the onset of AMD and calculating NP values for individual size fractions. Received: 1 June 1998 · Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   
文章全面总结了国内外在找盲矿或隐伏矿方面的化探新方法、新技术研究成果,论述了各种方法的特点、用于盲矿或隐伏矿预测的有效性及其应用条件,在此基础上,提出了在危机矿山深部及其外围进行盲矿或隐伏矿定位预测的化探最佳方法及在不同条件下的最佳方法组合.  相似文献   
况顺达  杨胜元 《贵州地质》2006,23(4):296-301
本文论述了利用遥感技术开展矿山地质环境问题调查的方法与技术路线,对贵州全省因矿山开采而诱发或产生的矿区生态环境恶化、水土流失、岩溶石漠化的加剧、水资源污染、地质灾害等各类矿山地质环境问题的遥感影像特征进行了总结。快速、准确、经济地摸清贵州省矿山地质环境现状及矿业开发对生态环境的影响;为合理开发矿产资源、保护地质环境、矿山环境整治、矿山生态恢复与重建、实施矿山地质环境监督等提供基础资料。  相似文献   
高骏 《探矿工程》2020,47(12):79-85
对各种岩性的山体进行削坡减载是矿山地质环境治理项目中的重要工程。以江苏省某地矿山环境治理项目为例,对高边坡坚硬石体削坡的“露岩爆破法”、“膨胀剂破碎法”、“二氧化碳致裂法”、“机械破碎法”4种方法进行了比较和优化,在分析了该工程的施工重点、难点的基础上,选用“二氧化碳致裂法”施工,取得了良好的效果。详细介绍了工程的施工工艺、施工过程等,总结了相关经验,对用“二氧化碳致裂法”施工进行了进一步的思考。  相似文献   
There is a need to assess the long-term stability of engineered landforms associated with the rehabilitation of Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory, Australia, as it is a requirement that mill tailings must be contained for periods in excess of 1000 years. The geomorphic model, SIBERIA, is calibrated on hydrologic and erosion data collected by a combination of monitoring and rainfall simulation experiments on the waste rock dumps of Ranger. Preliminary analysis of Ranger's preferred above-grade option suggests that erosion of the order of 7 to 8 m will occur on the structure in a period of 1000 years. This depth of erosion may be sufficient to compromise the integrity of containment. It is shown that SIBERIA has significant advantages over steady-state erosion models. Suggestions are made for the design that will enhance the stability of the structure and extend the structural life of the containment. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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