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近几年由于国家深部找矿项目的实施,红透山矿床深部(距地表1500米以下)发现厚大矿体,新增资源量可延长矿山寿命仅50年。这一深部找矿重大成果的取得,进一步促进了对该类型铜锌矿区域找矿的研究。本文通过对该矿地质特征、矿床成因、成矿规律、地质化探成果的进一步研究,分析认为区域上该类型矿床尚有巨大找矿潜力,并指出了下步找矿主要方向,旨在通过深部找矿成果的取得,促进外围找矿的突破。  相似文献   
In the mining district of Plombières-La Calamine (East Belgium), extensive Pb–Zn mining activities resulted in an important contamination of overbank sediments along the Geul river. Moreover, a huge amount of heavy metals is stored in a dredged mine pond tailing, which is located along the river. In the dredged mine pond tailing sediments, Pb–Zn minerals control the solubility of Zn, Pb and Cd. Although Pb, Zn and Cd display a lower solubility in overbank sediments compared to the mine tailing pond sediments, elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cd are still found in the porewater of the overbank sediments. The considerable ‘actual’ and ‘potential’ mobility of Zn, Pb and Cd indicates that the mine pond tailing sediments and the overbank sediments downstream from the mine pond tailing represent a considerable threat for the environment. Besides the chemical remobilisation of metals from the sediments, the erosion of overbank sediments and the reworking of riverbed sediments act as a secondary source of pollution.  相似文献   
Antimony (Sb) is strongly concentrated into hydrothermal mineral deposits, commonly with gold, in metasedimentary sequences around the Pacific Rim. These deposits represent potential point sources for Sb in the downstream environment, particularly when mines are developed. This study documents the magnitude and scale of Sb mobility near some mineral deposits in Australia and New Zealand. Two examples of New Zealand historic mining areas demonstrate that natural groundwater dissolution of Sb from mineral deposits dominates the Sb load in drainage waters, with Sb concentrations between 3 and 24 μg/L in major streams. Mine-related discharges can exceed 200 μg/L Sb, but volumes are small. Sb flux in principal stream waters is ca 1–14 mg/s, compared to mine tunnel fluxes of ca 0.001 mg/s. Dissolved Sb is strongly attenuated near some mine tunnels by adsorption on to iron oxyhydroxide precipitates. Similar Sb mobilisation and attenuation processes are occurring downstream of the historic/active Hillgrove antimony–gold mine of New South Wales, Australia, but historic discharges of Sb-bearing debris has resulted in elevated Sb levels in stream sediments (ca 10–100+ mg/kg) and riparian plants (up to 100 mg/kg) for ca 300 km downstream. Dissolution of Sb from these sediments ensures that river waters have elevated Sb (ca 10–1,000 μg/L) over that distance. Total Sb flux reaching the Pacific Ocean from the Hillgrove area is ca 8 tonnes/year, of which 7 tonnes/year is particulate and 1 tonne/year is dissolved.  相似文献   
以元宝山露天煤矿为实例,总结了对煤系上覆砂岩、泥岩互层,分布不连续的基岩含水层采用巷道泄水孔疏干方法的施工经验,提出该方法在同类地区具有推广价值  相似文献   
针对金川二矿区14行风井的返修支护方案,本文根据金川矿区高应力破碎岩体的条件,从锚杆、喷射混凝土、钢筋网三方面,分析了该方案中喷锚网支护的作用机理,并通过数值方法分析了该返修支护方案的效果。研究结果表明:14行风井的返修支护措施对竖井围岩移动、变形有一定的限制作用,但效果不是很好;随着开采深度和规模的扩大,井筒围岩还将产生较大的位移,并有可能重新发生破坏。  相似文献   
石棉县后沟是一条典型的自然泥石流和矿渣泥石流并存的泥石流沟。本文以石棉后沟为例,结合早期自然泥石流、矿产开采以来矿渣泥石流、以及2013年7 4复合型泥石流,总结了自然泥石流和矿渣泥石流的复合效应,包括泥石流物源补给的多元效应、泥石流发展演化的逆转效应、泥石流起动发生的复杂效应、泥石流动力沿程的放大效应、泥石流致灾破坏的链式效应。对照泥石流对已建防治工程的破坏,提出了自然泥石流和矿渣泥石流复合型泥石流沟防治对策,建议充分利用起动位置和物源集中补给位置的差异,加强对中上游及支沟自然泥石流起动和运动的拦挡防治,最大限度减小自然泥石流对下游矿渣防护工程的基底侵蚀和冲击破坏,从而保障综合防治工程的有效性。  相似文献   
论金川硫化铜镍矿床中贵金属元素的分带机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在金川硫化铜镍矿床最大的寓矿体内,贵金属元素存在明显分带:Pt、Pd、Au、Ag含量在边部较低,向中心部位逐渐增高;Os、Ir、Ru、Rh含量在中心部位较低,向边部逐渐增高。通过对实际资料的分析,认为这种分带特征是硫化物液相结晶分异作用造成的。  相似文献   
现有的井群疏干、地下巷道集中排水、地表地下联合疏干方法都已比较成熟有效,但当矿区的地下水系统由非均质各向异性、低渗透性含水介质组成时,井群疏干受到低渗透性含水层和高倾角裂隙的制约,无法达到良好的疏干效果。地下巷道集中排水方法一次性工程投入很大,含水层富水性极度不均时易造成许多不必要的浪费;地表地下联合疏干方法的地面部分对矿坑边坡安全和采场作业都会造成一定的影响。结合马钢集团南山矿业公司高村露天铁矿的地下水疏干技术研究专项,调查分析了矿区地质和水文地质条件,含水介质特点及含水层富水特征,借助GMS软件建立了高村矿区地下水水流模型,提出了辐射井疏干技术的设想,并依据前人提出的"渗流-管流耦合模型"模拟辐射井,完成了此类矿山的地下水辐射井疏干方法的初步研究。  相似文献   
从宏观、微观和煤化学几个方面 ,研究了新疆和田县布雅煤矿一号井田主采煤层中硫的赋存形态、含量、变化规律及成因。并提出几种脱硫方法 ,对煤矿生产出质量好的洁净煤 ,有一定的参考价值  相似文献   
矿井涌水量预测对煤矿安全开采具有重要的指导依据。本文将锦东煤矿作为研究对象,利用地下水数值模拟软件MODFLOW建立数值模型,并对其进行识别验证,在合理可靠的模型基础上,对未开采和开采两种方案进行预测,对矿井涌水量组成进行分析。计算结果表明,锦东煤矿开采条件下,矿井涌水量为6 130 m3/d,主要由第四系潜水蒸发量、各泉集河溢流损失量和地下水储存量三部分组成。  相似文献   
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