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为提高利用逆Stokes公式反演测高重力的精度,将中央区大地水准面高表示成双三次多项式插值形式,引入了非奇异变换,推导出了重力异常的计算公式。大地水准面高理论模型下的分析表明,该公式有较高的精度。以分辨率为2′×2′的大地水准面高数据为背景场进行了实际计算,结果说明中央区对反演重力异常有不容忽视的贡献。本文导出的公式可为高精度重力异常的反演提供理论依据。  相似文献   
运用模糊数学的基本思想方法,结合海(咸)水入侵的特点,依据寿光地区2015年丰水期地下水水质监测结果,选取Cl-、矿化度、咸化系数、钠吸附比等4项水化学指标作为评价因子,构建模糊综合评价数学模型,对寿光海(咸)水入侵现状进行了模糊综合评价,并验证了此模糊综合评价结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
在吕梁造山旋回期间(1900Ma)北瓦沟辽河群经受了多幕变质和多期变形的改造,可识别出三组皱褶构造:1.早期近东西向片内平卧褶皱,由固态流变机制形成(F_1);2.枢扭北北西—南南东向不对称褶皱(F_2);3.北东向开阔褶皱构造(F_3)。此外,还发育与褶皱构造相关的布丁构造和布丁褶皱。赋存在辽河群中的铅锌矿床遭受了强烈的改造作用并严格受构造控制。  相似文献   
This study examines the spatial and temporal forest cover changes in Swat and Shangla districts to understand the deforestation pattern in context of the recent security conflict in these districts. We used multi-resolution satellite images to assess the long term deforestation from 2001 to 2009 and also to identify episodic forest cutting areas appeared during the conflict period of Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2008. There are only 58 ha of deforestation identified during the conflict period while 1268 ha of gross annual deforestation were assessed during last eight years. Most of the deforestation patches persist around the administrative boundaries at sub-district levels (tehsils) which can be attributed to ambiguity in unclear jurisdiction between the forest official. The results highlight that the forest cutting appeared in Swat and Shangla during the conflict period is not as significant when compared with the long term deforestation pattern in the area. On the one side the results of the study are supportive to the picture that emerges from international studies which report high rate of deforestation in the country and on the other side it negates any relation between the security situation and the increasing deforestation in the north western Pakistan. The study concludes that deforestation assessments require verification by independent sources of data, such as satellite imagery to improve our understanding of deforestation processes.  相似文献   
第二次全国农业普查户表、村表与农业用地表的耕地面积差异,主要是由设计普查指标、普查时点、统计口径、登录技术等因素所致。另外,村与村之间界线不清,普查员对三权(所有权、使用权、承包经营权)理解模糊,对农户承包口粮田、种粮大户、户之间土地流转等混淆,以及土地全部征收、土地部分征收、土地未征收、"预征土地"等导致耕地面积的差异。由于城市不断向四周拓展,占用了大量的耕地,土地整理、易地待保、占补平衡进入实质性操作,人们的生存环境受到影响,对耕地面积的差异评估,产生诸多值得深思的问题。  相似文献   
Based on the anatomical study of leaf cuticles of Cordaites from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation in Baode of Shanxi, the author analysed the epidermal characters of Cordaites in this area. On the base of the abundant compressions and laboratory studies, the author complemented some new data of the cuticular characters of the species Cordaites baodeensis Sun for its study of taxonomy. Meanwhile, the author newly discovered a number of sporopollen fossils associated with the mega-plants of Cordaitales, described 9 species of 6 genera. The palynological data can provide a supp lement evidence for defining the age of C. baodeensis and its associated plants to be Early Permian.  相似文献   
On the contiguous territories of southeastern Russia and northeastern China, many gold-bearing areas are conjugate in space with the gradient zones of the gravity field. Large gold-ore districts, defining in many respects the metallogenic signature of the region, are located on the joints of differently oriented gradient zones. In the best-studied districts, the Precambrian protrusions, staged distribution of magmatic chambers ( by vertical) above the Mohorovicic discontinuity and restriction to the peripheral parts of intrusive massifs have been recognized. Different-type gold deposits in the studied ore-placer districts and nodes are often located on the areas of joint of the granitoid massifs and subvolcanic bodieswith depressions. Availability of areals of metasomatic alterations of rocks, placers, and ore occurrences of precious metals on such but poorly studied areas can serve as the basis for the revision and detailed forecasting-prospecting works to develop the mineral-raw material base of the region for precious metals.  相似文献   
Corrosion behavior of steel in the juncture area of sea clay and sand was studied. The results show that galvanic corrosion occurred between steel samples buried in sea clay and sand, and that the polarity of the galvanic cell reversed after some testing later. The cause of reversing of polarity is discussed.  相似文献   
退耕还林对牡丹江区域生态环境脆弱性的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从脆弱生态系统的特征入手,选取景观分离度、分维数倒数、破碎度3个反映景观稳定性及抗干扰能力的景观格局指数,并结合土壤侵蚀强度构成区域生态环境脆弱性的敏感因子,针对研究区地形,以景观生态适宜度作为生态系统自我恢复能力的表征,构建了牡丹江区域生态环境脆弱度评价模型。评价结果表明:(1)退耕还林前后景观类型脆弱度均表现为旱田>建设用地>水田>林地>未利用土地>水域>沼泽>草地;(2)研究区生态脆弱度表现为以脆弱度高值区为中心呈环状向四周递减的趋势,脆弱度高值区面积比重由退耕前的21.57%减小到退耕后的17.11%,脆弱度低值区面积比重由退耕前的63.14%增加到退耕后的67.66%;(3)生态脆弱度高值区域主要分布在200~400m的海拔高度,0~8°的坡度范围内,且退耕后面积比例呈下降趋势,而低值区域则分布在>300m海拔高度的各个坡度范围内,且退耕后面积比例呈上升态势。研究结果符合研究区实际状况。概言之,退耕还林缓和了研究区生态脆弱度状况,促进了生态环境质量向良好方向发展。  相似文献   
本文以济南市泉水补给区为研究对象,利用GIS空间分析方法,在其景观变化分析的基础上,参照中国陆地生态系统的生态服务价值系数,估算了泉水补给区生态服务功能价值变化,重点分析景观变化对研究区生态服务功能的影响,进而为区域可持续发展和城市建设提供理论支持。结果表明:(1)20世纪90年代以来,泉水补给区耕地和草地景观面积呈减少趋势,林地、园地和建设用地景观面积大幅增加,其中,以林地面积增加最大;从景观类型转化看,耕地与其他景观类型相互转化较为密切,特别是与建设用地和园地之间的转化;林地面积的增加主要来源于草地和耕地;(2)泉水补给区生态服务功能价值主要由林地和耕地景观生态服务价值构成,其变化对该研究区生态服务价值变化起决定作用;从生态服务价值构成类型来看,该地区土壤形成与保护服务功能单项价值所占比重最大,约占总服务功能价值的20%;(3)90年代以来,该地区总生态服务价值呈增加趋势;从单项服务价值变化来看,水源涵养、废物处理和食物生产服务功能价值则呈现出减小趋势,其中,以水源涵养减幅最大,为4.01%,主要是由该区建设用地增加,地面硬化面积增多而引起的。研究认为,济南市南部山区作为重要的泉水补给区,其生态服务功能尤为重要,特别是水源涵养功能,因此,研究区水源涵养服务功能价值的降低应在今后南部山区开发过程中得到足够的重视与保护,逐步增加泉水补给区的整体生态效益。  相似文献   
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