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“102”滑坡群位于川藏公路西藏波密县境内的通麦“102”地段.该地段滑坡成群分布,在约3km长的范围内,共有大小滑坡22处,其中直接危害川藏公路且规模较大的滑坡有6处.  相似文献   
滑坡变形立体监测网建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文简要介绍了滑坡监测工作内容和监测方法,对现有技术方法在实际工作中的优缺点进行了简要评述。认为在滑坡稳定性监测工作中应该建立全方位、多种手段的立体监测网,仅仅运用某一种或者某一单方面的监测方法是不行的,是片面的,无法准确了解滑坡的动态。所说的立体监测网既有水平位移监测又有垂直位移监测,既有滑坡地表表层变形监测又有滑体深部变形监测,既有专业监测又有群测群防体系。同时监测有可能准确地掌握使滑坡失稳的各种因素(自然因素和人为因素)。因此建议在滑坡监测中建立全方位、多种手段的立体监测网,并提出了立体监测网建设的主要内容。  相似文献   
徐刚  郑达兴  乔子江  于新兵 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1047-1052
DEM和RS技术是研究滑坡地质灾害的重要资料和手段。近年来,随着高空间分辨率遥感卫星和高精度雷达卫星的上天,可以获取现时性高精度的DEM,使滑坡地质灾害的研究由二维向三维提升。利用IRS-P5数据生成的5m精度的DEM,借鉴GOOGLE的三维可视性原理,将其和高空间分辨率QuickBird(0.61m)数据叠置到数字地球之上,制作成三维可视性图像,进行滑坡环境指标参数提取方法研究。研究结果表明,该方法可直接读取滑坡环境指标的三维参数,具有客观、准确、快速的特点,可为滑坡灾害评估和区域地质灾害危险性评价提供定量化资料。  相似文献   
Geomorphologic analysis of submarine and subaerial surface features using a combined topographic/bathymetric digital elevation model coupled with onshore geological and geophysical data constrain the age and geometry of giant landslides affecting the north flank of Tenerife. Shaded relief and contour maps, and topographic profiles of the submarine north flank, permit the identification of two generations of post-shield landslides. Older landslide materials accumulated near the shore (<40-km) and comprise 700 km3 of debris. Thickening towards a prominent axis suggests one major landslide deposit. Younger landslide materials accumulated 40–70 km offshore and comprise the products of three major landslides: the La Orotava landslide complex, the Icod landslide and the East Dorsal landslide complex, each with an onshore scar, a proximal submarine trough, and a distal deposit lobe. Estimated lobe volumes are 80, 80 and 100 km3, respectively. The old post-shield landslide scar is an amphitheatre, 20–25 km wide, partly submarine, now completely filled with younger materials. Age–width relationships for Tenerife's coastal platform plus onshore geological constraints suggest an age of ca. 3 Ma for the old collapse. Young landslides are all less than 560 ka old. The La Orotava and Icod slides involved failures of slabs of subaerial flank to form the subaerial La Orotava and Icod valleys. Offshore, they excavated troughs by sudden loading and basal erosion of older slide debris. The onshore East Dorsal slide also triggered secondary failure of older debris offshore. The slab-like geometry of young failures was controlled by weak layers, deep drainage channels and flank truncation by marine erosion. The (partly) submarine geometry of the older amphitheatre reflects the absence of these features. Relatively low H/L ratios for the young slides are attributed to filling of the slope break at the base of the submarine edifice by old landslide materials, low aspect ratios of the failed slabs and channelling within troughs. Post-shield landslides on Tenerife correlate with major falls in sea level, reflecting increased rates of volcanism and coastal erosion, and reduced support for the flank. Landslide head zones have strongly influenced the pattern of volcanism on Tenerife, providing sites for major volcanic centres.  相似文献   
The large slow‐moving landslide of Maca is located in the upper Colca valley (southern Peru), a region characterized by a well pronounced rainy period, and intense and recurrent sustained seismicity. The landslide, developed in deep lacustrine deposits, has recently accelerated, threatening the Maca village. This work aims at understanding the rupture mechanism and the causes of the recent landslide reactivation/acceleration. We present a multidisciplinary characterization of the Maca landslide that includes: (i) geological and morphological mapping in the field; (ii) remote sensing analysis using an historical aerial photograph of 1955 and the Pléiades satellite images (2013); (iii) global positioning system (GPS) including time‐series of surveys over 13 years, and continuous measurements over 14 months; (iv) a geophysical campaign with deep electrical resistivity tomography profiles acquired across the landslide mass. Our study shows that this 60 Mm3 landslide, which can be classified as a clay/silt compound landslide, moved by 15 m between 2001 and 2014 with a large inter‐annual velocity variation (up to a factor of 500) depending on the rainfall intensity. We suggest that these dramatic changes in velocity are the result of the combination of a threshold mechanism and the short intense rainy season in Peru. This study reveals three main driving factors acting at different timescales: (i) over several decades, the river course has significantly changed, causing the Maca landslide reactivation in the 1980s due to the erosion of its toe; (ii) at the year scale, a minimum amount of rainfall is required to trigger the motion and this amount controls the landslide velocity; (iii) transient changes in slide velocity may occur anytime due to earthquakes. This study particularly highlights the non‐linear behaviour of the motion with rainfall. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
工程建设的扰动成为老滑坡复活的重要因素,老滑坡复活反过来影响了工程建设及其安全运营。四川美姑拉马阿觉滑坡属于前缘复活的巨型老滑坡,通过现场监测和数值模拟手段,对滑坡复活变形特征与影响因素进行了分析,结果表明:(1)降雨及人类工程活动是诱发老滑坡复活的主要因素,复活滑坡位于老滑坡体前缘,滑坡蠕滑变形的体积约为255.6×104 m3;(2)滑坡体呈刚性滑动,表现出单滑面及岩质滑坡的特征,且滑动面大体位于基覆界面位置;(3)经过前后两期治理,抗滑桩阻挡滑体的效果明显,滑体稳定性得到了明显提高,目前滑体变形趋于稳定,可以满足电力设施正常工作的稳定性要求。文中的研究是基于工程实例开展的,其研究成果为滑坡的稳定性评价、防治工程设计、治理后工程效果评价提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
高速滑坡问题是当前工程地质和环境地质学界极为关注的问题。本文对诸如滑体高速滑动所对应的时空界限、滑体滑动过程所产生的热效应以及空气浮托力等高速滑坡产生机制问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
数字滑坡技术及其典型应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了改变传统滑坡遥感技术方法效率低、调查精度难以提高的状况,经多年实践与探索,笔者于1999年提出了“数字滑坡”概念。该概念使传统的“地学滑坡”拓展为能以数字形式表达的,具有三维空间、“多维”时间信息的,由“多元”要素组成的“数字滑坡”。数字滑坡技术系统由滑坡解译基础技术、遥感识辨滑坡技术、滑坡数据库及滑坡模型4部分构成。多年来,数字滑坡技术已成功应用于我国大型水电站建设、山区交通线建设、区域开发环境治理以及抗震减灾等领域,也用于大规模个体滑坡调查研究,并取得了显著的经济和社会效益,有效服务于国家防灾减灾战略。该文主要以西藏帕里河及川东天台乡2个典型滑坡调查为例,阐述数字滑坡技术的创新应用。  相似文献   
在天陇铁路勘察设计工作中,发现上倪滑坡是新建天水至陇南铁路一处控制性不良地质体。本文在充分获取地质资料的基础上,从地形地貌角度出发,结合其地层岩性特征,分析了滑坡成因,认为上倪滑坡在北侧和南侧各存在一个软弱面,滑坡整体稳定性较差,尤其是滑坡北侧危险性较大。通过力学计算,显示该滑坡自然状态下能够保持相对稳定,但在地震或暴雨天气下发生滑动的可能性极大,对线路工程具有严重影响。经过对三种线路方案的综合比选,建议以深埋隧道形式从后壁通过上倪滑坡,保证工程安全性。  相似文献   
滑坡是沙溪流域主要地质灾害类型之一,开展滑坡灾害易发性评价可为区域地质灾害防治提供数据基础和决策依据。通过沙溪流域生态地质调查,分析了滑坡灾害分布规律和影响因素之间的关系,选取岩性建造、地貌、坡度、坡向、降雨量、距河流距离和距断层距离7项指标,利用层次分析法及地理信息系统空间分析技术,开展沙溪流域滑坡地质灾害易发性评价。结果显示: 沙溪流域滑坡易发性影响因子依次为岩性建造、多年年均降水量、地形地貌、坡度、距河流距离、距断层距离和坡向; 沙溪流域滑坡灾害易发性与坡度、岩性建造、年均降水量表现出明显正相关,即坡度越大、岩性建造性质越软弱、越易风化,年均降水量越多,越易引发滑坡灾害; 滑坡灾害易发性与断裂构造、河流距离与滑坡灾害易发性呈负相关,即距离越近越容易诱发地质灾害; 流域整体以低易发区和极低易发区为主,高易发区主要分布在沙溪流域中南部、东部及东北部地区。这为沙溪流域地质灾害防治提供了基础数据和决策依据。  相似文献   
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