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Plate anchor is one of the most common varieties of anchors used in the construction and maintenance work of various on-land and offshore structures. An accurate estimation of the uplift capacity of anchor foundations is necessary for an economical design as well as for the safety and stability of structures. This paper outlines the effect of shape of anchor plates on their breakout capacity, through a series of model tests. Both shallow and deep anchor behaviours were investigated under conditions developing suction force and without suction force. The results of these tests are presented in terms of load-displacement behaviour, variation of breakout factors (with and without suction force) with depth of embedment, the critical embedment depth of anchors and variation of suction force with embedment ratio. Further, the variations of breakout factor ratio with aspect ratio and embedment ratio are reported. Based on the experimental results and the model test results of other investigators an empirical relationship has been suggested to determine the shape factor and holding capacity of plate anchors buried in saturated cohesive soils.  相似文献   
陈杨  范裕  刘青  李朝维  黄岩  陈曦  王彪  刘一男 《矿床地质》2018,37(6):1217-1236
安徽省北部蚌埠隆起区被认为是山东胶东招远金成矿带以西的延伸部分,但蚌埠隆起区内之前一直未发现成规模的金矿床。江山金矿床是最近新发现的中型金矿床,区内成矿作用的时代、赋矿地层的归属仍缺乏系统的年代学证据。文章对蚌埠隆起区内江山金矿床的赋矿地层和相关岩浆岩开展系统的年代学研究,明确了赋矿地层时代归属,并限定了成矿时代的上限和下限。矿床赋矿围岩浅粒岩的结晶年龄为(2496±19)Ma,变质年龄为(2452±47)Ma;斜长角闪岩的变质年龄为(1824±11)Ma,对比区域地层岩性和时代,确定矿床的赋矿围岩为新太古代五河群西堌堆组,而非过去认为的庄子里组。矿床中穿切矿体的脉岩花岗闪长斑岩的结晶年龄为(121.2±1.4)Ma,代表成矿时代的下限;赋矿岩体巨斑花岗斑岩的结晶年龄为(128.3±1.7)Ma,代表了成矿时代的上限。通过与胶东金成矿带的对比,认为蚌埠隆起区与胶东地区的前寒武纪变质基底演化历史相似,江山金矿床的成矿作用类型属于胶东焦家式金矿,在此基础上,推测蚌埠隆起区西芦山岩体和淮光岩体有较大的成矿潜力。  相似文献   
基于中国国家气象观测站的逐日降水资料、NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)提供的逐日向外长波辐射资料和NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)/NCAR(National Center for Atmospheric Research)逐日全球再分析资料,采用非滤波法提取10-30 d低频降水及低频环流因子,分析了1979-2013年江南地区4-6月低频降水及其关联的大气环流特征,着重讨论了中高纬度与热带共同作用对低频降水的影响及可能机理。结果表明:(1)江南4-6月降水的第1模态呈现全区一致的变化趋势,其10-30 d低频降水方差贡献率在江南南部较大,部分区域可达20%。(2)降水的低频异常不仅与热带对流有关,还与中高纬度大气环流的变化显著相关。当东印度洋及印度尼西亚一带对流旺盛,中国上游欧洲至西伯利亚地区高纬度位势高度表现为显著的正异常,江南上空为负异常时,有利于江南低频降水。(3)中高纬度大气环流与热带对流共同作用影响江南4-6月低频降水:当热带对流旺盛区(抑制区)位于东印度洋及印度尼西亚海洋性大陆一带时,热带热源的非绝热加热引起显著的上升(下沉)运动,并激发经向罗斯贝波北传;同时高纬度欧洲至西伯利亚地区的位势高度负异常(正异常)向东向南传播,两者在江南上游叠加,低压(高压)底前部的西南风(东北风)有利于孟加拉湾对江南的水汽输送加强(减弱),对应江南地区整层水汽通量辐合(辐散),低频降水偏多(偏少)。  相似文献   
王坤  任新成  鲁卫华  马奎 《地质通报》2017,36(4):547-554
对准噶尔盆地车排子凸起新近系沙湾组已发现油藏从层位、规模、油性、物性、物源、类型等方面进行了梳理和总结。沙湾组共发育岩性、断层-岩性、断鼻三类圈闭,储层特征与油藏规模存在差异,油性分布较复杂。在明确沙湾组复杂油藏特征的基础上,结合典型油藏解剖,认为长期继承性的古隆起、高效的毯状砂体输导层、断层纵横向的封闭性、储集层物性的差异、多源多期成藏过程及不同的保存条件是沙湾组油气藏类型多样、油性复杂的主要控制因素。根据上述认识,预测毯状砂体侧向尖灭带为有利的油气聚集区,从实钻效果看,该区带内油气显示丰富,展现出较好的勘探前景。  相似文献   
不同构造带硅酸盐化学风化率的制约:气候还是构造?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金章东  李英  王苏民 《地质论评》2005,51(6):672-680
虽然构造—风化-气候之间的制约关系仍然存在各种争论,但无疑的是,硅酸盐矿物的化学风化是调节地质时间尺度全球大气二氧化碳分压,进而保持地球表层气候稳定的关键性因素。目前最大的挑战在于如何理解地表制约硅酸盐矿物化学风化的因素,特别是当仅仅从气候要素变化难以解释长时间尺度硅酸盐化学风化率的时候。综合不同构造区内岩石物理剥蚀率和硅酸盐化学风化率的数据表明,不同时间、空间尺度硅酸盐风化率与构造和气候之间既存在相互耦合也存在矛盾的关系,仅仅归因于单一要素是不能得到圆满解释的。构造隆升区的强剥蚀可能是造成硅酸盐风化率增加的重要因素之一,但是将晚新生代地表系统的各种变化与各构造带(如青藏高原)的阶段性隆升联系起来可能是草率的。在不同类型构造带内,气候和构造对硅酸盐风化的制约并非是相互排斥的,特别是长时间尺度,因此“构造隆升-化学风化-气候变化”假说也正面临着全新的挑战。  相似文献   
对于羌塘盆地是否存在横贯东西的中央隆起带,目前学术界仍有分歧.本文提供的最新高精度航空重、磁资料证实存在呈东西向贯通羌塘盆地的中央隆起带,并对该带的构造特征进行了精细刻画.隆起带受南北两侧深大断裂控制,其空间跨度(宽度)由西向东逐渐收敛,并被一组近南北向的隐伏断裂系切割、左滑错动.重、磁场资料还显示中央隆起带在双湖东、西两侧存在明显差异:西段基底大规模隆起,基岩深度一般在3~5 km以内,明显浅于南北羌塘坳陷7~15 km的基底埋深;东段基底隆起幅度明显降低,主要表现为潜伏的低隆起,其中双湖—雅曲段基底埋深5~7 km,雅曲—岗尼段基底埋深7~9 km;即中央隆起带基底自西向东"台阶状"降低,隆起的幅度和分布范围受到近南北向断裂控制.构造分层表明,与南羌塘地块相比,北羌塘地块的基底隆起幅度小、稳定性更好.南北羌塘基底地球物理属性的显著差异说明羌塘盆地并不存在统一的前寒武系变质基底,中央隆起带的形成应该与古特提斯洋关闭时形成的混杂岩带有关.  相似文献   
It is found by field investigation that the near horizontal top surface of the brown or brick-red hydrothermai alteration zone varies obviously in elevation at different sections of the same layer on the caldera‘s inner wall of Tianchi, with that at the north section near the Tianwen Peak about 110 m higher than that at the south near the Jiangjun Peak in Korea. The top surface of the hydrothermai alteration zone can be taken as key horizon to tectonic movement. The difference indicates that the total uplift height of the NW wall of the Liudaogou-Tianchi-Jingfengshan fault, the principal fault trending NE at Tianchi, is bigger than that of the SE wall ever since the occurrence of hydrothermal alteration. This also explains why the topography in the northwest side of Tianchi is steeper and with more developed river system than in the southeast. The uplifting of the northeastern wall is bigger than that of the southwest along the principal NW-trend fault, namely, the Baishanzhen-Tianchi-Jince fault. It is observed from characters of hydrothermal alteration and the palaeoresiduum, that the recent vertical movement rate along the principal NE-trend fault is larger than that of the principal NW-trend fault. The two faults intersect at Tianchi, dividing the volcano into 4 blocks, with the uplift magnitudes decreasing successively in the order of the north, the west, the east and the south block. The biggest uplift of the north block corresponds well to the shallow magma batch in the north of Tianchi observed by DSS and telluric electromagnetic sounding, and etc. and they may be related with the causes.  相似文献   
Seismic and drilling well data were used to examine the occurrence of multiple stratigraphic unconformities in the Tarim Basin, NW China. The Early Cambrian, the Late Ordovician and the late Middle Devonian unconformities constitute three important tectonic sequence boundaries within the Palaeozoic succession. In the Tazhong, Tabei, Tadong uplifts and the southwestern Tarim palaeo‐uplift, unconformities obviously belong to superimposed unconformities. A superimposed unconformity is formed by superimposition of unconformities of multiple periods. Areas where superimposed unconformities develop are shown as composite belts of multiple tectonic unconformities, and as higher uplift areas of palaeo‐uplifts in palaeogeomorphologic units. The contact relationship of unconformities in the lower uplift areas is indicative of truncation‐overlap. A slope belt is located below the uplift areas, and the main and secondary unconformities are characterized by local onlap reflection on seismic profiles. The regional dynamics controlled the palaeotectonic setting of the Palaeozoic rocks in the Tarim Basin and the origin and evolution of the basin constrained deposition. From the Sinian to the Cambrian, the Tarim landmass and its surrounding areas belonged to an extensional tectonic setting. Since the Late Ordovician, the neighbouring north Kunlun Ocean and Altyn Ocean was transformed from a spreading ocean basin to a closed compressional setting. The maximum compression was attained in the Late Ordovician. The formation of a tectonic palaeogeomorphologic evolution succession from a cratonic margin aulacogen depression to a peripheral foreland basin in the Early Caledonian cycle controlled the deposition of platform, platform margin, and deep‐water basin. Tectonic uplift during the Late Ordovician resulted in a shallower basin which was followed by substantial erosion. Subsequently, a cratonic depression and peripheral or back‐arc foreland basin began their development in the Silurian to Early–Middle Devonian interval. In this period, the Tabei Uplift, the Northern Depression and the southern Tarim palaeo‐uplift showed obvious control on depositional systems, including onshore slope, shelf and deep‐water basin. The southern Tarim Plate was in a continuous continental compressional setting after collision, whereas the southern Tianshan Ocean began to close in the Early Ordovician and was completely closed by the Middle Devonian. At the same time, further compression from peripheral tectonic units in the eastern and southern parts of the Tarim Basin led to the expansion of palaeo‐uplift in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous interval, and the connection of the Tabei Uplift and Tadong Uplift, thus controlling onshore, fluvial delta, clastic coast, lagoon‐bay and shallow marine deposition. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hypsometry of drainage basins (area–elevation analysis) has generally been used to infer the stage of geomorphic development and to study the influence of varying forcing factors (i.e. tectonics, climate, lithology) on topography. However, the scale dependence of hypsometry has generally been neglected. In order to assess the scale dependence of hypsometry, this study focuses on the sensitivity of hypsometry to different Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolutions and on the influence of drainage area. Hypsometry inferred from different DEMs is shown to be robust against variations of their resolution. However, hypsometry appears to be dependent on drainage area. We propose that this scale dependence may reflect the varying importance of river and hillslope processes with basin area. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents pelagic records of planktic foraminifera, as well as data of stable isotope stratigraphy and carbonate stratigraphy since 3.5 Ma B.P. from site ODP758 in the Ninetyeast Ridge of the Indian Ocean. Based on these data, manifestations and related mechanisms of major tectonic and environmental events such as the rapid uplift of the Himalaya Mountains, “middle Pleistocene climatic transition” and “mid-Brunhes dissolution event” in the region are discussed. According to the analysis and comparison of various indices and changes in terms of foraminifera assemblage, paleotemperature, paleosalinity and themocline from site ODP758, the authors deduce that the paleoclimatic changes might correlate with the mid-Pleistocene transition at 1.4–1.7 Ma B.P. The changes of CaCO3, mass accumulation rates (MAR) of CaCO3 and non- CaCO3 MAR indicate that the loaded terrigenous sediments increased at 1.7 Ma, which is in agreement with the uplift history of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau as shown by the available data. The last two changes coincide with the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, hence they are called “Qinghai-Tibet movement” (1.7 Ma), and the “Kunlun-Yellow River movement” (1.2–0.6 Ma). The changes of the CaCO3 content, coarse fraction (> 150 μm) content and planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy show that strong dissolution of abyssal CaCO3 occurred in the study region during 0.5–0.4 Ma. The event was consistent with the “mid-Brunhes dissolution event” in the sedimentary records of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Nansha sea area of the South China Sea. __________ Translated from Geological Bulletin of China, 2007, 26(12): 1627–1632 [译自: 地质通报]  相似文献   
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