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In the Great South Basin, within the Eocene section, at time-depths around 700–900 ms two way time below the seafloor, unusual features are observed on 3D seismic data closely associated with polygonal faults. The features, referred to as honeycomb structures (HS), cover an area of ∼600 km2, are packed circular, oval, to polygonal depressions 150–400 m across in plan view and several to 10 + m in amplitude. Polygonal faults rapidly die out at the Marshall Paraconformity, which is overlain by the Oligocene Penrod Formation. Hence the polygonal faults are inferred to have formed prior to the Marshall Paraconformity, and they cross-cut HS features. Consequently the top of the HS probably formed at burial depths of around 375–500 m, which is their decompacted depth below the paraconformity. The interval containing HS is about 125 m vertical thick. There are several possible origins for the HS. The most probable is related to bulk contraction of the sediment volume accompanied by fluid expulsion, which suggests a diagenetic origin, in particular the opal-A/CT transition. There are actually two polygonal fault systems (PFS) present in the area. The Southern Tier 1 PFS lies laterally to the HS and overlaps with it. The Northern PFS (Tier 2) lies above the HS, appears to be independent of the HS, and formed in the upper 200–300 m of the sediment column. The Tier 1 PFS probably formed by shear failure related to the same diagenetic effects that caused the HS.  相似文献   
As worldwide hydrocarbon exploration has extended from shallowly to deeply buried strata, reservoir quality has attracted substantial and persistent interest in petroleum geology. In particular, deeply buried strata (>5500 m) in the Tarim Basin have attracted considerable attention because carbonate reservoirs that have experienced fracture or dissolution have also been shown to demonstrate considerable hydrocarbon potential. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how these reservoirs are developed and distributed in detail from both scientific and practical standpoints.In this paper, we address this issue using a case study in the southern Tahe area, which is contained within the largest Palaeozoic marine oilfield in China. In the northern Tahe area, mega-paleokarst systems developed in the Ordovician strata; however, the reservoir quality in the southern part of the Tahe area is relatively poor because it is covered by insoluble formations during karstification. Observations of cores and analyses of images of well logging demonstrate that these reservoirs are dominated by caves, vugs and fractures that have developed near faults. We speculate that the faults penetrating insoluble formations represent the main dissolution passages that originally developed these karstic fault systems. Additionally, we analyse a series of outcrops, seismic data, and structures to characterize the spatial geometry of these major faults and their surrounding fractures in detail. Most of these are strike-slip faults, and their subsequent reservoirs can be divided into three categories based on their development, including dendritic, sandwich and slab reservoirs. Recent studies demonstrate that karstic fault reservoirs are most common traps in the study area. Although various types of carbonate karstic fault reservoirs are represented in this region, the dendritic karstic fault reservoir is the most hydrocarbon-rich.Guided by these initial results, 108 wells were drilled from 2013 to 2014, producing 485 thousand tons of oil and yielding success ratios greater than 89%. The average production of dendritic reservoirs is 37.4 tons per day (t/d), while those of sandwich and slab types are 20.2 t/d and 14.0 t/d, respectively. These results represent significant references for future hydrocarbon exploration and the development of similar deeply buried karstic fault reservoirs in the Tarim Basin and elsewhere.  相似文献   
轴向重力流沉积是一种重要的深水储层,其形成的岩性油气藏也是目前莺歌海盆地重点勘探领域。通过钻井、测井、地震和区域地质等资料的综合研究,分析莺歌海盆地中新统轴向重力流沉积特征和演化规律,探讨轴向重力流岩性油气藏的成藏条件和控制因素。结果表明,中新统储层为重力流沉积成因的厚层细砂岩,主水道和朵叶复合体是重力流沉积有利的沉积微相;中新世海南物源供给充足、断裂坡折带发育以及盆地轴向负向地形是该区形成轴向重力流沉积的宏观地质条件,在中新世各个时期形成了一系列沿盆地轴向分布、具有前积反射结构特征的轴向重力流沉积。研究区中新统轴向重力流储层厚度大、沉积规模广、临近烃源岩、构造脊微裂隙发育、圈闭保存好,具备优越的岩性油气藏成藏条件,是盆地下一步勘探的重要领域。  相似文献   
迈陈凹陷位于北部湾盆地南部坳陷,是北部湾盆地的一个三级构造单元。从迈陈凹陷石油地质条件与各构造单元特征入手,详细讨论了迈陈凹陷断裂演化特征以及构造样式和构造带展布。在此基础上分析了迈陈凹陷油气成藏的主控因素和有利区带、层系。指出了迈陈凹陷可分为四个次级洼陷,其中东1洼流二段烃源岩发育情况最好,其斜坡带发育有大量的构造圈闭,与迈陈凹陷成藏匹配关系良好,是迈陈凹陷下一步勘探的主要方向。  相似文献   
南海中建南盆地构造样式分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中建南盆地是发育于南海西部陆缘我国传统疆界线附近的新生代沉积盆地,大部分区域位于我国传统疆界线内。在对盆地近万千米多道地震资料综合分析解释的基础上,对盆地的主要构造样式以及它们与油气的关系进行了分析,结果表明,盆地分布面积广,沉积厚度大,油气前景良好。盆地是属于早期断陷、后期经走滑改造而成的复合型盆地,其构造演化经历了3个阶段,不同的阶段发育不同的构造样式:早期为断陷阶段,伸展型构造样式发育;中期为断坳—压扭或走滑反转阶段,产生走滑或压扭性构造样式;晚期为区域沉降阶段,以垂向沉积为主,无明显的构造样式发育。  相似文献   
南海曾母盆地南部陆架边缘三角洲沉积特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾母盆地作为发育于古巽他陆架上的盆地,南部的古巽他河所携带的巨量沉积物和曾母盆地的陆架特征使得陆架边缘三角洲在曾母盆地南部发育成为必然。通过对曾母盆地中中新世以来陆架边缘三角洲的地震、钻井及进积特征分析,认为曾母盆地内陆架边缘三角洲的沉积形态呈分别向陆和向海减薄的楔形体,古巽他河携带多期次的沉积物向陆坡沉积过程中形成多套沉积复合体,这些沉积体由于具有良好的生储条件,因而具有重要的油气勘探价值。  相似文献   
从张扭性断陷盆地的断裂特征入手,结合构造动力学形成机制,总结了恩平凹陷的构造样式特征及有利圈闭类型,并探讨了构造样式对烃源岩的形成和油气富集区带的控制作用。结果表明:恩平凹陷为双向伸展的上下构造层变形系统的叠合,即古近系为NE-EW向伸展构造系统,新近系为NW-NWW向伸展-张性扭动构造系统;发育了4大类伸展型构造样式,构造样式演化控制了半地堑结构、烃源岩发育情况、油气的初始运移方向和断裂构造带与圈闭类型分布,为新生界油气藏的形成创造了有利条件。  相似文献   
对基于能量平衡方程的多向随机波浪传播数学模型进行改进,通过模拟不同防波堤绕射引起的港池泊稳,验证模型的合理性和有效性。利用非线性弥散关系提高模型计算浅水变形的精度;采用二次逆风差分格式离散控制方程,避免了加入绕射项引起的数值耗散;并将文氏谱加入模型中,使其更加适合中国海域的工程应用。应用改进后模型绘制的双突堤和岛式防波堤绕射系数图与我国《海港水文规范》图进行了对比。对比结果十分接近,可以较好地描述港池的泊稳状况,为综合计算波浪在近岸的浅水变形、折射、绕射、反射和能量耗散等作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
基于因子分析对2012~2013年海河流域pH、DO、COD、BOD5、氨态氮和总石油烃等6项水质指标的监测数据进行统计,并对其中四项指标进行水污染综合指数评估,旨在对海河水质进行较为系统的评价。结果显示,BJ1和HB2两个站位水质属于Ⅳ类标准,其余各站位均为Ⅴ类;各站位综合评价结果得到海河流域指数为1.44,说明海河流域处于污染状态,其污染程度超过该流域功能区的标准。因子分析发现,COD、DO和NH3-N之间差异显著(P0.05);主成分分析显示,除pH和BOD5外,其余指标都在0.70以上;COD、DO、NH3-N和TPH的贡献率较高,其中总石油烃的贡献率为100%,因此可以认为该海域的污染类型属于有机污染,且石油烃污染较为突出。  相似文献   
南黄海盆地是在前震旦系克拉通基础上发育的中、古生界海相与中、新生界陆相多旋回叠合盆地。通过地震资料解释,结合邻区钻井与区域地质资料,对南黄海盆地中部隆起中、古生代地层及其形成演化进行了研究,结果表明,南黄海盆地中部隆起沉积了较全的中、古生界海相地层,发育第四系—新近系、中—下三叠统青龙组、上二叠统、下二叠统—上泥盆统、中—下志留统,奥陶系—震旦系和前震旦系变质岩系等7套地震地质层序;主要经历了前震旦纪基底形成、震旦纪—早古生代克拉通发育、晚古生代—中三叠世稳定台地—陆内裂陷、晚三叠世—古近纪形成与抬升剥蚀及新近纪-第四纪坳陷沉降5个阶段。  相似文献   
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