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A joint palaeomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar study has been performed on two olistolithic blocks from the Cabrières Wildflysch in the Montagne Noire region of the Massif Central in France. There, andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of Llanvirn-Early Caradoc age (ca 470-458 Ma) occur. Despite extensive secondary alteration, destruction of the dominant magnetic mineral phase and 40Ar/39Ar whole rock experiments that demonstrate that the volcanic rocks suffered significant argon loss, a positive fold test and the presence of dual polarities suggest that a primary, Ordovician magnetisation has mostly survived. This is one of the few documented cases where the argon system was substantially reset whilst a subordinate set of small, relatively unaltered magnetite grains, probably hosted in silicates, still carry the original, in this case Ordovician, remanence.The new data show that the Montagne Noire region was located at high southerly latitudes (68° +17/-15) during the Mid-Ordovician. This latitude represents the location for NW Gondwana of which the Massif Central was a part. Palaeomagnetic data from all the Central European massifs and terranes demonstrate a close link to the Gondwana Margin during the Lower and Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   
Abstract Dolomite marble from the Kumdy–Kol area of the Kokchetav Massif contains abundant microdiamond, mainly in garnet and a few in diopside. The mineral assemblage at peak metamorphic condition consists of dolomite + diopside + garnet (+ aragonite) ± diamond. Inclusions of very low MgCO3 calcite and almost pure calcite occur in diopside and are interpreted as aragonite and/or aragonite + dolomite. Single-phase Mg–calcite in diopside with a very high MgCO3 component (up to 21.7 mol%) was also found in diamond-free dolomitic marble, and is interpreted as a retrograde product from aragonite + dolomite to Mg–calcite. The dolomite stability constrains the maximum pressure (P) at < 7 GPa using previous experimental data, whereas the occurrence of diamond yields the minimum peak pressure–temperature (P–T) condition at 4.2 GPa and 980 °C at X co 2 = 0.1. The highest MgCO3 in Mg–calcite constrains the minimum P–T condition higher than 2.5 GPa and 800 °C for the exhumation stage. As these marbles were subjected to nearly identical P–T metamorphic conditions, the appearance of diamond in some carbonate rocks was explained by high X co 2. A low X co 2 condition refers to high oxidized conditions and diamond (and/or graphite) becomes unstable. Difference in X co 2 for marble from the same area suggests local heterogeneity of fluid compositions during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   
Collision tectonics in the New Hebrides arc (Vanuatu)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The New Hebrides island arc in Vanuatu has been significantly modified by collision with several major submarine ridges and plateaux. Bathymetric sections taken at intervals along the arc, perpendicular to the trench, show that prior to collision at 3 Ma the morphology was typical of modern intraoceanic island arcs. Collision has caused uplift of the trench and forearc (up to 6000 m), subsidence around the arc volcanic edifices (up to 2500 m), forming a large intra-arc basin and uplift of the arc-backarc transition (up to 2000 m). In the transition zone between collisional and non-collisional sections of the arc, subsidence occurs in the forearc and uplift occurs around the arc volcanoes. Many of these characteristics are typical of collisions in other Western Pacific island arcs such as the Tonga–Kermadec and Izu–Bonin arcs. The pattern of uplift and subsidence has important implications for the tectonic history of the New Hebrides system. The morphology of the arc shows that collision of the West Torres Massif probably accounts for at least half the uplift. Arrival at 0.7 Ma of the West Torres Massif in the trench may have caused the slowing of subduction in the entire northern half of the arc and not just in the central segment as previously suggested. Re-equilibration of the arc following collision probably masks any evidence of collision prior to 3 Ma. For example, the Efate re-entrant, a large indentation in the arc immediately to the south of the collision zone, probably originated as a result of erosion during collision followed by subsidence after collision. The Vanuatu collision shows that the subduction of seamounts and ridges in an intraoceanic arc temporarily changes the arc morphology, allowing the development of angular unconformities and changing the pattern of sedimentation. This provides information which can be used to facilitate recognition of these events in ancient arc-related sequences.  相似文献   
Strain patterns within mantle rocks and surrounding coarse‐grained felsic granulites from the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex in the Variscan Bohemian Massif have been studied in order to assess their strain coupling. The studied rock association occurs within low‐strain domains surrounded by fine‐grained granulite and migmatite. The Doubrava peridotite contains closely spaced and steeply dipping layers of garnet clinopyroxenite, which are parallel to the NE–SW‐striking, high‐temperature foliation in nearby granulites, while the Úhrov peridotite lacks such layering. The Spa?ice eclogite is not associated with peridotite and shows upright folds of alternating coarse‐ and fine‐grained varieties bearing NE–SW‐striking axial planes. Electron back‐scattered diffraction measurements revealed full strain coupling between clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites in the S1 fabric that is superposed on the S0 fabric preserved in peridotites. The B‐type olivine lattice preferred orientation (LPO) characterizes the S0 fabric in peridotites and its reworking is strongly controlled by the presence of macroscopic clinopyroxenite layering. The S1 in clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites is associated with the LS‐type clinopyroxene LPO and prism <c> slip in quartz respectively. While the S1 fabric in these rock types is accompanied invariably by a sub‐vertical stretching lineation, the S1 fabric developed in reworked Úhrov peridotite is associated with strongly planar axial (010) type of olivine LPO. The peridotites with the S0 fabric are interpreted to be relicts of a fore‐arc mantle wedge hydrated to a various extent above the Saxothuringian subduction zone. The prograde metamorphism recorded in peridotites and eclogites occurred presumably during mantle wedge flow and was reaching UHP conditions. Strain coupling in the S1 fabric between clinopyroxenites and granulites at Doubrava and upright folding of eclogites at Spa?ice document a link between tectonic and magmatic processes during orogenic thickening, coeval with intrusions of the arc‐related calcalkaline suites of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (c. 360–345 Ma). Juxtaposition of peridotites and granulites could be explained by a rheological heterogeneity connected to the development of clinopyroxenite layering in the upper mantle and a previously published model of a lithospheric‐scale transpressional arc system. It invokes vertical shearing along NE–SW trending, sub‐vertical foliations in the upper mantle that could have led to an emplacement of mantle bodies into the granulitized, orogenic root in the sub‐arc region. Clearly, such a transpressional arc system could represent an important pathway for an emplacement of deep‐seated rocks in the orogenic lower crust.  相似文献   
Exsolution lamellae of garnet in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene porphyroclasts from garnet pyroxenites in the Moldanubian zone were studied to elucidate the pressure–temperature conditions of the exsolution process and to reconstruct the burial and exhumation path of ultramafic rocks in the Variscan orogen. The porphyroclasts occur in a fine-grained matrix with metamorphic fabrics, which consists of clinopyroxene and small amounts of garnet, orthopyroxene and amphibole. The clinopyroxene porphyroclasts contain garnet + orthopyroxene lamellae as well as ilmenite rods that have orientation parallel to (100) planes of the porphyroclasts. Orthopyroxene porphyroclasts host garnet and clinopyroxene lamellae, which show the same lattice preferred orientation. In both cases, lamellar orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet were partially replaced by secondary amphibole. Composition of exsolution phases and that of host pyroxene were reintegrated according to measured modal proportions and demonstrate that the primary pyroxene was enriched in Al and contained 8–11 mol.% Tschermak components. Conventional thermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling on the reintegrated pyroxene indicate that primary clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene megacrysts crystallized at 1300–1400 °C and 2.2–2.5 GPa. Unmixing and exsolution of garnet and a second pyroxene phase occurred in response to cooling and pressure increase before the peak pressure of 4.5–5.0 GPa was reached at ∼1100 °C. This scenario is consistent with a burial of hot upper-mantle ultramafics into a cold subcratonic environment and subsequent exhumation through 900 °C and 2.2–3.3 GPa, when the pyroxenites would have partially recrystallized during tectonic incorporation into eclogites and felsic granulites.  相似文献   
The Variscan Bohemian Massif is disrupted by the NW-SE striking Elbe Fault System in its northern part. The increased tectonic activity associated with this structure is manifested by increased seismicity in the eastern part of the Sudetes. With the use of a temporary local seismic network, the total number of micro-earthquakes located in this region increased to 153 for the period 1996–2003. The local magnitudes vary between −0.6 and 1.8 and the seismic energy was often released in swarm-like sequences. Five seismic events with well-defined P-onset polarities at five or six stations enabled the estimation of focal mechanisms. The present-day activity of the WNW-ESE to NNW-SSE fault systems is discussed on the basis of source mechanisms, the alignment of the epicentres, as well as morphological and geological evidence. The majority of the recent seismic activity is concentrated in a 40–60 km wide zone of a generally NW-SE trend. This structure represents a regional zone of weakness within the SE termination of the Elbe Fault System, defined by a mesh of interconnected faults, of which many are deep-seated and highly permeable and some are associated with light to moderate historical earthquakes. Both in the areas due south and due north of this zone the present-day seismic activity is very low. The increased tectonic activity can be interpreted as a result of the abundance of suitably oriented faults and their interconnection into major fault systems, the proximity of the Outer Carpathian indentor and the Cainozoic volcanic and associated recent post-volcanic activity. The similar character of swarms and their coincidence with the post-volcanic activity in the southeastern part of the Elbe Fault System and in some focal zones of the western Bohemian seismically active area suggests that overpressurized fluids may represent a potential swarm-triggering mechanism.  相似文献   
胶辽地块古元古代花岗岩类型及成因   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
据辽东半岛古元古代花岗岩详细的岩石化学、地球化学研究,表明三类古元古代花岗岩的形成环境不同,属该区古元古代构造演化不同阶段的产物,即早期花岗岩(二长花岗岩)代表造山期前裂谷化阶段的产物,中期花岗岩(斜长花岗岩)代表造山期收缩碰撞阶段的产物,晚期花岗岩(环斑花岗岩)属造山期后伸展塌隐阶段的结果。  相似文献   
The thermal baths and bottled water industry are highly related to the hydrogeology of hard rocks in Portugal. In the last 15 years, almost all classical dug wells or simple spring arrangements were replaced by drilled wells. The completion of these new wells was normally preceded by geological, geophysical, and hydrogeological surveys as well as by exploration and observation wells. A step-by-step approach resulted in a positive well location in most sites. Some small-scale, low-enthalpy geothermal projects are in operation in some locations.  相似文献   
This study presents new geochemical (major and trace element,Nd–Sr isotope) and U–Pb zircon, monazite, titaniteand rutile data for various rock types (eclogite, high-pressuregranulite, amphibolite, orthogneiss, leucosome) of the high-grademetamorphic Mariánské Lázn  相似文献   
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