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The Wulanmulun site found in 2010 is an important Paleolithic site in Ordos (China), from which lots of stone and bone artifacts and mammalian fossils have been recovered. It was previously dated by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques on quartz. To further confirm the reliability of the chronology constructed based on OSL ages and test the applicability of the recently developed pIRIR procedure on sediments from northern China, twenty-four sediment samples (including eolian, lacustrine and fluvio-eolian sands) from the site were determined using the multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR or pIRIR) procedure on potassium feldspar. The results show that the studied samples have two MET-pIRIR De preheat plateaus (280–320 and 340–360 °C), and the bleaching rates of the luminescence signals are associated with sample ages and stimulation temperatures. All the pIRIR ages (7–155 ka) corrected for anomalous fading and residual dose obtained after solar bleaching for 15 h are larger than the corresponding quartz OSL ages (4–66 ka) previously determined, even for the young eolian samples (<10 ka). But the corrected IRSL(50 °C) ages (6–85 ka) are broadly consistent with the quartz ages. It appears that the IRSL(50 °C) ages are more reliable, although this contradicts the previously results obtained by other people. On the other hand, we also obtained an extended age plateau between the stimulation temperatures of 50 and 290 °C in the plot of age versus stimulation temperature (A-T plot) by subtracting different residual doses obtained after different bleaching times. The reliability of the plateau ages requires further investigation. For the sediment samples from this site, quartz should be more suitable for dating than K-feldspar, and the quartz OSL ages of 50–65 ka for its cultural layer should be reliable.  相似文献   
We consider the age distributions of open star clusters attributed to three segments of Galactic spiral arms. The smoothed distributions of clusters on the age-Galactocentric angle plane show a great nonuniformity. The time dependence of the formation rate of Galactic disk clusters recovered by taking into account selection effects and dynamical evolution of clusters shows that, on average, the formation rate of open star clusters decreases with time. This is in agreement with the increase in star formation rate into the past, as follows from the study of this process by the method of stellar population synthesis. The present time is the epoch of a current maximum of the cluster formation rate. In addition to the current maximum, there have been at least three more maxima with a period of 300–400 Myr and a duration of no more than 300 Myr. The age distributions are consistent with the pattern of star formation governed by the successive passages of density waves through each examined volume of the Galactic disk. The spiral structure becomes more complex when passing from the inner regions of the Galaxy to its outer regions.  相似文献   
胶东半岛是中国重要的金矿集区,金矿床的分布严格受NE—NNE向断裂带控制,招平断裂带是其中规模最大的控矿断裂带。然而,在断裂带中段的招远—道头镇区段(半壁店地区),新生代盖层下尚未发现成规模的金矿床。在总结招平断裂带内金矿床成矿模式和控矿地质体物性差异的基础上,从区域和断裂带尺度对比分析了1:60万和1:20万2种比例尺的布格重力异常特征,厘清了区域构造和岩体分布情况;进而在招平断裂带中段的半壁店地区利用1:1万高精度磁测和代表性剖面1:1万可控源音频大地电磁测量,揭示隐伏控矿地质体的分布情况。区域布格重力异常揭示出近EW向相对低密度正值((0~6)×10-5 m/s2)表征的构造带、团状正密度值(大于2×10-5m/s2)表征的玲珑黑云母花岗岩体和NE—NNE向密度值梯级带表征的招平断裂带;3组赋矿相关地质体的空间相对展布特征显示,玲珑黑云母花岗岩体南边界被近EW向构造带围限,招平断裂带切穿了早期生成的玲珑黑云母花岗岩体。高精度磁测结果反映:①招平断裂带穿切玲珑黑云母花岗岩体;②近EW向低密度、高磁性(相对磁性场值超过100 nT)花岗闪长岩体在深部受控于EW向深大构造带;③NE向串珠状低密度、高磁异常(相对磁性场值超过40 nT)表征了矿床尺度招平次级断裂内的系列花岗岩体(主成矿期之后生成)。可控源音频大地电磁测深和测区中部钻孔均证实,这些花岗岩脉从北向南(指向主断裂方向)埋深逐渐变浅。因此,NE向招平断裂带和近EW向构造带共同控制岩体分布,其交会部位是金矿体产出的有利空间,但上侵花岗岩体本身贫矿。半壁店地区隐伏金矿床形成时间晚于招平断裂主成矿期。研究结果表明,近EW向低密度带内的金矿找矿前景不乐观。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲地区的城市地质问题主要有地表塌陷、地裂缝、泥石流、滑坡和崩塌以及软土沉陷等。其成因除最直接的自然因素所致外,还有人为不合理的生产和生活活动诱发而加剧城市地质问题的发生发展。根据珠江三角洲城市地质问题的现状,提出了城市地质问题的防治对策。  相似文献   
The well-developed coal electricity generation and coal chemical industries have led to huge carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the northeastern Ordos Basin. The geological storage of CO2 in saline aquifers is an effective backup way to achieve carbon neutrality. In this case, the potential of saline aquifers for CO2 storage serves as a critical basis for subsequent geological storage project. This study calculated the technical control capacities of CO2 of the saline aquifers in the fifth member of the Shiqianfeng Formation (the Qian-5 member) based on the statistical analysis of the logging and the drilling and core data from more than 200 wells in the northeastern Ordos Basin, as well as the sedimentary facies, formation lithology, and saline aquifer development patterns of the Qian-5 member. The results show that (1) the reservoirs of saline aquifers in the Qian-5 member, which comprise distributary channel sand bodies of deltaic plains, feature low porosities and permeabilities; (2) The study area hosts three NNE-directed saline aquifer zones, where saline aquifers generally have a single-layer thickness of 3‒8 m and a cumulative thickness of 8‒24 m; (3) The saline aquifers of the Qian-5 member have a total technical control capacity of CO2 of 119.25 × 106 t. With the largest scale and the highest technical control capacity (accounting for 61% of the total technical control capacity), the Jinjie-Yulin saline aquifer zone is an important prospect area for the geological storage of CO2 in the saline aquifers of the Qian-5 member in the study area.  相似文献   
特提斯成矿带是全球三大成矿带之一,阿普塞尼(Apuseni)−巴纳特(Banat)−蒂莫克(Timok)−斯雷德诺戈里斯基(Srednogorie)岩浆成矿带(ABTS多金属成矿带)位于特提斯成矿带西缘,由阿普塞尼–巴纳特铁铜铅锌矿集区、蒂莫克铜金矿集区和斯雷德诺戈里斯基铜金矿集区组成,成矿作用主要与晚白垩世钙碱性岩浆活动有关。塞尔维亚蒂莫克铜金矿集区作为ABTS多金属成矿带经济意义巨大的矿集区之一,总结该地区矿床地质特征及成矿规律对下一步的找矿勘查具有重要指导意义。综述了蒂莫克铜金矿集区及其典型矿床的地质特征,总结了矿集区成矿规律与动力学背景。蒂莫克铜金矿集区典型矿床形成时代集中在88 ~ 78 Ma之间,成矿作用历时10 Ma左右,矿集区内成矿作用时代呈现出由东向西逐渐年轻的趋势。矿集区中典型矿床类型主要为斑岩型(如马伊丹佩克矿床、克里韦利矿床和瓦利亚斯特尔茨矿床)和高硫化浅成低温热液-斑岩型(如博尔矿床和丘卡卢佩吉矿床),这些矿床以铜金矿化为主。矿床类型、矿化特征及矿体埋深存在的差异可能与区域上新生代右旋构造在矿集区形成的逆冲推覆构造及成矿后不均匀剥蚀有关。根据矿集区典型矿床的矿化类型及矿体埋深海拔标高的变化趋势,认为矿集区北部—西北部和丘卡卢佩吉矿床东南部仍具有一定的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
辽东半岛是华北克拉通胶-辽-吉古元古代活动带的重要组成部分,古元古代经历了复杂的构造演化过程,并记录了多期岩浆-变质作用,约2.2 Ga的辽吉A型花岗岩和1.89~1.85 Ga的巨斑状花岗岩、正长岩分别标志着辽东古元古代造山作用的开端和结束。最新研究显示,2.20~2.15 Ga的岩浆作用形成了2种不同类型的花岗岩,它们可能具有不同的岩石成因和构造意义。在青城子铅锌矿集区北部采集的兰花岭、白砬子花岗闪长岩和黄泊辉绿岩,锆石U−Pb年龄分别为2177±19 Ma、2129±36 Ma、1876±29 Ma。花岗闪长岩的岩石成因类型、地球化学特征与典型的约2.2 Ga的辽吉A型花岗岩明显不同,属于弱过铝质、低钾钙碱性—碱性岩石,Zr、Hf、Nb、Rb含量较低,K2O/Na2O值、稀土元素总量极低,为典型的I型花岗岩类。根据锆石Lu−Hf同位素分析,εHf (t)值为−5.1~9.0,二阶段Hf模式年龄tDM2为2089~2817 Ma,岩浆源区为约2.5 Ga的太古宙地壳物质和少量软流圈地幔物质。兰花岭地区花岗闪长岩具备岛弧或活动大陆边缘的地球化学亲缘属性,可能形成于弧岩浆俯冲挤压环境;结合形成于伸展环境的A型条痕状花岗岩特征,认为约2.2 Ga辽东地区古元古代活动带呈现总体伸展、局部挤压的构造环境,为洋壳板块向龙岗地块俯冲碰撞过程中或碰撞后的弧后盆地。  相似文献   






赵应奎 《工程地质学报》2015,23(s1):516-523
我国国民经济发展迅速, 国内中南和沿海地区能源需求持续递增。中亚地区有丰富的天然气资源, 需要新建管道输送新增气量, 国家适时启动了西气东输三线工程。西气东输三线工程管道线路自西北向东南斜贯我国西部、中部和东南, 干线总长度达5220km, 沿线各类地貌发育, 线路区域地震地质环境复杂, 地质灾害类型多样, 做好该项目的前期研究论证, 查明沿线地震地质构造与活动断裂和各类地质灾害, 对确保西三线管道工程的设计、施工与安全运营十分重要。  相似文献   
李丰丹    李超岭  吴亮  李健强  吕霞 《地质通报》2015,34(07):1300-1308
应用数字填图技术形成了大量地质填图图幅数据,这些数据空间结构化和非结构化特征并存,如何在网络环境下提供高效的数据服务是急需解决的一个难题。大数据技术的发展为数字填图、数据集成服务提供了一种新的途径。通过对数字填图数据特征的分析,在研究地质调查信息网格大数据处理框架的基础上,提出了结构化和非结构化数据相结合的有序化组织管理、发布与服务方法,并对关键技术进行了研究与试验,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
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