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蒸发-风反馈机制的进一步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对蒸发-风反馈的作用进行了简单动力学研究。结果表明,蒸发-风反馈不能像波动-CISK那样改变热带大气波动的性质(减缓移速),不可能单独成为激发热带大气季节内振荡的动力学机制。在积云对流加热和蒸发-风反馈的共同作用下,CISK-Kelvin波和CISK-Rossby波可以不稳定发展,共同作用比单独的积云对流加热反馈作用能更全面合理地解释热带大气季节内振荡的活动。因此,蒸发-风反馈对于热带大气季节内振荡也有重要作用。   相似文献   
The interlinked Eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) and Western Pacific Ocean (WPO), known as the Indo-Pacific warm pool, are highly active regions for intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs). Interestingly, distinct behaviors exist in ISO seasonality in these two basins. In the WPO, ISO intensity peaks in winter, decays rapidly starting from spring and reaches a minimum in summer. While in the EIO, ISO intensity exhibits a bimodal distribution, with a stronger peak in spring and a weaker one in autumn, followed by two troughs in summer and winter, respectively. Here, the regional ISO seasonality is understood in view of the regional differences in the background fields. For the bimodal ISO seasonality in the EIO, the increase from winter to spring is primarily due to elevated moisture content, the decrease from spring to summer is due to the decline in moisture and the meridional variation in vertical wind shear, and the increase from summer to autumn is mainly attributed to the meridional variation in vertical wind shear. In the WPO, the significant winter-summer contrast is mainly caused by change in moisture content.  相似文献   
本文研究冬季东亚中纬度地区9–29天季节内变化的传播特征和其对热带降水的影响。分析发现风场的季节内信号既可以向东传播,也可以向南传播。向东传播时,风场的季节内信号主要限于中纬度地区,表现为气旋和反气旋的向东移动。向南传播时,源于中纬度的经向风扰动可以深入到低纬度地区,甚至到达赤道附近。伴随的辐合辐散引起赤道附近地区降水异常,形成南海南部和中国东部-日本之间一个南北向偶极型降水异常。一个异常经向翻转环流在连接热带和中纬度季节内风场和降水变化中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
The Huangsha-Tieshanlong quartz-vein tungsten polymetallic ore deposit, located in the northern Pangushan-Tieshanlong tungsten ore field in eastern Ganxian-Yudu prospecting areas of the Yushan metallogenic belt, is a well-known tungsten deposit in southern Jiangxi province, China. SHRIMP-determined dating of zircons from the Tieshanlong granite yields ages of 168.1±2.1 Ma (n=11, MSWD=1.3). Rhenium and osmium isotopic dating of molybdenite from the Huangsha quartz-vein tungsten deposit determined by ICP-MS yields a weighted average ages of 153±3 Ma and model ages of 150.2±2.1 Ma – 155.4±2.3 Ma. The age of the Huangsha tungsten deposit is 10 to 15 Ma later than the Tieshanlong granite, which shows that there might have been another early Late Jurassic magmatic activity between 150 and 160 Ma, a process which is closely related with tungsten mineralization in this area. The Tieshanlong granite, the Huangsha tungsten deposit and the Pangushan-Tieshanlong ore field were all formed around 150–170 Ma, belonging to products of a Mesozoic second large-scale mineralization. According to the collected molybdenite Re-Os dating results in southern Jiangxi province, the timescale of the associated molybdenum mineralization is 2–6 Ma in the tungsten deposit and the timescale of independent molybdenum mineralization is 1–4 Ma, implying the complexity of tungsten mineralization. Times of molybdenum mineralization are mainly concentrated in the Yanshanian, which includes three stages of 133~135 Ma, 150–162 Ma, and 166–170 Ma, respectively. The 150–162 Ma-stage is in accordance with ages of large-scale W-Sn mineralization, which is mainly molybdenum mineralization characterized by associated molybdenum mineralization with development of an even greater-intensity independent molybdenum mineralization. Independent molybdenum mineralization occurred before and after large-scale W-Sn mineralization, which indicates that favorable prospecting period for molybdenum may be in Cretaceous and early late Jurassic.  相似文献   
季节内振荡影响西太平洋副热带高压两次北跳的机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏同华  薛峰  陈敏艳  董啸 《大气科学》2017,41(3):437-460
夏季期间,西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)存在两次明显的北跳,其中第一次北跳导致华南前汛期结束、江淮梅雨建立,而第二次北跳则意味着江淮梅雨结束、华北雨季开始。本文基于观测资料和再分析数据,利用快速傅里叶变换和合成分析方法,深入探讨不同时间尺度季节内振荡对气候态和异常年副高两次北跳的影响机制。结果表明:在季节内尺度上,平常年和异常年影响副高两次北跳的季节内振荡的主导周期不同。气候态上,以10~20天和准60天为主;第一次北跳异常年和第二次北跳偏早年,以30~60天为主;第二次北跳偏晚年,则呈现出10~20天和30~60天两个主导周期。不论气候态还是异常年,东亚—热带西北太平洋地区低频振荡在年循环背景下均呈现出明显的北传特征,这是导致副高发生两次北跳的重要原因之一。而印度季风区低频振荡在东北向传播过程中所引起的西风东伸是造成副高第一次北跳更为明显的原因。源自澳大利亚高压的冷空气入侵所激发的暖池对流的准双周振荡则是造成气候态和偏晚年副高第二次北跳更为显著的原因。由于前期春季西北印度洋海温出现异常,造成局地低频振荡发生位相迁移,进而导致副高第一次北跳发生异常。而副高第二次北跳异常则是因为ENSO改变了暖池地区季节内振荡的尺度和振幅所造成的。  相似文献   
许乐心  张人禾  齐艳军 《大气科学》2017,41(6):1125-1140
利用1979~2013年中国站点逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对长江中下游夏季降水的季节内振荡最显著周期进行了分析研究。结果表明长江中游最显著周期为10~30天,长江下游最显著周期为30~60天。为了揭示这种差异产生的物理原因,进一步利用位相合成的方法对这两个区域不同周期的季节内振荡降水、高低空风场和高度场以及垂直结构和水汽等循环过程的演变特征进行分析。在200 hPa环流场上,长江中游的降水主要受到高纬度自西向东传播的波列影响,而长江下游的降水与鄂霍次克海的高度场的变化相关。在风场的垂直涡度和散度的位相结构演变过程中,10~30天的垂直涡度和散度有自北向南的移动,30~60天的垂直涡度和散度在长江以南地区有自南向北的传播。水汽输送的位相发展过程表明,长江中游的水汽分别来自于南海的向北输送和长江以北地区向南的水汽输送;长江下游地区的水汽则主要来自于热带东印度洋经孟加拉湾的向东输送并在南海的北向输送,以及西太平洋水汽向西输送到南海再向长江下游的输送。从高层大尺度环流场和整层积分的水汽通量输送上解释了长江中游10~30天降水的自北向南移动,和长江下游30~60天降水自南向北传播的原因。  相似文献   
齐艳军  张人禾  TimLI 《大气科学》2016,40(3):451-462
利用中国逐日降水格点资料和NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,对1998年发生在我国东部长江中下游流域的夏季持续性强降水过程中显著的大气季节内振荡(ISO)的三维结构演变等活动特征进行了分析。1998年夏季长江及江南地区的异常强降水对应着该地区强的ISO活动。利用位相合成方法,对长江流域两个典型的季节内循环周期的ISO降水、850 hPa水平风场以及水汽和垂直速度等循环过程的时空分布特征进行了诊断分析。在低频环流场上,对流层低层的低频气旋和反气旋环流表现出交替在热带西北太平洋增强并向西偏北方向移动发展的特征,当异常气旋环流移动到长江流域上空时,长江流域正好位于气旋环流西南侧的东北风异常和西北太平洋上向西移动的反气旋环流西北侧的西南风异常环流汇合处的下方,引起该地区强降水的发生。在强降水阶段的ISO的垂直结构上,上升运动和水汽表现出从华南到长江流域自南向北移动的特征,强烈的垂直上升运动以及来自南方充足的水汽为增强长江流域地区的降水起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
The authors’ previous study identified the wave trains of intraseasonal oscillations, which are mainly in the band of 10–30 days, over the North Pacific during summer. The wave trains are zonally oriented and trapped along the upper-tropospheric westerly jet, and accordingly gain energy mainly through baroclinic energy conversion. In this study, the authors investigate the distinct features of the wave trains between early summer (1 June to 7 July) and late summer (8 July to 31 August), considering that the westerly jet experiences a remarkable subseasonal variation over the North Pacific during summer—that is, the jet is much stronger in early summer than late summer. The results indicate that the wave trains are stronger in early summer compared with late summer. Further analysis suggests that, in early summer, the wave trains can obtain energy more efficiently from the basic flow; or more exactly, stronger westerlies through baroclinic energy conversion.摘要我们之前的研究工作表明, 夏季北太平洋上空存在主导周期为10-30天的季节内波列, 波列纬向分布于上层西风急流带中, 并通过斜压能量转换从基本气流获取能量得到发展和维持. 由于西风急流在前夏(6月1日–7月7日)明显强于后夏(7月8日–8月31日), 因而, 在本研究中, 我们着重研究了波列在前, 后夏的不同特征. 研究结果表明, 波列强度在前夏明显强于后夏, 其原因在于波列在前夏能够通过斜压能量转换从更强的西风中获取更多的能量.  相似文献   
Pathways of intraseasonal variability in the Indonesian Throughflow region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent INSTANT measurements in the Indonesian archipelago revealed a broad spectrum of time scales that influence Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) variability, from intraseasonal (20–90 days) to interannual. The different time scales are visible in all transport and property fluxes and are the result of remote forcing by both the Pacific and Indian Ocean winds, and local forcing generated within the regional Indonesian seas. This study focuses on the time-dependent three-dimensional intraseasonal variability (ISV) in the ITF region, in particular at the locations of the INSTANT moorings at the Straits of Lombok, Ombai and Timor. Observations from the INSTANT program in combination with output from the Bluelink ocean reanalysis provide a comprehensive picture about the propagation of ISV in the ITF region. The reanalysis assimilates remotely sensed and in situ ocean observations into an ocean general circulation model to create a hindcast of ocean conditions. Data from the reanalysis and observations from the INSTANT program reveal that deep-reaching subsurface ISV in the eastern Indian Ocean and ITF is closely linked with equatorial wind stress anomalies in the central Indian Ocean. Having traveled more than 5000 km in about 14 days, the associated Kelvin waves can be detected as far east as the Banda Sea. ISV near the Straits of Ombai and Timor is also significantly influenced by local wind forcing from within the ITF region. At the INSTANT mooring sites the ocean reanalysis agrees reasonably well with the observations. Intraseasonal amplitudes are about ±1.0 °C and ±0.5 m/s for potential temperature and velocity anomalies. Associated phases of ISV are very similar in observations and the reanalysis. Where differences exist they can be traced back to likely deficits in the reanalysis, namely the lack of tidal dissipation, insufficient spatial resolution of fine-scale bathymetry in the model in narrow straits or errors in surface forcing.  相似文献   
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