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This study reports major, trace, rare earth and platinum group element compositions of lava flows from the Vempalle Formation of Cuddapah Basin through an integrated petrological and geochemical approach to address mantle conditions, magma generation processes and tectonic regimes involved in their formation. Six flows have been identified on the basis of morphological features and systematic three-tier arrangement of vesicular-entablature-colonnade zones. Petrographically, the studied flows are porphyritic basalts with plagioclase and clinopyroxene representing dominant phenocrystal phases.Major and trace element characteristics reflect moderate magmatic differentiation and fractional crystallization of tholeiitic magmas. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns corroborate pronounced LREE/HREE fractionation with LREE enrichment over MREE and HREE. Primitive mantle normalized trace element abundances are marked by LILE-LREE enrichment with relative HFSE depletion collectively conforming to intraplate magmatism with contributions from sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) and extensive melt-crust interaction. PGE compositions of Vempalle lavas attest to early sulphur-saturated nature of magmas with pronounced sulphide fractionation, while PPGE enrichment over IPGE and higher Pd/Ir ratios accord to the role of a metasomatized lithospheric mantle in the genesis of the lava flows. HFSEREE-PGE systematics invoke heterogeneous mantle sources comprising depleted asthenospheric MORB type components combined with plume type melts. HFSE-REE variations account for polybaric melting at variable depths ranging from garnet to spinel lherzolite compositional domains of mantle. Intraplate tectonic setting for the Vempalle flows with P-MORB affinity is further substantiated by(i) their origin from a rising mantle plume trapping depleted asthenospheric MORB mantle during ascent,(ii) interaction between plume-derived melts and SCLM,(iii) their rift-controlled intrabasinal emplacement through Archeane Proterozoic cratonic blocks in a subduction-unrelated ocean-continent transition zone(OCTZ). The present study is significant in light of the evolution of Cuddapah basin in the global tectonic framework in terms of its association with Antarctica, plume incubation, lithospheric melting and thinning, asthenospheric infiltration collectively affecting the rifted margin of eastern Dharwar Craton and serving as precursors to supercontinent disintegration.  相似文献   
东秦岭燕山期大陆内部挤压—俯冲背景的A型孪生花岗岩带   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
按照花岗岩浆形成的不同方式、条件和过程可将花岗岩分成同熔和改造两个不同的成岩系列。以此为前提,我们发现同时代两个系列花岗岩带常平行成对分布,并与相应时期的B型俯冲或陆内俯冲带构成有规律的平行排布序列;据此提出了孪生花岗岩带的概念,并确定有A型、B型和AB型三种分带型式。本文以东秦岭燕山期孪生花岗岩带为例,系统阐述了产于陆内挤压-俯冲背景下A型孪生花岗岩带的特征、成因及其形成的构造模式,提出A型孪生花岗岩带是陆内挤压-俯冲的必然产物。  相似文献   
右江盆地层序充填动力学初探   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
在盆地分析及层序地层研究成果基础上,采用层序 -盆地 -地球系统的动态成因分析方法,对右江盆地进行了初步的层序充填动力学研究。首次识别出 5个级别的层序界面及相应的沉积层序,讨论了层序界面与地质事件、层序级别与盆地类型等的关系,进而建立了右江盆地层序地层格架。通过对裂谷盆地层序发育明显受同沉积断裂及基底沉降控制的分析,建立了层序成因与盆地构造活动的关系模型。在此基础上,探讨了层序充填动力学过程及其与盆地演化的关系。右江盆地层序充填过程包括陆内裂陷、陆缘裂谷、弧后裂谷和前陆造山四个阶段,经历了海西 -印支期由拉张到挤压的完整构造旋回。  相似文献   
四川盆地北部震旦系-下寒武统是继安岳气田发现和绵阳-长宁裂陷提出之后备受关注的另一重点勘探领域,但对其沉积构造格局的认识存在严重分歧。文中基于露头剖面、地震、钻井和地球化学分析资料并结合前人研究成果,提出四川盆地北缘震旦纪-早寒武世期间存在隆坳并存的格局。四川盆地北缘震旦系-下寒武统厚度、岩相、地震反射和地球化学等指标的详细分析表明:(1)沉积构造格局表现为隆坳相间的特点,即自西向东依次为绵阳-长宁裂陷→汉南-米仓山隆起→万源-通江裂坳陷→达州-开江隆起→城口-开县裂坳陷→东安-巫溪隆起→巴东-恩施裂陷→神农架-黄陵隆起;(2)发育台地、斜坡和盆地三种沉积环境,其中斜坡环境以发育大量风暴、重力流、滑塌角砾沉积及同沉积滑移变形等为主要识别标志;(3)经历了三个“隆坳”旋回,即陡二段末期-灯二段早期、灯二段晚期-灯四段早期、灯四段晚期-筇竹寺组晚期。四川盆地北缘震旦纪-早寒武世隆坳格局的形成受控于震旦纪基底构造薄弱带、南秦岭地幔上隆底侵和原特提斯洋壳板片拖拽三者的联合作用,与罗迪尼亚大陆裂解和冈瓦纳大陆聚合的全球构造背景密切相关。四川盆地北缘震旦纪-早寒武世隆坳并存格局的提出不仅有助于进一步认识该时期扬子克拉通区域沉积构造格局和演化,也为川东北地区下一步油气勘探决策提供了参考依据。川东北地区震旦纪-早寒武世隆坳格局控制了烃源岩和储集层的发育及源储配置关系,建议首先将裂坳陷边缘带作为下一步勘探的重点。  相似文献   
近年来,在构造背景稳定的海相地层中,基于米兰科维奇旋回控制下的高频旋回逐渐成为进行地层精细划分、定年和探讨盆地演化的重要手段,并被逐渐尝试着应用到陆相断陷盆地中。但陆相断陷盆地为构造盆地,断裂构造理论以及大量地表、地下的构造、沉积现象都表明,在高频旋回沉积过程中可能存在着短周期幕式构造沉降的影响,这就使得在陆相断陷盆地中应用米兰科维奇旋回理论必须要考虑和去除这种影响。  相似文献   
综合分析南秦岭地质组成与构造特征,显示出区内经历了太古-早、中元古代基底形成阶段,晚元古-早古生代统一扬子大陆北缘演化阶段,古生代勉略-石泉海槽的形成、闭合造山阶段和燕山以来的陆内造山4个大的演化阶段,并形成了相应的岩石建造与构造变形组合。  相似文献   
The Jinshajiang–Red River porphyry Cu (Mo–Au) metallogenic belt (JRMB) is the most important intracontinental porphyry Cu (Mo–Au) mineralizing zone in the Sanjiang region, southwest China. The belt contains a number of giant deposits, including Yulong (6.50 Mt Cu) and Beiya (315 t Au) in the northern and center parts, and several small deposits in the southern part (e.g., Tongchang, 0.03 Mt Cu + Mo; Chang'anchong, 0.04 Mt Cu + Mo; Habo, 0.57 Mt Cu + Mo; and Chang'an 31 t Au). In order to investigate the mechanisms controlling the variation in size of these deposits, the LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating, bulk-rock geochemistry, and zircon trace-element analyses have been performed on the mineralization-related porphyries from the Tongchang district. Zircon U–Pb dating yielded concordant ages of 34.2 ± 0.6 Ma (Tongchang), 33.7 ± 0.8 Ma (Chang’anchong), 35.7 ± 0.5 Ma (Habo) and 34.6 ± 1.2 Ma (Chang’an). These porphyries are peraluminous with relatively high potassium contents (K2O: 4.2–5.7 wt%), and show shoshonitic affinities. Bulk rock Fe2O3/FeO ratios vary from 0.51 to 0.97, typical of moderately oxidized to strongly oxidized magmas. Zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ values vary between 25.9 and 371.8 with a mean of 129.3. The log(ƒo2) values vary from −20.7 to −9.6, and plot within the range of FMQ (fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer) to MH (magnetite- hematite oxygen buffer), indicating an oxidizing parental magma. The mineralized porphyries from the Yulong and Beiya deposits, which were previous considered to have formed under the same tectonic conditions as those in the Tongchang district, have higher mean zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ values of 249.4 and 399.5, suggesting that the oxygen fugacities of the porphyries in the Tongchang district is relatively lower. This might imply that oxygen fugacity is an important factor that led to the differentiation of deposit size in the JRMB, and that larger porphyry deposits are associated with more oxidized magmas.  相似文献   
Located in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block and generally interpreted as the Neoproterozoic collisional product of the Yangtze with the Cathaysia Blocks of South China, the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) contains a number of gold (Au) (-polymetallic) ore deposits and mineral showings, mostly hosted by Neoproterozoic low-grade metamorphic volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks. The mineralization styles mainly include auriferous quartz veins and disseminated mineralization in altered mylonite and cataclasite that are developed along shear zones, fracture zones and inter- or intra-formational fault zones closely related to regional folding and shearing deformation. Three gold mineralizing epochs are recognized in the JOB. The ca. 423–397 Ma mineralization was associated with the early Paleozoic tectonothermal event(s), which induced widespread emplacement of Silurian S-type granites, low-grade metamorphism and enrichment of gold in the Neoproterozoic rocks (i.e., forming Au source beds). The second Au mineralization epoch, occurring at ca. 176–170 Ma (Jurassic), was related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the South China continental margin. The third and most important Au mineralization epoch took place at ca. 144–130 Ma (early Cretaceous), when a Basin-and-Range tectonic pattern was developed, characterized by NE–NNE-trending strike-slip faults, granitic domes and metamorphic core complexes (MCC), and basins filled with red bed lithologies. C, H, O, He-Ar, S and Pb isotopic and fluid-inclusion data suggest that the ore fluids were predominantly metamorphic and/or magmatic, with variable input of mantle-derived fluids and the progressive involvement of meteoric waters in the later stages of mineralization. Ore materials were mostly contributed by the Neoproterozoic source beds, plus a possible contribution from mantle- or magma-derived components. The Au (-polymetallic) deposits in the JOB, particularly those formed in the early Cretaceous, share many geological and geochemical features with the orogenic-type and Carlin-type deposits. In the context of tectonic evolution of South China, the gold mineralization in the JOB may be considered an “intracontinental reactivation type”, characterized by synchronous development of Au–polymetallic mineralization, reactivation of stuctures developed in Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks, and widespread granite emplacement in the late Mesozoic.  相似文献   
The Paleocene-recent post-rift subsidence history recorded in the Mumbai Offshore Basin off western continental margin of India is examined. Results obtained through 2-D flexural backstripping modelling of new seismic data reveal considerable thermo-tectonic subsidence over last ca. 56 Myr. Reverse postrift subsidence modelling with variable β stretching factor predicts residual topography of ca. 2000 m to the west of Shelf Margin Basin and fails to restore late Paleocene horizon and the underlying igneous basement to the sea level. This potentially implies that:(1) either the igneous basement formed during the late Cretaceous was emplaced under open marine environs; or(2) a laterally varying cumulative subsidence occurred within Mumbai Offshore Basin(MOB) during ca. 68 to ca. 56 Ma. Pre-depositional topographic variations at ca. 56 Ma across the basin could be attributed to the extensional processes such as varied lower crustal underplating along Western Continental Margin of India(WCMI). Investigations about basement tectonics after unroofing of sediments since late Paleocene from this region support a transitional and heavily stretched nature of crust with high to very high β factors. Computations of past sediment accumulation rates show that the basin sedimentation peaked during late Miocene concurrently with uplift of Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau and intensification of Indian monsoon system. Results from basin subsidence modelling presented here may have significant implications for further studies attempting to explore tectono-climatic interactions in Asia.  相似文献   
四川盆地安岳震旦-寒武系特大型气田的发现,极大地鼓舞了相关学者对四川盆地深层油气勘探新领域的探索热情,然而,对于川东北地区深层古地理格局的认识尚存在不少争议。本文通过对四川盆地北缘、东北缘新元古代-寒武纪地层剖面的综合调查与区域对比研究,基于关键事件序列的系统厘定,重建了川东北及邻区的新元古代-寒武纪原型盆地地层格架;同时,结合盆内最新实施的深层钻井和地球物理资料解析,基本厘定了川东北克拉通裂陷的演化时限、发育范围、充填序列、区域古地理格局及其演化过程。研究显示川东北克拉通裂陷的演化经历了三个阶段:(1)新元古代板溪期-震旦纪早期为伸展断陷期,与南华裂谷系开启同步,表现为快速充填,区域沉积分异显著;(2)震旦纪陡山沱晚期-寒武纪筇竹寺期为伸展沉降期,沉积厚度小,但烃源岩相对发育;(3)寒武纪沧浪铺期至寒武纪末为挤压扰曲与充填期,发育局限台地-潟湖相含膏岩系。不同于绵阳-长宁克拉通裂陷,川东北克拉通裂陷开启早,其早期为补偿性裂谷充填、中晚期则为欠补偿的碳质泥页岩和碳酸盐岩沉积组合。由此可见,这一新认识或将对川东北深层油气勘探方向预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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