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党河南山位于南祁连地块北缘,以党河断裂为界,北邻中祁连,属南祁连Au、Pb、Zn、Cu、Ni、W、Cr成矿带。金矿为该成矿带的主要矿种,素有72道金沟之称,目前已发现贾公台、黑刺沟等大中型金矿床2处,小型金矿床及金矿点10余处。乌兰达坂沟—扎子沟地区位于党河南山中段,小比例尺化探显示金异常强烈,且区内可见大量的砂金采矿点及民采坑硐,显示了该地区良好的找矿地质条件。本文是在对区内开展调查研究基础上,利用1∶5万水系沉积物测量,对区内地球化学特征、元素分布特征、元素相关性及异常元素组合特征等进行相关分析研究,并结合异常区内地层、构造、岩浆岩及矿化蚀变特征等成矿地质条件,圈定成矿远景区。通过本次工作在该地区圈出11处金的成矿远景区,并对其进行了分类排序。一类成矿远景区有扎子沟南、钓鱼沟脑、钓鱼沟、红庙沟、背架子—乌兰达坂沟成矿远景区,对一类成矿远景区内地质成矿条件进行了概略论述,并对其下一步工作提出了建议。成矿远景区的圈定为该地区下一步继续找矿工作提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   
Drill sites in the southern Bay of Bengal at 3°N 91°E (International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 362) have sampled for the first time a complete section of the Nicobar Fan and below to the oceanic crust. This generally overlooked part of the Bengal–Nicobar Fan System may provide new insights into uplift and denudation rates of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. The Nicobar Fan comprises sediment gravity-flow deposits, mostly turbidites, that alternate with hemipelagite drapes and pelagite intervals of varying thicknesses. The decimetre-thick to metre-thick oldest pre-fan sediments (limestones/chalks) dated at 69 Ma are overlain by volcanic material and slowly accumulated pelagites (0.5 g cm−2 kyr−1). At Expedition 362 Site U1480, terrigenous input began in the early Miocene at ca 22.5 Ma as muds, overlain by very thin-bedded and thin-bedded muddy turbidites at ca 19.5 Ma. From 9.5 Ma, sand content and sediment supply sharply increase (from 1–5 to 10–50 g cm−2 kyr−1). Despite the abundant normal faulting in the Nicobar Fan compared with the Bengal Fan, it offers a better-preserved and more homogeneous sedimentary record with fewer unconformities. The persistent connection between the two fans ceased at 0.28 Ma when the Nicobar Fan became inactive. The Nicobar Fan is a major sink for Himalaya-derived material. This study presents integrated results of International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 362 with older Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program/International Ocean Discovery Program sites that show that the Bengal–Nicobar Fan System experienced successive large-scale avulsion processes that switched sediment supply between the Bengal Fan (middle Miocene and late Pleistocene) and the Nicobar Fan (late Miocene to early Pleistocene). A quantitative analysis of the submarine channels of the Nicobar Fan is also presented, including their stratigraphic frequency, showing that channel size/area and abundance peaked at ca 2 to 3 Ma, but with a distinct low at 3 to 7 Ma: the intervening stratigraphic [sub]unit was a time of reduced sediment accumulation rates.  相似文献   
Variability in accommodation and sedimentation rates within a basin generates significant deviations in the along-strike stratal stacking patterns of systems tracts. This variability can lead to coeval depositional units that record the juxtaposition of transgressive (retrogradational) and regressive (progradational) stratal stacking patterns. In scenarios where transgressive and regressive units are deposited concurrently, challenges arise when attempting to correlate and place systems tracts into a sequence stratigraphic framework. In these scenarios, the maximum flooding surface records a high level of diachroneity, with the position of the surface variable throughout the stratigraphic column. In this study, Viking Formation (late Albian) deposits in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, central Alberta, Canada, preserve significant along-strike variability of palaeoshorelines that developed in response to autogenic processes as well as allogenic controls that were active during deposition. Specifically, structural reactivation of Precambrian basement structures during Viking deposition led to significant variability in depositional environments along the palaeoshoreline. The incremental basement reactivation of the Precambrian Snowbird Tectonic Zone influenced sedimentation patterns and the creation of anomalous zones of accommodation in localized areas of the basin. Across fault boundaries and within the anomalously thick strata, both progradational and retrogradational stacking patterns occur within broadly contemporaneous deposits, complicating the correlation of stratigraphic units. While the concomitant deposition of transgressive and regressive units has been documented in a number of modern marine analogues, the concept is rarely applied to ancient successions. By identifying along-strike variabilities in shoreline geometries and incorporating the autogenic and allogenic controls that were active during deposition, a more accurate sequence stratigraphic framework can be proposed.  相似文献   
依托长江黄金水道推动长江经济带发展是国家重大战略举措,如何解读"坚持生态优先、绿色发展"、"共抓大保护、不搞大开发"的理念,是长江经济带发展需要破解的重大命题.本文针对长江经济带发展的难点地区——长江上游地区,提出设立"长江上游经济带经济体制和生态文明体制综合改革试验区"的设想,认为应着眼于体制变革和机制创新,以依托黄金水道推动长江经济带发展为目标,以梯级水电开发为抓手,以深化区域综合配套改革为根本动力,给予地方政府在资源、环境、经济社会发展等领域中更大的自主权.本文分析了设置试验区的战略意义和定位,提出了该试验区的重点创新内容.  相似文献   
The Dangqiong ophiolite, the largest in the western segment of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)ophiolite belt in southern Tibet, consists of discontinuous mantle peridotite and intrusive mafic rocks. The former is composed dominantly of harzburgite, with minor dunite, locally lherzolite and some dunite containing lenses and veins of chromitite. The latter, mafic dykes(gabbro and diabase dykes), occur mainly in the southern part. This study carried out geochemical analysis on both rocks. The results show that the mantle peridotite has Fo values in olivine from 89.92 to 91.63 and is characterized by low aluminum contents(1.5–4.66 wt%) and high Mg# values(91.06–94.53) of clinopyroxene. Most spinels in the Dangqiong peridotites have typical Mg# values ranging from 61.07 to 72.52, with corresponding Cr# values ranging from 17.67 to 31.66, and have TiO2 contents from 0 to 0.09%, indicating only a low degree of partial melting(10–15%). The olivine-spinel equilibrium and spinel chemistry of the Dangqiong peridotites suggest that they originated deeper mantle(20 kbar). The gabbro dykes show N-MORB-type patterns of REE and trace elements. The presence of amphibole in the Dangqiong gabbro suggests the late-stage alteration of subduction-derived fluids. All the lherzolites and harzburgites in Dangqiong have similar distribution patterns of REE and trace elements, the mineral chemistry in the harzburgites and lherzolites indicates compositions similar to those of abyssal and forearc peridotites, suggesting that the ophiolite in Dangqiong formed in a MOR environment and then was modified by late-stage melts and fluids in a suprasubduction zone(SSZ) setting. This formation process is consistent with that of the Luobusa ophiolite in the eastern Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone and Purang ophiolite in the western Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone.  相似文献   
中国西南部红河断裂带的活动演化历史长期以来备受国内外学者的关注,该断裂从陆地向海域延伸进入莺歌海盆地,并对莺歌海盆地的形成和演化起重要的控制作用。目前,红河断裂带经历早期的左旋走滑运动和后期的右旋走滑运动已经得到公认,但对于其精细的构造演化历史及其左旋走滑向右旋走滑运动转换的时间还未能达成共识。本文利用构造控制沉积、沉积反映构造的思想,通过对莺歌海盆地三维地震资料的构造解析,从T27界面上下地层厚度存在"跷跷板"式的变化、沉积中心的迁移、沉积速率的变化、陆架-陆坡坡折带的出现、微小断裂的特征以及底辟构造等方面的研究,确定莺歌海盆地红河断裂带的左旋走滑运动停止于T40(10.5Ma);T40~T30(10.5~5.5Ma)是构造变形的平静期;T30~T27(5.5~2.4 Ma)为左旋走滑运动向右旋走滑运动转换时期;T27(2.4 Ma)以后右旋走滑活动开始,并控制坡折带(包括莺歌海盆地和琼东南盆地)和底辟构造等的形成;T20(1.9 Ma)以来,右旋走滑活动逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
陆地生态系统研究通常未考虑影响整个岩石风化层--土壤剖面的生物地球化学过程,而关键带科学则强调从冠层到基岩重新认识整个生态系统的结构和功能,在流域尺度上应该强调大气和植物之间、植物和土壤之间、小流域土壤和溪流之间物质和元素循环的相互联系等。植物碳固定及分配、从地表到基岩的土壤碳库分解和转化以及小流域碳迁移与平衡是碳生物地球化学循环的起始、周转和迁移过程的关键环节,应该加强流域尺度上从冠层到基岩的生态系统碳循环过程、机制及其生态功能研究。同位素技术具有指示、示踪和整合功能,通过δ13C自然示踪和人工标记技术,可以辅助解析碳生物地球化学过程与机制。  相似文献   
The monobathrid camerate crinoid Macrostylocrinus bornholmensis Laursen has an unfortunate history. It was published in a journal not commonly consulted by echinoderm workers and, worse, in time of war; written in a language not in common use for crinoid studies; and described by a stratigrapher, not an expert on pelmatozoans. These and other factors combined to ensure that M. bornholmensis has not been reassessed since it was first described almost 80?years ago, despite belonging to a genus well-known from the Lower Palaeozoic. Macrostylocrinus bornholmensis is Llandovery (Telychian) and not Wenlock as has been reported elsewhere. Diagnostic features include a column that does not bear radices close beneath the cup; a heteromorphic mesistele with five orders of regularly inserted internodals; three basal plates; smooth thecal plates with central folds following rays; and ten pinnulate free arms that are biserial distally. Macrostylocrinus bornholmensis is distinctly different in morphology from well-known, congeneric species described from the Lower Palaeozoic of northern Europe.  相似文献   
The Hukawng Basin is bounded on its east by splays of the still-active Sagaing Fault. Palinspastically restoring Myanmar's blocks to their positions before the widely-accepted c.400?km dextral strike-slip fault displacement, places the Hukawng Block alongside the Tengchong Block, suggesting they were formerly connected. Additionally the Cretaceous–Paleogene Medial-Myanmar Shear Zone then aligns with the NW-SE Jade Mines Belt. Jadeitite formed there under HP/LT conditions in a Mesozoic subduction zone. It was exhumed at the intersection of the dextral Medial-Myanmar Shear Zone with the subduction-zone at the continental margin of Sundaland. The later Sagaing Fault played no part in that exhumation.  相似文献   
山西中条山北麓断裂夏县段新构造运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析夏县段中条山北麓山麓剥蚀面上的黄土地层,认为山麓剥蚀面形成于2.4 Ma以前。与邻近盆地内钻孔的研究成果对比,得到中条山北麓断裂第四纪以来的垂直活动幅度约700 m,抬升速率为0.29 mm/a。GPS测量得到断层将末次冰期极盛期形成的冲沟阶地垂直错断7 m,垂直活动速率为0.28~0.5 mm/a。探槽揭示,距今2 万年以来断层有四次活动--距今8000 年之前、距今4100 年前后、距今3100 年和距今720 年以后。断距分别为大于2m、0.6m、1.55 m和0.25 m。断层活动速率为0.22~0.55 m/a。  相似文献   
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