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Fracture phenomena in rocks are associated with mainly mode I crack growth, sometimes superposed by shear or torsion. The present paper contributes to a fracture mechanics analysis of mode I and mixed mode crack propagation, by presenting reliable fracture toughness data for some rocks which include the effect of induced crack propagation rate, and the influence of effective pressure, and by numerical calculations on fracture propagation in layered rock formations. Empirical relations between fracture toughness,K Ic' and induced crack opening displacement rate, as well as effective pressure, are given. The observedK Ic pressure relation supports a theoretical model which takes into account the existence of microcracks in the crack tip region. Finite element calculations of fracture propagation in layered rock formations demonstrate the important effect of mixed mode crack growth. The numerical approach is particularly applied to single crack growth in hydraulic fracturing and in three point bending tests on layered single edge crack specimens.  相似文献   
吴建峰  林淑贞  李威  张凤太 《水文》2018,38(4):87-91
在下垫面相对复杂,位于高原地带的贵州,利用19个气象站点实测数据分别从年、季度、月和天时间尺度对TRMM 3B42卫星降水数据进行精度检验,并讨论TRMM 3B42卫星对不同降水强度的探测能力,以此来分析其在贵州的适用性。结果表明,TRMM 3B42降水数据在年尺度上拟合优度较好(R=0.82)。研究区内19个站点年均相对误差为-2.39%,其中将近70%的站点数据表现TRMM 3B42降水量低于地面气象站点。月尺度上整体相关系数很好,R达到0.89。但是TRMM 3B42卫星数据对不同季节的探测能力存在差异,其中,冬季相关系数最低。在日尺度上TRMM 3B42降水数据与实际降水偏差大,对降水强度过大或过小的降水情况均不能准确地探测。对于单个站点而言,海拔较低的站点TRMM卫星探测出的降水与实测降水偏差小。  相似文献   
Extensive and well‐developed pediments and pediplains in western New South Wales have hitherto received less than due attention in the literature. This paper records the details of instrumental survey and of excavation at The Pinnacles, near Broken Hill. It presents observation and analysis of slope, rock‐type, structure, and surficial cover, and discusses the significance of a peripediment which contains multiple soil profiles.  相似文献   
The in-depth investigation of fractured reservoirs is mainly limited to geophysical data that is in 3D and mostly on the scale of hundred meters to several kilometers or boreholes data that is in 1D and at meter to lower scale. The study of outcropping analogues of buried reservoirs is therefore a key tool for the characterization of the fault and fracture network at the reservoir scale. Tamariu granite has been the subject of this study with the aim to analyse faults and fractures from seismic to borehole scale. With the combination of satellite picture at different resolution and field study, we perform a statistical analysis focused of the length and orientation from infra centimeter crack to hundred kilometer length fault. On the whole range of scale studied, i.e. on 7 orders of magnitude, we have defined a length distribution following a power-law with an exponent a = −2. On the contrary to the length that can be modelled with a unique law, the orientation data shows a variation depending on the scale of observation: as the fault and fracture sets are suitable from the regional faults to the centimeter crack, the proportion of the sets varies at each scale of observation.  相似文献   
城中村空间形态的演化特征及原因——以深圳特区为例   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
仝德  冯长春  邓金杰 《地理研究》2011,30(3):437-446
以城中村发展最具代表性的深圳为研究对象,分析原特区91个城中村占地规模、建设总量、开发强度的时空演化特征,探讨其空间形态演化模式和形成原因.发现城中村在一定程度上满足城市空间形态演化一般规律,但受历史渊源和体制限制又表现出特殊性:原始规模不具区位差异;发展初期以土地有限蔓延为主,空间形态开始表现区位差异;快速发展期开发...  相似文献   
The fault zone architectural elements of the Copper Basin fault include a fault core, inner damage zone, and outer damage zone. Utilizing Yb as a reference frame element, significant elemental mass changes were documented across all three architectural zones, with the greatest change in the fault core. Porosity and volumetric strain both increase toward the principal slip surface reaching a maximum in the inner damage zone and then dropping significantly in the fault core. In the damage zone and unaffected wall rocks, smectite is the most prominent clay species, whereas illite dominates the fault core suggesting that temperatures may have reached ∼100–150 °C or more during the production of the fault core. A number of studies have interpreted similar mass changes and clay mineral reactions to indicate high water/rock ratios. Such interpretations imply that during rupture, permeability increased within the fault core allowing it to act as a pathway for hot, chemically reactive fluids. Then during and after rupture, CO2 and SiO2 rich fluids moved into the inner and outer damage zones where calcite and quartz precipitation healed the fractured and permeable rock.  相似文献   
通过资料分析与实地调查相结合,对成渝经济区南部城市群孕灾条件和地质灾害空间分布特征进行了区域对比分析。研究结果表明,城市群由南而北、自西向东在地形地貌、地质构造、地层岩性等孕灾地质背景及降雨、地震活动、人类工程活动等诱发因素方面均有明显不同,进而导致地质灾害空间分布及发育特征的差异。西部中高山峡谷区地层岩性及地质构造极为复杂,地形起伏大,活动断裂发育且地震活动较为频繁,地质灾害具有规模大、泥石流相对发育、沿构造线和河流线状分布的特点;南部低中山及岩溶发育区地形起伏较大,地质构造及岩性较复杂,碳酸盐岩极为发育,采矿活动强烈,以地面塌陷相对发育为主要特点;北部红层丘陵区地质构造及岩性简单,地形起伏小,人类工程活动强烈,地质灾害类型单一、数量多、规模小,分布上具有面上松散分布、局部相对集中的特点。   相似文献   
WPC1101重力活塞柱样取自东太平洋CC区西部,其顶部见有水成多金属结核,3.4~3.5 m发育埋藏多金属结核层。对该柱样的沉积物成分、磁性地层、黏土矿物及元素地球化学结果进行综合分析,以探讨柱样的沉积环境变迁;对埋藏多金属结核进行地球化学元素分析,探讨其形成环境。结果表明:该柱样成分以硅质黏土为主;蒙/伊比表明晚渐新世时期研究区海底火山、热液活动较强,自生黏土组分较高;而上新世以后则相对减弱。柱样自下而上生物成因SiO2含量逐渐增多,代表陆源碎屑物质的Al2O3含量相对稳定,P2O5、CaO、Cu、Co、Ni则由于生物SiO2含量的增加而稀释,含量降低。埋藏多金属结核发育于生物生产力旺盛、沉积间断发育期,其内稀土元素(Ce元素除外)由于受后期成岩作用发生清扫作用,转移至沉积物中,而Ce元素不参与后期成岩过程,持续在多金属结核内富集。  相似文献   
颗粒离散元法(distinct element method,DEM)是被不同学科和工程领域广泛应用的方法,各学科结合各自的理论基础和研究范围,对颗粒离散元法进行改进、完善,因此各学科间的发展各有侧重,可进行相互借鉴。本文针对颗粒离散元法中有关\  相似文献   
沂沭断裂带为郯庐断裂带山东段的大断裂,其深度切穿莫霍面,把鲁中造山带与苏鲁造山带隔开,断裂带的活动情况影响山东地区大地构造的稳定性。以往的工作多集中在地表或近地表地质要素的调查和研究,局部也开展了一些地球物理探测工作,大多以剖面为主,对区内地质构造的认识比较局限。本文收集沂沭断裂带约14600 km2范围的区域重力数据,并对其进行了定性解释和三维定量反演,获得了区内地下30 km内的相对密度分布。综合研究了从诸葛镇到五连金矿的精测剖面,其中包括重力、磁法和大地电磁3种方法。由此得到以下几点结果:(1)揭示了区内东部地下存在一条巨大的隐伏隆起构造,深度约2 km到10 km,从南南西方向延伸到北北东,有3个局部核心区:分别是石桥子镇往西南约30 km范围、由桑园镇、五莲县金矿及许孟镇三者之间的区域、以湖头镇为中心向北向南各延伸约30 km范围。(2)地表观察的断裂F1和F2比由反演的相对密度确定的断裂F′1和F′2向东偏移,而且北部偏移比南部更大。(3)重力、磁法、大地电磁测深综合剖面S1—S2研究表明,沂沭断裂带北段内岩矿石具有较低的相对密度、较低的磁性和较低的电...  相似文献   
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