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The Wave Energy Concentration at the Agulhas Current off South Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lavrenov  I. V. 《Natural Hazards》1998,17(2):117-127
The case of a freak wave collision with the ship in the Agulhas current is described. The explanation of the appearance of the freak wave as a result of wind-wave transformation in the Agulhas current is given. Swell is captured and intensified by the counter-current and is located in the neighbourhood of the maximum value of the current velocity, as a result of which there is a great concentration of wave-energy density. The superposition of wind and sea with swell transformed by the current promotes the formation of the freak waves. Using a simple mathematical analysis, an optimal ship track is proposed which could reduce the risk of collision with a freak wave.  相似文献   
Moon-based Earth observation: scientific concept and potential applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although Earth’s surface parameters obtained from satellite data have become more and more precise, it is still difficult to guarantee temporal consistency and spatial continuity for large-scale geoscience phenomena. Developing new Earth observation platforms is a feasible way to improve the consistency and continuity of such data. As the planet’s only natural satellite, the Moon has special advantages as a platform for observing Earth, including long lifetime, whole disk view, tectonic stability and unique perspective. After presenting the observation geometry constructed by using the ephemeris, this paper mainly discusses the characteristics of a lunar platform and the proper Moon-based sensors, as well as the scientific objectives of Moon-based Earth observation. Solid Earth dynamics, the energy budget of Earth, Earth’s environmental elements and the Earth-space environment are four potential applications analysed in this paper.  相似文献   
Summary Hydrofracture Mechanisms in Rock During Pressure Grouting. The paper examines the basic meachnisms controlling the initiation of fractures in rocks and layered soils during pressure grouting, and their subsequent propagation into the ground mass. Previous analyses of fracture initiation have tended to concentrate on simplified models in which the ground is treated as an impervious elastic or Mohr-Coulomb continuum. The present method allows for the porous or fissured nature of the ground by considering the effect of seepage forces induced by the pore pressure gradient. The effect is quantified by use of a parameterN such that the ratio of fluid force used in expanding the injection hole, to that used in forcing fluid through void spaces, isN to (1—N).Analysis of hydrofracture propagation is based on stress analysis of a borehole in an elastic continuum, the propagating fracture zone around the borehole being represented as a non-elastic material governed by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. This is supplemented by an energy approach which equates the energy supplied to the ground from the injection pump, with the energy stored in the ground and the energy necessary to fracture it.
Zusammenfassung Brucherscheinungen im Fels bei Verprearbeiten. In der Arbeit wird der grundlegende Mechanismus untersucht, welcher bei Verpreßarbeiten in Fels und geschichtetem Boden zur Einleitung und Ausbreitung von Brüchen führt. Frühere Untersuchungen des Bruchbeginns stützten sich im wesentlichen auf vereinfachte Modelle, in denen der Untergrund als undurchlässiges Kontinuum angesehen wird, das entweder elastisch ist oder der Mohr-Coulombschen Bruchbedingung genügt. Die neue Methode berücksichtigt dagegen eine Porosität oder Klüftung des Untergrundes durch Ansatz der vom strömenden Medium auf das Gebirge ausgeübten Belastung. Diese Belastung wird aufgeteilt in einen Druckverlust an der Bohrlochwand (gleich ParameterN mal Verpreßdruck) und die entsprechende, über den gesamten durchströmten Bereich verteilte Belastung.Die Untersuchung der Bruchausbreitung geht von der Spannungsermittlung um ein Bohrloch in einem elastischen Kontinuum aus, wobei in der sich ausbreitenden Bruchzone um das Bohrloch herum nichtelastisches Material angenommen wird, das dem Mohr-Coulombschen Bruchkriterium genügt. Zur Ergänzung dient eine Energie-Betrachtung, bei der die von der Injektionspumpe abgegebene Energie gleichgesetzt wird der im Untergrund gespeicherten Energie und der aufgewendeten Brucharbeit.

Résumé Les mécanismes de la fracturation hydraulique dans les roches pendant les injections sous pression. Le mémoire examine les mécanismes fondamentaux qui gouvernent l'initiation des ruptures dans les roches et les sols stratifiés, au cours des injections et leur propagation dans les massifs. Les analyses antérieures de l'initiation de la rupture, se sont concentrées sur des modèles simplifiés où l'on considérait la roche comme un milieu élastique et imperméable, ou comme un milieu de Mohr-Coulomb. La présente méthode admet que le massif est poreux ou fissuré, en considérant l'action des forces de percolation engendrées par le gradient de pression interstitielle. Cette action est quantifiée par un paramètreN, tel que le rapport de la force du liquide employée à dilater le forage d'injection, à celle employée pour forcer le coulis à travers les vides soitN/(1—N). L'analyse de la propagation des ruptures se base sur l'analyse des contraintes autour d'un forage dans un milieu élastique, alors que la zone de la rupture qui se propage autour du forage est représentée par un milieu non-élastique admettant le critère de rupture de Mohr-Coulomb. Cette analyse est complétée par une approche énergétique, où l'énergie qui est fournie au massif par la pompe d'injection est égalée à l'énergie emmagasinée dans la roche et à l'énergie de rupture.

Nomenclature A area of new cracks created per unit volume of time t - E total work done by injection fluid - E i irrecoverable component of energy - E i c work done in fracturing rock or soil - E i l work done to overcome various frictional forces in grouting system - E i p work done to cause plastic deformation of fractured zone - E i s work done to overcome shear strength of fluid during flow - E i v work done to overcome frictional drag between fluid and rock in soil surfaces during flow - E r recoverable component of energy - E r f elastic strain energy stored in fluid - E r s elastic strain energy stored in rock or soil - h height of overburden - i j 1, 2, 3 - K 0 coefficient of horizontal earth pressure - k permeability of ground to grout - L length of cylindrical grout source - n rock or soil porosity - p average fluid pressure between timet and (t + t) - p 0 injection pressure - R radius of grout front - r radial distance from borehole axis - r 0 radius of borehole - r 1 radius of fractured zone - S specific surface area of rock or soil - S T tensile strength of rock or soil - t time - u grout seepage velocity - V volume of grout injected - v volumetric strain - specific surface energy of rock - bulk density of rock or soil - i j e elastic strain increment tensor - i j plastic strain increment tensor - v Poisson's ratio - i j average stress tensor in the ground during timet and (t + t) - R , T, Z radial, tangential and vertical stresses induced by grouting - r , t , z radial, tangential and vertical stress around borehole before grouting - grout shear strength - angle of internal friction of rock or soil With 7 Figures  相似文献   
A set of dimensionless input parameters were defined for DEM using a characteristic time which is a function of density and elastic modulus of particles and an arbitrary characteristic length. Dimensionless strain rate and mass damping ratio are inversely proportional to the characteristic time, and stress is normalized by elastic modulus to give dimensionless stress. It was demonstrated that the response of a model in the dimensionless scale is invariant with the choice of density, elastic modulus and the characteristic length if dimensionless strain rate and mass damping ratio are kept constant. Small time step is a prohibitive aspect of DEM. Scaling techniques are widely employed to enlarge the time step. Using the dimensionless scheme, it was learned that density scaling is equivalent to the use of a higher strain rate, and stiffness scaling results in a higher strain rate and an elevated stress state in the dimensionless scale.  相似文献   
对"一带一路"地区的能源金属锂和铀的矿床分布规律进行统计,并对典型矿床的地质特征与开发工艺进行概述,为了解"一带一路"地区的锂矿和铀矿提供基础信息,同时为中国进行"能源金属"的开采提供科学依据。研究认为,"一带一路"地区共有大型及以上锂矿36个,成因类型有硬岩型、盐湖型、沉积型和煤伴生型4种,资源储量分别为784×10~4t、1702×10~4t、237.5×10~4t和623×10~4t。盐湖型锂矿分布于中国和阿富汗,硬岩型锂矿分布在俄罗斯等国家,沉积型锂矿分布在塞尔维亚等国家,煤伴生型锂矿只分布于中国。鉴于盐湖型锂矿开发的环境影响较小,建议有关国家加大对盐湖型锂资源的勘探与开发。"一带一路"地区共有大型及以上铀矿130个,成因类型主要为砂岩型和火山岩型,主要集中在哈萨克斯坦等国家,铀资源储量(可靠回收成本≤130$/kg)达181.94×10~4t,占"一带一路"地区总资源储量的92.12%,建议中国与相关国家进行交流与合作,加大对中国境内北方地区砂岩型铀矿的寻找力度,同时进行火山岩型铀矿的勘探开发。  相似文献   
在时域中,磁源近区瞬变场的时间特性取决于场源所含低频谱的分数幂.对于磁感应强度Bz(t)∝∑iω3/2i,对于感应电势εz(t)∝∑iω5/2i.这表明,现有的瞬变电磁探测系统只适用于浅部勘查,对于大深度的勘查,需要研制超强能量且轻便化的场源(发送系统),同时完善超导磁强计(接收系统)的实用化.  相似文献   
潘自强  沈文权 《铀矿地质》2004,20(5):257-259
本文提出了我国核电发展的 4项策略 ,明确了近中远兼顾的 3个层次的发展目标及相关的重点工程。  相似文献   
高应力深部洞室模型试验分区破裂现象机制的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以经典的芬纳公式为手段,以观察到分区破裂现象的模型试验为背景,通过对简化后的圆形巷道围岩应变场和能量场的分析,发现极限平衡区边界存在径向应变的不连续性和弹性变形能的聚集性。认为与开挖洞室呈同心圆的环状断裂的形成,是极限平衡区在边界上由于应变场的不协调而导致的与弹性区的断裂分离。而分区破裂的产生,则是这种断裂分离形成后极限平衡区向深处发展的结果。解释了分区破裂产生时洞周围岩应变和位移随距离洞室增加呈波浪形变化的非单调性规律,给出了分区破裂形成后各破裂区半径的表达式,关系式表明各破裂区之间存在等比关系,比值与地应力状态及围岩力学参数有关。将分区破裂模型试验的参数代入该式,可得,n =1.1左右,与实验完成后剖开模型的各破裂区分布特征基本相符。  相似文献   
鄂陵湖湖滨地区夏季近地层微气象特征与碳通量变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2010年夏季鄂陵湖湖滨地区试验观测资料,从中选取资料较好的5个连续晴天,分析了该地区高寒草甸夏季局地气候、辐射与能量平衡特征以及碳通量的日变化。结果表明:①夏季晴天湖滨地区近地层气象要素受到湖陆风的较大影响,风向昼夜交替变化,垂直风速和摩擦速度明显大于玛曲草原,全天盛行上升气流,昼夜温差较小;②湖滨地区日均太阳总辐射与净辐射高于玛曲草原和金塔绿洲,地表能量不平衡现象较显著,湍流输送以潜热为主,夜间近地层存在明显的逆温和逆湿现象;③夏季湖滨草甸碳吸收的日最大值出现在上午11时前后,碳吸收显著大于碳排放,其水分利用效率与海北草甸生态系统接近,总体偏低。  相似文献   
为研究太阳活动与全球大震的关系, 引入一个无量纲的"地震能量函数√G", 并分析研究了1681—2011故年间全球M≥7.0大震的能量释放的时间序列.由此发现全球大震在太阳活动周4个阶段的分布和活动度, 随震级的强度而异.提出地壳对太阳风暴加卸载响应模式, 用于解释此现象: 通过考察最近331 a, 得出全球共发生了10个M≥9.0超级巨震的时空分布特征, 特别是太阳活动峰年期间没有发生过超级巨震.该研究结果可为判断全球大震提供参考.   相似文献   
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