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江苏省东海地区位于苏鲁造山带的西南缘,区内广泛出露片麻状碱性花岗岩.本文对东海地区磨山、虎山和房山片麻状碱性花岗岩的产状、岩石结构构造、碱性铁镁矿物、元素地球化学和锆石成因及SHRIMP定年等综合研究结果表明:该类岩石具有高硅、富碱、富铁贫镁和含碱性铁镁矿物等特征,说明其为碱性花岗岩;岩体还保留有沉积岩特有的层理(走向北东、倾向南东等一致的产状),长石等造岩矿物显示在固相条件下结晶的特征,以及继承锫石大部分是不同时代的岩浆或变质锆石碎屑等,均证实其原岩是沉积岩.SHRIMP定年对变质锆石的边部获得两组206Pb-238U加权平均年龄,分别为224.7±9.4 Ma和209.4±2.5~212±3.5Ma,反映了东海片麻状碱性花岗岩成岩时间属于印支期,相当于晚三叠世,变质锆石的核部206Pb-238U年龄变化于866~248 Ma,反映原岩时代不会早于晚古生代.  相似文献   
We present new data on the age, composition, and environments of formation of granites of the Kystarys complex and the associated Li-rich rare-element pegmatites of the South Sangilen pegmatite belt including the large Tastyg lithium deposit. It has been established that they formed during the Early Paleozoic collisional orogeny in the Tuva-Mongolian massif at the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary. The granites of the Kystarys complex are moderately alkaline high-K rocks and are enriched in Zr, Nb, Y, and REE; therefore, they are classified as postcollisional, transitional to within-plate (A-type). The spodumene pegmatites of the South Sangilen pegmatite belt are similar to the above granites in age and isotopic and geochemical parameters, which suggests a paragenetic relationship between these rocks. Pegmatites form several pegmatite fields within the belt, which differ in trace-element signatures. In addition to predominant Li, Cs, and Ta, specific to all spodumene pegmatites (LCT family), pegmatites of two fields have high contents of Nb, Y, REE, and Zr, which are indicator elements of NYF family pegmatites. It has been established that the formation of spodumene pegmatites with combined LCT-NYF geochemical signatures was preceded by the intrusion of dikes of monzogabbro with the geochemical characteristics of OIB and of alkali aegirine granites and by the formation of associated metasomatites enriched in Zr, Nb, Y, and REE. Based on the geological, mineralogical, and geochemical data, we substantiate the hypothesis of the formation of Li-bearing granite-pegmatite melts from a mixed source resulted from the influence of fluids of an alkaline igneous complex of mantle genesis on the crustal protolith.  相似文献   
The western Kunlun orogen occupies a key position along the tectonic junction between the Pan-Asian and Tethyan domains, reflecting Proto- and Palaeo-Tethys subduction and terrane collision during early Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic time. We present the first detailed zircon U–Pb chronology, major and trace element, and Sr–Nd–O–Hf isotope geochemistry of the Qiukesu pluton and its microgranular enclaves from this multiple orogenic belt. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating shows that the Qiukesu pluton was emplaced in the early Silurian (ca. 435 Ma). It consists of weakly peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline monzogranite and syenogranite, with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7131–0.7229, ?Nd(T) of –4.1 to –5.7, δ18O of 8.0–10.8‰, and ?Hf(T) (in situ zircon) of –4.9. Elemental and isotopic data suggest that the granites formed by partial melting of lower-crustal granulitized metasedimentary-igneous Precambrian basement triggered by underplating of coeval mantle-derived enclave-forming intermediate magmas. Fractional crystallization of these purely crustal melts may explain the more felsic end-member granitic rocks, whereas such crustal melts plus additional input from coeval enclave-forming intermediate magma could account for the less felsic granites. The enclaves are intermediate (SiO2 57.6–62.2 wt.%) with high K2O (1.8–3.6 wt.%). They have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7132–0.7226, ?Nd(T) of –5.0 to –6.0, δ18O of 6.9–9.9‰, and ?Hf(T) (in situ zircon) of –8.1. We interpret the enclave magmas as having been derived by partial melting of subduction-modified mantle in the P–T transition zone between the spinel and spinel-garnet stability fields. Our new data suggest that subduction of the Proto-Tethyan oceanic crust was continuous to the early Silurian (ca. 435 Ma); the final closure of the Proto-Tethys occurred in the middle Silurian.  相似文献   
在详细的野外地质和岩相学观察基础上,对胶西北中生代玲珑期、郭家岭期和伟德山期花岗岩中的黑云母和角闪石进行了系统的化学成分研究。结果显示,玲珑期,研究区中部和南部花岗岩中的黑云母为铁叶云母和铁质黑云母,其MgO为4.07%~6.53%,具有壳源型黑云母的特征;北部主要为铁质黑云母和镁质黑云母,MgO介于9.13%~11.57%之间,具壳幔混源型的特征;郭家岭期和伟德山期花岗岩中的黑云母以铁质黑云母和镁质黑云母为主,MgO为7.62%~15.38%,均为壳幔混源型,其中的角闪石均属于钙质角闪石,M值为0.44~0.76。暗色矿物成分显示玲珑期花岗岩的源区物质主要为壳源,郭家岭期和伟德山期的以壳源为主,有少量幔源组分参与。三期花岗岩中黑云母结晶温度主要集中于550~700℃,而角闪石的结晶温度为600~750℃,从玲珑期到郭家岭期再到伟德山期,即从早到晚,黑云母的结晶温度有升高的趋势;全铝压力计估算结果显示,黑云母和角闪石的结晶压力具有降低的趋势。郭家岭期和伟德山期花岗岩中黑云母结晶过程中的氧逸度分别为-15.0~-9.0和-15.3~-8.8,明显比玲珑期的(-17.5~-13.2)高。结合胶西北金矿的时空分布特征,认为花岗岩结晶过程中较高的氧逸度和幔源物质的参与可能是有利于金矿化的重要条件之一。  相似文献   
We present a geochemical and isotopic study that, consistent with observed field relations, suggest Sangmelima late Archaean high-K granite was derived by partial melting of older Archaean TTG. The TTG formations are sodic-trondhjemitic, showing calcic and calc-alkalic trends and are metaluminous to peraluminous. High-K granites in contrast show a potassic calc-alkaline affinity that spans the calcic, calc-alkalic, alkali-calcic and alkalic compositions. The two rock groups (TTG and high-K granites) on the other hand are both ferroan and magnesian. They have a similar degree of fractionation for LREE but a different one for HREE. Nd model ages and Sr/Y ratios define Mesoarchaean and slab-mantle derived magma compositions respectively, with Nb and Ti anomalies indicating a subduction setting for the TTG. Major and trace element in addition to Sr and Nd isotopic compositions support field observations that indicate the derivation of the high-K granitic group from the partial melting of the older TTG equivalent at depth. Geochemical characteristics of the high-K granitic group are therefore inherited features from the TTG protolith and cannot be used for determining their tectonic setting. The heat budget required for TTG partial melting is ascribed to the upwelling of the mantle marked by a doleritic event of identical age as the generated high-K granite melts. The cause of this upwelling is related to linear delamination along mega-shear zones in an intracontinental setting.  相似文献   
本文扼要阐明四川省芦山-宝兴地区花岗石石材产出地质特征的基础上,重点讨论花岗石石材的品种、规模和质量。  相似文献   
A型花岗岩的研究进展及意义   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:30  
A型花岗岩主要形成于伸展的构造背景中,是构造环境识别的重要岩石学标志之一。由于形成于特殊的构造背景和重要的地球动力学意义,A型花岗岩的研究一直得到广泛的关注,但是仍旧有许多问题(如命名、分类和成因等)在争论之中。本文从下面几个方面对A型花岗岩的研究现状进行了较系统的总结:(1)A型花岗岩的概念及特征;(2)A型花岗岩与高分异I、S型花岗岩的区别;(3)A型花岗岩的物质来源及成因模式;(4)A型花岗岩的实验岩石学成果;(5)A型花岗岩的分类;(6)A型花岗岩的构造背景及动力学意义。A型花岗岩在形成过程中斜长石、斜方辉石可能为主要的残留或分离结晶矿物相。除了传统的A1(非造山)、A2(后碰撞)分类外,"还原型"和"氧化型"的分类方案最近也受到广泛关注。  相似文献   
阴山地区印支期碱性侵入岩岩石地球化学特征   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
通过系统的矿物学、岩石学、地球化学研究,确立了阴山地区印支期碱性岩在空间上分为南北两条近东西走向的岩带。南带以霓辉正长岩为主,北带以碱性正长岩为主。南北两带岩体均富集轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素和高场强元素,而Cr、Ni等相容元素含量很低。结合Nd、Sr、Pb同位素特征,认为该地区印支期碱性岩源自富集地幔,并受到不同程度的地壳物质混染。  相似文献   
内蒙古苏尼特左旗南两类花岗岩同位素年代学及其构造意义   总被引:92,自引:1,他引:92  
陈斌  赵国春等 《地质论评》2001,47(4):361-367
内蒙古北部索伦缝合带(索伦-苏尼特左旗-锡林浩特)被多数中外学者认为是西伯利亚板块南缘和华北板块北缘的最终缝合带,本文选择该缝合带上苏尼特左旗南两类花岗岩-与俯冲有关和与碰撞有关的岩浆岩(分别叫弧岩浆岩和碰撞岗岩)进行同位素年代学研究,结果表明:(1)弧岩浆活动有两期,分别约为490Ma和310Ma(锆石U-Pb,SHRIMP);碰撞花岗岩的侵位年代在230-250Ma(Rb-Sr全岩和锆石U-Pb);(2)根据本文新的年代学数据,索伦缝合带的最终缝合时间可能是在230-310Ma,这显然不同于国内多数学者坚持的“晚泥盆世碰撞”模式;而Sengor等推测的“晚二又开展碰撞”模式与本文数据一致。  相似文献   
内蒙古大青山印支运动厘定   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
根据中下侏罗统五当沟组与下伏地层之间角度不整合接触关系,结合同位素年代与岩浆活动特征和各种构造要素之间叠加改造关系,证实了大青山地区存在强烈印支运动。构造样式和构造要素组合特点表明大青山印支运动是一次强烈逆冲推覆、褶皱造山运动,形成了东西向展布的大型逆冲推覆构造和褶皱构造,构成了大青山地区中生代造山带主体构造格架。在地壳构造变形过程中伴随有强烈岩浆活动,形成了一系列的岩株和岩墙。大青山地区印支构造运动的确定对研究阴山—燕山板内造山带形成演化历史和地球动力学机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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