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In the conventional structural seismic analysis, the rigid base model is usually adopted without considering the flexibility of the ground, leading to inaccurate estimation of the vibration characteristics and the seismic response of the structure. In 2007, several in situ tests were conducted by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) on the school buildings in the Guanmiao Elementary School in Tainan, Taiwan. For the study of soil–structure interaction (SSI) effects, the forced vibration test (FVT) was performed, and the deformation of the foundation system was measured during the pushover test. In this paper, the results of these in situ tests are presented and discussed, and the finite element models of the school buildings were generated for the simulation of the FVT and for the pushover analysis in order to investigate the difference between the rigid base model and the flexible base model. Results show that the mechanical properties of the structure and the foundation could be demonstrated in these in situ tests. Additionally, the introduction of the flexibility of the foundation has a considerable influence on the results of structural analysis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An analytical model is presented for the analysis of constant flux tests conducted in a phreatic aquifer having a partially penetrating well with a finite thickness skin. The solution is derived in the Laplace transform domain for the drawdown in the pumping well, skin and formation regions. The time-domain solution in terms of the aquifer drawdown is then obtained from the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform and presented as dimensionless drawdown–time curves. The derived solution is used to investigate the effects of the hydraulic conductivity contrast between the skin and formation, in addition to wellbore storage, skin thickness, delayed yield, partial penetration and distance to the observation well. The results of the developed solution were compared with those from an existing solution for the case of an infinitesimally thin skin. The latter solution can never approximate that for the developed finite skin. Dimensionless drawdown–time curves were compared with the other published results for a confined aquifer. Positive skin effects are reflected in the early time and disappear in the intermediate and late time aquifer responses. But in the case of negative skin this is reversed and the negative skin also tends to disguise the wellbore storage effect. A thick negative skin lowers the overall drawdown in the aquifer and leads to more persistent delayed drainage. Partial penetration increases the drawdown in the case of a positive skin; however its effect is masked by the negative skin. The influence of a negative skin is pronounced over a broad range of radial distances. At distant observation points the influence of a positive skin is too small to be reflected in early and intermediate time pumping test data and consequently the type curve takes its asymptotic form.  相似文献   
利用1971—2020年江西省83站国家气象观测站逐时降水资料,采用EOF分析、Mann-Kendall突变检验、滑动t检验、Morlet小波变换等方法,对江西暴雨预警信号等级的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)江西暴雨蓝色、黄色和橙色预警信号年平均发布频次均呈“东北多、西南少”的地域分布,暴雨红色预警主要在鄱阳湖南侧存在多发区;上饶市和景德镇市是暴雨蓝色和黄色预警信号发布频次异常的敏感区,且在江西北部与中部表现出较明显的反位相变化特征。2)暴雨蓝色预警信号发布时间表现为单峰型,主要出现在13—16时,其他三种级别暴雨预警信号发布时间均表现为双峰型,主要有上午和傍晚两个易发时段。3)暴雨红色预警信号发布主要在6—8月,其他等级暴雨预警主要在5—8月,各等级暴雨预警信号均在6月发布最多。4)各等级暴雨预警信号发布频次均存在6—8 a的年际周期振荡,目前江西暴雨蓝色和黄色预警信号发布频次进入偏少期,而暴雨橙色和红色预警信号发布进入偏多期。5)暴雨红色预警信号发布频次呈0.70次/(10 a)的线性增加趋势,且在1992年发生明显由偏少转为偏多的突变,大部地区暴雨红色预警信号发布时降水极...  相似文献   
土工膜是工程防渗处理的一种主要材料[1]。斜坡面上土工膜与结构面的抗滑稳定直接影响到工程的安全运行。摩擦试验模拟了现场施工和运行情况,得到土工膜与结构面的抗滑剪力和摩擦系数,对工程的安全进行了论证。  相似文献   
基于物理和常规变形特性分析,认为某水电站坝基碎屑岩力学特性异常复杂,故采用岩石三轴伺服仪开展了系列的蠕变力学特性试验研究。首先,探讨了轴向、侧向及体积蠕变特性和速率变化规律;其次,分析了蠕变对偏应力-应变特性影响并开展了破坏岩样微细观电镜扫描试验;最后,在采用等时曲线簇法确定长期强度的基础上,以实际延性扩容为依据,认为岩石侧向体积扩容速率大于轴向压缩速率的临界点为快速蠕变破坏的标志,提出确定长期强度的新方法。结果表明,碎屑岩表现出显著的蠕变特性,蠕变曲线主要分为初始衰减和稳态蠕变两阶段,且最后一级应力施加后呈现加速蠕变现象;应力增加导致蠕变变形加剧,最终破坏表现出轴向压缩变形过大、体积延性扩容明显、稳态蠕变速率较大等特点,且蠕变速率与应力符合指数函数关系。岩样长期强度与三向稳态蠕变速率交点和侧向体积扩容应力阀值基本一致,为常规强度的54%~80%。试验结果旨在为相关岩石工程长期稳定分析及蠕变模型构建提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   
利用观测气象数据集(CN05.1)、地表水文数据集(VIC-CN05.1)以及大气再分析数据(JRA55)分析了我国西北地区1961-2016年暖季(5-9月)陆地水分收支的长期和年代际变化特征。通过对陆地水分收支(Land Water Availability,LWA)时间序列作Mann-Kendall突变检验,将1961-2016年划分为3个时段进行进一步分析(P1:1961-1978年;P2:1979-2008年;P3:2009-2016年)。主要结论如下:在1961-2016年间西北地区LWA呈上升趋势,区域平均的LWA时间序列具有明显的年代际特征。三个时段的LWA距平百分率分别为-5.45%、-0.46%和13.99%,总体表现为"减少-不变-增加"的特征,尤其是近些年地表水资源增加明显。三个时段的LWA距平百分率空间分布差异显著,尤其在新疆中部、甘肃东部和陕西。西北地区总体上水汽通量输送和垂直速度与降水年代际变化特征基本一致,且区域特征明显。西北地区蒸发受降水、向下长波辐射通量和风速变化影响显著。  相似文献   
Mercury concentrations (HgT) in fine-grained fraction (<63 μm) of core sediments of the Hugli–Matla–Bidyadhari estuarine complex, India were analyzed. Results revealed a wide range of spatial variations (<4–93 ng g−1 dry weight) with a definite enhancement level at the lower stretch of the estuarine complex infested with mangrove plants, which might act as a sink to HgT. An elevated concentration of Hg was encountered in surface/subsurface layer of the core in majority of the cases resulting from physical, biogenic and postdepositional diagenetic processes that remobilized and resuspended the metal from deeper sediments. A strong positive correlation was observed between the Hg and clay fraction content of the sediments, while the correlations of Hg with Al, Fe and Mn were poor. Based on the index of geoaccumulation (I geo) and effects range-low (ER-L) value, it is considered that the sediments are less polluted and thus there is less chance of ecotoxicological risk to organisms living in sediments.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东缘大宁−吉县区块深部煤层气勘探开发取得突破对煤层气产业带来重大影响,引起业内广泛关注和跟进。前期一些学者对深部煤层气勘探开发理论技术难点与对策开展了研究,但缺乏对典型气田开发先导试验系统总结。通过深入剖析深部煤层气地质特征与效益开发难点,总结大宁−吉县区块开发先导试验项目取得的进展和成效,明确开发规律并提出效益开发对策。结果表明:(1) 深部煤层具有广覆式发育、含气性好、游离气含量高、保存条件好、煤体结构好、脆性指数高、顶底板封盖性强等地质特征,但微构造发育、渗透性极差、矿化度高等因素制约了深部煤层气效益开发;(2) 不同地质条件下气井生产特征差异较大,通过先导试验落实气井产能和适应性开发技术对策,采用滚动开发模式可有效降低煤层强非均质性带来的开发风险;(3) 开展地质−工程一体化井网优化设计,构建井网与缝网高度弥合的人造气藏,可实现资源动用和采收率最大化;(4) “长水平段+多段多簇+大砂量”的大规模、大排量极限体积压裂技术可增大有效改造体积和井控储量,大幅提高单井产量;(5) 深部煤层气井具有“见气时间短、上产速度快、初期产量高、递减快”的生产特征,可实现短期快速规模上产,但气田长期稳产需持续新井投入;(6) 前期开发成本偏高,实现效益开发需不断提高工程作业效率、降低开发成本。综合认为,深部煤层气资源品质好,可动用性强,具备快速推广复制条件,大宁−吉县区块深部煤层气开发实践可为国内其他区块深部煤层气规模动用提供技术借鉴,对加快深部煤层气规模勘探开发具有重要意义。

潘云雨  梅金星  徐静  高翔  潘俊 《探矿工程》2022,49(2):135-144
文章主要介绍了ZHDN-SDR 150A 型高频声波钻机设计及其验证测试,为该钻机应用于污染场地调查和治理提供理论依据和技术指导。论文阐述了钻机总体设计思路及主要性能参数指标,系统分析了高频声波动力头、钻机主体、配套钻具结构设计及其技术创新。该钻机在两种不同地层进行了验证测试,各项测试指标均达到设计要求。将验证测试结果与国内外同类钻机对比表明,ZHDN-SDR 150A型钻机主要性能参数与关键装置已处于国内先进和国外并跑水平。该型钻机在振动频率、地层适用性、钻具使用寿命等方面优势显著,但是存在过高温度运行条件下钻进效率降低、智能自动化水平不足的问题,需进一步研发耐高温强硬度新材料和改进远程无线操控系统。  相似文献   
贾鹏飞  孔令伟  王勇  杨爱武 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3145-3150
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