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In a world facing rapid environmental changes, anticipating their impacts on biodiversity is of utmost relevance. Remotely-sensed Ecosystem Functional Attributes (EFAs) are promising predictors for Species Distribution Models (SDMs) by offering an early and integrative response of vegetation performance to environmental drivers. Species of high conservation concern would benefit the most from a better ability to anticipate changes in habitat suitability. Here we illustrate how yearly projections from SDMs based on EFAs could reveal short-term changes in potential habitat suitability, anticipating mid-term shifts predicted by climate-change-scenario models. We fitted two sets of SDMs for 41 plant species of conservation concern in the Iberian Peninsula: one calibrated with climate variables for baseline conditions and projected under two climate-change-scenarios (future conditions); and the other calibrated with EFAs for 2001 and projected annually from 2001 to 2013. Range shifts predicted by climate-based models for future conditions were compared to the 2001–2013 trends from EFAs-based models. Projections of EFAs-based models estimated changes (mostly contractions) in habitat suitability that anticipated, for the majority (up to 64%) of species, the mid-term shifts projected by traditional climate-change-scenario forecasting, and showed greater agreement with the business-as-usual scenario than with the sustainable-development one. This study shows how satellite-derived EFAs can be used as meaningful essential biodiversity variables in SDMs to provide early-warnings of range shifts and predictions of short-term fluctuations in suitable conditions for multiple species.  相似文献   
The Upper Cretaceous outcrops of Armuña (Segovia Province, Spain) yielded relatively abundant material of vertebrates during prospection and excavation in the second half of the 1980s. However, little has been published on these remains. A new analysis of the specimens from this upper Campanian site reveals the presence of some clades in the site for the first time (e.g., Dortokidae, Anguimorpha, Mosasauroidea). Furthermore, the material of the clades previously recognized there has been reviewed and described in more detail, with some previous systematic attributions confirmed and others refuted. Consequently, a relatively high local diversity has been identified. New taxa (i.e., a member of Anguimorpha and a eusuchian crocodyliform) are identified in Armuña, coexisting with other taxa previously described in other sites from the Iberoarmorican Realm. The vertebrates from Armuña confirm that the fauna from the Upper Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula is composed of a mixture of European endemic clades and lineages shared with other continents such as North America (e.g., anguimorphs) and Africa (e.g., bothremydids).  相似文献   
Meiofauna and macrofauna communities and several sediment characteristics were compared between a slope situated far from the coast (Goban Spur) and two transects across the Iberian Margin with steep slopes and close to the shore. The northern Galician transect (off La Coruña) was situated in an area subjected to wind-induced upwelling events. The western Galician transect was also subjected to upwelling, was additionally influenced by outflows of water rich in organic matter from the Rías Bajas. This transect also included the Galicia Bank. Macrofauna density decreased exponentially from the shelf edge (154 m) to the abyssal plain (4951 m) and different communities occurred on the shelf, the upper- and lower slope and on the abyssal plain. Apart from two extremely low-density stations on the Iberian Margin, there were no significant differences in the meiofauna between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Along the La Coruña-transect a station where meiofaunal densities were low occurred at a depth of 1522 m, where the sediment was characterised by having a high median-grain size, ripple structures, a low Corg and total N content. There were relatively high numbers of macrofaunal filter-feeders but low numbers of crustaceans, indicating a high current velocity regime. On top of the Galicia Bank (˜770 m) the sediment consisted mainly of shells of pelagic foraminifers, and had low contents of Corg and N. The macrofauna was dominated by filter-feeding and carnivorous taxa. At both these stations meiofauna densities were low. Meiofauna densities and community structure differed between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Meiofauna densities on the Galician shelf were more than double those on the Goban Spur shelf. The two deep stations on the La Coruña transect and the deepest station on the Galicia Bank transect all contained meiofaunal densities that were higher than found at similar depths off the Goban Spur. The meiofaunal densities were inversely correlated with %CaCO3 content and, excluding the shelf stations, were positively correlated with both %Corg and total N at the Iberian Margin. Neither upwelling nor the enriched outflows from the rias affected the macrofauna, but meiofaunal densities were greatly enhanced.  相似文献   
Coastal upwelling systems are regions with highly variable physical processes and very high rates of primary production and very little is known about the effect of these factors on the short-term variations of CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w). This paper presents the effect of short-term variability (<1 week) of upwelling–downwelling events on CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w), oxygen, temperature and salinity fields in the Ría de Vigo (a coastal upwelling ecosystem). The magnitude of fCO2w values is physically and biologically modulated and ranges from 285 μatm in July to 615 μatm in October. There is a sharp gradient in fCO2w between the inner and the outer zone of the Ría during almost all the sampling dates, with a landward increase in fCO2w.CO2 fluxes calculated from local wind speed and air–sea fCO2 differences indicate that the inner zone is a sink for atmospheric CO2 in December only (−0.30 mmol m−2 day−1). The middle zone absorbs CO2 in December and July (−0.05 and −0.27 mmol·m−2 day−1, respectively). The oceanic zone only emits CO2 in October (0.36 mmol·m−2 day−1) and absorbs at the highest rate in December (−1.53 mmol·m−2 day−1).  相似文献   
The Volcanic Sedimentary Complex (VSC) of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) in southern Portugal and Spain, comprises an Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous submarine succession with a variety of felsic volcanic lithofacies. The architecture of the felsic volcanic centres includes felsic lavas/domes, pyroclastic units, intrusions and minor mafic units that define lava–cryptodome–pumice cone volcanoes. The diversity of volcanic lithofacies recognized in different areas of the IPB mainly reflects variations in proximity to source, but also differences in the eruption style. The IPB volcanoes are intrabasinal, range in length from 2 km to > 8 km and their thickest sections vary from ∼ 400 m to > 800 m. These volcanoes are dominated by felsic lavas/domes that occur at several stratigraphic positions within the volcanic centre, however the pyroclastic units are also abundant and are spatially related to the lavas/domes. The intrusions are minor, and define cryptodomes and partly-extrusive cryptodomes. The hydrothermal systems that formed the Neves Corvo and Lousal massive sulfide ore deposits are associated with effusive units of felsic volcanic centres. At Neves Corvo, the massive sulfide orebodies are associated to rhyolitic lavas that overlie relatively thick fiamme-rich pyroclastic unit. In several other locations within the belt, pyroclastic units contain sulfide clasts that may have been derived from yet to be discovered coeval massive sulfide deposits at or below the sea floor, which enhances the exploration potential of these pyroclastic units and demonstrates the need for volcanic facies analysis in exploration.  相似文献   
Precipitation has been of utmost importance in shaping the evolution of landscapes and human settlements in the Mediterranean. However, information on seasonal precipitation patterns through the Holocene is scarce. This study attempts to quantify the evolution of seasonal precipitation in the East Iberian Peninsula (5000 BC to AD 600) based on the carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of archaeobotanical remains. Data on Holm oak, Aleppo pine and small‐grain cereals were combined, and precipitation was inferred from models relating present‐day records to the δ13C of modern samples. Subsequently, charred grains were used as a proxy for ancient moisture during April–May, whereas oak and pine charcoals provided complementary rainfall estimates for September–December and January–August, respectively. The results reveal aridity changes throughout the Holocene in the western Mediterranean. Past spring–summer precipitation was consistently higher than at present. In contrast, autumn and early winter precipitation showed stronger fluctuations, particularly during the first millennium BC, and often exhibited values below those of the present. The high contribution of autumn precipitation to the annual water budget, typical of the present Mediterranean climate, was definitively established at the beginning of the current era. This study shows how a combination of species holding complementary environmental signals can contribute to a wider knowledge of local precipitation dynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
On the southern border of the Central Iberian Zone there are two sectors with different styles of deformation. To the south-west, in the Hornachos sector, large-scale recumbent folds associated with ductile shearing can be seen. This shearing is characterized by a direction of movement parallel to the fold axes and can be correlated for 150 km along strike. The K-values of the strain ellipsoid range from 0.8 to 2.0. Stretching in the X direction, parallel to the recumbent fold axes, is more than 100%. To the north-east, in the Oliva sector, first-phase folds are upright and the strain intensity is lower than in the Hornachos sector. Metamorphic, geometric and kinematic considerations lead us to conclude that the shearing in the Hornachos sector is better explained as conjugate to a main shear zone along which the southern border of the Central Iberian Zone is moved onto the Ossa-Morena Zone. This main thrust is at present obliterated by a left-lateral extensional shear zone that affects a high pressure exotic unit located between the Central Iberian and the Ossa-Morena Zones. This high pressure unit constitutes a suture of the Variscan belt in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   
The main meteorological features of catastrophic rainfall events in Catalonia are described. Data come from several sources listed in the text. Surface and upper air synoptic and some subsynoptic conditions under which these events occur are described. Two kinds of events are identified, depending on the amount of forced lift required to release potential instability: Type A events, which take place on the coastal area when the forcing due to littoral and prelittoral hills is enough, and type B events require a large forced lift and occur near the Pyrenees. Local topographical and mesoscale meteorological conditions turn out to have a relevant role in connection with such events.  相似文献   
The Ossa-Morena Zone (SW Iberian Massif) was affected by continuous orogen-parallel transcurrent continental tectonics from the Neoproterozoic to the Carboniferous times, involving transtension (TT) and transpression (TP) processes that co-existed together, occurred separately in neighbouring regions by the means of strain partitioning or even worked diachronically. A first stage of transpression TP1 took place during the Late Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian as a result of Cadomian arc-continent collisional processes. Structures generated by transtension TT1 from Cambrian to Lower Devonian were related to strong lithosphere stretching responsible for the development of basins controlled by major detachments, tilting, rifting and important tectono–thermal diachronic processes. Denudation phenomena and inhibition of sedimentation related with thermal uplift (asthenosphere upwelling) and consequent subsidence caused by isostatic equilibrium, involving generalized transgressions, were processes responsible for major unconformities. The Variscan TP2-TT2 episodes that followed diachronically TP1-TT1, by maintaining the orogen-parallel transport direction, were concomitant with syntectonic deposition of continental basins in the OMZ and foreland basins in the SPZ. TT2 local transtension and tectonic exhumation of deep crustal rocks along major shear zones, favoured the opening of tectonic troughs filled up by sediments and volcanism. TP2 shortening have generated fold axes parallel to the orogen-strike and composite dissymmetric flower structures.  相似文献   
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