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The giant Dahutang tungsten (W) deposit has a total reserve of more than 1.31 Mt WO3. Veinlet-disseminated scheelite and vein type wolframite mineralization are developed in this deposit, which are related to Late Mesozoic biotite granite. Four major types of alterations, which include albitization, potassic-alteration, and greisenization, and overprinted silicification developed in contact zone. The mass balance calculate of the four alteration types were used to further understanding of the mineralization process. The fresh porphyritic biotite granite has high Nb, Ta, and W, but low Ca and Sr while the Jiuling granodiorite has high Ca and Sr, but low Nb, Ta, and W concentrations. The altered porphyritic biotite granite indicated that the Nb, Ta, and W were leached out from the fresh porphyritic biotite granite, especially by sodic alteration. The low Ca and Sr contents of the altered Neoproterozoic Jiuling granodiorite indicate that Ca and Sr had been leached out from the fresh granodiorite by the fluid from Mesozoic porphyritic biotite granites. The metal W of the Dahutang deposit was mainly derived from the fluid exsolution from the melt and alteration of W-bearing granites. This study of alteration presents a new hydrothermal circulation model to understand tungsten mineralization in the Dahutang deposit.  相似文献   
辽南早元古宙辽河群变质岩系中的金矿床为变质热液成因金矿床,矿床的形成与吕梁期变质变形作用关系密切。金矿化带的展布与金矿体的产出受韧性剪切带控制。剪切带内岩石具有明显的动态性组构特征,直接赋矿围岩为辽河群盖县组糜棱岩化千枚岩、变砂岩及云母石英糜棱岩等。韧性剪切带为含矿流体的运移提供通道。作者定义这类金矿床为变质热液型含金剪切带金矿床。  相似文献   
王翠云  李晓峰  肖荣  白艳萍  杨锋  毛伟  蒋松坤 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3869-3886
德兴铜矿是中国华南地区重要的大型斑岩铜矿,由朱砂红、铜厂和富家坞3个矿床组成。在系统的钻孔样岩相观察基础上,本文把德兴朱砂红花岗闪长斑岩划分为3种类型蚀变岩(钾化-黑云母化蚀变岩、绿泥石化蚀变岩、石英-绢(白)云母化蚀变岩),其主要标志性蚀变矿物依次为:钾长石(黑云母)→绿泥石→石英+绢(白)云母,且热液蚀变程度依次增强。以Al2O3作为不活动组分,通过Isocon分析法表明:随着热液蚀变作用的持续进行,蚀变程度的逐渐增强,主量元素(P2O5)行为较稳定,Na2O、Sr元素大量活化迁出;高场强元素Hf、Th、U、V、Co、Nb、Ta等表现为弱活动性或不活动性;成矿元素Cu、Pb、W显示出大量带入,表明热液流体和成矿流体可能属于同一流体系统。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,其中绿泥石化蚀变岩的LREE、HREE均较原岩亏损,而石英-绢(白)云母化花岗闪长斑岩的LREE、HREE富集/亏损情况因样品而异,相对增量/减量变化幅度较大。各类蚀变花岗闪长斑岩球粒陨石化配分模式表现较一致,均为轻稀土相对于重稀土富集的右倾分布,极弱Eu负异常,曲线左陡右平缓,尾部轻微上翘,形似铲状,反映岩浆源区角闪石的分离结晶作用。蚀变花岗闪长斑岩的Y/Ho比值与球粒陨石的Y/Ho比值基本一致,表明Y-Ho在热液蚀变过程中未发生明显分离。弱蚀变花岗闪长斑岩具有较高Sr/Y比值、La/Sm比值以及中等Sm/Yb比值,暗示源区残留相主要为角闪石±石榴子石。  相似文献   
张守洁 《地震工程学报》2005,27(4):357-360,376
0前言中国是一个多地震国家,频繁而严重的地震灾害给人民生命和财产带来了巨大的损失,防震减灾任务任重而道远。回良玉副总理2004年在全国防震减灾工作会议讲话中指出:“防震减灾是全社会共同的责任,要广泛动员社会各方的力量,积极投入到这项事业中来,使防震减灾逐步成为全社会的自觉行动。”因此,总结近40年我国防震减灾工作和改革开放的实践经验,对社会公众进行各种防震减灾宣传教育,广泛动员全社会力量,建立健全防震减灾社会动员机制,增强全社会防震减灾意识,是提高我国综合防震减灾能力,有效地促进地震灾害综合防御各项措施落实的重要途…  相似文献   
ODP与冲绳海槽海底热水活动研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
高爱国 《海洋科学》1996,20(3):25-30
本文简要介绍了ODP与海底热水活动研究,冲绳海槽中部现代海底热水活动区热水活动研究简况及其热水活动特征;就冲绳海槽中部热水活动研究中存在的问题与ODP在冲绳海槽热水区钻探的科学目标进行了讨论。  相似文献   
It is found by field investigation that the near horizontal top surface of the brown or brick-red hydrothermai alteration zone varies obviously in elevation at different sections of the same layer on the caldera‘s inner wall of Tianchi, with that at the north section near the Tianwen Peak about 110 m higher than that at the south near the Jiangjun Peak in Korea. The top surface of the hydrothermai alteration zone can be taken as key horizon to tectonic movement. The difference indicates that the total uplift height of the NW wall of the Liudaogou-Tianchi-Jingfengshan fault, the principal fault trending NE at Tianchi, is bigger than that of the SE wall ever since the occurrence of hydrothermal alteration. This also explains why the topography in the northwest side of Tianchi is steeper and with more developed river system than in the southeast. The uplifting of the northeastern wall is bigger than that of the southwest along the principal NW-trend fault, namely, the Baishanzhen-Tianchi-Jince fault. It is observed from characters of hydrothermal alteration and the palaeoresiduum, that the recent vertical movement rate along the principal NE-trend fault is larger than that of the principal NW-trend fault. The two faults intersect at Tianchi, dividing the volcano into 4 blocks, with the uplift magnitudes decreasing successively in the order of the north, the west, the east and the south block. The biggest uplift of the north block corresponds well to the shallow magma batch in the north of Tianchi observed by DSS and telluric electromagnetic sounding, and etc. and they may be related with the causes.  相似文献   
The Hg concentration in seawater and copepod samples collected from the area around hydrothermal vents at Kueishan Island and the adjacent marine environment in northeastern Taiwan were analyzed to study Hg bioaccumulation in copepods living in polluted and clean marine environments. The seawater collected from the hydrothermal vent area had an extremely high concentration of dissolved Hg, 50.6–256 ng l−1. There was slightly higher Hg content in the copepods, 0.08–0.88 μg g−1. The dissolved Hg concentration in the hydrothermal vent seawater was two to three orders of magnitude higher than that in the adjacent environment. The bioconcentration factor of the studied copepods ranged within 103–106, and showed higher dissolved concentration as the bioconcentration factor was lower. A substantial abundance, but with less copepod diversity was recorded in the seawater around the hydrothermal vent area. Temora turbinata was the species of opportunity under the hydrothermal vent influence.  相似文献   
岩浆-热液系统中铁的富集机制探讨   总被引:8,自引:17,他引:8  
与岩浆-热液系统有关的铁矿类型有岩浆型钒钛磁铁矿床、玢岩铁矿、矽卡岩型铁矿和海相火山岩型铁矿,与这些铁矿有关的岩浆岩从基性-超基性、中性到中酸性岩均有,其中岩浆型钒钛磁铁矿床与基性-超基性深成侵入岩有关,形成于岩浆阶段,主要与分离结晶作用有关,但是厚大的富铁矿石的形成则可归结于原始的富铁钛苦橄质岩浆、分离结晶作用、多期次的岩浆补充以及流动分异等联合过程。钒钛磁铁矿石产于岩体下部还是上部与母岩浆的氧逸度有关:高的氧逸度导致磁铁矿早期结晶而使得其堆积于岩体的下部,相反,低氧逸度则导致低品位的浸染状矿石产于岩体的上部。虽然野外一些证据表明,元古宙斜长岩中的磷铁矿石可能是不混溶作用形成的,但是目前尚无实验证据。某些玢岩铁矿的一些磷灰石-磁铁矿石可能与闪长质岩浆同化混染了地壳中的磷导致的不混溶作用有关。除此之外,其他各类与岩浆作用有关的铁矿床均与岩浆后期的岩浆-热液作用有关。这些不同类型铁矿床的蚀变和矿化过程具有相似性,反映了它们形成过程具有相似的物理化学条件。成矿实验以及流体包裹体研究表明,岩浆-流体转换过程中出溶流体的数量以及成分受多种因素控制,其中岩浆分离结晶作用以及碳酸盐地层和膏盐层的混染可导致出溶的流体中Cl浓度的升高。早期高氧逸度环境可以使得硫以SO42-形式存在,抑制硫与铁的结合形成黄铁矿,有利于铁在早期以Cl的络合物发生迁移。大型富铁矿的形成需要一个长期稳定的流体对流循环系统,而岩浆的多期侵位或岩浆房以及在相对封闭的环境中(需要一个不透水层)一个有利于流体循环的断裂/裂隙系统是形成一个长期稳定的流体对流循环系统的必要条件。但是由于不同地质环境,流体中铁的卸载方式和位置会有明显差别,由此导致不同的矿石结构构造和不同的矿体产状。  相似文献   
The area south of the prominent east–west trending Salzach Valley at the northern rim of the Central Alps of Austria has long been known to host anomalously warm springs emerging from a highly deformed calcite marble (Klammkalk). This unit also hosts cavities whose shapes suggest a hydrothermal karst origin and which are lined by calcite spar. We report here petrographic and isotopic evidence suggesting that dissolution by ascending low-temperature thermal waters also played an important role in the origin of a large cave in this region, Entrische Kirche. A paleo cave wall, preserved behind a thick flowstone in the interior of this cave, revealed a brownish bleaching zone which contrasts to the medium grey colour of the unaltered marble beneath. Across this zone the C and O isotope values gradually decrease by 3 and 11‰, respectively. These compositions are very different from those of the speleothem above but are similar to phreatic calcite spar from hydrothermal karst cavities in other outcrops in the area, where the absence of two-phase fluid inclusions suggests a low-temperature (less than ca. 50°C) hydrothermal origin. U/Th dating of the flowstone capping the alteration zone yielded a minimum age of the thermal water invasion in Entrische Kirche of ca. 240 kyr. There is no evidence in Entrische Kirche that these palaeowaters reached the point of calcite precipitation, but it is physically conceivable that higher and as yet unexplored parts of this deep (ca. 900 m) cave contain cavities lined by phreatic cave spar.  相似文献   
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