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在对构造运动差异较大的柯坪块体和天山中部地区地震活动研究基础上,深入分析了这两个不同构造单元的中强地震活动对整体新疆地震形势的影响。不同构造环境下不同构造单元地震活动差异性很大。柯坪块体内构造运动强烈,它是新疆6级地震主要活动区之一。6级地震发生后的1年内,天山地震带是中强地震的主要响应区,在时间上具有短期预测意义。位于特殊构造环境的中天山地区地震少,地震强度低。4次5级地震后的1~3年,新疆地震活动呈明显增强趋势,中天山地区中强地震活动对周边地区中强地震活动会产生触发作用。  相似文献   
Calculating the coseismic static Coulomb stress change induced by an earthquake and interseismic stress change permits to explain the distribution of aftershocks, the earthquake sequence and other seismic observations. Four earthquakes greater than M7 have occurred in the Longmenshan area before the 2013 Lushan earthquake since 1900. This paper analyzes the influence of these four events on the Lushan earthquake, the stress evolution after the Lushan earthquake accompany with strong earthquake sequence on Longmenshan Fault, and the stress state of the gap between the Lushan and Wenchuan earthquakes. To address these issues would help future seismic risk assessment in the region. We construct a three dimensional finite element model based on the geological structure, the deep inversion results of density and velocity, and the GPS and the stress observation data. The simulation results show that the annual variation rate of Coulomb stress is higher on the Xianshuihe fault and southern segment of the Longmenshan fault, which is consistant with the regional seismicity. The coseismic Coulomb stresses induced by Kangding, Songpan, and Wenchuan earthquakes at the Lushan earthquake epicenter is greater than 0, implying that the three earthquakes may promote the occurrence of the Lushan earthquake, especially the Wenchuan earthquake. The viscous relaxation is remarkable which cannot be ignored in the analysis of stress evolution. From the stress evolution of this area, we can find that the gap between the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes is still at a relatively high stress level after the Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   
We investigated the distribution of naturally occurring geochemical tracers (222Rn, 223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, CH4, δ18O, and δ2H) in the water column and adjacent groundwater of Mangueira Lagoon as proxies of groundwater discharge. Mangueira Lagoon is a large (90 km long), shallow (4–5 m deep), fresh, and non-tidal coastal lagoon in southern Brazil surrounded by extensively irrigated rice plantations and numerous irrigation canals. We hypothesized that the annual, intense irrigation for rice agriculture creates extreme conditions that seasonally change groundwater discharge patterns in the adjacent lagoon. We further supposed that dredging of irrigation canals alters groundwater fluxes.

While the activities of 222Rn in shallow groundwater were 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than in surface water, CH4 and radium isotopes were only 1 order of magnitude higher. Therefore, 222Rn appears to be the preferred groundwater tracer in this system. Radon concentrations and conductivities were dramatically higher near the pump house of rice irrigation canals, consistent with a groundwater source. Modeling of radon inventories accounting for total inputs (groundwater advection, diffusion from sediments, and decay of 226Ra) and losses (atmospheric evasion, horizontal mixing and decay) indicated that groundwater advection rates in the irrigation canals (25 cm/d) are over 2 orders of magnitude higher than along the shoreline (0.1 cm/d). Nearly 75% of the total area of the canals is found in the southern half of the lagoon, where groundwater inputs seem to be higher as also indicated by methane and stable isotope trends. In spite of the relatively small area of the canals, we estimate that they contribute nearly 70% of the total (57,000 m3/d) groundwater input into the entire Mangueira Lagoon. We suggest that the dredging of these canals cut through aquitards which previously restricted upward advection from the underlying permeable strata. The irrigation channels may therefore represent an important but previously overlooked source of nutrients and other dissolved chemicals derived from agricultural practices into the lagoon.  相似文献   

During a 4-month period starting from 21 January, 1997, an earthquake swarm of seven major events (Ms≥6.0) struck the Jiashi region at the northwestern corner of the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang,, China. Previous relocation studies suggested that these strong earthquakes had occurred along at least two parallel rupture zones. According to the relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms of the events, we have constructed fault models for these seven earthquakes to calculate the Coulomb stress changes produced by each of these events. Furthermore, we extended our model calculations to include an ad- jacent 1996 Ms=6.9 Artushi earthquake, which occurred one year before the Jiashi earthquake swarm. Our calculations show that the Coulomb stress change caused by the preceding events was around 0.05 MPa at the hypocenter of the 4th event, and higher than 0.08 MPa at the hypocenters of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th events. Our results reveal a Coulomb stress interactive cycle of earthquake triggering between two adjacent normal and strike-slip faults.  相似文献   
通过云南区域数字测震台网对2004年12月26日Ms 8.7印尼大震的波形记录,着重考查了大地震面波在到达云南26个台站后的1小时传播过程中对云南及周边地区产生的远场动态触发效应,发现在面波作用的短短1小时内,云南的西部地区有明显的地震即刻触发现象,并对这些现象的特征及其相关因素进行了讨论.  相似文献   
位于川西地区龙门山断裂带附近的紫坪铺水库于2005年9月开始蓄水.约2.7年后,2008年5月12日,Mw7.9级汶川地震在龙门山断裂带上发生,两事件在时间和空间上的接近,揭示其可能相互关联,但前人的诸多研究给出了不同甚至是相反的结果.本研究基于完全耦合孔隙弹性理论,利用二维有限元模型(FEM),模拟水库蓄水造成的区域孔隙压力场和应力场的演化过程,基于库仑应力演化探讨其对龙门山断裂带活动的影响.模拟结果显示紫坪铺水库蓄水打破了原来的区域孔隙压力平衡,形成孔隙压力梯度源,向周围地壳传播;进而造成龙门山断裂带上库仑应力正值范围不断扩大,由浅入深影响到整条断层,尤其对浅层范围的加载作用明显,达上百千帕,为整个断层面的失稳提供了基础.震源区域库仑应力呈持续增长趋势,汶川地震发震前,增长了约数千帕~数十千帕,即使初期库仑应力为负,在未来某时刻库仑应力仍可能由负转正,并不断增大.通过计算汶川地震震源及其附近区域内相对于多种可能断层倾角的库仑应力,发现库仑应力随断层倾角增大而增加.因此整体来看,紫坪铺水库蓄水对龙门山断裂带起加载作用,有可能触发地震.对紫坪铺库区周围的小震分析也显示,蓄水以来小震明显增多、且不同时段小震发生密集区与水库距离逐渐增大,与孔隙压力扩散趋势一致.以上结果表明紫坪铺水库的蓄水增加了汶川地震的危险性.  相似文献   
We simulate accumulative Coulomb failure stress change in a layered Maxwell viscoelastic media in the north-eastern Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)Plateau since 1920.Lithospheric stress/strain evolution is assumed to be drivenby dislocations of large earthquakes(M≥7.0)and secular tectonic loading.The earthquake rupture parameters suchas the fault rupture length,width,and slip are either adopted from field investigations or estimated from their sta-tistic relationships with the earthquake magnitudes and seismic moments.Our study shows that among 20 largeearthquakes(M≥7.0)investigated,17 occurred in areas where the Coulomb failure stress change is positive,with atriggering rate of 85%.This study provides essential data for the intermediate to long-term likelihood estimation oflarge earthquakes in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Earthquake Triggering along the Xianshuihe Fault Zone of Western Sichuan,China   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Western Sichuan is among the most seismically active regions in southwestern China and is characterized by frequent strong (M 6.5) earthquakes, mainly along the Xianshuihe fault zone. Historical and instrumental seismicity show a temporal pattern of active periods separated by inactive ones, while in space a remarkable epicenter migration has been observed. During the last active period starting in 1893, the sinistral strike–slip Xianshuihe fault of 350 km total length, was entirely broken with the epicenters of successive strong earthquakes migrating along its strike. This pattern is investigated by resolving changes of Coulomb failure function (CFF) since 1893 and hence the evolution of the stress field in the area during the last 110 years. Coulomb stress changes were calculated assuming that earthquakes can be modeled as static dislocations in an elastic halfspace, and taking into account both the coseismic slip in strong (M 6.5) earthquakes and the slow tectonic stress buildup associated with major fault segments. The stress change calculations were performed for faults of strike, dip, and rake appropriate to the strong events. We evaluate whether these stress changes brought a given strong earthquake closer to, or sent it farther from, failure. It was found that all strong earthquakes, and moreover, the majority of smaller events for which reliable fault plane solutions are available, have occurred on stress–enhanced fault segments providing a convincing case in which Coulomb stress modeling gives insight into the temporal and spatial manifestation of seismic activity. We extend the stress calculations to the year 2025 and provide an assessment for future seismic hazard by identifying the fault segments that are possible sites of future strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

本研究重新拾取震相到时, 对2003—2021年松原地区发生的地震进行了绝对定位, 采用双差层析成像法在松原地区获得0~20 km深度的高分辨率三维VPVS模型, 对该区地震的发震机制、地震迁移与震源区速度结构之间的关系等进行了深入讨论.结果显示: 2003—2021年松原地区地震总体沿着松原—肇东断裂呈北北东向展布.震源区(123°E—125°E, 44°N—46°N, 0~15 km)的泊松比变化范围为0.24~0.30, 平均值为0.242, 低于0.3, 推断震源区地壳内部几乎不存在部分熔融.绝大多数地震发生在低P、低S波速度异常处, 推测震源区下方热物质上涌所携带的流体注入到地壳后触发了松原地区地震.研究区下方5~10 km深度现存在一条连接松原市、前郭县和长岭地区, 北北东走向的S波低速带, 推断松原—肇东断裂为深部流体提供了通道, 控制了地震呈北北东向串珠状展布, 且地震随时间具有回跳的迁移特点.根据断裂弱化模型推测松原地区发生更大地震的可能性较低, 但在长岭地区, 小地震可能会持续发生.

地震静态应力触发模型的全球检验   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
运用1976~2000年哈佛大学矩心矩张量目录,采用地震对概念对地震静态应力触发模型进行检验.结果表明,从全球角度来看,地震静态应力触发效应确实存在,但只是一种很弱的效应.将地震分为正断层、逆断层、走滑断层等分别对静态应力触发模型进行检验,发现非走滑断层地震具有明显的触发效应,而走滑断层地震触发效应则不明显.按地震对中后续事件的延迟时间分为延迟时间t1天、t<1天、t10天、t<10天和1天 t10天5个时间段的地震对,分别对地震静态应力触发模型进行研究,发现静态应力触发效应在地震之后的短时间内不随延迟时间的变化而变化.对全球不同区域的地震静态应力触发情况的研究表明,消减带地震对的触发效应较为明显.为了研究地震静态应力触发模型在中国应用的可能性,对中国及邻区的地震进行了检验,发现就中国及邻区的地震类型而言(以走滑断层为主),不容易观测到地震静态应力触发现象.   相似文献   
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