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Four groups of thermal springs with temperatures from 50 to 80 °C are located on the S–SW–W slopes of El Chichón volcano, a composite dome-tephra edifice, which exploded in 1982 with a 1 km wide, 160 m deep crater left. Very dynamic thermal activity inside the crater (variations in chemistry and migration of pools and fumaroles, drastic changes in the crater lake volume and chemistry) contrasts with the stable behavior of the flank hot springs during the time of observations (1974–2005). All known groups of hot springs are located on the contact of the basement and volcanic edifice, and only on the W–SW–S slopes of the volcano at almost same elevations 600–650 m asl and less than 3 km of direct distance from the crater. Three groups of near-neutral (pH ≈ 6) springs at SW–S slopes have the total thermal water outflow rate higher than 300 l/s and are similar in composition. The fourth and farthest group on the western slope discharges acidic (pH ≈ 2) saline (10 g/kg of Cl) water with a much lower outflow rate (< 10 l/s).  相似文献   
A baroclinic shallow-water model is developed to investigate the effect of the orientation of the eastern ocean boundary on the behavior of equatorial Kelvin waves. The model is formulated in a spherical polar coordinate system and includes dissipation and non-linear terms, effects which have not been previously included in analytical approaches to the problem. Both equatorial and middle latitude response are considered given the large latitudinal extent used in the model. Baroclinic equatorial Kelvin waves of intraseasonal, seasonal and annual periods are introduced into the domain as pulses of finite width. Their subsequent reflection, transmission and dissipation are investigated. It is found that dissipation is very important for the transmission of wave energy along the boundary and for reflections from the boundary. The dissipation was found to be dependent not only on the presence of the coastal Kelvin waves in the domain, but also on the period of these coastal waves. In particular the dissipation increases with wave period. It is also shown that the equatorial β-plane approximation can allow an anomalous generation of Rossby waves at higher latitudes. Nonlinearities generally have a small effect on the solutions, within the confines of this model.  相似文献   
地质学家重视研究深部(变质)CO_2对古气候的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王焰新  文冬光 《地学前缘》1996,3(4):274-281
地质学家重视研究深部(变质)CO2对古气候的影响贾跃明(中国地质矿产信息研究院,北京,100037)近几年来,随着过去全球变化研究的兴起,地质学家越来越重视地质历史时期影响大气CO2浓度的因素的调查。不少人认为,变质作用和火山活动可能是过去大气中CO...  相似文献   
Maps showing the potential for soil erosion at 1:100,000 scale are produced in a study area within Lebanon that can be used for evaluating erosion of Mediterranean karstic terrain with two different sets of impact factors built into an erosion model. The first set of factors is: soil erodibility, morphology, land cover/use and rainfall erosivity. The second is obtained by the first adding a fifth factor, rock infiltration. High infiltration can reflect high recharge, therefore decreasing the potential of surface runoff and hence the quantity of transported materials. Infiltration is derived as a function of lithology, lineament density, karstification and drainage density, all of which can be easily extracted from satellite imagery. The influence of these factors is assessed by a weight/rate approach sharing similarities between quantitative and qualitative methods and depending on pair-wise comparison matrix.The main outcome was the production of factorial maps and erosion susceptibility maps (scale 1:100,000). Spatial and attribute comparison of erosion maps indicates that the model that includes a measure of rock infiltration better represents erosion potential. Field investigation of rills and gullies shows 87.5% precision of the model with rock infiltration. This is 17.5% greater than the precision of the model without rock infiltration. These results indicate the necessity and importance of integrating information on infiltration of rock outcrops to assess soil erosion in Mediterranean karst landscapes.  相似文献   
We use scaled physical analog (centrifuge) modeling to investigate along- and across-strike structural variations in the Salt Range and Potwar Plateau of the Himalayan foreland fold-thrust belt of Pakistan. The models, composed of interlayered plasticine and silicone putty laminae, comprise four mechanical units representing the Neoproterozoic Salt Range Formation (basal detachment), Cambrian–Eocene carapace sequence, and Rawalpindi and Siwalik Groups (Neogene molasse), on a rigid base representing the Indian craton. Pre-cut ramps simulate basement faults with various structural geometries.A pre-existing north-dipping basement normal fault under the model foreland induces a frontal ramp and a prominent fault-bend-fold culmination, simulating the Salt Range. The ramp localizes displacement on a frontal thrust that occurs out-of-sequence with respect to other foreland folds and thrusts. With a frontal basement fault terminating to the east against a right-stepping, east-dipping lateral ramp, deformation propagates further south in the east; strata to the east of the lateral ramp are telescoped in ENE-trending detachment folds, fault-propagation folds and pop-up structures above a thick basal detachment (Salt Range Formation), in contrast to translated but less-deformed strata with E–W-trending Salt-Range structures to the west. The models are consistent with Salt Range–Potwar Plateau structural style contrasts being due to basement fault geometry and variation in detachment thickness.  相似文献   
Abstract The freshwater lens morphologies of the barrier islands Dog Island and St. George Island on the panhandle coast of Florida (FL), USA, are controlled to varying degrees by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Variable-density groundwater flow models confirm that spatial variability of recharge values can account for the observed lens asymmetry on these islands. The depth to the base of the lens does not vary significantly seasonally. Human development has altered recharge patterns in some areas, locally thinning the freshwater lens. Aqueduct water supply to St. George Island represents 7–25% of natural recharge; higher recharge rates are required to simulate the lens on St. George Island than on Dog Island. On both islands, coastal erosion rates are sufficiently rapid that the freshwater lens may not be in equilibrium with current boundary conditions.
Resumen Las morfologías de los lentes de agua dulce en las islas de barrera: Islas Dog y St. George, en la costa alargada y estrecha de Florida, EUA, están controladas en diferentes grados por factores antropogénicos y naturales. Los modelos de flujo con densidad variable del agua subterránea, confirman que la variabilidad espacial de los valores de recarga, pueden ser la causa de la asimetría observada en los lentes de estas islas. La profundidad hasta la base de los lentes no varía significativamente con las estaciones climáticas. El desarrollo humano ha alterado las tendencias de recarga en algunas áreas, causando adelgazamiento local de los lentes de agua dulce. El abastecimiento de agua del acueducto en la Isla St. George, representa entre 7% y 25% de la recarga natural; por otro lado se necesitan cantidades mayores de recarga para simular los lentes en la Isla St. George que en la Isla Dog. En ambas islas, las tasas de erosión costera son tan rápidas, que las lentes de agua dulce podrían no estar en equilibrio con las condiciones actuales de frontera.

Résumé La morphologie des lentilles deau douce des îles de Dog et de St. George, situés dans le district côtier de Florida-Etats Unis est contrôlé dans une mesure variable par des facteurs naturelles et humaines. Les modèles découlement à densité variable des eaux souterraines confirment que la variation spatiale de la recharge peut expliquer les asymétries observées des lentilles des cettes îles. La profondeur des lentilles ne présente pas des variations saisonnières importantes. Les activités humaines ont modifié la recharge dans certaines zones en amincissant localement les lentilles deau douce. Lalimentation en eaux de lîle de St. George représente 7–25% de la recharge naturelle; pour simuler les lentilles de lîle de Dog il a été nécessaire dintroduire des valeurs plus élevées de la recharge par rapport aux ceux utilisés pour lîle de St. George. Pour les deux îles lérosion côtière est assez rapide ainsi que les lentilles de eau douce ne sont pas en équilibre avec les conditions à la frontière.
Characterizing heterogeneous permeable media using flow and transport data typically requires solution of an inverse problem. Such inverse problems are intensive computationally and may involve iterative procedures requiring many forward simulations of the flow and transport problem. Previous attempts have been limited mostly to flow data such as pressure transient (interference) tests using multiple observation wells. This paper discusses an approach to generating stochastic permeability fields conditioned to geologic data in the form of a vertical variogram derived from cores and logs as well as fluid flow and transport data, such as tracer concentration history, by sequential application of simulated annealing (SA). Thus, the method incorporates elements of geostatistics within the framework of inverse modeling. For tracer-transport calculations, we have used a semianalytic transit-time algorithm which is fast, accurate, and free of numerical dispersion. For steady velocity fields, we introduce a transit-time function which demonstrates the relative importance of data from different sources. The approach is illustrated by application to a set of spatial permeability measurements and tracer data from an experiment in the Antolini Sandstone, an eolian outcrop from northern Arizona. The results clearly reveal the importance of tracer data in reproducing the correlated features (channels) of the permeability field and the scale effects of heterogeneity.  相似文献   
针对滩海油田具有完钻井少,以地震资料为主的特点,采用井震结合的方法进行地质建模。复杂断块油藏具有许多内部断层,充分利用地震解释层位和断层成果建立合理的构造模型。采用“多步建模”的思路,选用序贯高斯同位协同模拟算法建立储层参数模型。以测井资料为硬数据,地震反演数据为软数据,先后建立自然伽玛模型、泥质含量模型和砂泥岩相模型,然后以砂泥岩相模型为约束,建立储层参数模型。经研究表明,综合使用地震解释成果和三维地震数据体,有助于建立准确、合理的构造模型;而采用“多步建模”的思路,利用序贯高斯同位协同模拟算法,并综合测井资料、地震资料建立储层参数模型,有助于从地质的角度对储层参数模拟进行约束,提高储层随机建模精度,保证储层参数模型的准确和可靠性。  相似文献   
彭昊  徐敬海  倪绍强 《测绘通报》2017,(12):107-111
变电站是重要的电力设施,对其进行测绘采集是三维建模与可视化、运行维护、管理、异常监控等工作的基础,但其中构筑物具有复杂、结构异形等特点。本文利用三维激光扫描技术获取点云数据,对变电站进行精细测量。提出了基于空间区域复杂度的划分(如将测区划分为均匀分布区、紧密排列区、气体绝缘封闭组合电器(GIS)区、过渡区)方法,并以新疆亚中变电站为例展示了该方法的应用,最终实现了变电站的三维建模与可视化。  相似文献   
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