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This paper presents a new, fully-coupled, hydro-mechanical (HM) formulation for a finite-discrete element method computer code. In the newly-developed, hydraulic solver, fluid flow is assumed to occur through the same triangular mesh used for the mechanical calculations. The flow of a viscous, compressible fluid is explicitly solved based on a cubic law approximation. The implementation is verified against closed-form solutions for several flow problems. The approach is then applied to a field-scale simulation of fluid injection in a jointed, porous rock mass. Results show that the proposed method can be used to obtain unique geomechanical insights into coupled HM phenomena.  相似文献   
简要叙述了宜昌市自然经济状况,初步分析了区内矿产资源的区域成矿地质背景,并总结了其时空分布规律,重点从数量、质量、价值、分布以及它们在宜昌市国民经济和社会发展中的地位等方面总结了区内矿产资源的特点,从而筛选出优势矿产与潜在优势矿产。  相似文献   
丹东附近海域海雾产生的条件及天气学预报方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用常规气象观测资料和NOAA-17,EOS/ODIS卫星遥感影像资料,应用个例分析与合成分析相结合的方法,分析了2001~2005年37个海雾个例,揭示了丹东附近海域海雾的变化规律和海雾形成期间的大气、海洋背景条件,研制出了天气学预报方法并对其预报能力进行了检验。  相似文献   
In-situ hydraulic conductivity and specific storage measurements are derived from an analysis of pore-water pressure changes in a nest of piezometers installed in a 40-m-thick succession of smectitic clay on the Liverpool Plains of northern New South Wales, Australia. The cumulative response to the rainfall events that typically occurs during winter or early spring is propagated through the clay with measurable loss of amplitude and increasing phase lag. Five major rainfall events occurred over the four years of detailed monitoring. The phase lag at the base of the clay varied between 49 and 72 days. Barometric efficiency (BE) measurements for the clay sequence (BE = 0.07) and the underlying confined aquifer (BE = 0.10) were used, with a known porosity of 0.567, to derive specific storage values of 3.7×10–5 and 6.8×10–6 m–1 respectively. Vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) of the clay sequence derived from observed amplitude and phase changes, resulted in an average value of 2.8×10–9 m/s. These in-situ-derived values indicate that previous estimates of vertical hydraulic conductivity of the clays, made on core samples, are unrealistically high. The instantaneous response to individual rainfall events transmitted through the clay succession (tidal efficiency of 0.93) is also described.
Resumen Se han derivado mediciones in-situ de conductividad hidráulica y almacenamiento específico a partir de un análisis de cambios de presión intersticial en una red de piezómetros instalados en una secuencia gruesa de 40 m de arcilla esmectítica en las Planicies Liverpool del norte de Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. La respuesta acumulativa de los eventos de lluvia que típicamente ocurren en invierno y principio de primavera se propaga a través de la arcilla mediante pérdida de amplitud y un incremento en retraso de fase. Durante los cuatro años de monitoreo detallado ocurrieron cuatro eventos de lluvia principales. El retraso de fase en la base de la arcilla varió de 49 a 72 días. Las mediciones de eficiencia barométrica (BE) para la secuencia arcillosa (BE = 0.07) y el acuífero confinado subyacente (BE = 0.1) se utilizaron, con una porosidad conocida de 0.567, para derivar valores de almacenamiento específico de 3.7×10–5 y 6.8×10–6 m–1, respectivamente. La conductividad hidráulica vertical (Kv) de la secuencia arcillosa derivada de cambios observados en amplitud y fase dio por resultado un valor promedio de 2.8×10–9 m/s. Estos valores derivados in-situ indican que los estimados previos de conductividad hidráulica vertical de las arcillas, hechos en muestras de núcleo, son muy altos y poco confiables. También se describe la respuesta instantánea de eventos de lluvia individuales transmitidos a través de la secuencia arcillosa (eficiencia de marea de 0.93).

Résumé Des mesures in-situ de conductivité hydraulique et demmagasinement spécifique sont obtenues à partir de lanalyse de la variation des pressions interstitielles telles que mesurées au droit dun nid de piézomètres interceptant une épaisseur de 40 m dargile smectique dans les plaines de Liverpool, région nord du New South Wales, Australie. La réponse cumulative aux évènements pluviométriques qui surviennent typiquement durant lhiver ou le début du printemps, se propage dans les argiles suite à une diminution damplitude (des pressions interstitielles) et à un accroissement du pas de temps.. Cinq évènements pluviométriques sont survenus lors dun suivi détaillé effectué sur quatre (4) années. Le pas de temps à la base de largile a varié de 49 à 72 jours. Les mesures defficience barométrique (EB) de lassemblage argileux (BE = 0.07) et de la nappe aquifère confinée sous-jacente (BE = 1.10) ont été utilisées, avec une porosité connue de 0,567, afin dobtenir des valeurs demmagasinement spécifique de respectivement 3.7×10–5 et 6.6×10–6 m–1. La conductivité hydraulique verticale (Ky) de lassemblage argileux a été déterminée à partir de la mesure des variations damplitudes ainsi que des pas de temps, permettant la détermination dune valeur moyenne de 2.8×10–9 m/s. Ces valeurs obtenues in-situ montrent que les estimations de conductivité hydraulique verticale des argiles telles quobtenues à partir déchantillons non remaniés sont surestimées. La réponse instantanée à des évènements pluviométriques individuels transmis au travers de la succession dargile (facteur defficacité de marée de 0.93) est également décrite.
A regional lacustrine aquitard covers the main aquifer of the metropolitan area of Mexico City. The aquitards hydraulic conductivity (K) is fundamental for evaluating the natural protection of the aquifer against a variety of contaminants present on the surface and its hydraulic response. This study analyzes the distribution and variation of K in the plains of Chalco, Texcoco and Mexico City (three of the six former lakes that existed in the Basin of Mexico), on the basis of 225 field-permeability tests, in nests of existing piezometers located at depths of 2–85 m. Tests were interpreted using the Hvorslev method and some by the Bouwer-Rice method. Results indicate that the distribution of K fits log-Gaussian regression models. Dominant frequencies for K in the Chalco and Texcoco plains range between 1E–09 and 1E–08 m/s, with similar population means of 1.19E–09 and 1.7E–09 m/s, respectively, which are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the matrix conductivity. In the Mexico City Plain the population mean is near by one order of magnitude lower; K=2.6E–10 m/s. The contrast between the measured K and that of the matrix is attributed to the presence of fractures in the upper 25–40 m, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies on solute migration in the aquitard.
Resumen El acuífero principal del Área Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México está recubierto por un acuitardo regional lacustre, cuya conductividad hidráulica es fundamental para evaluar la protección natural de las aguas subterráneas contra los contaminantes presentes en superficie y su respuesta hidráulica. Este estudio analiza la distribución y variación de dicha conductividad en las llanuras de Chalco, Texcoco y Ciudad de México (tres de los seis lagos que existían al principio en la Cuenca de México) a partir de 225 ensayos de campo en piezómetros múltiples existentes, ubicados entre 2 y 85 m de profundidad. La interpretación de los ensayos se ha realizado mediante el método de Hvorslev y—algunos—el de Bouwer-Rice. Los resultados indican que la distribución de la conductividad se ajusta a modelos de regresión lognormales. Las frecuencias dominantes en las Llanuras de Chalco y Texoco están comprendidas entre 1–9 y 10–8 m/s, con medias de población similares de 1.19×10–9 y 1.70×10–9 m/s, respectivamente, que son dos órdenes de magnitud mayores que el valor de la matriz. En el Llano de México, la media es casi un orden de magnitud inferior (2.60×10–10 m/s). Se atribuye este contraste entre la conductividad hidráulica medida y la de la matriz a la presencia de fracturas en el tramo superior situado entre 25 y 40 m, cosa que es coherente con estudios previos de migración de solutos en el acuitardo.

Résumé Un imperméable régional dorigine lacustre recouvre le principal aquifère de la zone urbaine de la ville de Mexico. La conductivité hydraulique K de cet imperméable est fondamentale pour évaluer la protection naturelle de laquifère, contre les différents contaminants présents en surface, et sa réponse hydraulique. Cette étude analyse et les variations de K dans les plaines de Chalco, Texcoco et Mexico (trois des six anciens lacs qui existaient dans le Bassin de Mexico), sur la base de 225 essais de perméabilité sur le terrain, réalisés en grappes dans des piézomètres existants entre 2 et 85 m de profondeur. Les essais ont été interprétés avec la méthode de Hvorslev et certains avec la méthode de Bouwer-Rice. Les résultats indiquent que la distribution de K sajuste à des modèles de régression log-gaussiens. Les valeurs de K les plus fréquentes dans les plaines de Chalco et de Texcoco sont entre 1E–09 et 1E–08 m/s, avec des moyennes similaires de 1.19E–09 et 1.7E–09 m/s respectivement, qui sont dun ou deux ordres de grandeurs supérieures à la conductivité de la matrice. Dans la plaine de Mexico, la moyenne est proche dun ordre de grandeur en moins, avec 2.6E–10 m/s. Ce contraste entre le K mesuré et celui de la matrice est attribué à la présence de fractures dans les 25–40 m supérieurs, ce qui est en accord avec les études précédentes sur la migration de solutés au travers de limperméable.
A framework for estimating aquifer hydraulic properties using sinusoidal pumping is presented that (1) derives analytical solutions for confined, leaky, and partially penetrating conditions; (2) compares the analytical solutions with a finite element model; (3) establishes a field protocol for conducting sinusoidal aquifer tests; and (4) estimates aquifer parameters using the analytical solutions. The procedure is demonstrated in one surficial and two confined aquifers containing potentially contaminated water in coastal plain sediments at the Savannah River site, a federal nuclear facility. The analytical solutions compare favorably with finite-element solutions, except immediately adjacent to the pumping well where the assumption of zero borehole radius is not valid. Estimated aquifer properties are consistent with previous studies for the two confined aquifers, but are inconsistent for the surficial aquifer; conventional tests yielded estimates of the specific yield—consistent with an unconfined response—while the shorter-duration sinusoidal perturbations yielded estimates of the storativity—consistent with a confined, elastic response. The approach minimizes investigation-derived wastes, a significant concern where contaminated fluids must be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. An additional advantage is the ability to introduce a signal different from background perturbations, thus easing detection.  相似文献   
E. G. Youngs 《水文研究》1991,5(3):309-319
Infiltration theory developed from Richards' equation for the movement of water in unsaturated soil is outlined and used as a basis for considering measurements made with ring infiltrometers, rainfall simulators and tension infiltrometers. In particular, the three-dimensional soil-water flow occurring with many of these measurement techniques is considered. Complicating factors of soil heterogeneity, soil swelling and shrinking, and soil aggregation, that limit the interpretation of field measurements using classical theory, are discussed.  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种以AutoLISP程序设计语言,并结合AutoCAD的图块功能和绘图及编辑命令绘制各种周期信号波形以及由函数式定义的特性曲线的途径。所绘图形准确美观,适用于科技论文出版和教学绘图用。文中给出了两个绘制信号波形的Au-toLISP程序例,同时给出了几种信号波形和特性曲线的绘图实例。  相似文献   
A series of laboratory tests was conducted on a tropical residual soil, which is widespread and readily available over a considerable part of Peninsular Malaysia, to assess whether it could be compacted as hydraulic barriers in waste disposal landfills. Index properties, swelling potential, cation exchange capacity (CEC), compaction characteristics, and hydraulic conductivity of the soil indicate that it is inorganic, very plastic, inactive (activity <0.75), moderately expansive (modified free swell index is about 3.06), and of fair attenuation capacity (for inorganic contaminants). For hydraulic conductivity measurement, the soil was compacted in rigid-wall permeameter moulds at a variety of water contents and compactive efforts and then permeated with de-aired tap water. The results of hydraulic conductivity tests illustrate that hydraulic conductivity lower than 1×10–7 cm/s can be achieved using a broad range of water contents and compactive efforts, including water contents dry of optimum. Its shrinkage and strength properties show that it has minimal potential to shrinkage and has adequate strength to support the overburden pressure imposes by the waste body. These findings suggest that the residual soil can be potentially utilized as compacted soil liner material.  相似文献   
Field observation and numerical simulations were carried out to evaluate the hydraulic relationship between the shallow and deep aquifer of a High Plains Aquifer system, in which shallow and deep aquifers are separated by an aquitard. Pumping from the lower aquifer resulted in a small drawdown in the upper aquifer and a larger drawdown in the aquitard; pumping from the shallow aquifer caused a small drawdown in the aquitard and the deep aquifer. Analysis of pumping test data gives the values of the hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard and the deep aquifer. Long-term observation of groundwater levels in the shallow and deep aquifers showed that a strong downward hydraulic gradient was maintained during an irrigation season. Numerical simulations were used to calculate the induced leakage of water from the shallow to the deep aquifer. Water budget analyses suggested that after pumping continues for a couple of days, the leakage from the overlying layers begins to supply the majority of the withdrawal from the deep aquifer. However, the induced leakage from the upper shallow aquifer can travel only a few meters into the aquitard, and it can not reach the lower aquifer during a 90 day pumping period. The major portion of the induced leakage occurred during the pumping period, but a small leakage can continue as a residual effect after the pumping period. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard plays a major role in partitioning the ratio of the induced leakage for the pumping and after-pumping periods.  相似文献   
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