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岩质滑坡的时间预报与水力启动模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘 要 岩质滑坡发生时间的适时超前预报是一个世界性难题,之所以长期不得其解,主要是缺乏对滑坡成生机理的明晰认识和未建立正确的量化模型。本文根据我国长江三峡工程库岸和西南山区积累的大量滑坡实例调查资料并参考国外的一些研究成果,排除了地形控制论与地层控制论观点,阐明了滑坡形成的必要条件是斜坡具有易滑结构;滑坡发生的充分条件是有一定强度的诱发因素作用。故而诱发因素的动态变化对滑坡发生的时间具决定意义。\r\n鉴于地下水诱发的岩质滑坡分布最广,为建立正确的水力启动模型,本文归纳了近代典型岩质滑坡的主要特征:(1)滑面是导水性差异最大的贯通面;(2)滑体长度大而厚度小,长厚比多在20左右;(3)滑坡前缘段先启动;(4)临滑前在前缘段有渗水、冒水或喷水现象;(5)出水宽度之和远小于前缘段总宽度。根据这些特征和水力学、水文地质学的成熟理论指出jennings(1970)等人提出的岩质斜坡稳定性模型存在下列问题:(1)未表明贯通面上岩体重力分布状况;(2)空隙水压力的分布特征与前述滑坡现象和水力学原理相悖;(3)未考虑通水率问题。然后,本文按顺向坡中的易滑超倾坡和椅状坡两个类型建立了斜坡稳定性模型和滑坡水力启动临界值(基本)计算公式。提出潜滑面的综合内摩擦角和通水率的确定方法:(1)滑坡反算;(2)对无水压滑坡滑面倾角和渗水边坡通水率进行观测统计;(3)剪切试验和简易水文地质试验;(4)物探方法。\r\n本文还讨论了新模型的实用意义和应用范围,并对解决这类复杂地质灾害问题的研究途径发表了作者的认识,强调了积累经验的重要性。  相似文献   
简要叙述了宜昌市自然经济状况,初步分析了区内矿产资源的区域成矿地质背景,并总结了其时空分布规律,重点从数量、质量、价值、分布以及它们在宜昌市国民经济和社会发展中的地位等方面总结了区内矿产资源的特点,从而筛选出优势矿产与潜在优势矿产.  相似文献   
冀东太古宙克拉通线性岩浆-构造混杂岩区内分布有一种具英云闪长岩-花岗闪长岩成分的角闪斜长片麻岩,空间上与紫苏花岗闪长岩密切伴生。角闪斜长片麻岩是紫苏花岗闪长岩受构造变形影响,沿一组共轭构造(N45°E,E15°S)发生退化变质的产物。退变质作用在有水参与的等化学体系内完成,并受最强期变形事件控制。  相似文献   
水力类泥石流起动机理与预报研究进展与方向   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水力类泥石流是泥石流的一大类型,一旦暴发可造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,因而其起动机理和预报是泥石流学科的前沿课题。尽管国内外研究在该领域取得了显著进展,但是由于该类泥石流起动机理的复杂性,已有的预报模型和其实用性仍然有相当的差距。概述了水力类泥石流起动与预报的国内外研究进展,提出未来该研究方向的主要研究内容。未来研究内容应该包括从环境地质学、地貌学和水文学角度认识水力类泥石流的起动成因和过程及相应的临界条件;研究以水文学为主线的水力类泥石流的起动机理和模型,并提出水力类泥石流的起动水文参数临界条件;建立以临界流量法和分布式水文模型为理论依据的水力类泥石流的预报途径和方法。该研究对加强水力类泥石流起动机理及预测预报的创新性研究和促进学科发展具有重要的科学价值和实践意义。  相似文献   
国际二叠系三分后,随着鲁西南煤炭等资源进一步勘探要求,迫切需要厘清其地层特征以及其与聚煤特征的关系。经过岩心分析,结合钻井资料,运用层序地层学原理,以山东彭庄煤矿为例对石炭二叠纪地层进行层序地层研究,并对相应聚煤特征进行了分析。共识别出2个类型的层序界面,把该区石炭二叠纪地层划分为3个三级层序,S1相当于太原组上部,S2相当于山西组,S3相当于石盒子群下部。通过分析揭示S1主要为潟湖沼泽、潮坪相,物源相对较差。S2主要由下三角洲平原相中分流河道相、泥炭沼泽相、河口坝相组成,物源相对较丰富,在海侵初期开始产生聚煤作用,到末期煤层发育最好。S3主要为上三角洲平原相,无煤层发育。  相似文献   
The intersection of natural fractures with hydraulic fractures results in formation of complex fracture networks, including non-planar fractures or multi-stranded fractures. On one hand, opening of these natural fractures improves productivity of the formation; on the other hand, coalescence of these fractures into a hydraulic fracture makes pressure analysis and prediction of fracture growth very complicated. Overall, interactions between natural fractures and hydraulic fractures pose more challenges in the fracturing design and its execution. Investigation and understanding of their interaction are crucial in achieving successful fracture treatments in formations with pre-existing natural fracture network. In this paper, we will review the numerical works that have been done in the last decade to model opening of natural fractures during hydraulic fracturing, focusing especially on mechanical models that address propagation of hydraulic fractures in naturally fractures reservoirs. Linear elastic fracture mechanics, cohesive element methods and continuum damage mechanics techniques utilized to understand interaction of hydraulic fractures with natural fractures are discussed here based on their capability to reproduce experimental results and field observations.  相似文献   
A parametric study is performed to investigate hydraulic effect of vegetation on shallow slope stability with different root architectures in an infinite slope. Calculated results show during the first one hour of rainfall (181 mm/day), the exponential root architecture has higher ability to maintain shallow slope stability than the parabolic one. Under light rainfall (i.e., 20 mm/day) for 24 h, hydraulic effect of vegetation is more important inside root zone than outside root zone, while it is the opposite for rainfall intensities of 181 and 394 mm/day over the same duration. Parabolic rooted slope is more sensitive to rainfall pattern than bare one.  相似文献   
Comprehensive data on the chemical composition of reservoir rocks and geothermal brines from the geothermal well doublet Groβ Schönebeck (North German Basin) drilled into a Rotliegend sedimentary and Permo-Carboniferous volcanic rock reservoir were sampled over the past years. They were characterized with respect to their major and minor elemental composition including various isotope ratios. The study considered the impact of drilling and reservoir operations on fluid composition and aimed at determining fluid–rock interactions to gain information on fluid origin and hydraulic pathways.The highly saline fluids (up to 265 g/L TDS) show δ 18O and δD of water (2.7–5.6 and −3.1–15, respectively) as well as δ 34S of sulfate (3.6–5), and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.715–0.716) that resemble Rotliegend brines from an area located around 200 km in the west (the Altmark). Halogen ratios indicated that brines developed predominantly by evaporation of meteoric water (primary brine) together with halite dissolution brine (secondary brine). Indication for mixing with Zechstein brine or with younger meteoric water was not found.No geochemical distinction was possible between fluids deriving from different rock formations (dacites or sedimentary rocks, respectively). This is due to the evolution of the sediments from the effusive rocks resulting in a similar mineralogical and chemical composition and due to a hydraulic connectivity between the two types of rock. This connection existed probably already before reservoir stimulation as indicated by a set of faults identified in the area that could connect the Rotliegend formation with both, the volcanic rocks and the lower units of the Zechstein. Additional geochemical indication for a hydraulic connectivity is given by (1) the very high heavy metal contents (mainly Cu and Pb) in fluids and scaling that derive from the volcanic rocks and were that were also found in increased amounts up at the Zechstein border (Kupferschiefer formation). (2) The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of fluid samples correspond to the ratios determined for the sedimentary rocks indicating that initially the fluids developed in the sedimentary rocks and circulated later, when faults structures were created by tectonic events into the volcanic rocks.  相似文献   
Hydraulic fracturing has become a contentious issue around the globe. In the present study, using a sample of American adults (n = 412), the role of political orientation (conservative vs. liberal) and basic knowledge about fracking on fracking risk perception attitudes, fracking economic attitudes, energy reliance attitudes, trust of energy information sources, and preferred dwelling distance from energy operations was investigated. Basic knowledge about hydraulic fracturing as a possible moderating mechanism was also explored. Correlational and regression results revealed that political ideology and basic fracking knowledge are key predictors of fracking and energy source attitudes, and that the nature of the relation between ideology and fracking risk perceptions, fracking economic attitudes, reliance on natural gas, wind and solar, and distrust of government agencies, are influenced by an individual’s basic knowledge about fracking.  相似文献   
台湾海峡西岸地区受到欧亚板块、太平洋板块和菲律宾板块的共同作用,具有复杂的应力场特征,但本地区现阶段地壳应力状态研究程度较低。为深入了解本区地应力特征,本文采用水压致裂法在福建平潭和广东饶平钻孔中进行了地应力测量,并结合其他实测及震源机制解资料,讨论了台湾海峡西岸构造应力场特征。结果显示平潭和饶平钻孔地应力优势作用方位分别为N19°W和N37°W;由震源机制解资料得到的研究区应力场方向表现为从北向南由NNW方向转向EW方向的扇形分布。地应力状态的水平变化趋势,大致以沙县-南日岛断裂为界,北部为低应力区,南部为高应力区,且南部大致以九龙江下游断裂附近开始,呈现由北向南,地应力水平逐渐降低的趋势。在研究区北部、中部、南部分别选取平潭、泉州、饶平三个钻孔,利用库伦准则对断层活动性进行判断,认为海峡西岸北部地区应力水平较低,断层活动性较弱;泉州所在的海峡西岸中部地区应力已积累到较高的水平,断层失稳滑动的可能性比较大;饶平邻近区域在近期断层失稳滑动的可能性不高。  相似文献   
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