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长江口水下三角洲沉积物记录的古环境演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江口水下三角洲60 m的HYZK5钻孔,揭示了末次冰期以来河流相、滨海湖沼相、河口湾-浅海相(前三角洲相)和水下汊道相的沉积环境演化。泥炭层形成于末次冰期的冷湿气候环境;有孔虫丰度的变化反映了12 000 cal.aBP以来海平面迅速上升,但在11 200~10 000 cal.aBP出现短暂的停顿。沉积物的粒度、磁化率、有机碳氮分析结果表明,三者在不同沉积相中存在明显的差异。磁化率在一定程度上可以指示水动力的强弱,间接反映沉积环境的演变,但难以反映气候的变化。河口湾-浅海(前三角洲)相粒度、磁化率和有机碳氮指标的变化均很小,反映了其沉积环境相对稳定。最上层粒径的粗化、磁化率的增大、有机碳氮的减少以及三者波动幅度的加剧,均反映了其处于潮流、波浪、径流等动力相互作用的高能沉积环境,也是长江口北支及其口外水下三角洲衰退的重要证据。虽然粒度、磁化率、有机碳氮和有孔虫丰度指标在较大的沉积环境变化中均有所反映,但由于海陆交互作用的河口地区沉积环境和动力因素的复杂性和多变性,要揭示河口地区冰后期以来的气候演化特征,还需要寻找其他可靠的环境代用指标作更深入的研究。  相似文献   
Deglacial sequences typically include backstepping grounding zone wedges and prevailing glaciomarine depositional facies. However, in coastal domains, deglacial sequences are dominated by depositional systems ranging from turbiditic to fluvial facies. Such deglacial sequences are strongly impacted by glacio‐isostatic rebound, the rate and amplitude of which commonly outpaces those of post‐glacial eustatic sea‐level rise. This results in a sustained relative sea‐level fall covering the entire depositional time interval. This paper examines a Late Quaternary, forced regressive, deglacial sequence located on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary (Portneuf Peninsula, Québec, Canada) and aims to decipher the main controls that governed its stratigraphic architecture. The forced regressive deglacial sequence forms a thick (>100 m) and extensive (>100 km2) multiphased deltaic complex emplaced after the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet margin from the study area ca 12 500 years ago. The sedimentary succession is composed of ice‐contact, glaciomarine, turbiditic, deltaic, fluvial and coastal depositional units. A four‐stage development is recognized: (i) an early ice‐contact stage (esker, glaciomarine mud and outwash fan); (ii) an in‐valley progradational stage (fjord head or moraine‐dammed lacustrine deltas) fed by glacigenics; (iii) an open‐coast deltaic progradation, when proglacial depositional systems expanded beyond the valley outlets and merged together; and (iv) a final stage of river entrenchment and shallow marine reworking that affected the previously emplaced deltaic complex. Most of the sedimentary volume (10 to 15 km3) was emplaced during the three‐first stages over a ca 2 kyr interval. In spite of sustained high rates of relative sea‐level fall (50 to 30 mm·year?1), delta plain accretion occurred up to the end of the proglacial open‐coast progradational stage. River entrenchment only occurred later, after a significant decrease in the relative sea‐level fall rates (<30 mm·year?1), and was concurrent with the formation and preservation of extensive coastal deposits (raised beaches, spit platform and barrier sands). The turnaround from delta plain accretion to river entrenchment and coastal erosion is interpreted to be a consequence of the retreat of the ice margin from the river drainage basins that led to the drastic drop of sediment supply and the abrupt decrease in progradation rates. The main internal stratigraphic discontinuity within the forced regressive deglacial sequence does not reflect changes in relative sea‐level variations.  相似文献   
长江口深水航道治理一期工程实施对北槽拦门沙的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
介绍了长江口拦门沙发育及其特点和北槽航道拦门沙形成机理,利用长江口深水航道治理一期工程实施后的地形资料分析治理工程对北槽航道拦门沙影响。结果表明:治理工程建成后,增加了主槽流速,减少了航道回淤,打通北槽航道拦门沙,增加了航道水深,治理工程效果明显。  相似文献   
基于ROMS三维模型, 模拟了珠江口洪季最大浑浊带的轴、侧向分布和大、小潮变化。模拟结果表明, 珠江口伶仃洋最大浑浊带的轴向位置在22.3°—22.45°N之间, 并随着潮流变化而周期性上下游迁移。控制最大浑浊带形成的主要因素是余流作用下的底层泥沙辐聚, 决定最大浑浊带位置的主要因素是水平对流输沙, 泥沙来源主要是上游浅滩沉积物的再悬浮。小潮期间堆积在浅滩的细颗粒沉积物在大潮期间被悬浮, 搬运到下游的滞流点位置, 在中滩南部和西滩外缘落淤。“潮泵”作用在大潮期间将泥沙向下游输运, 在小潮期间向上游输运; 垂向剪切作用则有利于悬浮泥沙的陆向输运; 二者共同作用产生泥沙辐聚, 形成最大浑浊带。大、小潮期间余流结构差异不大, 主要由密度差和潮汐混合不对称共同导致, 其中前者贡献更大。  相似文献   
Estuarine ecosystem has greatly changed in the recent decades due to anthropogenic perturbations in the Changjiang Estuary. Change patterns and impact factors were analyzed based on the continuous data...  相似文献   
An integrated mass balance and modelling approach for analysis of estuarine nutrient fluxes is demonstrated in the Swan River Estuary, a microtidal system with strong hydrological dependence on seasonal river inflows. Mass balance components included estimation of gauged and ungauged inputs to the estuary and losses to the ocean (outflow and tidal exchange). Modelling components included estimation of atmospheric (N fixation, denitrification) and sediment–water column nutrient exchanges. Gross and net denitrification derived using two independent methods were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.49, p < 0.01) with net rates averaging 40% of gross. Annual nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loads from major tributaries were linearly correlated with annual freshwater discharge and were 3-fold higher in wet years than in dry years. Urban drains and groundwater contributed, on average, 26% of N inputs and 19% of P inputs, with higher relative contributions in years of low river discharge. Overall, ungauged inputs accounted for almost 35% of total nitrogen loads. For N, elevated loading in wet years was accompanied by large increases in outflow (7x) and tidal flushing (2x) losses and resulted in overall lower retention efficiency (31%) relative to dry years (70%). For P, tidal flushing losses were similar in wet and dry years, while outflow losses (4-fold higher) were comparable in magnitude to increases in loading. As a result, P retention within the estuary was not substantially affected by inter-annual variation in water and P loading (ca. 50% in all years). Sediment nutrient stores increased in most years (remineralisation efficiency ca. 50%), but sediment nutrient releases were significant and in some circumstances were a net source of nutrients to the water column.  相似文献   
伶仃洋沉积动力特点的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
位于珠江三角洲东侧的伶仃洋,因径流下泄与潮流进退的流向不一,使它各分流口门的出口水道都有主槽和支槽之分,即都有主干水道和分汊水道。陆架高盐海水入侵又使伶仃洋内沉积动力过程在空间分布上发生差异,如沉积物分布有粗-细-稍粗之分;而水体中的密度、速度差异,常常产生锋带,对水下地形的发展有不可忽视的影响。因而全面认识发生在伶仃洋内的沉积动力作用,对深水航道的选线极为重要。  相似文献   
本研究以崇明东滩2015年4月实测潮间带水沙数据为基础,分析了潮沟、盐沼及光滩的水沙特征,重点研究了潮沟系统及邻近潮滩潮周期内悬沙通量情况。结果表明:(1)潮沟表层沉积物比潮滩细,二者平均中值粒径分别为21.7 μm和33.0 μm,悬沙粒径由海向陆逐渐变小;(2)大、小潮沟潮周期内潮流均以往复流为主,垂向平均流速分别为15.4 cm/s和34.6 cm/s;盐沼界和光滩则以旋转流为主,平均流速分别为11.3 cm/s和28.9 cm/s;(3)潮沟中的高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期,最大可达7.5 kg/m3,而潮滩高悬沙浓度则出现在潮落潮中期和高水位时刻;大、小潮沟和盐沼界站涨潮阶段平均悬沙浓度大于落潮阶段,光滩站则相反。潮沟悬沙主要来自邻近水域,而潮滩悬沙则与滩面表层沉积物密切相关;(4)潮沟在潮周期内净输沙方向均指向滩地,大潮沟潮周期单宽净输沙量可达4.0 t/m;盐沼界处垂直岸线和沿岸输沙强度相近,净输沙由海向陆,潮周期离岸输沙强度为1.0 t/m;光滩沿岸输沙强度远大于垂直岸线输沙,光滩净输沙由陆向海。研究揭示了潮间带潮沟系统的强供沙能力以及研究区域光滩冲蚀,盐沼植被带淤积的动力地貌过程。  相似文献   
双台子河口重金属污染的沉积记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据双台子河口沉积柱中微量金属的含量及沉积物的粒度参数,结合137Cs放射性比活度精确定年,研究了双台子河口的沉积速率和重金属的污染变化特征,并利用地累积指数法评价了重金属的污染程度。137Cs计年的结果表明,沉积柱的平均沉积速率为1.3cm/a。沉积物的粒径从底层向表层逐渐变细,反映了水动力条件的减弱。绝大多数重金属的含量基本上都是自底部向上逐渐增加。重金属元素与细粒沉积物(63μm)均具有较好的正相关性,说明细粒物质对重金属具有较高的吸附能力。采用地累积指数对沉积柱中重金属元素的垂向变化进行了评价,发现除Cd元素外,大部分元素均未受到污染(Igeo0)。推测Cd的污染可能主要与20世纪90年代起至今人类活动对双台子河口产生的影响逐渐增加有关。  相似文献   
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