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彭松柏    李昌年  Kusky Timothy M  王璐    张先进    蒋幸福    熊承仁 《地质通报》2010,29(01):8-20
对鄂西黄陵背斜南部宜昌太平溪、邓村一带崆岭岩群中的元古宙庙湾岩组强烈变形变质超镁铁—镁铁质岩的研究表明,镁铁质岩主要为似层状细粒斜长角闪岩,变辉长岩岩体、岩脉及辉绿岩岩脉,超镁铁质岩则主要为蛇纹石化纯橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩,呈构造岩片、岩块分布于斜长角闪岩之中。细粒斜长角闪岩TiO2=1.14%~1.48%,稀土元素配分型式为略亏损—平坦型,无明显的Eu异常,(La/Yb)N=0.87~1.12, La/Nb、Ce/Zr、Zr/Nb、Zr/Y、Ti/Y平均值分别为1.04、0.15、18.78、2.53、290.51,Nb/Th平均为9.88,显示为大洋中脊构造环境形成的N-MORB型拉斑玄武岩;变辉长岩具典型的堆晶结构特征,稀土元素配分型式为平坦型,具明显的Eu正异常;蛇纹石化纯橄榄岩的稀土元素配分型式具中稀土元素略亏损的U形特征,显示为LREE略富集的地幔岩。上述特征表明,黄陵背斜南部崆岭岩群中的元古宙庙湾岩组实际上是一套混杂堆积的古大洋蛇绿岩残片。元古宙庙湾蛇绿岩的发现为华南扬子克拉通存在中元古代洋盆和哥伦比亚超大陆聚合、裂解构造事件提供了重要的证据。  相似文献   
河西走廊盆地西段玉门断裂晚新生代的活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉门断裂中段地表地貌陡坎明显,主断裂直接出露地表,使前新生代地层或早新生代地层与晚新生代松散沉积物呈断裂接触,说明玉门断裂中段形成早、活动时间长、位移幅度大,从而在冰沟口一带形成宽度超过200m的巨大破碎带。玉门断裂西段新构造活动表现的最大特点是地表较少见及主断裂的出露,以隐伏断裂为主。在地表常见有由新近系地层组成的不对称褶皱构造,属于与逆冲断裂密切相关的、也是正在变形的“活动背斜”。这说明玉门活动断裂西段形成时间较晚、活动时间短、活动位移幅度比较小。玉门断裂的活动性质以粘滑变形为主,次为蠕滑变形。玉门断裂是全新世活动断裂,最近2次新构造活动发生在距今7.4ka和3.2ka的全新世中期和晚期。该断裂也是现代发震断裂,,其西端深部的扩展破裂引发2002年的5.9级玉门地震。  相似文献   
黔中洋水背斜分散排泄系统位于贵州磷矿的主要产地,区域内磷矿山、磷化工、磷石膏堆场集中分布。研究该地区地下水化学特征,对于合理开发利用地下水资源具有重要意义。文章以岩溶地下水系统为研究对象,采集了主要地下水露头样品,运用离子对比法、主要离子比值法等水文地球化学研究方法,对地下水化学组分和离子来源进行深入分析。研究结果显示,研究区的碳酸盐岩岩溶水、基岩裂隙水、矿井水三者的水化学组分存在显著差异。碳酸盐岩岩溶水的主要化学组分来源于白云岩和白云质灰岩的溶滤作用;基岩裂隙水的主要化学组分含量是钙质泥岩溶滤与大气降水共同作用的结果;矿井水的主要化学组分则来源于白云岩、白云质灰岩的溶滤作用和人为工程活动的影响。本研究为该地区地下水资源的合理开发利用提供了科学依据,同时也有助于保护地下水资源和维护区域生态环境。  相似文献   
通过对贵州松桃县鸡爪沟背斜区域水文地质背景及富水性特征的综合分析研究,总结了构造富水结构、因素及条件,从而建立了通过初步水文地质条件分析、水文地质物探解译、水文地质钻探开发岩溶山区地下水资源的开发利用模式,为区内缺水地区提供饮水水源。对省内其他相似构造岩溶地区科学评价、合理开发利用地下水资源具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
本文在概要介绍湖北西部清江中游大型水利枢纽水布垭、半峡两比选坝址场区地质背景的基础上,从几何要素、层间褶皱、轴面劈理和派生断层等方面解析半峡背斜的变形结构特征,进而探讨半峡背斜形成发展过程及其对两坝址工程地质条件的影响。为两坝址工程地质条件对比分析开拓新思路。   相似文献   
曾梅  宋国良 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):203-208
吕家庄构造上火成岩十分发育,给地震资料处理和解释带来很大的不确定性。经采用针对性的处理技术进行重新处理,基本消除了火成岩影响。在此基础上,经重新解释,对该构造的形成、内部火成岩的分布以及油气远景进行探讨。  相似文献   
贵州南盘江盆地发育一系列不同样式的穹隆状构造,其控制着低温矿床的分布,位于黔西南控制烂泥沟超大型金矿床的赖子山穹隆是其典型代表。在统计赖子山穹隆地层产状的基础上,通过π圆图解确定出轴迹分别为NW和NE向的稳定变形亚区,并依据亚区构造横剖面和几何投影解析得到亚区褶皱位态类型均为直立水平背斜。通过统计分析区内劈理并依据劈理与亚区褶皱轴面的平行关系筛选出轴面劈理,基于轴面劈理的切割关系、卷入变形的地层及前人获得的相关构造岩浆岩年代推断出组成赖子山穹隆亚区褶皱的发育时序,即NWSE向背斜发育于燕山早期,NNESSW向背斜发育于燕山晚期。基于地质构造分析,结合该地区地层岩石能干性强弱、地层缩短量和变形边界条件建立两个沙箱模型进行4组实验,通过改变软弱层材料、变形同时性模拟构造复合叠加和构造联合叠加的变形过程及样式,讨论影响叠加变形的因素。根据模拟结果,我们认为赖子山穹隆是NW向和NNE向纵弯直立水平褶皱经移褶性复合叠加形成的穹隆状构造,两期褶皱分别对应燕山早期雪峰山隆起对南盘江盆地的侧向挤压作用和燕山晚期黔西南由NW向SE的大型逆冲推覆作用;岩层能干性差异和构造变形的强弱是影响叠加褶皱构造样式和叠加类型的关键因素,当岩层能干性差异较大时,相对软弱的岩层起到分层变形作用,使得软弱层上下强硬层构造样式不同;后期变形较弱时,形成限制性、移褶性叠加褶皱,后期变形较强时,形成斜跨、横跨式叠加褶皱,分阶段变形形成复合叠加构造,同时变形或变形速度差较小时,形成弧形的联合叠加构造。  相似文献   
Tongnanba anticline lies in the northeastern Sichuan Basin and experienced multi-stages tectonic compression and superimposition since the Middle Triassic. Its formation and evolution process are chiefly controlled by the squeezing and thrusting from the Micangshan structure belt from NW to SE and subjected to the tectonic superimposition from the Dabashan structure belt from NE to SW. Therefore, to confine the timing of Tongnanba anticline multi-stages deformation is of great effectiveness to constrain the timing of Micangshan intra-continental deformation since the Middle Triassic, and also provides significant indications to the regional tectonic time-space sequence and Micangshan basement-involved thrusting characteristics. In this paper, the anticline's south limb rotating growth strata within the Middle-Upper Jurassic, based on interpretation of two geological section, is featured, indicating that the folding of the strata started around the late Middle Jurassic-Early Late Jurassic and together with the interpretation of long seismic profile, we believe that basement-involved wedge-thrusting structure style is developed in Micangshan structure belt and the basin-ward movement of the displacement of the wedge tip along the Pre-sinian detachment layer results in the formation of the NE structure of Tongnanba anticline. Apatite fission track thermal simulation indicates that Tongnanba anticline started experiencing rapid uplifting and denudation in the early Late Cretaceous (95-90 Ma) and the Middle-Late Cenozoic (about 24 Ma) with uplift speed 0.06-0.085 mm/a and around 0.133 mm/a respectively. Through the summary of regional historical low temperature thermochronology data, geographical partition based tectonic time-space sequence is established, suggesting that northeastern Sichuan Basin experienced N-S basin-ward tectonic spreading from Micangshan structure belt and NE-SW tectonic super imposition from Dabashan structure belt during the Middle-Late Jurassic, Cretaceous and Eocene-Miocene respectively. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
天山北缘前陆冲断带形成时间的地层学证据   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
乌鲁木齐附近天山北缘喀拉扎背斜及其周缘的地层学分析表明,上中新统一上新统昌吉河群(N1-2ch)(相当于独山子组N1-2d)是喀拉扎山地区发育的生长地层,是喀拉扎背斜形成时的同构造沉积层序.这个结论表明、包括喀拉扎背斜在内的天山北缘第一排前陆冲断构造带形成于晚中新一上新世时期.  相似文献   
The paper presents a computational algorithm designed for efficient modelling of apparent resistivity over complex geological structures, using finite element method. The algorithm can be used to study variations of apparent resistivities using any electrode configuration at any point on the earth’s surface, not necessarily regular. A Schlumberger apparent resistivity sounding curve over a buried anticline, is presented here as an example and compared with the corresponding analytical curve, to demonstrate the correctness of the FEM algorithm. The various potential derivatives required for the computation of apparent resistivities evaluated through different electrode configurations have been obtained by calculating the ‘influence coefficients’ using reciprocal theorems, an approach successfully applied in structural engineering. In essence, a set of self balancing nodal currents, obtained from the appropriate derivative(s) of the shape functions of the elements contributing to the point of observation, is applied as the load vector. The resulting quantities corresponding to the potential distribution in traditional finite element method, then, turn out to be the potential derivatives at the point of observation for different positions of the current electrodes. These are known as influence coefficients. The continuum nature of the domain beyond the region of interest has been modelled by using ‘infinite elements’ across which the potential is assumed to decay exponentially.  相似文献   
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