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1Introduction Since the last glacial maximum, the Holocenehas been marked by a rapid rise in sea level. After6 000 a BP, the present-day level was reached andthe rate of sea-level rise (SLR) decreased rapidly(Morzadec -Kerfourn, 1974; Kidson, 1986 ).These…  相似文献   
研究中国降雨格局变化对理解东亚夏季风演化意义重大。本文分析了珠江三角洲柱状样ZJK03-Z中浅水底栖有孔虫常见种Rotalidium annectens的平均初房大小、微球型/显球型比值和壳体δ18O值,以及底栖有孔虫组合中瓷质壳的百分含量,探讨它们对由夏季风降雨引起的河口水体盐度变化的响应,得到了珠江三角洲3114—1260a BP季风降雨的强度变化,识别出了这期间14次季风降雨减少的偏干期。与南美洲Cariaco海盆的钛含量记录对比,二者一致的结果表明,珠江三角洲晚全新世的东亚夏季风降雨与热带辐合带(ITCZ)的南北移动密切相关:夏季风降雨减少,对应于ITCZ纬度位置的南移。  相似文献   
对广州市越秀区解放中路考古遗址剖面进行了年代学、岩性、硅藻和软体动物鉴定等研究,发现广州珠江北岸古城区南部在先秦时期为河道及河口湾湿地/洼地;因河流-河涌的淡水注入使河口盐度降低,故而沉积物中未见较高盐度的微体生物,仅发现了河口型咸水-半咸水硅藻;此时堆积的贝壳大多为淡水种,半咸水种少见,表明先秦(东周)时期,广州地区...  相似文献   
郑州地区深约4~12 m多处发现有1-2层灰黑色黏土层,具有湖沼相沉积特征。中原地区是华夏文明发祥地,文明发展与环境密切相关,稳定的水源是先民生存繁衍的基础,探究古湖存在对认识文明起源与发展具有重要意义。选取该区张五寨、司马村、后真村、安庄村等4个含湖沼层剖面,采集2个标准钻孔和15个控制孔岩心,进行沉积学、物理磁学、生物化石、有机碳和地球化学等环境指标分析。湖沼层系灰-黑色黏土-粉砂黏土,夹于上下河流相沉积中。放射性碳和释光等测年技术测定结果表明,湖沼层时代为全新世中期,约3~8 kaBP。黏土含量高值与磁化率低值对应,反映出径流搬运的磁性重矿物较少,表明较弱的水动力条件或静水沉积,代表湖沼相环境。孢粉分析出香蒲属、蓼属、莕菜属、狐尾藻属、眼子菜属等水生植物花粉,最高占草本的19.4%。该湖沼层中有机碳含量平均为21.6%,最高达29.4%。化学元素综合环境C值与黏土含量变化同步,反映出古湖在气候湿润或降水增加的环境下形成;还反映了流域植被覆盖度较高,水土流失少,主要搬运细颗粒物质入湖。沉积证据重建的全新世中期湖沼环境,与区域仰韶和龙山文化的古遗址点分布特征一致,由此定量估计了其分布范围和面积。本研究为郑州地区全新世存在古湖沼提供了科学依据,也为人文考古、遗址发掘提供实践意义的帮助。  相似文献   
The coccolith assemblages from seafloor sediments over the inner shelf in the northern region of the KwaZulu- Natal Bight on the east coast of South Africa were identified and their distribution determined. In all, 29 Recent species and taxonomic groups, as well as 29 reworked species were recorded. The distribution of the Recent species appears to be governed by environmental features that have been documented in other studies: temperature, salinity, nutrient concentration and water circulation pattern, which reveals the long-term existence of a circulation cell in the sector between Durban Bay and the Thukela River. The outer edge of the cell consists of nutrient-enriched mixed layers and is characterised by an enhanced abundance of Gephyrocapsa oceanica, whereas the central region consists of a stratified nutrient-depleted water mass with elevated abundance of Umbilicosphaera sibogae, Florisphaera profunda, and a group of umbelliform species. The elevated levels of G. oceanica, coupled with the rarity of U. sibogae, F. profunda and the umbelliform species, confirm the presence of a permanent upwelling cell off Richards Bay. The maximum abundance of F. profunda found between Richards Bay and Lake Nhlabane indicates a region of nutrient-depleted (except for nitrite) conditions.  相似文献   
以14C测年为基础,构建了天湖山泥炭剖面的年代序列,通过对研究区泥炭腐殖化度与有机质的分析研究,发现两者呈现出很好的相关性,共同记录了研究区约9.5kaBP以来的气候变化,可划分出3个主要阶段:1)早期(9.5 ka BP-6.3 ka BP)泥炭腐殖化度最低,指示气候湿热,其中7.9ka BP-6.3kaBP为整个剖...  相似文献   
依据长江三峡地区大九湖和玉溪剖面AMS14C测年数据(校正为日历年)建立了约9.3~2ka BP高分辨率多环境代用指标(δ13C、K、腐殖化度、抱粉总浓度、Rb、Sr及Rb/Sr)的变化曲线,并在此基础上与研究区周边反映全新世气候环境变化的不同沉积记录进行综合对比分析.与此同时,本文还通过对研究区古遗址和古洪水层的统计分析,获取了本区新石器以来古文化兴衰变迁和古洪水发生的完整信息.研究结果表明:(1)本区全新世大暖期约出现在7.6~4 ka BP.9.3~7.6 ka BP,本区气候极不稳定,波动幅度大,总体上冷湿,多次出现显著的降温或干旱事件(9.1、8.2和7.7 ka BP前后);4~2 ka BP,本区气候较此前偏干凉,且波动频繁.(2)7.6~ka BP的大暖期分为三个演变阶段:即6~5 ka BP为大暖期的鼎盛期,气候稳定,温暖湿润,植被及生态条件优越,洪水发生频率低;7.6~6 ka BP和5~4 ka BP为大暖期中具有不稳定特征的过渡期,其中5~4 ka BP及4 ka BP前后的降温事件仍较显著,且多发洪水.(3)本区史前古文化的主要形成发展期与大暖期持续阶段相对应,其中耕作业相对发达的大溪文化繁荣期出现在大暖期中的鼎盛阶段(约6~5 ka BP),大溪文化前后处于低潮及表现为衰退现象的古文化则对应气候环境的不稳定期,总体上,研究区古文化响应气候环境变化的主要方式是通过改变其生业结构的途径来实现的.  相似文献   
在对莱州湾南岸8个钻孔沉积物沉积结构及有孔虫特征分析基础上,识别相关海面标志层位,辅以加速器质谱AMS14C测年,重建了全新世相对海面变化历史,并讨论了海面变化的沉积响应及控制因素。约9200cal BP以前,海面快速上升,研究区海侵时海面于-21.5m左右;9200~8400cal BP海面上升速率减缓至约2mm/a;8400~8000cal BP海面由-14m快速上升至-5.5m,速率约为33mm/a;8000~7600cal BP,海面持续数百年停滞或微弱下降;7600~7000cal BP海面由-5.5m快速上升至0m以上,速率至少约为13mm/a;7000~6000cal BP海面缓慢上升至+2~+3m位置,速率约为3mm/a;约6000cal BP以后海面缓慢下降至现今水平。约9200cal BP以前、8400~8000cal BP、7600~7000cal BP时期的3次海面快速上升,是MWP-1C融水脉冲、诱发8.2ka冷事件的融水脉冲,以及MWP-2融水脉冲的中纬度地区响应。中全新世全球冰融趋于停滞后,由于研究区沉积盆地沉降速度较慢,在冰川均衡调整效应下,使+2~+3m的相对高海面得以呈现。  相似文献   
The Cretaceous system of the Kuqa depression is a regional scale (second order) depositional sequence defined by parallel unconformities or minor angular unconformities. It can be divided into four third-order sequence sets, eleven third-order sequences and tens of fourth- and fifth-order sequences. It consists generally of a regional depositional cycle from transgression to regression and is composed of three sets of facies associations: alluvial-fluvial, braided river-deltaic and lacustrine-deltaic facies associations. They represent the lowstand, transgressive and highstand facies tracts within the second-order sequence. The tectonic subsidence curve reconstructed by backstripping technique revealed that the Cretaceous Kuqa depression underwent a subsidence history from early accelerated subsidence, middle rapid subsidence and final slower subsidence phases during the Cretaceous time, with the correspondent tectonic subsidence rates being 30-35 m/Ma, 40-45 m/Ma and 5-10 m/Ma obtained from northern foredeep. This is likely attributed to the foreland dynamic process from early thrust flexural subsidence to late stress relaxation and erosion rebound uplift. The entire sedimentary history and the development of the three facies tracts are a response to the basin subsidence process. The slower subsidence foreland gentle slope was a favorable setting for the formation of braided fluvial deltaic systems during the late period of the Cretaceous, which comprise the important sandstone reservoirs in the depression. Sediment records of impermanent marine transgression were discovered in the Cretaceous and the major marine horizons are correctable to the highstands of the global sea level during the period.  相似文献   
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