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我国内陆干旱区在末次冰期(含深海氧同位素第3阶段)是否存在古大湖近年来持续存在争论。居延泽是黑河的尾闾湖之一, 位于我国典型干旱区, 是开展这项研究的理想区域。依据居延泽盆地最低处的JYZ11A钻孔(全孔长61.13m, 本文侧重上部27m岩芯), 使用石英光释光测年获得3个可靠释光年龄并据此建立年代框架。全孔10cm间距测量沉积物粒度, 钻孔上部16.7m以2cm间距测量低频磁化率, 本文侧重分析JYZ11A钻孔上部10m的指标记录。综合岩性地层、沉积物粒度分布特征和粒度、磁化率指标记录, 并与前人已有研究进行对比, 本研究发现末次冰期时居延泽盆地主要堆积棕色冲洪积物和风沙沉积物, 早全新世为风沙沉积, 中全新世出现浅灰色湖相沉积与风沙交替沉积, 而稳定湖泊只在约3ka时才逐渐形成, 可能存在多次湖面波动并留下古湖岸堤。因此, 居延泽盆地在末次冰期包括深海氧同位素第3阶段晚期并不存在稳定大湖。居延泽早全新世干涸、中晚全新世湖泊较稳定发育的全新世成湖模式与季风区湖泊演化模式明显不同, 而与许多中亚干旱区的湖泊、风成沉积等古环境记录相似, 它们可能共同指示了一种有别于中国季风区的全新世区域湿度演化模式。  相似文献   
本文应用青海湖QH85-14C孔取得的具有~(14)C测年数据所支持的原始孢粉资料,进行数值分析(有序聚类、主成份分析、滑动平均和回归分析)。从而对青海湖区11000年以来的植被和气候变化进一步讨论。  相似文献   
通过对闽江口南侧柱状样沉积物开展高分辨率的粒度、粘土矿物分析及AMS14C测年,揭示了中晚全新世以来闽江口水下三角洲物质来源及古环境演变。中全新世(7 ka BP—4 ka BP)高海平面时期,梅花水道可能是闽江口南侧陆源物质输运的主要通道,沉积了以砂为主[(58.6±8.7)%]的沉积物,平均粒径为(3.76±0.49)φ,为较高能的沉积环境。期间,增强的浙闽沿岸流携带更多的长江物质沉积到闽江口,导致沉积物中蒙脱石含量增多。然而,到晚全新世(3 ka BP)海平面略有下降,梅花水道衰退,闽江口南侧的水动力条件减弱,形成以粉砂为主[(58.1±4.4)%]的沉积物,平均粒径为(6.30±0.32)φ。晚全新世浙闽沿岸流有所减弱,闽江口沉积物中的蒙脱石含量明显减少,而来自闽江的高岭石含量增加。  相似文献   
黄土高原黄土是第四纪古气候研究的主要对象之一,磁化率是黄土古气候研究的主要代用指标。然而,黄土地层磁学特征的主控因子依然存在争论。本文选取黄土高原中部的安塞黄土剖面为研究对象,对地层进行系统的磁学特征分析。安塞剖面在早全新世至中全新世早期(~10000~8500 a)黄土层中磁性矿物含量较低且呈递增趋势,中全新世(8000~3000a)古土壤层中磁性矿物含量较高,在中全新世中期(7000~5000a)达到最高随后呈递减趋势,晚全新世(3000 a以来)黄土层中磁性矿物含量很低并呈递减趋势。此外,地层的磁学特征表现出3次快速变化:6500 a前后,地层中磁性矿物含量迅速增加;4500 a前后和2700 a前后,地层中磁性矿物含量快速降低。通过与全新世降水和气温等气候因子对比发现降水量是控制安塞剖面中次生强磁性矿物含量变化的关键性气候因子,低温并不能增加地层中强磁性矿物含量,而高温则可能限制地层中强磁性矿物的形成。土壤中强磁性矿物含量变化对气候好转响应迟缓,对气候恶化响应迅速。  相似文献   
了解中国北方晚冰期和全新世时期的气候环境变化及其驱动机制,有助于预测未来气候变化的可能情景。基于黄土高原东南缘临汾盆地的黄土-古土壤剖面,在3个AMS14C年代的支持下,通过粒度、磁化率、土壤有机碳以及地球化学元素等指标,重建了临汾盆地晚冰期至中全新世晚期的气候变化历史。结果表明:宋村沟剖面的黄土和古土壤分别处于初等和中等化学风化阶段,而不同地区风成堆积物的化学风化强度存在明显差异,主要受控于东亚夏季风的区域变化。多指标综合分析表明,晚冰期以来临汾盆地的气候演变经历了4个阶段:晚冰期东亚冬季风较强,气候干冷;早全新世东亚夏季风强化,气候向暖湿转变;早中全新世东亚夏季风达到峰值,为最暖湿的适宜期;中全新世晚期东亚夏季风减弱,气候再次转向干冷;临汾盆地的气候变化主要受控于北半球太阳辐射强度和冰量的变化。  相似文献   
A multi‐proxy approach was used to examine the geomorphic dynamics and environmental history of an upper deltaic ?oodplain tract in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California. Three long cores were collected from the McCormack–Williamson Tract (MWT) and these cores were analyzed for bulk density, loss‐on‐ignition, ?ne (clay and silt) content, Al concentration, magnetic susceptibility, pollen, and charcoal. Radiocarbon dates obtained for the cores were converted into calendar years and an age–depth model was constructed. Long‐term vertical accretion and sedimentation rates were estimated from the age–depth model. Cross‐core relations show that coarse sediment generally accumulates more rapidly and has greater magnetic susceptibility compared to ?ne sediment. Percentage ?ne and LOI data show a strong linear relationship that indicates ?ooding is the primary mechanism for the deposition of particular organic matter on the ?oodplain and that landscape wash load has contributed a highly consistent fraction of persistent organic matter averaging 5·5 per cent to the site. Down‐core grain size pro?les show two hydrological domains in the cores, namely millennial ?ne–coarse ?uctuations superimposed on general up‐core ?ning. Coarse sediment is viewed as channel or near‐channel overbank deposits, whereas ?ne deposits are considered to be distal overbank ?ood deposits. The coarse–?ne ?uctuations are indicative of changing depositional settings as channels migrated laterally across MWT, whereas the upward ?ning trend re?ects a combination of self‐limiting overbank deposition as ?oodplain elevation increased and decreasing competence as sea‐level rise reduced ?ood‐pulse energy slopes. MWT has been cross‐cut and incised numerous times in the past, only to have the channels abandoned and subsequently ?lled by ?ne sediment. The channels around MWT attained their modern con?guration about 4000 years ago. MWT likely came under tidal in?uence at about 2500 cal BP. Wetlands have recently developed on MWT, but they are inorganic sediment dominated. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Form, function and feedbacks in a tidally dominated ooid shoal, Bahamas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although the general aspects of oolitic depositional systems are well documented, seascape‐scale (≈103–106 m2) patterns of oolitic shoals and the details of processes acting on them are not well understood or quantified. To begin to fill this basic gap in understanding, this paper describes the morphology and hydrodynamics of Lily Bank, a Modern tidally dominated Bahamian ooid shoal. In this study, integrating remote sensing imagery with quantitative, geo‐located bathymetrical, hydrological and granulometric data in a Geographic Information System documents geomorphic and sedimentological patterns and facilitates interpreting these patterns in the context of the processes operating in this system. The results of these analyses reveal that parabolic bars up to several kilometres in wavelength and several metres in height form a common morphologic motif, although there is considerable variation on that general theme. The seascape‐scale configuration of bars and superimposed sedimentary structures is closely linked to spatial patterns of tidal movements, and includes the presence of mutually evasive flood and ebb channels. Sedimentologically, bars are neither homogenous nor random bodies; instead, granulometric parameters such as sorting and percentage mud vary systematically, as shaped by hydro‐geomorphic controls. The best sorted, coarsest ooids are on bar crests, whereas the finest grains are found in the lower energy, deeper interior and flanking regions. In short, results clearly document hydrodynamic‐bathymetrical influences on these ooid shoals and their granulometry, linkages akin to siliciclastic analogues. Sedimentological, hydrodynamic and geomorphic observations are consistent with a conceptual model for the formation of parabolic bars in which initial irregularities in non‐parabolic bars are enhanced through their effect of focusing flow. Constricted flow leads to higher flow velocities, tidal flow velocity asymmetries, differential net sediment transport and growth of bathymetrical highs. This bathymetrical divergence creates separate paths for flood‐ and ebb‐tides, facilitating emergence of better‐developed parabolic forms. The resultant parabolic geometries and component bedforms appear to be either in dynamic equilibrium with both ebb‐ and flood‐tide flows, or evolving toward that state. In exploring patterns and processes within carbonate shoals, this study illustrates some of the first documented insights on quantitative details of morphology and dynamics and in the links between geomorphic framework and grain‐size and sorting in an oolitic carbonate system. Assuming a continuity of processes between ancient and modern, the insights from this shoal provide information on possible facies geometries and on the characteristics of grains and depositional porosity of analogous facies within ancient ooid shoals.  相似文献   
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