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车辆路径问题:从时间地理学的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
车辆路径问题具有典型的时空分布特征,受到众多时空约束条件的制约。在车辆路径规划中,综合考虑时间和空间因素是非常必要的。本文从时间地理学这一全新的视角来研究车辆路径问题,提出一套完整的时间地理学分析框架,阐述了时间地理学的基本概念,提出了车辆路径问题中的时空约束、时空路径、时空棱柱、时空可达性、时空距离等概念,并给出了图示或定量化的度量方法。论文提出的时空距离度量方法综合考虑了顾客在空间位置和时间窗口2个方面的特征,可更科学地判定顾客之间的"邻近性"。论文通过设计一种求解大规模软时间窗车辆路径问题的算法,证明了时空距离的价值,并展望了时间地理学在求解动态车辆路径规划问题、移动设施路径规划问题等方面的应用。本文的贡献在于,通过时间地理学所提供的一系列概念和方法,实现了在统一的框架下同时考虑车辆路径问题(VRP)的时间和空间特征的构想,挖掘了传统时间地理学理论在车辆路径领域中的应用潜力,这将有利于更快或者更好地求解VRP问题。  相似文献   
Ecosystem service provision varies temporally in response to natural and human-induced factors, yet research in this field is dominated by analyses that ignore the time-lags and feedbacks that occur within socio-ecological systems. The implications of this have been unstudied, but are central to understanding how service delivery will alter due to future land-use/cover change. Urban areas are expanding faster than any other land-use, making cities ideal study systems for examining such legacy effects. We assess the extent to which present-day provision of a suite of eight ecosystem services, quantified using field-gathered data, is explained by current and historical (stretching back 150 years) landcover. Five services (above-ground carbon density, recreational use, bird species richness, bird density, and a metric of recreation experience quality (continuity with the past) were more strongly determined by past landcover. Time-lags ranged from 20 (bird species richness and density) to over 100 years (above-ground carbon density). Historical landcover, therefore, can have a strong influence on current service provision. By ignoring such time-lags, we risk drawing incorrect conclusions regarding how the distribution and quality of some ecosystem services may alter in response to land-use/cover change. Although such a finding adds to the complexity of predicting future scenarios, ecologists may find that they can link the biodiversity conservation agenda to the preservation of cultural heritage, and that certain courses of action provide win-win outcomes across multiple environmental and cultural goods.  相似文献   
C.P. Pow was my confidant, colleague and (occasional) collaborator for more than 20 years. He had fought a valiant and dignified battle with an aggressive cancer but ultimately succumbed to it in July 2021. I will reminisce a few of the little known traits of Pow which had shaped him to become the conscientious, obliging and humble academic that he was known for.  相似文献   
罗燊  叶超 《地理学报》2023,78(1):241-255
“四个面向”(面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康)已成为新时代中国科学发展的指针。治理是一个反映“四个面向”的国际前沿研究领域,也是地理学和其他学科研究的焦点。围绕地理学如何应对治理这一关键问题,基于人地耦合的理念,系统梳理国内外地理学进行治理研究的轨迹与特点,从价值、思想、方法、技术4个维度发掘面向治理的地理学发展路径,紧密联系地理学发展动态及治理现代化的实践,从基础研究、平台建设、人才培育3个方面提出发展策略。提升中国地理学在国际治理研究中的影响力,促进地理学与其他学科的交叉融合,将自然与人文有机结合的理念应用于社会治理,增进居民福祉,并服务国家战略和区域可持续发展。  相似文献   
This article presents the cartoons and comic strips that the author draws and has used in his teaching of physical geography at the undergraduate level since 2011. In the context of an image‐based culture, this article discusses the pedagogic goals that cartoons and comic strips fulfil: enhancing learning and creativity, associating pleasure with learning, pushing students to think ‘outside the box’ and relating the students' learning experience to a media framework popular with students. Cartoons and comic strips also answer particular necessities related to the teaching of physical geography. Using characters placed in hypothetical situations, they explain the process of doing geography and being a physical geographer.  相似文献   
The social impact of global climate change is one of the hotspots in the current research. To deal with the challenges from climate change, it could be learned from the adapting experiences and lessons to climate change in the history. The main achievements of cognition on the historical impacts of climatic change in China and on coping with the climate changes in the future based the published papers in recent years is summarized. The followings are the main conclusions. ①The general characteristics of the impacts of climatic change in the history was negative in the cold periods and positive in the warm periods, but there were regional differences in the impact and responses. ②The cooling trend on centurial scale and the social economic decline run concurrently. The rapid development supported by better resources and environment in the warm period could lead to the increase of the social vulnerability when the climate turned to the cold period. ③Strategies and policies to cope with the climate change in the history were adopted according to the temporal and spatial circumstances and the subjects. Initiative adaptation promoted by governments was an effective way.  相似文献   
学科树视角下地理学和建筑学人居环境研究比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱梅    汪德根 《地理学报》2022,77(4):795-817
本文从学科树视角比较分析地理学和建筑学的人居环境研究进展。首先,梳理研究脉络,指出两个学科具有相同的“树根”(即五大系统和五大层次)、“树干”(即九大主题和八大尺度)和“树枝”(即33个研究领域),以及相异的“树叶”(即各领域数量迥异的研究成果)。其次,比较研究成果特点,发现两个学科成果差异明显,表现为在适宜性等6个二级主题上,地理学成果较多,建筑学成果较少;在规划等6个二级主题和建筑尺度上,建筑学成果较多,地理学成果较少;在空间格局等12个二级主题和城市等6个尺度上,两个学科成果均较多,但侧重点不同;在行为二级主题和全球尺度上,两个学科成果均较少,但侧重点不同。最后,剖析学科成果差异的生成逻辑,并展望未来进路。学科成果差异的逻辑起点是学科门类差异,逻辑链条是“学科门类—学科特性—研究主体—研究偏好—研究范式—研究成果”的差异传导机制,其中研究范式差异是链条中的重要环节。未来人居环境研究应促进框架延伸化、主题展拓化、尺度统筹化、数据多源化、方法混合化等范式提升,同时回应全球化、美好人居、突发事件、跨学科等现实需求。  相似文献   
中国植物地理学从20世纪20年代初创到当前繁荣经历了100年的发展,近30年来测序技术和生物信息技术的进步,促进了分类、进化和生态等学科交叉融合,中国植物地理学在诸多方面取得了突破性进展,主要包括:① 植物类群和区系在中国整体上按纬度、经度和海拔呈现出规律性;物种丰富度、系统发生多样性和特有性热点集中分布在南部山地,少数分布在北方山地和干旱地区。② 关于大尺度植物多样性格局及形成机制,多数热带起源科的物种多样性格局受冬季低温的限制,而多数温带起源科的物种多样性格局由末次冰期以来的气候变化主导;中国山地植物和群落具有显著的垂直地带性和空间分布异质性,热量因子是中国高山植物区系地理分异的首要气候因子。③ 中国大多数现生被子植物属(约66%)是在中新世及其以后分化;500 mm年等降水线是中国植物区系年龄和植被分区最重要的分界线;中国植物区系、区系中的特征或关键类群的起源和多样化与青藏高原抬升和亚洲季风加强密切相关。未来,时间和空间的结合仍是植物地理学研究的主旋律,类群、群落和区系分化时间的估算及物种分布数据的分辨率是研究者关注的焦点,植物大数据的持续积累和完善将为学科发展提供强大动力和广阔前景。  相似文献   
宋长青  刘静  潘峰华 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3383-3392
在“百年未有之大变局”的时代背景下,地理学科建设需要做好“四个面向”,其中本科人才培养是重中之重。1902年京师大学堂师范馆成立至今,北京师范大学地理学已有120年的发展历程。回顾历史,在时代的驱动下,北师大地理学本科专业人才培养不断适应国家社会需求、主动求变,经历了史地一体、独立设系、强调师范性、多元化人才培养、创新型人才培养,以及拔尖人才与“四有”好老师并重的发展阶段。北京师范大学地理学作为“双一流”建设学科,以全面提升育人水平和推动学科进入世界一流行列为首要任务,通过一系列改革措施,积极探索差异化的本科专业人才培养体系和特色化的培养模式,争取适应新时代国家和社会对地理学本科人才的新需求。  相似文献   
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