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宁蒗地区喜山期斑岩带受近现北向的包都-波罗弧形断裂带控制,由壳幔混源型岩浆浆被动侵位耐成,总结上呈向北逐渐倾伏的趋势。该斑岩带斑岩属钙碱性系列、中酸性岩类。通过对该斑岩带各斑岩体(群)地质特征、岩石化学特征的综合分析,表明其为含铜斑岩或铜(钼)斑岩,具良好的成矿前景。  相似文献   
The geology and tectonics of the Himalaya has been reviewed in the light of new data and recent studies by the author. The data suggest that the Lesser Himalayan Gneissic Basement (LHGB) represents the northern extension of the Bundelkhand craton, Northern Indian shield and the large scale granite magmatism in the LHGB towards the end of the Palæoproterozoic Wangtu Orogeny, stabilized the early crust in this region between 2-1.9 Ga. The region witnessed rapid uplift and development of the Lesser Himalayan rift basin, wherein the cyclic sedimentation continued during the Palæoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic. The Tethys basin with the Vaikrita rocks at its base is suggested to have developed as a younger rift basin (~ 900 Ma ago) to the north of the Lesser Himalayan basin, floored by the LHGB. The southward shifting of the Lesser Himalayan basin marked by the deposition of Jaunsar-Simla and Blaini-Krol-Tal cycles in a confined basin, the changes in the sedimentation pattern in the Tethys basin during late Precambrian-Cambrian, deformation and the large scale granite activity (~ 500 ± 50 Ma), suggests a strong possibility of late Precambrian-Cambrian Kinnar Kailas Orogeny in the Himalaya. From the records of the oceanic crust of the Neo-Tethys basin, subduction, arc growth and collision, well documented from the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone north of the Tethys basin, it is evident that the Himalayan region has been growing gradually since Proterozoic, with a northward shift of the depocentre induced by N-S directed alternating compression and extension. During the Himalayan collision scenario, the 10–12km thick unconsolidated sedimentary pile of the Tethys basin (TSS), trapped between the subducting continental crust of the Indian plate and the southward thrusting of the oceanic crust of the Neo-Tethys and the arc components of the Indus-Tangpo collision zone, got considerably thickened through large scale folding and intra-formational thrusting, and moved southward as the Kashmir Thrust Sheet along the Panjal Thrust. This brought about early phase (M1) Barrovian type metamorphism of underlying Vaikrita rocks. With the continued northward push of the Indian Plate, the Vaikrita rocks suffered maximum compression, deformation and remobilization, and exhumed rapidly as the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) during Oligo-Miocene, inducing gravity gliding of its Tethyan sedimentary cover. Further, it is the continental crust of the LHGB that is suggested to have underthrust the Himalaya and southern Tibet, its cover rocks stacked as thrust slices formed the Himalayan mountain and its decollement surface reflected as the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), in the INDEPTH profile.  相似文献   
新疆乌苏5.1级地震前波速比异常震例研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用天山中段数字化地震波资料,采用多台和达法,计算2006年11月23日新疆乌苏5.1级地震前后波速比的变化情况,得到如下结果:(1)在空间分布上,乌苏5.1级地震前,波速比形成一个近似椭圆形低值异常区,且椭圆长半轴约为70 km,短半轴约为55 km,椭圆走向NW,地震就发生在该椭圆区域的西北部边缘;(2)在时间进程...  相似文献   
随着矿产资源需求的不断加大,我国西部高山区利用高精度航磁技术开展矿产勘查的需求越来越高,本文以东昆仑、阿尔金等多个高山区实测资料为基础,通过对不同型号飞机性能进行对比,选择适合高山区航磁测量的飞行平台;结合理论模型计算与不同高度飞行试验,确定了高山区有效飞行高度;并在基础上开展了航地磁测量效果对比.在航磁资料精细解释方面尝试了曲面位场转换处理,对比了转换前后局部异常强度变化;针对高海拔地区弱小磁异常选编,开展了弱缓异常提取技术研究;并针对起伏地形条件下航磁异常2.5D/3D精细反演解释技术手段进行了尝试,就如何提高航磁资料找矿效果进行了积极的探索.  相似文献   
Cordierite‐bearing anatectic rocks inform our understanding of low‐pressure anatectic processes in the continental crust. This article focuses on cordierite‐bearing lithologies occurring at the upper structural levels of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (eastern Nepal Himalaya). Three cordierite‐bearing gneisses from different geological transects (from Mt Everest to Kangchenjunga) have been studied, in which cordierite is spectacularly well preserved. The three samples differ in terms of bulk composition likely reflecting different sedimentary protoliths, although they all consist of quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, cordierite and sillimanite in different modal percentages. Analysis of the microstructures related to melt production and/or melt consumption allows the distinction to be made between peritectic and cotectic cordierite. The melt productivity of different prograde assemblages (from two‐mica metapelite/metagreywacke to biotite‐metapelite) has been investigated at low‐pressure conditions, evaluating the effects of muscovite v. biotite dehydration melting on both mineral assemblages and microstructures. The results of the thermodynamic modelling suggest that the mode and type of the micaceous minerals in the prograde assemblage is a very important parameter controlling the melt productivity at low‐pressure conditions, the two‐mica protoliths being significantly more fertile at any given temperature than biotite gneisses over the same temperature interval. Furthermore, the cordierite preservation is promoted by melt crystallization at a dry solidus and by exhumation along P‐T paths with a peculiar dP/dT slope of about 15–18 bar °C?1. Overall, our results provide a key for the interpretation of cordierite petrogenesis in migmatites from any low‐P regional anatectic terrane. The cordierite‐bearing migmatites may well represent the source rocks for the Miocene andalusite‐bearing leucogranites occurring at the upper structural levels of the Himalayan belt, and low‐P isobaric heating rather than decompression melting may be the triggering process of this peculiar peraluminous magmatism.  相似文献   
华蓥山地区上二叠统长兴阶生物礁顶部普遍存在一套数米至十余米厚的钙结壳.含有钙结壳中常见的渗滤豆石、钙质结核、蜂窝状构造、根模、钙化细菌丝体、花瓣构造、微型钟乳石等典型组构,并伴有变形构造、溶蚀构造和角砾化等现象。这套钙结壳的发现对研究华南二、三叠纪之交的古气候,古地理和沉积发育史具有重要意义,本文主要描述钙结壳的岩石学特征,并简要讨论了本地区钙结壳的成因。  相似文献   
太行山北段早前寒武系龙华河群为六十年代所建,后来发现五台山区的五台群底界已延入龙华河群之中。近年来,许多新资料表明,它实际上包括了龙泉关群、五台群及滹沱群的一部分。因而,应废除龙华河群,并对它进行重新划分。  相似文献   
新疆可可塔勒铅锌成矿带成矿规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿尔泰山南缘可可塔勒铅锌成矿带主要由麦兹、克兰、冲乎尔 3个泥盆纪含矿火山沉积盆地组成 ,产于陆缘裂谷带内侧 (近陆一侧 ) ,下泥盆统康布铁堡组上亚组流纹—英安质火山沉积建造是主含矿层位。按特征矿物组合的不同可分为块状硫化物型、磁铁硫化物型和萤石方铅矿型 3个矿化类型。含矿盆地中规模较大的矿床产于断陷深度大、火山活动强烈的次级火山洼地中。铅锌矿化空间上具有南北分带、东西分区的分布规律性 ,时间上具有较明显的演化性 ,由早到晚 (层位自下而上 )典型的演化序列为 :Fe→ Fe、Pb、Zn→ Pb、Zn、Ag→Pb、Ag( F,Ba)。不同级别的构造控制了不同级别的矿化 ,构成了构造控矿系列  相似文献   
The role of silicate and carbonate weathering in contributing to the major cation and Sr isotope geochemistry of the headwaters of the Ganga-Ghaghara-Indus system is investigated from the available data. The contributions from silicate weathering are determined from the composition of granites/ gneisses, soil profiles developed from them and from the chemistry of rivers flowing predominantly through silicate terrains. The chemistry of Precambrian carbonate outcrops of the Lesser Himalaya provided the data base to assess the supply from carbonate weathering. Mass balance calculations indicate that on an average ∼ 77% (Na + K) and ∼ 17% (Ca + Mg) in these rivers is of silicate origin. The silicate Sr component in these waters average ∼40% and in most cases it exceeds the carbonate Sr. The observations that (i) the87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ca in the granites/gneisses bracket the values measured in the head waters; (ii) there is a strong positive correlation between87Sr/86Sr of the rivers and the silicate derived cations in them, suggest that silicate weathering is a major source for the highly radiogenic Sr isotope composition of these source waters. The generally low87Sr/86Sr (< 0.720) and Sr/Ca (∼ 0.2 nM/ μM) in the Precambrian carbonate outcrops rules them out as a major source of Sr and87Sr/86Sr in the headwaters on a basin-wide scale, however, the high87Sr/86Sr (∼ 0.85) in a few of these carbonates suggests that they can be important for particular streams. The analysis of87Sr/86Sr and Ca/Sr data of the source waters show that they diverge from a low87Sr/86Sr and low Ca/Sr end member. The high Ca/Sr of the Precambrian carbonates precludes them from being this end member, other possible candidates being Tethyan carbonates and Sr rich evaporite phases such as gypsum and celestite. The results of this study should find application in estimating the present-day silicate and carbonate weathering rates in the Himalaya and associated CO2 consumption rates and their global significance.  相似文献   
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