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西藏聂拉木高喜马拉雅结晶岩系在区域上以单一的叶理和单一的拉伸线理占主要地位,其变形带的组构主要反映了透入性的伸展变形;根据显微构造分析表明早期由北往南推覆,晚期由南向北伸展,且晚期表现非常明显。  相似文献   
摘要:卡拉麦里地区石炭纪以来的岩石地层系统由三大套构造岩石地层单位构成, 分别是以劈理、紧闭褶皱极为发育的卡拉麦里蛇绿混杂岩带为代表的造山带基底层系,以开阔褶皱为主要构造变形的石炭纪后碰撞构造层,和高角度正断层及平缓褶皱较发育的二叠-侏罗纪陆内湖盆构造层。它们分别记录了卡拉麦里地区前石炭纪碰撞造山阶段、石炭纪后碰撞阶段和二叠纪后板内断陷 坳陷阶段的沉积 变形特征。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯地块构造演化的古地磁学研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
鄂尔多斯地块与中朝地台其它地区相同时代地层的古地磁结果基本一致表明:晚二叠世以来,中朝地台经历了从低纬度(19°左右)向中纬度的北移过程,并伴有50°左右的逆时针旋转;晚二叠世—中三叠世地台北移10°(1000km)左右,而方位基本未变;中三叠世—中侏罗世主要发生50°左右的逆时针旋转,而北向位移不明显,这一旋转可能与杨子地台和中朝地台碰撞拼合有关,或者说是印支运动在该地区的反应,中侏罗世—早白垩世地块已基本和现代位置一致  相似文献   
喜马拉雅构造-成矿域及其成矿效应初步分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过近年来的研究 ,提出了全新的喜马拉雅构造 -成矿域概念。从大喜马拉雅构造域及其成矿效应出发 ,通过构造域对矿集区的控制作用、成矿时代、成矿物质来源、深部过程与成矿效应的分析 ,从而较全面地评价了青藏高原及邻区的资源潜力和需要进一步工作的重要成矿带或矿集区。通过分析认为喜马拉雅构造 -成矿域内强烈的壳幔物质交换 ,下地壳翻天覆地的物质和流体交换 ,导致了在同一构造地质单元内可以有一个或多个超大型矿床的存在。并对多个重要矿床类型提出了更切合实际的观点 ,如西藏甲马铜钼银铅锌金多金属矿床属于矽卡岩 -斑岩复合型 ,云南羊拉铜钼金多金属矿床也属于矽卡岩 -斑岩复合型矿床等。在喜马拉雅构造域内形成的燕山晚期或喜马拉雅期矿床大多和大陆地壳深部复杂的动力学过程有关 ,所形成的矿床矿物组合及成矿元素组合复杂 ,特别是矿石中钴、银元素含量较高 ,许多矿床中银、钴已经作为主要成矿元素。最后明确提出了青藏高原主体及东缘重要矿集区的资源潜力  相似文献   
Significantly different peak pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions (18–26 kbar and 630–760°C versus 29–37 kbar and 750–940°C) have previously been published for eclogite and related metabasites from the south-eastern flank of the Pohorje Mountains in Slovenia. These rocks can show a bimodal distribution of chromium in the rock-forming minerals, particularly garnet, the role of which in their metamorphic evolution is unclear. Therefore, we studied an eclogite and a related rock with clinopyroxene containing only 17 mol% jadeite + acmite (sample 18Ca35a). KαCr intensity maps of garnet particularly in sample 18Ca35a show a sharp irregular boundary between the core (Gt1) and the mantle (Gt2). Gt1 of millimetre-sized garnet in this rock is nearly Cr-free and unzoned, whereas Gt2 is of different composition (0.22 wt.% Cr2O3) and slightly zoned. Nearly Cr-free amphibole, (clino)zoisite, kyanite and staurolite inclusions are present in Gt1. The matrix consists of garnet and Cr-bearing clinopyroxene, (clino)zoisite and amphibole. Thermodynamic modelling suggests peak P–T conditions of 22.5 ± 2 kbar at 710 ± 25°C (Gt1) and 23 ± 2 kbar at 700 ± 25°C (Gt2) in both samples. We interpret these findings to suggest that olivine- and hornblende-bearing gabbros with some chromite experienced early metamorphism in the eclogite facies, when Gt1 formed. The rock was subsequently exhumed and cooled leading to significant garnet corrosion. A second stage of metamorphism, recognized by mappable Cr contents in garnet, led to the growth of Gt2 and other Cr-bearing minerals at the expense of chromite relics, which survived stage I. The peak P–T conditions of stage II are compatible with those previously derived by same authors and support the view that probably no ultrahigh-pressure eclogite exists in the Pohorje Mountains. We relate the two metamorphic events to the Cretaceous and Palaeogene high-pressure events recently reported from micaschists of the Pohorje Mountains.  相似文献   
Structural and thermochronological studies of the Kampa Dome provide constraints on timing and mechanisms of gneiss dome formation in southern Tibet. The core of Kampa Dome contains the Kampa Granite, a Cambrian orthogneiss that was deformed under high temperature (sub-solidus) conditions during Himalayan orogenesis. The Kampa Granite is intruded by syn-tectonic leucogranite dikes and sills of probable Oligocene to Miocene age. Overlying Paleozoic to Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks decrease in peak metamorphic grade from kyanite + staurolite grade at the base of the sequence to unmetamorphosed at the top. The Kampa Shear Zone traverses the Kampa Granite — metasediment contact and contains evidence for high-temperature to low-temperature ductile deformation and brittle faulting. The shear zone is interpreted to represent an exhumed portion of the South Tibetan Detachment System. Biotite and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology from the metasedimentary sequence yields disturbed spectra with 14.22 ± 0.18 to 15.54 ± 0.39 Ma cooling ages and concordant spectra with 14.64 ± 0.15 to 14.68 ± 0.07 Ma cooling ages. Petrographic investigations suggest disturbed samples are associated with excess argon, intracrystalline deformation, mineral and fluid inclusions and/or chloritization that led to variations in argon systematics. We conclude that the entire metasedimentary sequence cooled rapidly through mica closure temperatures at  14.6 Ma. The Kampa Granite yields the youngest biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of  13.7 Ma immediately below the granite–metasediment contact. We suggest that this age variation reflects either varying mica closure temperatures, re-heating of the Kampa Granite biotites above closure temperatures between 14.6 Ma and 13.7 Ma, or juxtaposition of rocks with different thermal histories. Our data do not corroborate the “inverse” mica cooling gradient observed in adjacent North Himalayan gneiss domes. Instead, we infer that mica cooling occurred in response to exhumation and conduction related to top-to-north normal faulting in the overlying sequence, top-to-south thrusting at depth, and coeval surface denudation.  相似文献   
A W-Mo mineralized region is located along the northern margin of the South Qinling tectonic belt of China. WMo mineralization occurs mainly in Cambrian–Ordovician clastic and carbonate rocks, and the ore bodies are structurally controlled by NW–SE-and NNE–SSW-striking faults. Evidence for magmatism in the area is widespread and is dominated by intermediate–felsic intrusives or apophyses, such as the Dongjiangkou, Yanzhiba, Lanbandeng, and Sihaiping granitic bodies. Quartz-vein-type mineralization and fault-controlled skarn-type mineralization dominate the ore systems, with additional enrichment in residual deposits. At present, there are few or insufficient studies on(1) the age of mineralization,(2) the relationship between intermediate–felsic granite and W-Mo mineralization,(3) the source of ore-forming materials,and(4) the metallogenic and tectonic setting of the mineralized area. In this paper, we present geochronology results for numerous intrusive granitic bodies in the South Qinling tectonic belt. U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Lanbandeng monzogranite and Wangjiaping biotite monzogranite yields ages of 222.7 ± 2.3 and 201.9 ± 1.8 Ma, respectively. In contrast to the Late Triassic age of the Lanbandeng monzogranite, the age of the newly discovered Wangjiaping biotite monzogranite places it at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Re-Os molybdenite geochronology on the Qipangou W-Mo deposit yielded a model age of 199.7 ± 3.9 Ma, indicating the deposit formed in the early Yanshanian period of the Early Jurassic. Granitoid intrusions in the mineralized area are characterized by composite granite bodies that crystallized at ca.240–190 Ma. While there were multiple stages of intrusion, most occurred at 210–220 Ma, with waning magmatic activity at 200–190 Ma. The Re-Os age of molybdenite in the region is ca. 200–190 Ma, which may represent a newly discovered period of W-Mo metallogenesis that occurred during the final stages of magmatism. The heat associated with this magmatism drove ore formation and might have provided additional ore-forming components for metallogenesis(represented by the Wangjiaping biotite monzogranite). Ore materials in the mineralized area were derived from mixed crustal and mantle sources. Enrichment of the region occurred during intracontinental orogenesis in the late Indosinian–Yanshanian, subsequent to the main Indosinian collision. At this time, the tectonic environment was dominated by extension and strike-slip motion.  相似文献   
青藏高原南部晚新生代板内造山与动力成矿   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
李德威 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):361-370
青藏高原晚新生代构造隆升是板块碰撞成因还是板内造山过程 ,关系到高原形成机制、演化过程以及岩石圈动力学与大陆动力学的关系等一系列重大科学问题。近年来在冈底斯发现多个以斑岩铜矿为主的大型和超大型矿床 ,其成矿时代为 2 0~ 12Ma ,与青藏高原构造隆升时代一致 ,也与笔者10年前以大陆动力学和成矿动力学为理论指导的预测结果吻合。青藏高原南部晚新生代大量的地质、地球物理、矿床等方面的证据根本不支持碰撞造山理论 ,如青藏高原内部伸展边缘逆冲、碰撞与隆升之间时差明显 ,壳内低速层和低阻层发育 ,造山与成盆关系密切 ,板内隆升环境下发生大规模构造变形、岩浆活动和动力成矿等。青藏高原南部晚新生代构造隆升作用是在新特提斯开合转换、碰撞造陆之后 ,在下地壳层流作用的驱动下 ,发生板内造山、地壳增厚、热隆伸展和改造成矿的构造成矿过程 ,大规模的板内金属成矿在 3~ 4Ma以来的均衡隆升、成山过程中进一步改造。  相似文献   
Petrochemical studies of granitoid rocks from the eastern part of Kumaun region suggest that the leading edge of India represents an active arc during Late Paleoproterozoic times. It has been observed that melt generation for granodiorite rocks from the eastern Almora Nappe and Chhiplakot klippe along with the Askot klippe was caused through a subduction‐related process involving hydrous partial melting of a Paleoproterozoic amphibole‐ and/or garnet‐bearing mafic source with the involvement of sediments from the subduction zone. The medium‐ to high‐K basic rocks, common in subduction‐related magmatic arcs, can also explain the generation of the high‐K granodiorites of the Chhiplakot klippe. The augen gneisses from the eastern Almora nappe and Chhiplakot klippe along with the Askot klippe further show geochemical similarity with the associated granodiorites, suggesting there is a genetic linkage with one another.  相似文献   
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