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云南兰坪白秧坪铜钴多金属矿集区矿石中石英的40Ar-39Ar快中子活化年龄谱呈马鞍形,坪年龄为56.53±0.43Ma,最小视年龄为55.52±1.78Ma,等时线年龄为55.90±0.29Ma,三者在误差范围内一致(1σ)。40Ar/36Ar初始值为294.7±1.14,与尼尔值(295.5±5)十分接近,坪年龄和等时线年龄均可作为石英的形成时代。因此,55.90~56.53Ma(喜马拉雅早期)代表了矿床的成矿年龄。  相似文献   
Joseph M. Pyle 《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):201-232
Analysis of monazite-bearing lithologies from the Precambrian Honey Brook Upland (HBU) and overlying metasedimentary Paleozoic Chester Valley Sequence (CVS) (SE PA, USA) reveals overprinting of primary major and accessory phase parageneses by texturally and compositionally disparate secondary accessory phase parageneses. Two-pyroxene temperatures of 915–945 °C for reconstituted pyroxene reflect emplacement temperatures of felsic plutonic rocks (opdalite, charnockite) prior to Mesoproterozoic metamorphism. Monazite in metavolcanic felsic gneiss yields three age domains at 1009 ± 4 Ma (2 s.e.), 965 ± 6, and 876 ± 10 Ma. The first two domains record metamorphism of the HBU after anorthosite intrusion; peak monazite–xenotime temperatures for the monazite core domain are 700 °C, and high Th/U values in the second (overgrowth) age domain likely reflect a second high-T monazite growth episode. Formation of cummingtonite coronas on orthopyroxene in opdalite constrains maximum 1010 Ma metamorphic temperatures in the “granulite-facies” terrane to 730–740 °C. Evidence of increased Cl fluid activity in the 965 Ma metamorphism includes higher Cl content of matrix apatite relative to garnet-included apatite (metavolcanics), and Cl-bearing K-hornblende succeeding cummingtonite in coronal overgrowths (opdalite). Extreme monazite Th/U values (75–250) in the rim domain suggest growth during low-T hydrothermal alteration. In the opdalite, secondary singe-grain monazite and monazite + xenotime metasomites in apatite yield ages of 714 ± 24 and 586 ± 88 Ma, temperatures of 325–425 °C, and are interpreted to reflect thermal disturbances associated with late Proterozoic plutonic and volcanic activity in the Upland. This thermal disturbance may be recorded by Rb–Sr age of 567 Ma for biotite from a HBU gneiss. Monazite age domains in metaquartzite (378 ± 28, 272 ± 44 Ma) suggest that low-grade metamorphism (260–320 °C, Mnz–Xno thermometry) of the CVS is not a result of Taconian orogenesis.  相似文献   
Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) is made up of three terranes of Cambrian–Ordovician rocks: the Wilson (WT), Bowers (BT) and Robertson Bay terranes (RBT). The WT comprises a low- to high-grade metasedimentary sequence intruded by calc-alkaline plutons with magmatic arc affinity; the BT is composed of low-grade metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks usually interpreted as an intra-oceanic arc; the RBT is a very low-grade flysch-like sequence. Terrane juxtaposition has traditionally been attributed to accretion during the Cambro-ordovician Ross orogeny. We propose a new model in which the WT, BT and RBT are interpreted as an arc/back-arc/trench system, developed in the context of a SW-dipping subduction zone. The subducting plate carried a continent originally located outboard of the turbidite fan of the RBT. Collision between this continent and the East Antarctic craton caused partial subduction of the intervening back-arc basin and, ultimately, the end of Ross-orogenic subduction. The turbidite fan of the RBT originally sedimented above the trench and on the subducting oceanic plate; due to collision it was thrusted on the continent, that constitutes, at least in part, the present basement of the RBT turbidite. The eastern portions of this continental mass were later dissected by the tensile tectonics related to the opening of the of the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
Formation and failure of the Tsatichhu landslide dam, Bhutan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
At 00:30 (local time) on the 10th September 2003 a joint and foliation defined wedge of material with an estimated volume of 7–12×106 m3 slid into the narrow Tsatichhu River Valley, in Jarrey Geog, Lhuentse, eastern Bhutan. The Tsatichhu River, a north–easterly flowing tributary of the Kurichuu River, was completely blocked by the landslide. During its movement, the landslide transitioned into a rock avalanche that travelled 580 m across the valley before colliding with the opposite valley wall. The flow then moved down valley, travelling a total distance of some 700 m. The rock avalanche was accompanied by an intense wind blast that caused substantial damage to the heavily forested valley slopes. The resulting geomorphologically-typical rock-avalanche dam deposit created a dam that impounded a water volume of 4–7×106 m3 at lake full level. This lake was released by catastrophic collapse of the landslide, which occurred at 16:20 (local time) on 10th July 2004, after reported smaller failures of the saturated downstream face. The dam failure released a flood wave that had a peak discharge of 5900 m3 s−1 at the Kurichhu Hydropower Plant 35 km downstream.  相似文献   
Trend of climatic changes in geological history of the Earth was determined by gradual decrease in the global surface temperature. Substantial deviations from this trend depended on the prevalent type of volcanism: predominantly explosive volcanism at convergent boundaries between lithospheric plates led to cooling and onset of glacial epochs, while intense intraplate volcanism strengthened greenhouse effect and resulted in global warming. During cold epochs, orogenic processes played an important role in climatic variations. The most frequent and regular climatic variations are controlled by the Earth position in solar orbit (Milankovitch cycles). The Late Cenozoic variations of cold climate were interrelated with orogenic processes caused by collision between the Indian and North Asian lithospheric plates. The first event of considerable cooling in the Northern Hemisphere (2.8–2.5 Ma ago) coincided with a rapid growth of mountains throughout the collision belt. The Tibetan Plateau formed in South Asia. In Central Asia, the large (> 1.5 × 106 km2) Khangai-Altai-Sayan mountain system appeared 3 Ma ago. Total area subjected to orogenic processes in Central and South Asia exceeded 9 × 106 km2. The intense intraplate volcanism suggests that sublithospheric mantle was involved into orogenic processes. Alternation of glacial and interglacial climatic epochs during the last 1.8 m.y. is recorded in Central Asia. These climatic variations are compatible with the Milankovitch cycles. As is established, climatic events recognizable in the Baikal sedimentary record are correlative with interglacial and glacial epochs detectable in volcanic lavas of the East Sayan Mountains. There are indications of lava eruptions into ice during the cold periods. It is assumed therefore that all the cooling epochs detectable in the Baikal sedimentary record after 1.8 Ma were associated with development of mountain glaciation that formed glacial sheet up to 3 km thick and 100 000 km2 in size. During the Brunhes Chron, there were eight glaciations at least. The endogenic (volcanism and orogeny) and exogenic (glaciation) processes during the last 3 m.y. are shown to be correlative. The intermittent development and degradation of thick ice sheets was responsible for oscillation of lithospheric load on the asthenosphere, and this caused periodical magma generation in marginal parts of volcanic provinces.  相似文献   
中国东部中生代软流层上涌造山作用   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
中国东部中生代造山带不同于陆缘俯冲作用和陆间大陆碰撞造山带,也不是陆缘和陆间碰撞造山带发展演化的某一个特定阶段的产物。它是一种由深部软流层上涌造山作用形成的一个新类型的造山带,又称东亚型造山作用。它的造山作用过程是:(1)早中生代(230~180Ma)的前和初始造山幕,深部软流层物质上涌和底侵作用导致冷、强的大陆岩石圈地幔线状破裂与局部拆沉;(2)中、晚侏罗世(180~140Ma)主造山幕,软流层大规模上涌并沿着岩石圈底部壳-幔边界横向侵入和伸展,使垂向差异运动转变为水平挤压作用,结果地壳表层发生大规模的褶皱构造变形和推覆构造,使陆壳加厚形成山根,岩石圈根发生部分拆沉;(3)白垩纪(140~65Ma)的晚期造山幕,加厚的陆壳山根与岩石圈根的大规模拆沉,岩石圈进入全新的从挤压向伸展转变和巨大减薄阶段,软流层大规模上涌成山。  相似文献   
札达盆地位于西藏西南边陲,构造上处于喜马拉雅断块挠起带头部内侧,呈NW-SE走向,长约1000km,宽约70km,总面积约40000km2,海拔约4500m.盆地中地层呈明显的二元结构特征.基底岩石为三叠纪-侏罗纪灰岩、砂岩和板岩,盖层为上新世-早更新世早期沉积的固结和半固结岩石,因受喜马拉雅断块挠起运动的影响,形成NW、NE和近EW、SN向等多组节理裂隙.晚新生代以来,盆地上升,在构造节理的主导下,穿越盆地的象泉河及其支流对岩石地层进行侵蚀、切割,在雨水的淋蚀、寒冻风化的剥蚀作用下,逐渐形成现今大小不同和形态奇特的半固结砂泥岩塔林地貌景观-古格地貌,这是中国地质地貌景观的一种新类型.  相似文献   
The Meso-Cenozoic tectonic attribute of southern China is a continental tridirectional orogenic belt formed by subsynchronous interaction among the Tethys, Northwest Pacific and Kunlun-Qinling tectonic domains. It was created by superimposition of repeated orogenies since the Late Permian. The Indosinian folds therein are gentle and localized.  相似文献   
基于1992、1996年两期GPS重复观测资料,对喜马拉雅中段的地壳运动及其机制作了初步分析和探讨。结果表明:江孜(喜马拉雅)块体在喜马拉雅南侧和雅鲁藏布江北侧的水平挤压下,以12mm/a缩短,这与Molner等所给出的50~60mm/a相比要小得多;喜马拉雅的垂直运动(隆起)速率各点平均值仅为5.3mm/a。最后,对喜马拉雅和青藏高原隆起的机理作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
综合分析南秦岭地质组成与构造特征,显示出区内经历了太古-早、中元古代基底形成阶段,晚元古-早古生代统一扬子大陆北缘演化阶段,古生代勉略-石泉海槽的形成、闭合造山阶段和燕山以来的陆内造山4个大的演化阶段,并形成了相应的岩石建造与构造变形组合。  相似文献   
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