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This work is part of an attempt to quantify the relationship between the permeability tensor (K) and the micro-structure of natural porous media. A brief account is first provided of popular theories used to relate the micro-structure toK. Reasons for the lack of predictive power and restricted generality of current models are discussed. An alternative is an empirically based implicit model whereinK is expressed as a consequence of a few pore-types arising from the dynamics of depositional processes. The analytical form of that implicit model arises from evidence of universal association between pore-type and throat size in sandstones and carbonates. An explicit model, relying on the local change of scale technique is then addressed. That explicit model allows, from knowledge of the three-dimensional micro-geometry to calculateK explicitly without having recourse to any constitutive assumptions. The predictive and general character of the explicit model is underlined. The relevance of the change of scale technique is recalled to be contingent on the availability of rock-like three-dimensional synthetic media. A random stationary ergodic process is developed, that allows us to generate three-dimensional synthetic media from a two-dimensional autocorrelation functionr( x , y ) and associated probability density function measured on a single binary image. The focus of this work is to ensure the rock-like character of those synthetic media. This is done first through a direct approach:n two-dimensional synthetic media, derived from single set ( ,r( x , y )) yieldn permeability tensorsK i-1,n i (calculated by the local change of scale) of the same order. This is a necessary condition to ensure thatr( x , y ) and carry all structural information relevant toK. The limits of this direct approach, in terms of required Central Process Unit time and Memory is underlined, raising the need for an alternative. This is done by comparing the pore-type content of a sandstone sample andn synthetic media derived fromr( x , y ) and measured on that sandstone-sample. Achievement of a good match ensures that the synthetic media comprise the fundamental structural level of all natural sandstones, that is a domainal structure of well-packed clusters of grains bounded by loose-packed pores.  相似文献   
对噪声污染的图象进行复原处理时 ,传统的去噪声方法会造成图象模糊。本文用双正交小波变换去除图象噪声 ,从结果看利用双正交小波变换进行多分辨率低通滤波在去除噪声的同时造成的模糊比传统低通滤波器少  相似文献   
We present a uniform asymptotic solution (UAS) for a displacement discontinuity (DD) that lies within the middle layer of a three‐layer elastic medium in which relative shear deformation between parallel interfaces is controlled by linear springs. The DD is assumed to be normal to the two interfaces between the elastic media. Using the Fourier transform method we construct a leading term in the asymptotic expansion for the spectral coefficient functions for a DD in a three‐layer‐spring medium. Although a closed‐form solution will require a solution in terms of an infinite series, we demonstrate how this UAS can be used to construct highly efficient and accurate solutions even in the case in which the DD actually touches the interface. We compare the results using the Green's function UAS solution for a crack crossing a soft interface with results obtained using a multi‐layer boundary element method. We also present results from an implementation of the UAS Green's function approach in a pseudo‐3D hydraulic fracturing simulator to analyze the effect of interface shear deformation on the fracture propagation process. These results are compared with field measurements. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
裂缝性油气藏越来越受到人们的重视,如何有效地识别和评价裂缝性地层也成为人们关注的一个焦点。Cohen类时频分析方法具有同时对信号的时间和频率进行分析的优点,同时Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)中的经验模态分解(EMD)方法能将信号分解为有限个具有单分量特性的固有模态函数(IMF),可以满足Cohen类时频分析对信号单分量的要求。尝试将这两种方法联合应用于阵列声波信号特性的提取,对地层不同性质裂缝的信号能量的时频分布特征进行分析,结果显示了这种联合时频分析方法在不同的裂缝性质地层中有不同的表现特征,对于实现裂缝性地层分析和评价具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
本文采用Hilbert-Huang变换分别对磁暴干扰下的"天宫二号"空间实验室大气质谱信号和乌鲁木齐地磁基准台FHDZ-M15所产出地磁数据进行特征分析.实验首先采用小波分析方法分析两种信号的能量谱,结果可得:"天宫二号"空间实验室大气质谱信号和M15地磁信号在磁暴时段能量较为集中,且幅值较大.该实验表明两种信号的能量分布成正相关性.基于Hilbert-Huang变换的时频聚集性及处理非平稳信号的能力,实验进一步采用Hilbert-Huang变换对磁暴干扰下的两种信号进行时频特性分析.通过对两种信号的Hilbert-Huang谱分析可得:"天宫二号"空间实验室大气质谱信号和M15地磁信号在磁暴干扰下的频率均主要集中在0.2 Hz之内.同时,Hilbert-Huang谱实验清晰反映出了两种信号能量随时间和频率的分布情况.  相似文献   
MODIS数据并行计算方法研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了MODIS数据辐射定标、投影变换实际操作过程中的并发性,提出了三种不同的任务分解策略,实现了两种预处理操作,并对试验数据进行分析比较,发现投影变换更适合于并行化处理,而按行和按列任务分解的效率要高于按波段的任务分解。  相似文献   
基于希尔伯特-黄变换的合成孔径雷达内波参数提取新方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于希尔伯特-黄变换,发展了合成孔径雷达内波参数提取的新方法,解决了传统的傅里叶变换不能提取非线性内波群各个孤立子波信息的问题。利用该方法对巴士海峡附近的一幅ERS-1 SAR内波图像进行了内波参数提取。希尔伯特-黄变换对内波剖面数据进行了尺度分解,根据归一化方差最大来提取内波分量。该方法具有自适应性。结果表明,该方法获取的内波平均波长与傅里叶变换和小波分析具有较好的一致性,提取得到的反映各个孤立子波信息的波形比小波分析的要清晰,提高了数据的质量。通过提取的内波信号,利用极值序列计算了剖面线前后段平均波长大小,消除了谱分析当中的180°模糊问题。计算了明暗点的间隔,反演得到各个孤立子波的半振幅宽度。利用CTD数据获得的跃层深度,反演前导波振幅,与验证算例结果在量级上一致。  相似文献   
A mathematical model that describes the drawdown due to constant pumpage from a finite radius well in a two‐zone leaky confined aquifer system is presented. The aquifer system is overlain by an aquitard and underlain by an impermeable formation. A skin zone of constant thickness exists around the wellbore. A general solution to a two‐zone leaky confined aquifer system in Laplace domain is developed and inverted numerically to the time‐domain solution using the modified Crump (1976) algorithm. The results show that the drawdown distribution is significantly influenced by the properties and thickness of the skin zone and aquitard. The sensitivity analyses of parameters of the aquifer and aquitard are performed to illustrate their effects on drawdowns in a two‐zone leaky confined aquifer system. For the negative‐skin case, the drawdown is very sensitive to the relative change in the formation transmissivity. For the positive‐skin case, the drawdown is also sensitive to the relative changes in the skin thickness, and both the skin and formation transmissivities over the entire pumping period and the well radius and formation storage coefficient at early pumping time. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在应用中(如数值天气预报等),经常需要对时空偏微分方程进行数值求解,通常大多采用有限差分计算或有限元法,虽然它们是应用得最广的数值解法(如差分方法),但也有某些局限和不足,本文提出了一种边界元积分方程法。作为示例,我们对扩散方程的初边值问题进行了基本原理和方法的讨论,其基本思想是通过积分变换,消除对时间的依赖性,再在变换空间中,用边界元法对积分后的方程进行数值处理,最后用数值逆变换以完成该问题的数值求解,本方法可对更为复杂的依赖于时间的方程进行类似处理,它具有不同于传统有限差分法和有限单元法特点的优越性,可供有关工作者解初边值问题试用和参考。  相似文献   
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