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钱海忠  武芳  谢鹏  邓红艳  张钊 《测绘科学》2006,31(5):69-70,59
本文在介绍了已有的“基于Circle特征变换的点群选取算法”(测绘科学2005年第3期)基础上,提出了一种改进算法。详细分析了已有算法在线化简过程中对聚类的过度依赖性和线化简过程中的逻辑不一致性等两个主要不足,对特征空间中的线化简等关键步骤进行了改进。最后就改进算法的结果与原先算法的结果进行了对比分析与评价。  相似文献   
巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊与地下水的补给来源及化学组成(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the analysis of ion chemical composition of lake water and shallow groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert, this paper discussed the characteristics of ion chemical composition, spatial variation of lake water, and possible supply sources of lake water and groundwater in the desert areas. The results show that the pH, salinity, TDS and electrical conductivity of the lake water are greater than those of groundwater. The ion con-tents of water samples are dominated by Na+ and Cl?. Most of the higher salinity lakes are Na (K)-Cl-(SO4) type, and a few of low salinity lakes belong to the Na-(Mg)-(Ca)-Cl-(SO4)-(HCO3) type. Most of the groundwater is Na-(Ca)-(Mg)-Cl-(SO4)-(HCO3) type, attributed to subsaline lake, and only a few present the Na-Cl-SO4 type, flowing under saline lake. The pH, salinity, TDS and electrical conductivity in the southeastern lakes are relatively low, and there are slightly alkaline lakes. The pH, salinity, TDS and electrical conductivity in the northern lakes are much greater than those of the southeastern lakes, and the northern lakes are moderately alkaline and saline ones. In the southeastern part of the Badain Jaran Desert, the ion chemical characteristics of the lake water from south to north show a changing trend of sub-saline →saline→hypersaline. The changing trend of chemical compositions of ions in recent 9 years indicates that most of the ion contents have a shade of reduction in Boritaolegai, Badain, Nuoertu and Huhejilin lakes, which state clearly that the amount of fresh water supply is increasing in the 9-year period. The ion chemical composition of the lake water reveals that the flow direction of lake water is from southeast to northwest in the Badain Jaran Desert. The ion chemical composition, moisture content of sand layer water level height and hierarchical cluster analysis of the lake water and groundwater demonstrate that the lake water is mainly supplied by local rainfall and infiltration of precipitation in Yabulai Mountains and Heishantou Mountain, and the supply from the Qilian Mountains is almost impossible.  相似文献   
基于两维图论聚类方法,将主成分分析与两维图论聚类分析有机结合,建立区域旅游目的地竞争优势综合评判模型.首先,建立区域旅游业竞争优势的评价指标体系;接着,利用主成分分析方法对区域旅游竞争优势进行综合评估,并将其应用于浙江省旅游竞争优势评价;最后,以各个旅游目的地的主成分因子为分类对象,采用两维图论聚类法,对各地的旅游竞争优势进行空间聚类分析.研究结果表明,主成分分析与两维图论聚类分析有机结合研究区域旅游目的地的竞争优势是可行的,两维图论聚类能较好地反映区域旅游竞争优势和空间相关性,其结果将有助于决策者制定区域旅游发展战略.  相似文献   
我国省域工业主导产业的遴选与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业主导产业在国民经济发展中起着决定性和指向性的作用。主导产业的选择是经济发展阶段的重要课题。依据6个量化指标,从4个维度对"十一五"期间主导产业进行遴选,发现以能源及相关产业为代表的重化工业是各省的重点,高新技术产业成为主导产业的省份较少,劳动密集型产业依然是东部发达省市的重点,预期中的产业转移并未实现;以行业为变量对各省份的主导产业进行聚类分析,可将31个省份划分为5类,反映了我国各省份主导产业布局特点;在此基础上,依据产业生命周期理论和各地区"十二五"发展趋势,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
为了获得集群产业优势与区域品牌形成之间的作用机理,在回顾大量相关文献的基础上,从理论层面推导出集群产业优势的构成维度;通过对温州集群品牌的深访研究,获得维度构成和测量指标,印证和修正理论模型,开发量表和设计问卷;并以温州典型产业集群为例,对影响区域品牌形成的集群产业优势进行实证研究。结论证实集群产业优势的4个维度(成本优势、产品优势、创新优势和营销优势)对区域品牌形成均具有显著作用。  相似文献   
图像分类中基于核映射的光谱匹配度量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏列钢  王卫红  胡晓东  骆剑承 《测绘学报》2012,41(4):591-596,604
针对多光谱遥感数据特点利用SSV匹配技术改进高斯核函数得到新的KSSV函数,然后在由KSSV核函数映射得到的高维空间中利用SAM匹配技术代替基于欧氏距离的相似性度量。如此可以充分挖掘多光谱影像中的波谱特征信息并有效利用,提高模式识别方法应用的有效性。将此方法分别应用于非监督分类(k均值)与监督分类(最小距离、SVM)的试验表明,改进度量的分类方法可显著提高地类间的可区分度并有效降低类内的不一致性,更有效针对多光谱遥感影像中的地物类型,获得较好的精度改进。  相似文献   
低涡过程对流云和降水结构特征及其环境条件分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
雷蕾  周毓荃  毕宝贵 《气象科技》2009,37(4):398-406
利用遥感及加密观测资料详细分析了2005年6月25~26日一次低涡过程对流云和降水的结构特征,并利用NCEP再分析资料以及实况风场资料分析了其形成的有利条件。分析表明:此次低涡过程中出现的中尺度对流云团(MCC)经历了十几小时的发展演变,云顶亮温低达-90℃,导致了局地暴雨出现,对流云和降水的分布有很好的对应但同时具有显著的时空分布不均匀性。对流云内部高空存在冰晶的大值区,云水含量也比周围环境丰富,冰晶下落过程中通过碰粘其它冰晶、碰冻云水导致了云内的可降水增多,播撒-供应机制起主要作用。而对流降水的“双峰“廓线结构表明暖雨过程非常强。此次过程有形成强对流非常有利的环境:强西南低空急流水汽输送和水汽辐合与高空偏西风急流的相互作用为对流云团和强降水的形成提供水汽和不稳定条件;低层不稳定区域上强垂直上升运动则提供了不可缺少的动力条件;中尺度辐合系统的形成是此次强对流产生的直接原因。  相似文献   
From high signal-to-noise ratio GMOS-N and AAOmega spectra, we have measured line-strength indices in the Lick/IDS system for several luminous and spatially dispersed compact stellar systems (CSSs) located in the Virgo and Fornax galaxy clusters. We estimate their [α/Fe] ratios, ages and metallicities using a simple (single-burst) stellar population model. We confirm that the Virgo core region luminous CSSs (     ) contain ancient stellar populations with subsolar total metallicities, suggesting that they comprise the bright tail of M87's GC distribution. The two Virgo intracluster globular clusters have ages and metallicities consistent with the cluster core CSSs. Two Fornax luminous CSSs also have ancient stellar populations but are at the upper end of the Virgo CSS metallicity range, while the third (UCD3) appears to be relatively young, metal-rich and with a core + halo radial profile. Our results suggest that Fornax may contain an extra population of luminous CSSs formed more recently than the ancient GC-like systems found in both clusters.  相似文献   
A detailed dynamical analysis of the nearby rich Norma cluster (ACO 3627) is presented. From radial velocities of 296 cluster members, we find a mean velocity of 4871 ± 54 km s−1 and a velocity dispersion of 925 km s−1. The mean velocity of the E/S0 population (4979 ± 85 km s−1) is offset with respect to that of the S/Irr population (4812 ± 70 km s−1) by  Δ v = 164 km s−1  in the cluster rest frame. This offset increases towards the core of the cluster. The E/S0 population is free of any detectable substructure and appears relaxed. Its shape is clearly elongated with a position angle that is aligned along the dominant large-scale structures in this region, the so-called Norma wall. The central cD galaxy has a very large peculiar velocity of 561 km s−1 which is most probably related to an ongoing merger at the core of the cluster. The spiral/irregular galaxies reveal a large amount of substructure; two dynamically distinct subgroups within the overall spiral population have been identified, located along the Norma wall elongation. The dynamical mass of the Norma cluster within its Abell radius is  1–1.1 × 1015  h −173 M  . One of the cluster members, the spiral galaxy WKK 6176 which recently was observed to have a 70 kpc X-ray tail, reveals numerous striking low-brightness filaments pointing away from the cluster centre suggesting strong interaction with the intracluster medium.  相似文献   
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