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宋戈  王盼盼 《地理科学》2017,37(8):1218-1225
以黑龙江省巴彦县为研究区,基于研究区DEM数据,运用土地利用类型的分布指数、土地利用结构的信息熵、均衡度和优势度,明确研究区土地利用空间格局的地形梯度特征及地形因子对土地利用空间格局的影响。结果表明:研究区土地利用空间格局在地形因子的作用下存在明显的梯度特征,旱地、水田、草地、水域、建设用地及其他用地主要分布在较低地形级别区,林地主要分布在较高地形级别区。除林地以外,其他土地利用类型分布的优势地形位均位于较低地形级别区,林地分布的优势地形位位于较高地形级别区,各土地利用类型分布的优势区域不尽相同。研究区土地利用结构的信息熵及均衡度变化趋势相同,优势度的变化趋势与信息熵、均衡度的变化趋势相反,土地利用空间格局与地形因子具有显著的相关性。  相似文献   
北京城市高温遥感指标初探与时空格局分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用北京高温天气下的NOAA18/AVHRR卫星资料与气象台站资料,分析了日最高气温与遥感反演的城市地表温度的关系,初步确定了地表高温阈值并建立了高温遥感指标,并利用1989~2008年(缺2002年)6~9月NOAA/AVHRR资料开展了北京地区高温时空格局分析研究。指标初步研究表明:北京气温高温值为35、37、40°C对应的遥感地表高温值分别为44、47、52°C,可以较好地适用于北京平原地区;利用该阈值建立的地表高温强度指标(LSHI)对北京平原高温的监测与气象台站高温监测基本一致,而高温比例指数指标(LSHP)能有效反映出城市高温空间强弱和时间差异。北京遥感地表高温空间格局分析显示:夏季(6~8月)旬平均遥感地表温度≥44°C年出现概率不超过50%,广泛分布于城区和平原区;旬平均遥感地表温度≥47°C年出现概率不超过40%,集中于北京五环内;旬平均遥感地表温度≥52°C年出现概率不超过15%,集中于城区;6~9月高温出现的概率高值区一般都集中于五环内,其中旬平均遥感地表温度≥44°C、≥47°C、≥52°C的出现概率分别为80%~100%、60%~80%、10%~40%。  相似文献   
基于1961-2012年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料和云南地区124个观测站月降水资料,利用相关分析法分析夏季南亚高压与云南地区降水的关系。结果表明:1961-2012年夏季滇西南地区降水与南亚高压主中心经度呈较显著负相关,滇南地区降水与南亚高压面积呈较显著负相关;6月滇西北和滇南地区降水与南亚高压脊线位置、高压主中心纬度呈显著正相关,滇西南地区降水与南亚高压主中心强度呈显著正相关,而与南亚高压主中心经度呈显著负相关,滇中地区降水与南亚高压主中心纬度呈显著正相关;7月滇西南、滇西北的西南部和滇西的北部地区降水与南亚高压脊线位置呈较显著正相关,滇西地区降水与南亚高压主中心强度呈较显著负相关,滇中和滇东地区降水与南亚高压主中心经度呈较显著负相关;8月滇西南、滇中、滇南和滇东地区降水与南亚高压面积呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
莱州湾东部滨海水域砂金分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对莱州湾东部滨海水域地球物理和地质钻综合调查,业已查明该海区地质的构造和古地理环境特征,并发现区内砂金分布较普遍,本文从砂金分布的地貌单元,沉积物类型,砂金成因类型,物质来源,古气候,构造作用,砂金成因等诸方面,研究了该海域内砂金特征。  相似文献   
本文报道了一种新型含芘氨基酸衍生物-L-[4-(1-芘基)]丁酰基苯丙氨酸(缩写为PLT),通过对PLT与离子结合前后其二聚体/单体荧光发射峰强度比的检测表明该衍生物对水中的重金属离子Cd^2+和Pb^2+表现出了极强的识别性能,而对水中所存在的其它离子则具有完全不同的响应特性.  相似文献   
应用物探方法对滑坡进行勘查,已成为一种经济、快捷、有效的手段,文章首先从认识两类典型滑坡(Ⅰ类—土质滑坡、Ⅱ—类岩质滑坡)的滑坡结构开始,从物性差异角度分析了滑体、滑面和滑床的电性特征,说明了物探方法在滑坡勘查中的有效性;通过在某已知滑坡地质体上采用高密度电法不同装置、不同极距进行测试,得出滑坡勘查中电性响应特征的一般规律,总结了高密度电法在滑坡勘查中的技术要点和“滑面”解释原则;最后对贵州地区典型的2处滑坡(土质、岩质滑坡)勘查成果进行实例分析,结果显示:两类物质(土质、岩质)的岩石滑坡地质体电性响应特征具有相同规律,均有明显的三层电性结构层(高-低-高阻)分别对应滑体、滑面、滑床,但土质滑坡地质体的软弱夹层反映在电性剖面特征上的“体积效应”更显著。  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the potential usefulness of non-pollen palynomorphs or NPPs (microfossils other than pollen and spores present in palynological preparations) contained in lake sediments in the paleolimnological reconstruction of high altitude environments (>4,000 m) from the Venezuelan Andes. A synthetic, quantitative approach is employed, instead of the classical analytical and mostly qualitative approach commonly used so far for NPPs. The main sources of variation are the PediastrumBotryococcus alternation and the relationship between these two algae and animal remains such as Acari legs, postabdomina of Cladocera, mandibles of other invertebrates, and an unknown type called LVA-1. Other significant microfossils are remains of Rivularia-type and turbellarian oocytes, including Gyratrix. The sequence initiates around 15,000 calibrated years before present (cal BP) with the deglaciation of the lake catchment, high water levels and still cold climates. A phase of lower lake levels was recorded between about 12,000 and 6,000 cal BP. Temperatures increased by around 9,000 and 7,000 cal BP, and then decreased until 6,000 cal BP. Since that time, both lake levels and temperature increased again and stabilized at about 4,000 cal BP, when they reach modern-like values. These results show a good agreement with previous studies based on pollen, diatom and oxygen isotope analyses, and provide additional paleoecological information, as for example the possibility of a previously unrecorded Younger Dryas signal. The inclusion of quantitative NPP analysis in routine paleolimnological studies using synthetic methods is thus recommended. Possible future improvements are suggested, mainly those related with the development and use of NPP modern analogs.  相似文献   
Through field geological survey,the authors found that abundant thrust faults developed in the Longmen (龙门) Mountain thrust belt.These faults can be divided into thrust faults and strike-slip faults according to their formation mechanisms and characteristics.Furthermore,these faults can be graded into primary fault,secondary fault,third-level fault,and fourth-level fault according to their scale and role in the tectonic evolution of Longmen Mountain thrust belt.Each thrust fault is composed of several secondary faults,such as Qingchuan (青川)-Maowen (茂汶) fault zone is composed of Qiaozhuang (乔庄) fault,Qingxi (青溪) fault,Maowen fault,Ganyanggou (赶羊沟) fault,etc..The Longmen Mountain thrust belt experienced early Indosinian movement,Anxian (安县) movement,Yanshan (燕山)movement,and Himalayan movement,and the faults formed gradually from north to south.  相似文献   
 右江盆地三叠纪槽盆相浊流沉积岩系遭受过区域极低级变质作用。依据地质观察和伊利石结晶度、绿泥石-云母堆垛集合体、标志性粘土矿物及白云母(伊利石)b0参数测定资料,阐述了泥质岩石的成岩变质作用经浅层(近)变质作用到浅变质作用的转换特征。变质温度区间为150-350℃,低压类型,具高地温梯度(40-43℃/km).变质级及亚带总体与地层时代及岩层在地层柱中的位置有耦合关系,而与区域变形强度无关。最后指出区域极低级变质作用是印支-燕山构造旋回早期及区域变形前的地质事件,属于地壳伸展构造背景下右江边缘型盆地内部的埋藏型变质作用。  相似文献   
We conducted high-pressure phase equilibrium experiments in the systems MgSiO3 with 15 wt% H2O and Mg2SiO4 with 5 wt% and 11 wt% H2O at 20 ∼ 27 GPa. Based on the phase relations in these systems, together with the previous works on the related systems, we have clarified the stability relations of dense hydrous magnesium silicates in the system MgO-SiO2-H2O in the pressure range from 10 to 27 GPa. The results show that the stability field of phase G, which is identical to phase D and phase F, expands with increasing water contents. Water stored in serpentine in the descending cold slabs is transported into depths greater than 200 km, where serpentine decomposes to a mixture of phase A, enstatite, and fluid. Reaction sequences of the hydrous phases which appear at higher pressures vary with water content. In the slabs with a water content less than about 2 wt%, phase A carries water to a depth of 450 km. Hydrous wadsleyite, hydrous ringwoodite, and ilmenite are the main water reservoirs in the transition zone from 450 to 660 km. Superhydrous phase B is the water reservoir in the uppermost part of the lower mantle from 670 to 800 km, whereas phase G appears in the lower mantle only at depths greater than 800 km. In cold slabs with local water enrichment greater than 2 wt%, the following hydrous phases appear with increasing depths; phase A to 450 km, phase A and phase G from 450 km to 550 km, brucite, superhydrous phase B, and phase G from 550 km to 800 km, and phase G at depths greater than 800 km. Received: 4 August 1999 / Accepted: 1 March 2000  相似文献   
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