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利用断裂活动过程中留下的各种地质标记研究断裂发育史是比较困难的 ,已有的研究方法主要可归纳出七种 ,都存在局限性。岩层离距图法是以地震剖面为基础 ,将穿过断裂的各剖面上的标志层投影到沿断裂走向的铅垂面上 ,得到多组标志层的垂向断距数据 ,然后用下部各标志层的断距减去最上部标志层的断距 ,并作多轮次计算 ,直到最后的断距差近似为零或仅剩一个非零标志层。每一轮次计算代表一个活动期次 ,如果出现负值 ,则表示有构造反转。对松辽盆地敖古拉断裂作了实例计算 ,结果为该断裂发育经历了三个正断活动期和一个逆断活动期 ,与盆地区域性活动有些差别。岩层离距图法比起其他已有方法 ,可靠程度大大提高  相似文献   
桂宝林 《云南地质》2004,23(4):421-433
煤层气盆地、煤层气系统、煤层气区带的存在及发育程度是煤层气藏形成的充分与必要条件。恩洪盆地和老厂一圭山盆地老厂煤矿区具备了形成煤层气藏的条件。研究其形成煤层气藏的特定条件,总结其煤层气藏模式,是煤层气勘探目标评价的基础。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地的西北部、东北部和南部三个区域现今大地热流平均值分别为56.3、67.3和65.3mW/m^2,对应的生态环境格局也有明显的差异。研究表明,大地热流每增加4~5mW/m^2可使年均地表温度升高约l℃,使最低月均地表温度升高2。C以上。鄂尔多斯盆地东北部的平均大地热流比西北部高出11mW/m^2,东北部年均地表温度可能比西北部高出2~3℃,其最低月均地表温度可能比西北部高出4~6℃。西北部的大地热流平均值已经低于维持地表生态系统延续所需大地热流的临界值(57mW/m^2),其自然生态系统整体上已经处于脆弱境地;东北部和南部的大地热流均大于57mW/m^2,自然生态系统均尚较稳健。东北部的沙漠化可能是风沙侵入的结果,其生态应该是可以恢复的。整个西北部作为一个整体看,72万年以前大地热流就已衰减到临界值以下,区域生态系统渐趋脆弱,开始整体上向荒漠化演变。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study is to model the δ13C values of methane derived from coal by combining kinetic-simulating experiment with the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrum (GC-IRMS) analysis. The stable carbon isotopic variation of methane in pyrolysates with heating temperature indicates that the assumptions for both a constant kinetic isotope effect (α) and a uniform initial isotopic composition (δ13Co) are impractical for explaining the carbon isotopic fractionation during coalification. For purposes of simplification, two approaches are used in this paper to deal with the heterogeneity of terrestrial organic matter. One is that, assuming a uniform initial isotopic composition (i.e., δ13Ci, o=δ13Co) for all methane-generating precursors in coal, the isotopic variation of methane is fitted by adjusting ΔEa, i (Ea13C, iEa12C, i) for each hypothetical reaction. The other is that, assuming a constant kinetic isotope effect during the whole gas formation, that is all ΔEa, i values are identical, the modeling of methane isotopic composition is achieved by changing the 13CH4 generation potential of each reaction (fi, 13C), namely, by adjusting the initial δ13C value (δ13Ci, o) for each methane-generating precursor. Results of the kinetic calculation shows that the two simulating methods can yield a similar result at a geological heating rate of 2 °C/My, which further demonstrates that those natural gases with methane δ13C value being approximately −36‰ are possibly sourced from the upper Triassic coal measure strata in the Northwestern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
Permian deep‐water mudstones in the Tanqua Basin, South Africa, have been studied using geochemical and spectral gamma ray techniques. The mudstones occur as thick sequences between sand‐rich submarine fans, but also occur as thinner mud‐rich units within each fan. The interfan mudstones are interpreted to have accumulated during transgression and the consequent period of relatively high sea‐level, while the submarine fans and their intrafan mudstones were deposited during regression and relatively low sea‐level. Geochemical analyses revealed systematic differences between interfan and intrafan mudstones because the two types of mudstones have slightly different source lithologies. Differences between the two types of mudstone suggest that changes in relative sea‐level played a role in controlling exposure of sediment source areas. There are geochemical signals that display systematic stratigraphic trends within both interfan and intrafan mudstones. These are best explained by gradual denudation, exposure and weathering of different lithologies within a single sediment source area. Both interfan and intrafan mudstones have uniform geochemical signals along the flow direction except for the relative amount of uranium. It is most likely that the basinward increase in uranium in the mudstones is the result of reduced clastic dilution of uranium‐bearing pelagic fallout.  相似文献   
The Calafate Formation crops out in south-western Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, and displays a stacking of asymmetrical coarsening–fining-upward cycles. These cycles are interpreted as the product of short-lived transgressive-regressive events in which the coarsening upward part represents sedimentary aggradation with a stable or decreasing sea level. Sedimentological and palynological analyses indicate nearshore marine conditions. Even though the existence of an estuary or incised valley cannot be determined, this is the most probable palaeogeographic model. Based on dinoflagellate cysts, the base of the section is considered to be not older than Maastrichtian. The presence of the oyster Ambigostrea clarae (Ihering) occurring together with the dinoflagellate cyst species Manumiella druggii (Stover) Bujak and Davies and Eisenackia circumtabulata Drugg in the middle part of the section indicates an age no older than late Maastrichtian. According to sedimentological data, deposits representing the Cretaceous–Palaeogene transition would have been eroded, which is confirmed by the presence of Grapnelispora loncochensis Papú. This megaspore is a consistent component of the Maastrichtian assemblages from Patagonia.  相似文献   
The South Kerala Sedimentary Basin (SKSB) constitutes one of the most significant landward extensions of the southwest offshore sedimentary basins of India, and is situated between 8o45' and 10o15' N latitudes. With a maximum width of about 20 km and incorporating a 700 m thick sedimentary succession ranging in age from Early Miocene to Holocene, this belt lies almost entirely under water or alluvium-covered coastal plains. In this study, we use two continuously cored bore holes at Eruva (7.25m deep) and Muthukulam (3m deep) separated by a distance of about 7km to investigate the depositional environment as well as paleo ecology of the depocentre and climatic aspects during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Results from C14 dating of shell fragments from Eruva (depth zone: 2.10–6.64m) yielded ages in the range of 36.2 to 42.5 kyBP corresponding to the late Pleistocene. Wood fragments in the Muthukulam core sample (depth zone: 1.27–3.00m) gave C14 ages in the range of 3.7 to 7.2 kyBP indicating a Holocene history. The lower half of the Eruva bore hole indicates a marginal marine environment with an abundant supply of terrestrial carbonaceous debris probably corresponding to a period of abnormally high rainfall recorded in many parts of the globe covered by the Asian summer monsoon. The sediments in the upper part of this bore hole indicate a continuation of this environment but with much less input of terrestrial organic carbon. The lower part of the bore hole from this locality, corresponding to the Holocene transgression, is similar to the lower part of Eruva bore hole in the case of TOC. Deposition took place in water bodies with considerable marine influence but receiving high amounts of terrestrial plant debris-mostly in the form of finely divided particles mixed with mud. This transgressive sequence was also deposited during a time when the Asian summer monsoon was abnormally high in intensity as indicated by many examples in India, Africa, Madagascar and elsewhere. It is significant that during the deposition of this part, the sea level was probably the same as present or higher suggesting possible lowering of the stream velocities and resultant deposition of only muddy sediments laden with terrestrial organic material along the coast. The upper part of the section shows a progressively reduced rainfall pattern culminating in a period of very low precipitation with the development of a paleosol, which is traceable all over the SKSB where Late Holocene sediments are available. This period also witnessed aeolian activity modifying the sand ridges in the ridge-runnel systems formed by the Holocene regression.  相似文献   
The WNW–ESE trending Toulourenc Fault Zone (TFZ) is the western segment of the major Ventoux–Lure Fault Zone, which separates the Provençal platform from the Baronnies Vocontian Basin. The TFZ was subject to polyphased Mid-Cretaceous movements, during the Early Aptian and Middle–Late Albian times. The latter faulting episode generated conglomerates and olistoliths resulting from dismantled faultscarps cutting Barremian–Bedoulian limestones. The deformation is related to compressional wrench faulting (NE–SW sinistral faults; dextral component for the TFZ). It induced the uplift of the northwestern corner of the platform, as indicated by a mid-Cretaceous hiatus (Early Aptian pro parte to Early Albian) narrowly delimited in space. The opening of submeridian grabens within the platform favoured the northward transit of channelised coarse-grained Albian sands originating from a southern area. To cite this article: C. Montenat et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
黄河流域天然径流量突变性与周期性特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
杨志峰  李春晖 《山地学报》2004,22(2):140-146
突变性和周期性是水文时间序列的两个重要特征。黄河流域面积广阔,各区域水文水资源系统演变规律各不相同,它们的突变和周期变化及其形成的物理机制遍异,因此系统分析各区域水资源突变性和周期性特征及其影响机制具有重要意义。把黄河流域划分为15个区域,计算出各区域1951—1998年的年天然径流量系列。利用Mann-Kendall非参数检验方法检测黄河流域各区域年天然径流量的突变年份,结果表明各区域的突变年份不完全一致,主要在1953—1955年、1979—1983年、1991—1993年等发生了突变,这些突变与北半球气候突变具有一致性,且由于下垫面改变、人类活动等影响而复杂化。利用Morlet小波分析各区域年天然径流量的变化周期,发现主要存在3~4a、7~9a、11a的周期,形成这些周期的物理因子有太阳黑子、海—气相互作用和下垫面因素等。通过分析黄河流域主要产流区不同时段小波系数变化,发现20世纪80年代之后年径流量主要以短周期变化。  相似文献   
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