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The Netherlands is part of the historic Northwest-Southeast multi-confessional culture belt according to the comparative framework of church-state relations in Europe as recently developed by Madeley on the basis of Rokkan’s conceptual map. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of the church-state relations in the Netherlands within this historic framework of state-formation and nation-building, and to interpret recent challenges of its historic state-church model, such as secularisation, the rise of immigrant religions, and general ‘de- and re-territorialisation’ tendencies. The Netherlands developed from a relatively very tolerant polity dominated by the Calvinist Church to a ‘pillarised’ society, in which the Rome-Reformation divide (which also had a strong geographical dimension) was institutionalised in the political system. After the 1960s, very strong secularisation put this ‘pillarised’ system under severe pressure, but the remnants of this system offered a favourable opportunity structure for religious newcomers (Muslims in particular), who could establish their mosques and Muslim schools relatively easily. However, while the main Protestant churches, and even Catholic and Protestant political parties have merged, failing integration of these newcomers in Dutch society and terrorist attacks at the global level as well as in the Netherlands encouraged a new divide between Muslims and non-Muslims. The metropolitan areas in particular became the scene of this new divide.  相似文献   
石立明  曹灶开 《探矿工程》2015,42(9):22-24,29
甘肃省文县阳山矿区地质构造复杂,地层破碎蚀变强烈,多层位漏失,钻探施工漏失现象普遍。在研究地层漏失机理的基础上试验应用了聚合物凝胶堵漏技术。ZK2232孔的现场应用表明,聚合物凝胶堵漏剂与其他惰性桥堵剂配合使用,能很好地解决钻进过程中的恶性漏失问题,堵漏效果较好。在堵漏施工中,聚合物凝胶堵漏不受漏失通道的限制,能够通过挤压变形进入裂缝和孔洞空间,最终达到封堵漏层的目的。  相似文献   
庐枞火山盆地深部岩石与成矿过程   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
张荣华  张雪彤  胡书敏 《岩石学报》2010,26(9):2665-2680
黄铁矿-硬石膏-磁铁矿矿石为典型矿石的金属矿床产于长江中下游中生代火山盆地,庐枞火山岩盆地。丰富的铁矿和黄铁矿床,主要分布在火山岩和潜火山岩里,同时也分布于盆地周边。火山岩石主要是钾玄岩-粗安岩-粗面岩组合。在深部,与它们的成分对应的岩浆岩石是碱性辉长岩-辉石二长岩-正长岩组合,如缺口辉长岩,杨山地区的辉石正长岩。火山岩和深部的辉长岩-二长岩-正长岩都经历了多次水热活动。黄铁矿-硬石膏-磁铁矿矿床主要伴随两套蚀变,即,火山岩石的大面积深色蚀变(硬石膏-辉石-长石蚀变岩)和浅色蚀变(硅化泥化)。在二长-正长岩与火山岩石的接触带,有强烈的类云英岩石(电气石-石英-云母组合)。在缺口辉长岩里,曾经发现大量磁铁矿脉(磁铁矿-方柱石-方钠石-石榴石组合)。在杨山和马口地区,正长岩里的铁矿是辉石钾长石磁铁矿组合及阳起石-磷灰石-磁铁矿组合。二长-正长岩体在盆地里广泛分布,在大范围内是几乎是层状的。调查研究表明:火山盆地底部辉长岩-二长岩-正长岩组合与铁矿有关。盆地里深部岩石和成矿作用存在有垂直分布特性。上面是喷发岩石,及潜火山岩石,下面是深部的碱性辉长岩-二长岩-正长岩杂岩体。中间有过渡带,岩墙岩席带。上面是与钾玄岩-粗安岩层和潜火山岩石里赋存的磁铁矿和黄铁矿床,下面有产于碱性辉长岩-二长岩-正长岩里也有铁矿化。蚀变岩石地质年代的初步研究发现:罗河铁矿的深部钠长石化岩石,与马口铁矿附近的正长岩石的地质年代接近(110~119Ma)。事实说明,在火山岩和潜水火山岩石里成矿作用和深部岩浆岩里成矿作用可能是同时发生的。20~435℃条件下正长岩石与水的反应动力学实验表明,在400℃左右时正长岩最容易被溶解。正长岩与水反应后,也会形成一个携带金属的流体。水岩相互作用实验提供了认识深部岩石性质的依据,有利于理解对深部的地球物理探测结果。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The high-grade migmatitic core to the southern Brittany metamorphic belt has mineralogical and textural features that suggest high-temperature decompression. The chronology of this decompression and subsequent cooling history have been constrained with 40Ar/39 Ar ages determined for multigrain concentrates of hornblende and muscovite prepared from amphibolite and late-orogenic granite sheets within the migmatitic core, and from amphibolite of the structurally overlying unit. Three hornblende concentrates yield plateau isotope correlation ages of c. 303–298 Ma. Two muscovite concentrates record well-defined plateau ages of c. 306–305 Ma. These ages are geologically significant and date the last cooling through temperatures required for intracrystalline retention of radiogenic argon. The concordancy of the hornblende and muscovite ages suggest rapid post-metamorphic cooling. Extant geochronology and the new 40Ar/39Ar data suggest a minimum time-integrated average cooling rate between c. 725 °C and c. 125 °C of c. 14 ± 4°C Ma-1, although below 600 °C the data permit an infinitely fast rate of cooling. Mineral assemblages and reaction textures in diatexite migmatites suggest c. 4 kbar decompression at 800–750 °C. This must have pre-dated the rapid cooling. Emplacement of two-mica granites into the metamorphic belt occurred between 345 and 300 Ma. The youngest plutons were emplaced synkinematically along shallow-dipping normal faults interpreted to be reactivated Eo-Variscan thrusts. A penetrative, west-plunging stretching lineation developed in these granites suggests that extension was orogen-parallel. Extension was probably related to regional uplift and gravitational collapse of thermally weakened crust during constrictional (escape) tectonics in this narrow part of the Variscan orogen. This followed slab breakoff during the terminal stages of convergence between Gondwana and Laurasia; detachment may have been consequent upon a change in kinematics leading to dextral displacement within the orogen. Dextral ductile strike-slip displacement was concentrated in granites emplaced synkinematically along the South Armorican Shear Zone. Rapid cooling is interpreted to have resulted from tectonic unroofing with emplacement of granite along decollement surfaces. The high-grade migmatitic core of the southern Brittany metamorphic belt represents a type of metamorphic core complex formed during orogen-parallel extensional unroofing and regional-scale ductile flow.  相似文献   
We present the results of a numerical code that combines multi-zone chemical evolution with 1D hydrodynamics to follow in detail the evolution and radial behaviour of gas and stars during the formation of elliptical galaxies. We use the model to explore the links between the evolution and formation of elliptical galaxies and QSO activity. The knowledge of the radial gas flows in the galaxy allows us to trace metallicity gradients, and, in particular, the formation of a high-metallicity core in ellipticals. The high-metallicity core is formed soon enough to explain the metal abundances inferred in high-redshift quasars. The star formation rate and the subsequent feedback regulate the episodes of wind, outflow and cooling flow, thus affecting the recycling of the gas and the chemical enrichment of the intergalactic medium. The evolution of the galaxy shows several stages, some of which are characterized by a complex flow pattern, with inflow in some regions and outflow in other regions. All models, however, exhibit during their late evolution a galactic wind at the outer boundary and, during their early evolution, an inflow towards the galactic nucleus. The characteristics of the inner inflow could explain the bolometric luminosity of a quasar lodged at the galactic centre as well as the evolution of the optical luminosity of quasars.  相似文献   
We present a numerical algorithm designed to study the evolution of a distribution of solid particles orbiting around the Sun that could be applied to similar systems in which f c ≤ Ω/2π, where f c is the frequency of collisions, and Ω is the orbital angular speed. A number of sample particles are used to represent the whole system. Binary collisions are treated in a novel way using a Monte Carlo method that works as follows. Orbits are locally sampled to compute the velocity dispersion. Then the velocity vectors of the sample particles are modified according to random collisions with virtual particles which have velocities taken from a normal distribution computed using the previously found local velocity dispersion. The energy and momentum taken up by the virtual particles are redistributed among the neighbours of the sample particle undergoing the collision, so that conservation laws are satisfied. Simulations using this model give an estimation of the final distribution of inclinations and the associated evolutionary time-scale.  相似文献   
We report on HST observations of six candidate old globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC): NGC 1754, 1835, 1898, 1916, 2005 and 2019. Deep exposures with the F555W and F814W filters provide us with colour–magnitude diagrams that reach to an apparent magnitude in V of ∼25, well below the main-sequence turn-off. These particular clusters are associated with significantly high LMC field star densities and care was taken to subtract the field stars from the cluster colour–magnitude diagrams accurately. In two cases there is significant variable reddening across at least part of the image, but only for NGC 1916 does the differential reddening preclude accurate measurements of the CMD characteristics. The morphologies of the colour–magnitude diagrams match well those of Galactic globular clusters of similar metallicity. All six have well-developed horizontal branches, while four clearly have stars on both sides of the RR Lyrae gap. The abundances obtained from measurements of the height of the red giant branch above the level of the horizontal branch are 0.3 dex higher, on average, than previously measured spectroscopic abundances. Detailed comparisons with Galactic globular cluster fiducials show that all six clusters are old objects, very similar in age to classical Galactic globulars such as M5, with little age spread among the clusters. This result is consistent with ages derived by measuring the magnitude difference between the horizontal branch and main-sequence turn-off. We also find a similar chronology by comparing the horizontal branch morphologies and abundances with the horizontal branch evolutionary tracks of Lee, Demarque &38; Zinn. Our results imply that the LMC formed at the same time as the Milky Way Galaxy.  相似文献   
It is argued that the formation of a dwarf galaxy causes a massive burst of star formation, resulting in the ejection of most of the available gas from the galaxy as a weakly collimated wind. The ejected gas can give rise to a damped Lyα absorber (DLA). Weakly collimated outflows naturally explain the asymmetric profiles seen in low-ionization absorption lines caused by heavy elements associated with DLAs, where absorption is strongest at one edge of the absorption feature. The shape of the distribution of column densities in the model agrees reasonably well with observations. In particular, the break in slope is caused by external photoionization of the wind. A semi-analytical model for galaxy formation is used to show that, for currently acceptable cosmological parameters, dwarf galaxy outflows can account for the majority of DLA systems and their distribution with redshift. This model also predicts a correlation between velocity structure and metallicity of DLA systems, in qualitative agreement with observations. DLAs do not require many large, rapidly rotating disc galaxies to have formed early on, as in other models for their origin.  相似文献   
High spatial resolution radio continuum and 6.67-GHz methanol spectral line data are presented for methanol masers previously detected by Walsh et al. (1997). Methanol maser and/or radio continuum emission is found in 364 cases towards IRAS -selected regions. For those sources with methanol maser emission, relative positions have been obtained to an accuracy of typically 0.05 arcsec, with absolute positions accurate to around 1 arcsec. Maps of selected sources are provided. The intensity of the maser emission does not seem to depend on the presence of a continuum source. The coincidence of water and methanol maser positions in some regions suggests there is overlap in the requirements for methanol and water maser emission to be observable. However, there is a striking difference between the general proximity of methanol and water masers to both cometary and irregularly shaped ultracompact (UC) H  ii regions, indicating that, in other cases, there must be differing environments conducive to stimulating their emission. We show that the methanol maser is most likely present before an observable UC H  ii region is formed around a massive star and is quickly destroyed as the UC H  ii region evolves. There are 36 out of 97 maser sites that are linearly extended. The hypothesis that the maser emission is found in a circumstellar disc is not inconsistent with these 36 maser sites, but is unlikely. It cannot, however, account for all other maser sites. An alternative model which uses shocks to create the masing spots can more readily reproduce the maser spot distributions.  相似文献   
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