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The trends of distribution, translocation and seasonal change of heavy metal Pb were studied based on the surface and bottom water sampling in Jiaozhou Bay in 1979, and compared with those in 1990's. The results showed that the source of Pb in the bay was from wastewater and sewage in the east of Jiaozhou Bay from ocean vessels. Pb concentration was higher in spring and lower in summer and autumn, and remained stable through sedimentation in the bottom layer. The overall water quality was good in 1970's. Compared with the environmental monitoring data of 1995-1999, Pb pollution had become serious. Therefore, more efforts should be made to protect the bay from Pb pollution.  相似文献   
南支槽与孟加拉湾风暴结合对一次高原暴雪过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
索渺清  丁一汇 《气象》2014,40(9):1033-1047
利用NCEP/NcAR逐6 h 1°×1°。再分析资料与常规和非常规观测资料,对2007年11月云南德钦高原暴雪产生的原因进行了研究,探讨南支槽与孟加拉湾风暴结合对高原东南部强烈天气的影响过程。结果表明:(1)在南支槽和孟加拉湾风暴结合的天气尺度条件下,槽前偏南风低空急流受高原大地形阻挡产生的高原切变线是高原暴雪的直接影响系统;(2)由于地形和冷空气的作用,上升运动向北倾斜使高原对流层中上层首先出现上升运动,整层上升运动在高原切变线和次级环流上升支的共同作用下强烈发展。孟加拉湾风暴北上与南支槽结合、高原切变线北移和风暴低压临近使德钦上升运动出现三次增强;(3)南支槽前偏南风低空急流向北输送水汽,部分水汽被抬升到高空,部分水汽绕过高原东南角向下游输送。高空水汽经高原上空沿着高空西风急流向下游远距离输送。高、低空水汽通道不重合往往会影响高原及其下游强降水落区的预报。受高空水汽输送影响,高原东南部纵向岭谷区具有高层大气最先增湿的特征,近地层水汽通量长时间强烈辐合有利于高原暴雪的形成;(4)上游冷空气沿南支西风到达孟加拉湾,促使南支槽加深和维持有利于引导盂加拉湾风暴北上,南支槽前偏南风低空急流把暖湿空气输送上高原,同时横槽转竖冷空气从高原南下,冷暖空气在德钦交汇形成强锋区也是暴雪产生的一个有利条件。(5)高原暴雪的锋区结构具有中纬度锋面天气特征,在暴雪发生的锋区附近,满足倾斜位涡发展和条件性对称不稳定。  相似文献   
Concurrence of low temperature,precipitation and freezing weather in an extensive area would cause devastating impacts on local economy and society.We call such a combination of concurrent disastrous weather“extensive coldprecipitation-freezing”events(ECPFEs).In this study,the ECPFEs in southern China(15°?35°N,102°?123°E)are objectively defined by using daily surface observational data for the period 1951?2013.An ECPFE in southern China is defined if the low temperature area,precipitation area and freezing area concurrently exceed their respective thresholds for at least three consecutive days.The identified ECPFEs are shown to be reasonable and reliable,compared with those in previous studies.The circulation anomalies in ECPFEs are characterized by a large-scale tilted ridge and trough pairing over mid-and high-latitude Eurasia,and the intensified subtropical westerlies along the southern foot of the Tibetan Plateau and the anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the subtropical western Pacific.Comparative analysis reveals that the stable cold air from the north and the warm and moist air from the south converge,facilitating a favorable environment for the concurrence of extensive low-temperature,precipitation and freezing weather.  相似文献   
沿海(特别是河口港湾)富营养化已成为当前海洋环境的一个突出问题.以人类活动影响下的典型海湾--三门湾为研究对象,对三门湾湾内(SM-3)及湾口(SM-17)沉积物柱状样品进行研究,采用210Pb对SM-17沉积柱进行年代测定,建立年代标尺.通过对两个沉积柱多化学指标变化特征(有机碳、总氮、总磷和生物硅分布特征、生源要素...  相似文献   
The present paper studies the sedimentary characteristics and mechanism of the shell ridges on the southwestern coast of Bohai Bay, which are the largest and have the highest shell (or shell fragment) content in the world. These shell ridges are composed of two sedimentary subfacies: the ridge subfacies and the ridge infill subfacies with different inner textures and sedimentary structures. The ridge subfacies primarily consists of fresh shells and/or shell fragments with parallel beddings and high-angle oblique beddings. The ridge infill subfacies consists of finer shell fragments and silty sand with parallel beddings oblique to land. The evolution of the shell ridge is controlled by the accumulation of substantial shell material,the relative slow erosion of shoreline, storm waves, winds and the shift of river routes. Wind tunnel tests indicate that the critical movement velocity of shell is lower than that of quartz sand of the same grain size. Deltaic progradation alternates with shell ridge growth. While the Yellow River empties into the sea through this area, accompanied by deltaic progradating, the shell material is scarce, which is unfavorable to the growth of the shell ridge. Conversely, erosion occurs along an abandoned delta coast where a shell ridge may develop, e.g. the shell ridge on the southwest of Bohai Bay.  相似文献   
Biogenic silicate accumulation in sediments, Jiaozhou Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Silicate, or silicic acid (H4SiO4), is a very im- portant nutrient in the ocean. Unlike other major nu- trients such as phosphate and nitrate or ammonium, which are needed by almost all marine plankton, silicate is an essential chemical req…  相似文献   
胶州湾营养盐的现状和变化   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
沈志良 《海洋科学》1997,21(1):60-64
报道了1991年5月至1994年2月12个航次胶州湾NO3-N,NO2-N,NH4-N,PO4-P和SiO3-Si的时空分布基本特征,60年代于至90年代的变化表明,胶州湾营养盐的浓度和分布已发生显变化。尤其从60年代至80年代,30年来,胶州湾中东部水城PO4-P,NO3-N和NH4-N浓度分别增加2.2,7.3和7.1倍,TON浓度也增加了3.5倍,TIN/PO4-P从10增加至24.2;T  相似文献   
海冰参数的合理取值是海洋工程海冰灾害风险评估的重要内容。利用1950—2018年的冰情等级(5个等级)数据,进行了1950—2018、1950—1990、1991—2018三种情景下的回归分析,确定了不同时期的冰情等级概率分布密度函数。利用鲅鱼圈雷达观测站2002—2017年的海冰现场实测资料,分别对鲅鱼圈附近海域一般冰厚、最大冰厚、最小冰厚进行概率分布拟合。基于上述概率分布结果,给出不同冰情等级的重现期,进而对海冰作业条件给出的设计参考值进行评价。结果表明:1990年以后2级、3级冰情重现期相对1990年之前变小,4级、5级冰情重现期相对1990年之前变大,规范给出重现期范围已不能代表辽东湾冬季海冰情况。本研究成果可为辽东湾海洋工程可靠性设计提供重要数据支撑。  相似文献   
使用1981—2000年NECP/NCAR再分析数据集资料,分析了全年各月大气环流特征,发现青藏高原(下称高原)南侧低空基本上存在一个常年正涡度带,这是高原近地面西风与其外围自由大气西风之间的气旋性切变的表现。特别是在90°E附近有一明显的地形槽,我们选取80°~90°E,25°N关键区域内的涡度作为表征该地形槽的指数,分析了高原南侧地形槽与孟加拉湾(下称孟湾)槽形成和演变特征的异同,并探讨其与南海夏季风建立的关系。结果表明,高原南侧地形槽的季节性演变与高原热源联系非常密切,其显著的4月突变和6月突变与高原热源发生跳跃性变化相联系。冬季高原冷却作用形成低空反气旋环流,叠加在原本增强的大尺度西风绕流上,促使高原地形槽减弱;由春入夏,高原加热作用形成低空气旋性环流,增大西风绕流作用,促使高原地形槽加深。高原地形槽加强南伸和斯里兰卡低涡持续北移直至二者相互打通是亚洲低纬度副热带高压带在孟湾上空最先断裂和孟湾槽形成的一种触发机制,此后槽前西南气流加强,副热带高压东撤,南海夏季风进一步东扩,最后导致南海夏季风建立。  相似文献   
根据巨葛庄贝壳堤及下伏泥层的有孔虫研究,讨论了贝壳堤底板和下伏泥层各类沉积环境的海面意义,以此作为海面标志点重建的古海面误差范围为±0.225~±0.625m。结合该贝壳堤底板和下伏泥层顶板的年龄数据,重建了3900~3300cal BP时的海面高度为-2.955~-2.715m。  相似文献   
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