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影响深埋长隧道岩爆的主要因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岩爆是深埋长隧道的主要工程地质问题之一。影响岩石发生岩爆的主要因素有围岩性质、埋深、区域构造应力、地形地貌、活断层和地震等。文中对上述因素对岩爆的影响进行了分析,并指出精细的地面地质调查是合理评价深埋长隧道岩爆的基础。  相似文献   
深埋长隧道有害气体发生的地质条件初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有害气体的深埋长隧道的主要地质灾害现象之一。本文在现场调查及查阅国内外文献资料基础上,探讨了有害气体发生的地质条件,为有害气体地质灾害的预测提供了依据。  相似文献   
This paper presents a fuzzy set-based robust geotechnical design (RGD) methodology for the design of shield-driven tunnels. Here, uncertain geotechnical parameters required for analysis of tunnel performance (referred to herein as the structure safety and serviceability performance of tunnel cross section) are represented as fuzzy sets. Given fuzzy input parameters, the performance of a shield-driven tunnel will be uncertain, which is expressed in this study as a fuzzy factor of safety, according to the analysis of vertex method. Then, the fuzzy factor of safety for a given design is used to evaluate the failure probability and design robustness, which are, in turn, employed in the proposed RGD framework. Note that a design is considered robust if the performance of the shield-driven tunnel is insensitive to the variation of its uncertain geotechnical parameters. Within the RGD framework, each candidate design in the design space is analyzed for its safety state (in terms of failure probability), design robustness, and cost. The goal of the RGD of a shield-driven tunnel is to bring the safety state to an acceptable level, while maximizing the robustness and cost efficiency simultaneously. To this end, a multi-objective optimization is performed and a Pareto front is obtained, which provides a trade-off that may be used to select the most preferred design. Through an illustrative case, the effectiveness and significance of this new robust design methodology is demonstrated.  相似文献   
利用光粘弹性实验方法模拟了地下工程中圆截面巷道围岩及冻结壁的蠕变过程,给出了巷道围岩和冻结壁的应力分布规律及随时间的变化规律,为地下工程的设计及预报提供了一种有效的实验手段。  相似文献   
Tunnel excavation is a coupled three-dimensional problem dealing with two different structures: lining and rockmass. For a simple application it is useful to develop simplified methods by treating the problem as plane strain. If the problem of tunnel face advance presents an axisymmetric geometry, then we show that the major parameter governing the ground–interface–lining interaction is the convergence of the tunnel U0 at the moment of the lining installation. The ‘New Implicit Method’ (NIM) presented in this paper makes use of principles similar to those of the ‘convergence–confinement’ method, but it provides a better appreciation of the coupled behaviour of rockmass and lining. For independent time constitutive laws (elasticity and plasticity), we point out that the convergence U0 depends not only on the mechanical behaviour of the rockmass and on the distance from the tunnel face, as predicted by the ‘convergence–confinement’ method, but also on the stiffness of the lining previously set. We present the ‘NIM’ for elastic and perfect elastoplastic rockmasses without dilatancy for many criteria. The development of this new method is based on the results of tunnel calculations with an axisymmetric FEM numerical model that takes into account the three-dimensional aspect of the problem. Using this method is simple and its results agree well with the FEM numerical results. Its accuracy is highly satisfactory for a geotechnical study.  相似文献   
为了给公路设计部门提供选线依据,运用瞬变电磁法在山西境内的某两条高速公路隧道工程设计线路段上进行探测,以查明下覆不良地质构造的发育情况.通过对瞬变电磁法的探测能力进行理论上的讨论,对不同地电断面情况下的异常体电磁响应的定性分析,得出用瞬变电磁法探测不良地质体的可行性结论.经过资料处理,查出不良地质构造赋存的位置,解释结果与钻探资料完全吻合.  相似文献   
二朗山公路隧道岩爆特征与预测研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据二郎山公路隧道施工中记录的200多次岩爆资料,总结隧道的岩爆特征,并采用“地质超前预报法”和“σθ/Rb判断现场测定预测法”两种方法,对岩爆预测问题进行有益探讨。  相似文献   
刘元雪  蒋树屏  谢锋  王培勇 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):709-713
重庆市拟通过朝天门两江隧道等来实现渝中半岛、江北城和南岸弹子石三地之间的快捷连接。江底隧道的覆盖层厚度十分重要。如果覆盖层厚度太小,江底隧道工作面就有面临严重的失稳问题和江水涌入的危险,会使辅助工法的投入增大,另一方面覆盖层厚度太大将增加江底隧道的长度、坡度与造价。分别采用工程类比法与数值模拟法确定了重庆市朝天门两江隧道越江段钻爆法施工的合理覆盖层厚度。  相似文献   
防风林带结构是影响防风效能的主要因素。建立不同宽度、不同株行距林带防风效能与林带后距离之间的统计模型,可以为防风林建设提供指导性意见。通过风洞实验,在11 m·s-1风速下,对4种宽度、5种株行距林带的背风面0~10H(H为林带高度)的风速进行测定,采用曲线参数估计法、傅立叶模型、SSF模型(Sum of Sin Functions),构建了不同结构林带防风效能与林带后距离间的统计模型。结果表明:傅立叶模型拟合不同宽度林带的防风效能与林带后距离的关系效果最优,可决系数(R2)均在98%以上;SSF模型拟合不同株行距林带的防风效能与林带后距离的关系效果最优(R2>0.98)。根据构建的统计模型,风速为11 m·s-1左右时,林带宽度8 m(两行一带)的防风林的防风效能存在明显优势;5种株行距的林带中,株行距为8 m×8 m的防风林带本试验条件下防风效果最好。  相似文献   
结合SET 1X全站仪在雅泸高速公路菩萨岗隧道贯通测量中的实际应用,阐述隧道贯通测量所采用的方法及各项技术措施,从而确保隧道精确贯通.  相似文献   
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