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Estimation of the strike-slip displacement of faults in basins or covered regions has always been a hot and knotty issue. Based on the fine interpretation of 3D seismic data, we estimated the strike-slip displacements of the Cenozoic evolutionary stages of the main faults in the Liaodong Bay Depression, and analyzed their geological significance, using methods of physical modeling experiments and structural analysis. The results showed that two thirds of the strike-slip displacements of the major faults were converted into the horizontal displacement of those secondary extension faults in the Liaodong Bay Depression. It should be noted that the Liaodong Bay Depression isn't a pure strike-slip basin, and its Cenozoic evolution also influenced by extension, thus, extension amount produced by mantle upwelling should be detracted. Strike-slip movements were generated in the depositional stage of the first and second members of the Shahejie Formation, and the strike-slip displacements of major faults in different evolution stages vary considerably. In terms of the Cenozoic cumulative strike-slip displacement, the displacement of faults in the Liaozhong Sag is the largest, followed by those in the Liaodong Sag, and those in the Liaoxi Sag is the smallest. Among all of the faults, the Liaozhong1 fault had the largest strike-slip displacement. As to the displacement in different stages, the strike-slip displacement of all major faults showed the largest displacement in depositional stage of the Dongying Formation. The Neogene strike-slip displacement of faults is bigger than that of the depositional stage of the first and second members of the Shahejie Formation in the Liaoxi region, while it showed an opposite trend in the eastern Liaodong Bay Depression. The difference of relative strength between extensional and strike-slip stress controlled the difference of structural styles and basin structures in different evolution stages and structural locations in the Liaodong Bay Depression. The Cenozoic strong strike-slip effects in the Liaozhong and Liaodong Sag were presented by the obvious strike-slip characteristics on major faults and structural styles. In the Liaoxi Sag, the obvious “extension strike-slip” superimposed structural style was caused by the extension effects in the early Paleogene and strike-slip effects of the Dongying Formation and Neogene. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
The Mt. Angel Fault is likely one of the most active faults near the Portland metropolitan area, and was probably associated with the 1993 Scotts Mills earthquake. SH-wave seismic techniques used to image the Mt. Angel Fault suggest that the fault offsets late Pleistocene gravel (22 to 34 ka) at several locations. Within the study area, displacement of the late Pleistocene gravel along the strike of the Mt. Angel Fault increases from no obvious displacement on the northwest to approximately 18 m on the southeast. This trend of increasing offset along the strike of the fault is paralleled by topographic and geomorphic trends. A reconnaissance geologic investigation at an anomalous bend in the Pudding River near the projected trace of the Mt. Angel Fault revealed potential tectonic deformation in sediments younger than the late Pleistocene gravel imaged by SH-wave data. The results of this study have contributed to the paleoseismic record of the Mt. Angel Fault, laid the groundwork for future geologic investigations along the Pudding River, and determined potential sites for future paleoseismic trenching investigations.  相似文献   
The frictional properties of a crushed granite gouge and of gouges rich in montmorillonite, illite, and serpentine minerals have been investigated at temperatures as high as 600°C, confining pressures as high as 2.5 kbar, a pore pressure of 30 bar, and sliding velocities of 4.8 and 4.8×10–2 m/sec. The gouges showed nearly identical strength behaviors at the two sliding velocities; all four gouges, however, showed a greater tendency to stick-slip movement and somewhat higher stress drops in the experiments at 4.8×10–2 m/sec. Varying the sliding velocity also had an effect on the mineral assemblages and deformation textures developed in the heated gouges. The principal mineralogical difference was that at 400°C and 1 kbar confining pressure a serpentine breakdown reaction occurred in the experiments at 4.8×10–2 m/sec but not in those at 4.8 m/sec. The textures developed in the gouge layers were in part functions of the gouge type and the temperature, but changes in the sliding velocity affected, among other features, the degree of mineral deformation and the orientation of some fractures.  相似文献   
Antithetic fault linkages in a deep water fold and thrust belt   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Deep water fold and thrust belts consist of both forethrusts and backthrusts that can link along strike to form continuous folds in the overburden. The interaction of faults of opposing dip are termed ‘antithetic thrust fault linkages’ and share the common feature of a switch in vergence of overlying hangingwall anticlines. Using three-dimensional seismic data, on the toe-of-slope of the Niger Delta, linkages are classified into three distinct structural styles. This preliminary classification is based on the vertical extent of faulting within a transfer zones relative to the branch line of the antithetic faults. The stratigraphic level of the lateral tip of the fault, the shape of lateral tip region of a fault plane and the stratal deformation within the transfer zones is also distinctive in each type of fault linkage. A Type 1 linkage comprises faults that overlap exclusively above the level of the branch line. A ‘pop-up’ structure forms within the transfer zone with sediments below remaining planar. The lower tip lines of faults climb stratigraphically towards the linkage zone creating asymmetric, upward-tapering lateral tip regions. In Type 2 linkages fault overlap occurs lower than the level of the branch line such that lateral fault tips are located within the footwall of the counterpart fault. Faulting is thus limited to the deeper section within the transfer zone and creates unfaulted, symmetric, bell-shaped folds in the overburden. Upper tip lines of faults lose elevation within the transfer zone creating asymmetric, downwards-tapering lateral tip regions. In Type 3 linkages both faults continue above and below the branch line within the transfer zone resulting in cross-cutting fault relationships. Horizon continuity across the folds, through the transfer zones, varies significantly with depth and with the type of fault intersection.  相似文献   
Radon levels were surveyed in 517 monitoring wells constructed in five major groundwater areas of Taiwan. The radon concentration in groundwater samples varied in a wide range from below the detection limit of 18 pCi/L up to 1,100 pCi/L. A worldwide comparison of reported groundwater radon levels was conducted. Overall radon levels in Taiwan groundwater are relatively low compared to other countries because the geology of Taiwan is mainly comprised of sedimentary rocks. Among the 517 wells monitored, only five wells were found with radon concentrations higher than 500 pCi/L. These five wells are all located near the Chaochou Fault in the Pingtung Plain. This study suggests that well sites near the Chaochou Fault could be good locations to monitor radon anomalies for earthquake prediction and should be avoided for developing domestic water supply. In the recharge area near the Chaochou Fault, the radon concentration in groundwater from shallow wells was approximately 1/2 to 1/4 of that from deep wells in the same cluster.
Resumen Se investigaron los niveles de radón en 517 pozos de monitoreo, construidos en las cinco mayores áreas de agua subterránea de Taiwan. La concentración de radón en las muestras de agua subterránea varía en un rango amplio, desde inferior al límite de detección que es 18 pCi/L hasta 1,100 pCi/L. Se realizó una comparación a escala mundial de los niveles de radón reportados en agua subterránea. En general los niveles de radón presente en el agua subterránea de Taiwan, son relativamente bajos comparados con otros países, puesto que la geología de Taiwan está compuesta de rocas sedimentarias. Entre los 517 pozos monitoreados, solamente en cinco se encontraron concentraciones de radón mayores a 500 pCi/L. Estos cinco pozos están todos localizados cerca de la falla ChaoChou en la Planicie de PingTung. El presente estudio sugiere que los pozos cercanos a la falla Chaochou, podrían ser buenos sitios para monitorear anomalías de radón para la predicción de terremotos y deberían evitarse para los desarrollos de abastecimiento de agua potable. En la zona de recarga cerca de la falla Chaochou, la concentración de radón en agua subterránea obtenida en pozos someros, fue aproximadamente de &frac; a &frac; de aquella en pozos profundos ubicados en el mismo sector.

Résumé On a mesuré les taux de Rn dans 517 forages ouverts dans cinq aquifères majeures de Taiwan. Les concentrations en Rn couvrent un domaine très large, à partir de valeurs très basses, au dessous de la limite de détection de 18pCi/l jusquaux valeurs assez grandes de 1100pCi/l. On a mené une analyse comparative avec des valeurs mentionnées en littérature. Par report aux valeurs mesurées en autres pays, les concentrations en Rn en Taiwan sont asses basses, compte que la structure géologique de Taiwan est constituée surtout par des roches sedimentaires. On a trouvé des concentrations au desuss de 500pCi/l seulement en cinq de 517 forages investigués. Tous ces cinq forages se trouvent au voisinage de la faille de Chaochou dans la plaine de Pingtung. Cet étude suggere que les forages situés près de la faille de Chaochou peuvent bien monitoriser les anomalie de Rn pour la prédiction des séismes mais doivent être évités lorsqil sagit de lalimentation en eau potable. Dans la zone de recharge près de la faille de Chaochou les concentrations en Rn mesurées dans les puits peu profondes representent 1/2-1/4 de ceux mesurées dans les forages de profondeur.
This study aims at the recent activity and development of an active wrench fault, the Touhuanping Fault in northwestern Taiwan. Northwestern Taiwan has been proposed in a current situation between the mature to waning collision in terms of tectonic evolution. The main drainage in this area, the Chungkang River, flows close to the trace of the fault mentioned above. We examined various types of deformation of fluvial terraces along the Chungkang River as a key to understanding the nature and rate of the late Quaternary tectonics. The E–W trending Touhuanping Fault has long been mapped as a geological boundary fault, but its recent activity was suspected. Field survey revealed that its late Quaternary activity is recorded in the offset fluvial terraces. Our result shows dextral slip and vertical offset with upthrown side on the south, and activated at least twice since the emergence of terrace 4 (older terrace 3 with OSL date of ca. 80 ka). Total amount of offset recorded in the Touhuanping terrace sequence is 15 m for dextral and 10 m for vertical offset. Estimated recurrence time of earthquake rupture may be a few tens of thousand years. Uplift on the upthrown side of the Touhuanping Fault also resulted in the formation of drowned valleys which were graded to terrace 4. Other deformation features, such as back-tilting, westward warping, and a range-facing straight scarp, were also identified. A second-order anticline roughly parallel to the Touhuanping Fault is suggested to be the origin of the northward tilting on terrace 3; it could have resulted from a flower structure on the Touhuanping Fault at shallow depth. This may demonstrate that the buried segment of the Touhuanping Fault has also been active since 80 ka. In the northern study area, the westward warping at terrace 2 probably represents late Quaternary activity of another NE–SW trending Hsincheng Fault.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1613-1641

Accurate estimation of fault slip rate is fundamental to seismic hazard assessment. Previous work suggested a discrepancy between short-term geodetic and long-term geologic slip rates in the Mojave Desert section of the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ). Understanding the origin of this discrepancy can improve understanding of earthquake hazard and fault evolution. We measured offsets in alluvial fans along the Calico Fault near Newberry Springs, California, and used several techniques to date the offset landforms and determine a slip rate. Our preferred slip rate estimate is 3.2 ± 0.4 mm/yr, representing an average over the last few hundred thousand years, faster than previous estimates. Seismic hazard associated with this fault may therefore be higher than previously assumed. We discuss possible biases in the various slip rate estimates and discuss possible reasons for the rate discrepancy. We suggest that the ECSZ discrepancy is an artefact of limited data, and represents a combination of faster slip on the Calico Fault, off-fault deformation, unmapped fault strands, and uncertainties in the geologic rates that have been underestimated. Assuming our new rate estimate is correct and a fair amount (40%) of off-fault deformation occurs on major ECSZ faults, the summed geologic rate estimate across the Mojave section of the ECSZ is 10.5 ± 3.1 mm/yr, which is equivalent within uncertainties to the geodetic rate estimate.  相似文献   
Subsurface fault geometries have a systematic influence on folds formed above those faults. We use the extraordinarily well-exposed fold geometries of the Laramide-age Stillwell anticline in west Texas (USA) to develop a strain-predictive model of fault-propagation fold formation. The anticline is a 10-km long, NW-trending, NE-vergent, asymmetric fold system with an axis that displays a map-view left-stepping, en echelon pattern. We integrated field observations, geologic and structural data, cross-sections, and 2D kinematic modeling to establish an unusual 3D two-stage model of contractional fold formation, including: 1) reverse reactivation of a pre-existing, NW-striking, SW-dipping, left-stepping, en echelon normal fault system in Paleozoic basement rocks to generate monoclinal flexures in overlying layered Cretaceous carbonate rocks; and 2) the formation of a subsequent flat-ramp fault system that propagated horizontally along a mechanically-weak, clay-rich Cretaceous unit before ramping up at the hinge of the pre-existing monocline system. Strain is focused within the forelimb of the system, in front of the propagating fault tip, and is accommodated by a combination of interlayer slip, flat-ramp faulting, and fracturing proximal to planes of slip. This strain predictive model can be applied to similar, less-well-exposed contractional systems worldwide and provides a new, unusual example of Laramide-age contractional deformation.  相似文献   
We have compared near-fault ground motions from TeraShake simulations of Mw7.7 earthquake scenarios on the southern San Andreas Fault with precariously balanced rock locations. The TeraShake scenarios with different directions of rupture generate radically different ground motions to the northwest of the Los Angeles Basin, primarily because of directivity effects, and thus provide constraints on the ground motion and rupture direction for the latest (1690) large event on that section of the San Andreas Fault. Due to the large directional near-field ground motions predicted by the simulations, we expect the precariously balanced rocks to be located primarily in the backward rupture direction or near the epicenter. Preliminary results favor persistent nucleation at or slightly northwest of the San Gorgonia Pass fault zone for large earthquakes on the southern San Andreas Fault.  相似文献   
云南建水-蒙自一带位于川滇菱形块体向SE145°平移的前锋,受其影响,该地区的蒙自东山断裂、田山断裂和黑泥地断裂等表现出一定程度的晚第四纪活动性,跨过断裂的冲沟被走滑断错。攀枝花以东的蒙自东山断裂右旋错断冲沟和其间的山脊约40m,并在山前洪积扇上形成偏离上游约30m的废弃古河道,古河道中堆积物的年龄为44kaBP,断裂右旋滑动速率约为0.7mma。大红地北一条冲沟在跨过田山断裂时发生右旋拐弯。冲沟在山前形成了年龄分别为31kaBP和39kaBP的2级洪积阶地,呈现出年轻阶地位错量大于老阶地的反常现象。田山断裂的平均右旋滑动速率约0.9mma。发育于黑泥地断裂南侧的多条冲沟在流过断裂时发生一致性的右旋位错,其中一条冲沟位错量达14m,断裂的右旋滑动速率为0.4mma。这一地区自30~40kaBP开始发生了一次明显的构造运动,表现为这一时代的洪积扇上的地貌过程由加积转变为切割,并被断裂错断。断裂的走滑速率明显低于小江断裂带、曲江断裂带和石屏-建水断裂带等。川滇菱形地块向SSE方向的平移及其构造活动不仅仅局限在小江断裂带以西的地块内部,而是引起了外围地块上的断裂活动,但断裂活动强度不及内部断裂的13。冲沟对走滑断错的响应分为3种类型,分别为同步弯曲型、加剧弯曲型和不对称谷地型,其中加剧弯曲型的地貌过程较为复杂。每种类型都记录了断裂的走滑活动,在估算断错量和滑动速率时应甄别不同的响应类型,以免人为的“加大”或“减小”甚至“忽略”断裂的活动幅度。  相似文献   
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