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王然  李庆辰  徐全洪 《第四纪研究》2012,32(6):1255-1260
华北平原西南部的石垄地貌位于河北省邯郸市西北10km的黄土台地区,由沿北东方向延伸的1条大石垄和9条小石垄组成。野外调查、测量资料和室内分析数据表明,垄岗状地貌由钙质胶结的古洺河入宁晋泊的河口三角洲分流河道沉积沙体组成,形成于晚更新世晚期的玉木Ⅱ与玉木Ⅲ之间的间冰阶,距今约2.86万年。垄岗上的"V"型裂口是在玉木盛冰期期间,三角洲上的分流河道沙体暴露于气下,在脱水干缩过程中形成的横切裂隙,与泥裂的成因类似。沿分流河道沙体下泄的富含碳酸钙的地下水在此渗出或溢出,形成了裂隙两侧脊状突起和大石垄左侧的分支状钙板堆积体。伴随邯郸断裂在晚更新世末期以来的强烈活动,紫山断块快速隆升,由此阻断了南洺河向东的自然流路,使其在清化附近被迫改为向北流,在大油村汇入洺河干流。邯郸断裂的正向滑动所引起的地层旋转,使得局部地层倾向逆转,由此造成了垄状沙脊整体向北东方向以5°的仰角翘起。  相似文献   
In a rheologically layered crust, compositional layers have an upper, elasto-plastic part and a lower, viscous one. When broken, the upper elastic part undergoes flexure, which is upward for the foot-wall and downward for the hanging wall. As a consequence of bending, stresses will develop locally that can overcome the strength of the plate and, therefore, impose the migration of active fault. In the lower, viscous part of each compositional layer, rocks can potentially flow. Numerical modelling of the behaviour of a crust made up of two compositional layers, during and following extension, shows that flow can take place not only in the lower crust but also, and more importantly, in the lower part of the upper crust. The ability of crustal rocks to flow influences the style and kinematics of rifted regions. When no flow occurs, subsidence will affect the extending areas, both hanging wall and foot-wall will subside with respect to an absolute reference frame such as sea level, and there will be a strict proportionality between extension and thinning. In addition, the downward movement of the fault blocks will decrease the local stresses created in the foot-wall and increase those of the hanging wall, thereby imposing a migration of fault towards the hanging wall. This is the behaviour of extensional settings developed on stabilised crust and which evolved in a passive margin. When flow does take place, middle crustal rocks will move towards the rifting zone causing isostatically driven upward movements that will be superimposed on movements associated with crustal and lithospheric thinning. Consequently, fault blocks will move upwards and the crust will show more extension than thinning. The upward movements will decrease the stresses developed in the hanging walls and increase those of the foot-wall. Faults will then migrate towards the foot-wall. Such a mode of deformation is expected in regions with thickened crust and has its most apparent expression in core complexes.  相似文献   
断层活动不是孤立的,一条断层的活动可能影响其他断层,并引起这些断层的活动,这些相互作用的断层称为关联断层.本文利用卫星热红外信息以南北地震构造带为例,分析了关联断层活动的时空变化,所使用的信息是经过处理的地表亮温残差低频分量TLOW.结果表明,在一定时段内研究区一些断层间除地震活动表现出相互呼应关系外,其地表亮温残差低频分量TLOW曲线相似,相关系数高,说明热红外信息与地震信息共同反映一个地区断层的关联活动.此外,也存在单独由地表亮温残差低频分量TLOW相关表现断层关联活动的情形,即断层间无地震活动的呼应关系,但也存在TLOW曲线的相关性,同样显示关联断层的相互作用.对TLOW的时空过程分析表明,关联活动组合可随时间发生变化.例如,1988~1994年间红河断裂与澜沧-耿马断裂、金沙江断裂等构成关联活动组合,1994~1998年又与小金河断裂、安宁河-小江断裂构成关联活动组合,这样的时空变化过程可能是地壳应力场重新分配的反映.本文的研究结果证明,卫星热红外信息有望成为研究断层相互作用的一个新的独立物理量,并将对地震动力学和构造物理学的发展有重要意义.  相似文献   
利用日本ALOS-2和欧空局Sentinel-1A卫星获得的尼泊尔地震同震形变场,结合GPS同震位移数据,联合反演了断层滑动分布特征和空间展布.结果表明:尼泊尔地震的同震形变场主要集中在150km×100km的范围内,且分为南北两个相邻的形变中心,南形变中心的视线向抬升量约为1.2m,北形变中心的视线向沉降量约为0.8m,均位于发震断层上盘.位于形变抬升区的KKN4和NAST两个GPS站,抬升量和南向运动量均达到了m级,而远离震区的其他GPS台水平和垂直观测量均在1cm以内.联合反演得到的断层位错分布主要集中在沿走向150km,沿倾向70km的范围内,最大滑动量为5.59m,平均滑动量为0.94m.断层面倾角在浅部约为7°,随着深度增加,倾角逐渐变大,到垂直深度20km时倾角接近12°;5月12日MW7.2级余震位于主震破裂区的"凹"型滑动缺损区域;主震破裂区的上边界与MBT空间位置十分吻合,主震破裂区主要集中的MBT以北50~60km处,垂直深度为8~9km,倾角为9°,继续向北时主震破裂面以10°~12°的倾角向深延伸,在18~20km可能与MHT交汇.因此,初步判定MBT为此次地震的发震断层.  相似文献   
低序级断层是复杂断块油藏勘探开发的重要研究内容,对油田开发后期落实剩余油分布、解决注采矛盾具有重要意义.本文采用声波方程有限差分正演模拟,对以下几种情形进行了研究:(1)低序级断层与埋深、主频以及信噪比之间的关系;(2)观测系统对断层的影响;(3)物性差异产生的假断层问题;(4)大断层衍生出小断层的正演问题;(5)断层破碎带的影响以及断层封堵带含流体的影响.在上述理论模型正演分析的基础上,根据胜利油田典型构造带的地震剖面建立速度模型,研究了不同组合模式的低序级断层的识别能力,最后分析了波动方程正演模拟和褶积合成地震记录的区别.通过对低序级断层正演模拟特征的分析,得出了不同资料质量、不同地质情况以及不同组合模式下,能够准确识别的断层的极限.理论上能够识别的断层最小断距为7 m左右,最小可能会达到5 m,子波主频适当提高,数据采集时炮点和检波点越密集,道间距越小,多个断层的横向或纵向间隔越大,断层的落差越大时,越能够准确地定位断点并确定断层位置.本文研究成果对油田科研生产中低序级断层的正确判别以及提高断层检测方法的可信度方面具有重要意义.  相似文献   
断层厚度的地震效应和非对称地震矩张量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文导出了具有厚度和滑动弱化区域的断层的非对称地震矩张量表示式,指出要求地震矩张量具有对称性不是一个绝对必要的限制.在非对称地震矩张量中,位错项对应于对称地震矩张量,拉力项对应于非对称地震矩张量.由于拉力项等效于单力偶,所以在非对称地震矩张量解的两个节面上,沿滑动矢量方向的力偶强度不再相同,与较大力偶相联系的节面为断层面,与较小力偶相联系的节面为辅助面.这一性质可用以从两个正交的节面中判断哪一个节面是断层面.如果忽略拉力项,会高估与位错对应的标量地震矩.只有满足相应的约束条件的非对称地震矩张量才能表示具有厚度和滑动弱化区域的断层模型,并从中分离出与位错和拉力对应的地震矩张量.  相似文献   
Mine development along a 15-mile (24 km) section of the Warfield Fault in Mingo County, West Virginia has broadened the geological understanding of the fault and its related structures. The fault has been exposed in two new road cuts, one in the northeast-trending segment at Neely Branch and one in the eastern east-trending segment at the head of Marrowbone Creek. Both exposures show a well-defined normal fault with a 45° to 55° N dip, juxtaposing sandstone/shale packages from the roof and the floor of the Coalburg seam. The fault is associated with a thin gouge zone, some drag folding, and parallel jointing. Its trace tends to run parallel to the crest of the adjacent Warfield Anticline. Based on underground mine development and detailed core drilling, the vertical offset along the fault plane ranges from a maximum of 240 ft (73 m) in the central part of the area near the structural bend to less than 100 ft (30 m) in western and eastern directions. The fault is located along the relatively steeply dipping (locally in excess of 25%) southern limb of the Warfield Anticline, and appears related to a late phase of extension involving folded Pennsylvanian strata. On a regional scale, the lithological variations across the fault do not suggest any appreciable strike-slip component.Underground room and pillar mines in the Coalburg seam north and south of the fault have been greatly impacted by the Warfield structures. Due to the combined (and opposite) effects of the folding and faulting, the northern mines are located up to 400 ft (125 m) higher in elevation than the southern ones. Overland conveyor belts connect mining blocks separated by the fault. The practical mining limit along the steep slopes toward the fault is around 15%. Subsidiary normal faults with offsets in the 5- to 15-ft (1.5–4.5 m) range are fairly common and form major roof control and production hurdles. Overall, the Warfield structures pose an extra challenge to mine development in this part of the Appalachian Coalfields.  相似文献   
Microcracks in the Cretaceous Ryoke-type granite in Japan were investigated by using deep drilling core samples collected in the Mizunami Underground Research Project of the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC). The granite body suffered brittle deformation associated with Tertiary thrust movement. Based on core-scale and microscopic deformation features, the drill core from a depth of 300 to 700 m is divided into four domains, i.e. (A) undeformed granite, (B) granite intruded by cataclastic seams, (C) fractured granite in the fault damage zone, and (D) foliated cataclasite at the fault center. To characterize microcrack geometries in each domain, we employed the impregnation method using a low-viscous acrylic resin doped with fluorescent agents and captured the microcrack images by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The CLSM image in the fault damage zone revealed anisotropic development of microcrack networks related to the fault movement. Both CLSM observation and porosity measurements reveal a drastic increase of micro-pores in the foliated cataclasite, possibly caused by fragmentation, and granulation and crack sealing in the fault zone.  相似文献   
对一个地震突变模型的讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
殷有泉  杜静 《中国地震》1994,10(4):363-370
本文用非线性力学方法讨论了地震过程的非稳定现象并建立了相应的突变理论模型。文章详细讨论了断层带的本构性质和突变模型中状态变量的选取对地震非稳性的影响,揭示了用突变模型研究地震现象的可行性。  相似文献   
陈文彬  徐锡伟 《地震地质》2006,28(2):319-324
阿拉善地块南缘发育了由5条走向近EW、向西收敛、向东撒开的断裂组成的断裂束,每条断裂长度一般>100km,控制第四纪盆地呈EW向长条状展布,卫片上线性影像清晰,晚第四纪以来表现出左旋走滑活动的特点。断裂束西段的金塔南山断裂与阿尔金断裂带东段的宽滩山段趋于交会,并与文殊山构造隆起之间构成构造转换关系。分析认为金塔南山断裂以及整个阿拉善南缘断裂束是阿尔金断裂左旋运动的东延部分,断裂束在平面上“帚状”的、向东撒开的构造样式有利于走滑运动量的分解、消减和吸收,符合走滑断裂末端的构造特点。阿拉善南缘断裂束的左旋走滑活动有可能是阿尔金断裂带进一步向东扩展的结果,其时代可能发生于早更新世末—中更新世初  相似文献   
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